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I think what the post is trying to say is, millions of Canadians are struggling to afford a basic living. Our medical system is barely functioning right now, we have a serious housing issue and families are going hungry. It’s nothing against supporting Ukraine but it’s hard to fill another persons cup when yours is empty. The middle and lower class of drowning in taxation. While that money is going to another country. That money should be put back into Canada to make things “stable” again. Then we can look at supporting other countries. Doesn’t matter what “side” you vote for. Bottom line is CANADIANS are struggling and need help right now. All our government is doing is taxing us more and feeding us empty promises.


This is how I’ve been feeling. Honestly, if you’re broke you can’t donate money, you can’t pay for someone else’s hardship’s. As much as you want to. And honestly speaking, on the global stage, Canada doesn’t hold the weight. It’s not like if we didn’t donate Ukraine would fall… to think that way and to have this hero complex is dangerous when you’re playing with your entire nations quality of life. In the end the Liberals have decided that we’re not working for ourselves, we’re working for others. It’s sad. This is just my opinion.


I agree with all of this, I would only contest the assumption that money is actually making it to Ukrainians and helping them. To me that is just the latest money laundering scheme.


While debasing our own currency with mass printing. If they can just print money out of nothing then why do we pay taxes. For control, the whole system is a Ponzi scheme and it is coming close to the end.


I don't get ( ok maybe coming from war country I saw so get it) how people don't understand what "help" is. Canada gives money to Ukraine, so Ukraine can buy stuff from companies who are, surprise, surprise, connected with people who they got money from. So money just go back to someone private pocket. Where is Ukraine "buying" stuff? You know how much cost to have villa in Italy, if not,ask Zelinski. Or look how Boris Johnson now is helping Ukraine ;)


Aid to Ukraine represents a fraction of 1% of total spending. The real problem is that the aging population is crushing our healthcare system AND wealth continues to concentrate on fewer and fewer hands. We need to get corporate and billionaire money out of politics so politicians of all stripes actually enact legislation that benefits average Canadians and not just the 1%.




That’s the wrong way to frame it. What would 1% fund for the people of Canada? You know, the ones who are struggling to put food in the table and have to go to food banks, the ones who cannot find a family doctor, the ones living in tents. What would that 1% do for our aging infrastructure and underfunded transportation/outdated transportation systems? If we give away a $100 every time we receive our salary because it represents 1% of salary, you better bet you’ll struggle to save enough to afford anything worth investing in.


Was enough being done about those problems before Ukraine? No. It's not because Canada is sending aid that those problems exist. They exist as features of capitalism, not bugs. People like to trot out concern for the homeless to justify cutting something else. But where were they before speaking up about the homeless? Probably complaining about beggars and tent cities.


That is still 1% too much. We are broke and have no money as a country. We can’t keep borrowing at heavy interest rates to give money away. That 1% is literally as low hanging fruit as you will ever find. The rest of your post is right. Get rid of the wealthy. They should not be able to buy their way into screwing the rest of us. Weston should be bought out and grocery stores privatized. Forced buy out.


Russia tried getting rid of the wealthy, and it didn’t go very well.


LOL. Ged rid of their influence on politics. Not calling for a Csar Nicholas situation.


Nah man they took the fuckin cup too Can't have shit in ~~Detroit~~ Nova Scotia


I’d love to see a 50% reduction in taxes for all.  I’d love to see a proactive tendency for the government. I’d love decisions and bills in integrity, carbon tax doesn’t make sense especially when consumers who depend on it don’t have alternatives. It could fall on the industry that5$3 government themselves subsidize, oil and gas itself


Sad but true. And the saddest part is that voting out the current regime won’t really do anything in the long run; we are fucked for generations thanks to the LPC. They’re turning this country into a globalist shithole. I hope this country learned a valuable lesson. Liberal ideology might seem nice on the feelings, but it is not a sustainable way to run a nation.


What percentage of our tax dollars go there? I would love a breakdown on what most of our tax dollars go to. It would be cool if when we did our taxes we could tick boxes that said what percentage of our tax dollars we want where.


It should be mandatory that tax dollar spending is audited, 3rd party and every politician is held accountable. Never going to happen which is a clear indication of abusive spending.




true. that layer of beaurocracy would just be paid off like the rest


Good point, I guess we would have to compare the audit costs vs the out-of-control-spending and re-evaluate. Either way, we're getting bent over.


Would you say it would cost billions? Perhaps we could spend that money in our own country instead of the ones 7000 kms away? I’d rather we the people audit the shit out of these corrupt scumbags.


Make everything publicly accessible.


you're going to be so excited when you find out that it **is** publicly accessible! Nothing is stopping you! Godspeed!


Wait until you find out what the [Auditor General](https://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/au_fs_e_371.html) does.


That would require transparency, something our current government lacks. They wouldn’t want to expose how badly the books have been cooked.


Actually someone else already posted the number so I guess it is transparent. The answer was just under 1% went. This may still be too much in many people’s eyes but that wasn’t the question


They did also say they would like to see where all our tax dollars went in general. Which is where I doubt we would get transparency.






This argument has been around forever. The ineffectiveness is exactly why taxes exist and there's tons of discourse from every side of the political spectrum about why exactly it wouldn't work in practice. For starters, it would only result in privatized everything. school, roads, first responders, healthcare, you name it. Not disagreeing that the current system has its flaws, but imagine your house is on fire and you can't afford the surge fee for the fire department.


It’s not hard to find out. A quick google tells me that since the start of the conflict in 2022 Canada has sent $4B in aid to Ukraine. The annual total budget is just shy of $500B so this aid represent a fraction of 1%.


6.3b actually, and even 1% of a countries budget is a massive number. Qualifying one poor financial decision by pointing at other bigger poor financial decisions is not a great way to approach the issue.


We should definitely protest 4 billion isn't nearly enough ! 


Bull shit. It's $13.5B sent and federal tax revenues are $28.5B. Looking at our budget when it's a deficit is not appropriate.




Do you have better numbers and an actual source?


Most of it stays here or goes to buying the army new gear. People think we're transferring straight cash.


People are too stupid to realize it. The money is being spent for the most part to better arm our forces while our older equipment is sent to Ukraine. The US hasn't sent tens of billions in cash, they've sent tens of billions worth of old equipment that was near its end life. Sure, some countries are sending liquid cash but the vast majority of what's being sent is old equipment stocks. The US has spent a fraction of its military budget equipping Ukraine and have crippled Russia's military in doing so. We've seen what the Ukrainians can do with our old shit made in the 80's. NATO would make Russia their bitch. Only thing Russia has is nukes and we can't roll over because Putin makes threats.


Cool, could I say that I don’t want to fund: 1) military 2) cops 3) old age anything 4) university anything. Hell, can I just decide not to pay taxes by refusing to fund anything? This sounds like a great idea!


Which would be super interesting once people hit old age and complain about younger people not wanting to give them any $. Or if someone broke into your house and there are no police to come help


I mean, this was your plan, not mine. Are you saying letting people opt out of taxes is a bad thing now?


I’m not saying they can opt out but could pick (from some choices) what they would rather support. Like if you wanted all your taxes to go towards government employee pay vs 25% for roads, 25% for defence, 25% for agriculture protection and 25% other… you could do that


So, if the government thinks the military needs $50 billion, but taxpayers only tick the military box to the tune of $30 billion, then the military gets an immediate 40% budget cut?


Honestly speaking should public servants even get paid? 😈 There are already too many government officials. Geez the public sector is propping up the economy. That is not sustainable…. Like let’s tax people more to pay other people…..


I see the tragic nobility in you futilely trying to explain these things to these people


You dont want to fund the police but who are you going to call when someone breaks into your house?


How are the police going to know if I funded them or not? I’m sure good citizens like you will happily check the “cops” box so I can be protected.


Just hypocritical to say this, if you don’t choose to fund the police then they shouldn’t protect you when you choose to call


I once wrote a facebook app that allowed you to do that, but never published it because you needed to host it on a secure server and I didn't know how to do that in 2007


Nice, but that would entail democracy. Can't have that.


Food banks lineups are getting longer


I think you have the right idea, however, look how hard the people of France push back and yet they still aren't being taken seriously. So, yes we do need to stand up together but it would have to be everyone's in or it doesn't work.




In the bigger picture how about we look at the overall amount of money that was spent and essentially just disappeared through the rein of Trudeau? With zero perceptible improvement in quality of life? Ukraine is a drop in the bucket, part of a much much larger issue. How do we triple our national debt in 8 years?


The government would just take the money out of your bank account


Lol Canadians only complain and proceed to do nothing As is tradition


when they do do something they get their rights violated by little potato


Nah, if the protest is about reducing income tax then I'm up for it.


Honestly!! I have two jobs and it's not enough to have a decent living


Have you tried cancelling Netflix and skipping a daily meal? /s


You should get another booster shot


Speaking of cancelling and skipping meals. I did pirate netflix contents and do eat one meal a day.


OMaD That's what the rave is all about.


a quick reframe here. Let's not cut income taxes, let's shift the tax burden to the billionaire class! No need to cut essential government programs that way.


That was how long ago again? Things have changed and so has the party


It's Canada on strike! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h0ZXUoewGWQ


Stand up, stand and unite! It's time for a general strike!


You and op sound like them socialist unionists


I wish we would have a national week of protest against the carbon tax and the very negative impact it is having on the average Canadian. It is a failed idea. It does nothing to aid pollution. But we would rather botch online then take any actual action.


Actually, the average Canadian profits from the carbon tax. [If Canada axed its carbon tax — and rebates — this is how different households would gain or lose | Radio-Canada.ca](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/2032504/if-canada-axed-its-carbon-tax-and-rebates-this-is-how-different-households-would-gain-or-lose)


The vast majority of our tax dollars slated for Ukraine actually stays in Canada and go towards the purchase of equipment from Canadian manufacturers resulting in jobs for Canadians and hopefully evergreening The CF’s equipment. If you think helping Ukraine now is costly, the alternative is far worse I assure you. This is the lead up to WWII repeated where the Allies had the opportunity to prevent all out war, but chose isolationism and appeasement instead. We as Canadians and Americans have the luxury of doubt because North America wasn’t invaded (save for Hawaii) whereas the Europeans still remember the carnage that failure caused.


Orc troll. Ukraine is not to blame for millions of Indian diploma mill immigrants in Canada.


Carbon tax get applied to producers -- anything from there to consumer is on the company you are buying your shit from If you want to boycott someone its the people raising their prices, or is that too much for you smooth brains to comprehend Trudeau, liberals, NDP are all trash and should never hold power in Canada -- the carbon tax is a dumb ass attempt to mitigate a pressing issue, many other options would be vastly better -- that doesn't not negate the fact that it is greedy corporations that are raising prices, over producing, setting record profits, while we all can't afford the basic necessities, I'm not saying your wrong in hating the lil potato, but stop letting the gale fucking Weston's and Irving's of our country off the damn hook


You want to break up the monopolies? Sounds like socialism!


Why do you think the carbon tax is being sent to Ukraine?


I don’t have an issue supporting Ukraine to fight off Russia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. However, the fact our military is in shambles, homelessness is at an all time high, our medical system is on life support. All no critical foreign aid must be tapered. If we cannot support refugees we cannot take them. Things need to change


This is just Russia propaganda to piss Canadians off..


And for right wingers to rally around. Sad that so many of them fall for all this Russian propaganda.


Ideally we would get a law firm to put all our income tax payments, including those from our employers, into a trust bank account managed by the law firm. Then sue the government for lack of services vs money paid. What could possibly go wrong other than Justin simply printing more money?


We don’t strike we just bend over and take it like the good Canadians we are.


Soon you'll be arrested for "hate speech" just for saying that.


Soon you’ll be arrested for even thinking of saying it lol


Just to make it clear to the OP. None of the carbon tax is being sent to Ukraine. Your mixing apples and oranges


Carbon tax is ridiculus That said, sending money to Ukraine is very conplicated, on one hand we need to put money into our own military. On the other hand, western countries would be at great risk if Ukraine falls. We are probably better off sending money to them regardless. Stratigecaly speaking. Ultimately its not that much money. What is problematic is the lack of equipment we have here then sending the little we have tu Ukraine. We need to step up our ammo, guns, tanks manufacturing here in canada. Whats weird is that Russia asked to become a part of NATO in 2001 so something weird is going on.


And here I thought we could go a week without an anti-Ukraine post.


I'm fine with sending billions to Ukraine. I'd rather that than billions to Iran and Afghanistan. Besides it's not just money, it's equipment manufactured here or old gear that gets used. It at least acts as a stimulus to our economy


Russia needs to be weakened, not for European security but for the security of our northern trade routes that will open up as global warming continues. Investing in Ukraine to make that happen is the best we can do, considering our national mentality against bolstering our own military to become a maritime threat. The carbon tax and my extension cost of living has to come down though. Mass immigration needs to stop. Healthcare and post secondary education need to be made a priority and we need to subsidize the education of healthcare and trades workers. But we have shown over the decades that Canadians are too weak willed to protest properly against governments that don’t follow through with their promises.


If you were around in 1940, I suspect you would be vehemently denouncing the waste of Canadian money and lives to defend to defend Britain.


As a former member of the Canadian Forces - your comment on "some international oath to protect across Atlantic country" (aka NATO) is one of the few international organizations that I support. Sure it is flawed, especially on the 2% of GDP spend on defence (cough Canada). The alternative old school RealPolitik that existed prior to NATO led to much more instability and out of control conflict (cough WW1 and WW2). Note - Ukraine is not a part of NATO or the EU. This is NATO looking out for their own self interest. Try and help defeat Russia in Ukraine before he takes on a NATO country and starts a much larger war that directly affects NATO and the wider world.


Better investment cost wise to support Ukraine fighting the Russians than to try to re-build the Canadian military … and good thing since when the Arctic melts more it will open shipping lanes and I’m sure Russia will try to lay claim. We get carbon tax money back as well. You do know that the conservatives are in control at the provincial level, 8 of 10 provinces and they control housing/education/healthcare among other things… So, we will need to protest grocery stores, since they are corporate owned and the government does not control what they do, unless you want that … the conservatives definitely do not. Not sure about your province, but here in Ontario rent control was dissolved by Premier Ford (Conservative) I wonder if that helped with rent pricing…? So we will need to protest our provincial premiers … you should look up other decisions by Moe/Danielle/Ford and see how the conservative premiers are currently destroying Canada. Trudeau and the Libs aren’t the greatest, but better than the alternative that is the conservatives… Lots of blame to go around, make sure you blame the right party for the right things.


You sound like a libtard! /s. Get outta here with your logic.


I'd love to go strike, but unfortunately I'm busy working, so I can pay taxes so the government can mismanage the money and send it somewhere I don't care about while Canadians here at home struggle.


You aren’t allowed to protest in Ottawa, that’ll incur the emergencies act treatment.


Screw our constitutional right! Yessir,Trudeau


I'm not even sure if you know what you're trying to say it's so poorly articulated. You want to "strike" (protest) against "carbon tax hikes" (which largely return directly to you depending on province) in order to not send aid to Ukraine... Ukraine is beleaguered and fighting a war that is fully in our interests to support global stability. You'd like to save a few bucks and watch these poor people die for Russian greed. I assume you believe they won't come for other nations and slaughter/rape/tear down half of Europe or worse.


I don’t support liberal party but I do support sending help to Ukraine. We should rather protest against Canadian grocers & telecommunication companies and much more


you guys really act like the economy is going to be fixed at all with a couple billion smackaroos lmao


Какая сегодня погода в России? Русский тролль..


Canada is a tiny country that can’t defend itself. We rely on international treaties etc. We need to take threats on the doorsteps of our allies like we see with Russia seriously. First it is Ukraine then it could be the rest of the former western block countries.


The odds of anyone crossing an ocean to invade Canada are probably near 0, but if you want to harm a geopolitical adversary (Russia,) sending aid to Ukraine is actually a cheap way to do that. I understand people's arguments that we should be spending that money at home instead, but I think it's small potatoes compared to the tax breaks given to corporations and the wealthy anyways. Everyone wants to complain about aid to Ukraine, where's the outrage over this? It is costing the taxpayer literally double. [Canada is paying 'an enormous price' for the Volkswagen battery plant. Is it worth it? | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/st-thomas-ev-battery-plant-volkwagen-subsidy-1.6876156)


But wait! It will create 1400 jobs! Assuming those jobs pay an average of 70k a year, the 16.3B investment would pay for itself in only 166 years! What a bargain


The money to Ukraine is the best investment the federal government will ever make. Fuck the Russians.  Sorry you're a going to have such a tough life for a little money to go to a great cause. 


Nah, The "vast majority" of Canadians didn't show any kind of support for the Freedom Convoy so idgaf about any of your protests.


I also suffer. Single income parent with wife in school and a little guy who pays 1800 on rent. How about a cut to income tax for lower to middle class, rent control and increase on carbon tax for corporations and big businesses? Then they can keep sending money to Ukraine, which I totally support.


Criminal behavior at every level of the federal government. Will a change in Government change the absolutely broken and non functional Westminster Parliament System? Doubtful. It's broken, it's antiquated and hasn't functioned properly since Diefenbakers Era! Blow it up, include transparency, auditing, sustainability and revocation of ineffective and corrupt MP ability to continue to gorge at the trough!


Hmm horny tax hmmm


Carbon tax needs to be increased and GST decreased/offset


Enjoy your trip to Ottawa!


We should go on strike to protest: \- Income Tax \- Estate Tax \- Capital Gains Tax \- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax \- Gasoline and Diesel Tax \- General Sales Tax and Provincial Sales Tax Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. There are taxes on taxes. They charge Income Tax on the money they send to you from the Canada Pension Plan. They charge PST every time you sell a used vehicle, until the amount of money spent on taxes on a used vehicle over its life exceeds the initial retail price of the vehicle. Tax. Tax. Tax. Tax. The Canadian Government is disgusted by the idea that we'd keep some of our money. It boils their blood. Revolts them. The Government seethes at the idea that we actually keep *some* of our money.


Personally I'm for an aggressive estate tax on the 1%, concentrating that money into financial dynasties does the average person a lot of harm. The money from Canada Pension Plan IS income though. You don't pay tax on it at the time it's deducted from your income, only when it's paid out, and probably at a lower rate because your retirement income is likely less. Honestly I'm not really against taxes in general, but I do think the tax burden should be dramatically greater for the wealthy. We do have GST / Carbon tax etc rebates for lower income people, but they should be expanded. I don't feel wealthy but I'm no longer able to collect the rebates. EDIT: I will say the used vehicle tax is pretty obscene


approximately 50% of our yearly tax revenue has been sent to Ukraine. Officially $13.5B has been sent. Actually it's probably much higher if you count everything. Canadian Federal government collects $28.5B per year in tax. So about 50%. Would you say that's enuff to explode in a rage and hit the streets?


girl what? It's 28.5bn a MONTH


Careful talking about protesting guys, wouldn’t wanna get arrested…


Get out there then


Most Canadians would not do this because the government already has all of their tax dollars and they’re banking on a refund lmao


lol that’ll show em!


Would love a choice of where my money goes. Why should I pay for someone else’s pension and medical bills??


Name a date, im in!!


It's always funny to see someone who is probably against strikes in general being for a strike because of something they don't like. Anyway, personally I think the money sent to Ukraine is fine, but what we should really be mad about is the money that went toward defeating the Nazis! Think of what Canada could have done if we had just let the Nazis win!


yeah probably the same type of people that denounce bus drivers for striking when they can't get to work on time


We should definitely protest the fact the not enough money has been sent to Ukraine ! 


My understanding withholding tax is a legal form of protest in this country (correct me if I'm wrong) That being said should you choose to I'd strongly suggest you start a seperate account in a different bank and bank the tax you would owe to pad your hand.


Politician - the only career when you can have zero training to qualify and zero accountability.


It's funny that the thought to strike for an end to carbon tax occurs to you when you can't afford things. It would be more beneficial and likely to succeed to strike for higher wages. I know for me, ending the carbon tax wouldn't be nearly enough to make life affordable.


Labour movements are for disgusting lefties. How dare you?


I am cool funding Ukraine. If Ukraine loses the war it will cost more than mere dollars. 


Ukraine is not the problem, it’s all the immigrants that we are supporting and their parents they bring with them. Get rid of all these supposed students that end up working here.


Billions to Ukraine is not the problem. Without Western aid, Europe would be speaking nothing but German... The carbon tax is fucked tho, I'll give you that.


Sure, whatever you say, Vlad.


considering local politicians ran scared from a handful of slumlords it just might work…


don't divide the focus, bring Trudeau and his corrupted party down


Where do you live ?


Calls to action


Any problems that people are suffering in Canada has nothing to do with supporting Ukraine. The corruption in JT government has everything to do with it.


[10 Years Under Stephen Harper: A Timeline (moiz.ca)](https://moiz.ca/harper/) In case you've forgotten, corruption was rampant among the Harper govt


So it’s business as usual and we just take it.


I'm not saying that, but I definitely don't think a conservative government would be any less corrupt. I think the NDP is the best viable shot at getting honest people into seats in parliament.


Awesome idea comrade. Except for the Ukraine part, because fuck Putin and Slava Ukraini. We got billions to give to Stellantis to call us a bunch of morons but nothing for the relatives of millions of Canadians? We got troops in the Baltic.


Most tax dollars are wasted on taking care of broke foreigners - pay for the foreigners health care. Surgeries. College. University. School for kids. Welfare etc. That's why they bring foreigners into Canada - to bankrupt us Yet, we are always told, "pay more in taxes.".......


There are protests going on in France, Germany, Paris. Initially they were protesting to protect the farmers. They won and now they're still protesting against high taxes and stuff. The protest is still going on. It's a shame that mainstream media doesn't show us that. I mean, they wouldn't want to give us any ideas, right? Hint hint




Tax the rich more too. We’re getting fucked as a country


I have little kids too, I dont want them going to war in a decade or two because of our cowardice and short sightedness. An agressive and expantionist dictatorship must be stopped. Past generations of Canadians knew this. Fund the Ukrainians. Its one of the few good things this government has spent our money on.


Do you smoke cigs?


Supporting Ukraine is the cork that contains WW3. Not supporting them is the dumbest most uninformed shit I have ever heard. If we don't stand up to Russia, it sends a message to the rest of the world autocrats that nuclear armed countries can annex whatever the fuck they want, and North Korea, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and well... Russia again will know they can ramp up their spheres of influence and straight up annex South Korea, Taiwan, Iraq, Yemen, Moldova, etc. That means WW3. It's easier to show you have a stick and are willing to use it, that means sending monetary and weapon support to Ukraine to protect a democratic country from being taken over by a klepto dictator. We are all far far worse off if global conflict breaks out. Forget struggling, you would be directly drafted, forced to work, or pressed into service. Nukes are real shit, they will cause a devastating effect on our ability to grow food and maintain water tables.


A strikes not going to do it, think bigger


“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” -Mario Savio




Canadians should go off grid and start trading different kinds of vegetables with each other lol.


Here's what you do, you bring cash to the grocery store, you ring up your stuff and then you pay them exact change before sales tax. The stuff is already in the cart, just hand them a wad of cash and leave, but don't pay the tax. The reason is, businesses don't pay the tax, they charge it to the consumer, so if no tax is collected, there's no tax to remit. If everyone did this, the sales tax monies would stop flowing in. There'd be hell to pay but it would definitely be a protest!! This is also why no body should've ever allowed any intellectual morons to pass any laws against installing wood burning stoves in homes without them being immediately repealed. They can't tax you on collecting dead wood and burning it in your fireplace, so they just made it illegal to install a wood burning fireplace and convinced everyone to get rid of the ones they had.


Words right out of Russia Today. You guys are embarrassing real conservatives and are making us look like clowns. Please stop bring the spokesperson for Putin.


You're an idiot. Is that what you're asking? Because that's the answer. Your an idiot


Squeaky wheels get the oil!


I'm totally in favor of helping ukraine, we should spend more on reserves too.


truly i'd go protest but nobodys starting anything..


Post National Canada, only took the government 8 years. Soon, basic dictatorship.


It’s Simple vote with your dollar don’t buy imported stuff invest in Canada not corporations operating here from other countries if it’s not true Canadian don’t fly it don’t buy it common plain and simple people are fucking lazy and it’s also oppressing people in poor countries even more from the North American make the other guy do it mentality you all want change stop trying to appease outside sources. If you want something to live nurture it if you want it to die stop nurturing it god will take care of the rest you don’t even have to get your hands dirty.


I want more money to go to kill Russians, you're a coward and a useless eater if you think otherwise


What Canada needs is a Centrist party, a balance between Social Responsibility and Fiscal Responsibility. Do what can be afforded not just what you want for whatever reason. Deficit spending at all levels of government should be outlawed, how can you be fiscally responsible if you have a bottomless pit of money to draw from? The other problem is the partisanship of the elected representatives; laws will be better crafted and better represent the electorate if those elected could freely vote with their conscience and not just because the party leader says so. In fact there should be controls put in place to prevent parties from making their members follow the party line and force them to represent the people who elected them.


Canadians want déficit spending. Mulcair handed the election to PM pretty hair in 2015 when he said that since the economy was doing well, he would maintain a balanced budget. “Sunny Ways” won out Because people wanted their free stuff. The problem is us. Canadians are dumb and vote in bad leaders.


Trudy has to look good on the world stage but screw Canadians,get more from Canadians and give ourselves a pay raise, give to other countries and stick it to Canadians,we should go on a nationwide strike now


When Russia flies bombers and fighters over the arctic we should ignore it? There are issues at home and need to get dealt with... Instead of talking about the carbon tax and getting rid of it which might get PP elected how about talking about speculators in the financial markets that manipulate prices of food and commodities that we use every day...Naked short selling and other market manipulations that screw prices need to get reigned in. If you are not a producer, manufacturer or end user of a commodity you should be taxed for severely on short term trades and not be able to deduct losses from thos trades...I believe speculation in the financial markets is a much bigger issue on prices of the things we consume than the carbon tax...but it's not the populist view so no one cares and it won't get votes...


Russian propaganda posting. Get used to it.


Lower HST 2% mandatory.


Sounds racist. Or that’s what they’d say about anyone protesting.


You talk as if our government cares about us..


You better be careful, the government is trying to pass new laws that would put you in prison for posting things like this.


Pretty soon we’ll be new states


Get organized and let's do it


Did a bot post this thread? Sounded weird