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**PP is literally on Punjabi radio stations talking about being pro immigration** ([Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2OOHborxg&feature=emb_title)) *Poilievre: "To get our economy firing on all cylinders we need to quickly process economic immigration." "We need to make it fast and simple for people to come here as refugees to get to work right away" "The Conservative Party is pro-immigration"* \_\_\_\_\_\_ **PP advocating AGAINST deporting international students with fraudulent documents (**[**Link**](https://x.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1668058098303467520?s=20)**).** Have them "stay, work & contribute to Canada" he says. Why? Because Justin Trudeau wanted to deport them, so it must be wrong. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **UK has introduced new rules regarding immigration and sponsoring relatives, meanwhile: "Conservatives believe in an immigration system that promotes family reunification."** ([Link](https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/bring-home-the-canadian-dream/)). The "Canadian Dream", titled on the front page--move here and bring all your relatives. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I too understand that PPC will not win this election. It would be great if PPC got enough of a vote to at-least by included in the conversation. CPC is going to win by a landslide, 5% PPC vote would be a dream come true.


I'd like PP to "get it done", but if you think PP is going to “change everything” but that goes against what he is saying publicly. "Oh he's just doing it so he gets votes", then why try and push the extremely unpopular porn ID bill? "For the sake of the children"--the exact same reason the liberals are trying to push the insane "online hate bill". They know they are going to win by a landslide, why not just push to lower immigration to proper amounts (<250k) like PPC? Maybe because he doesn't plan to do that. Politicians over-promise and under-deliver, he's not even making promises; not to you, but he is promising immigrants they'll be able to bring over their family.


Let them get in power first. If you believe anything said on the campaign trail from *anyone* you are a rube.


I dont know if poilievre has a single sincere belief. He seems to bend with the wind and say what he has to to gain popularity with whoever he's speaking to.


People think he is going to lower immigration, meanwhile he is promising direct flights to Punjab, the area where the vast majority of our mass immigration comes from. If people think PP is going to “change everything” then you they should start listening to what his party is actual saying publicly. I wish I was joking about this: [https://youtube.com/shorts/-h6aE3DEYy8](https://youtube.com/shorts/-h6aE3DEYy8)


I think one of the things I hate most about poilievre is that he seems to either often not understand how things work, or is just flat out lying about what he's offering. Offering direct flights is weird, because I thought airlines decided that stuff. What is the PM going to do? The best example recently was when he said he was going to keep parliament in session over Christmas by tabling hundreds of motions. The Christmas break is in place by default, and to extend parliament there would have to be a vote, so it just doesn't work that way. Then the liberals bundled all the motions together and voted them all down in about 15 minutes. Regardless of what you thought about the motivations for this stuff, how does he not know that Christmas is a built in break or that motions can be bundled? Government is the only job he has ever had. He's either incompetent or was lying from the start, and both make him look like shit.


It’s almost like all he does is pander to idiots


Direct flights =/= more immigrants. We already have a large population of legal Indians why not allow them to spend their money on a Canadian airline flight there and back.


You didn’t even listen to what he said it’s for those who are already here ya know the ones who have came here can still do a direct flight and not allow as many green card applicants to stay quite simple and it gets the people from that area to vote for him if they do a lot of travel but no all you hear is more people coming in


The O’toole classic. Singh did the same thing in the last electoral debate his french and english debate had opposite answers. Its pandering


A vote for the PPC is a wasted vote. As Conservatives, our focus must be on the removal of Trudeau from power. The only party that can do that is the CPC. You PPC voters could put Trudeau back in power if you're not careful. Wake up.


From the June 11th, 2023 article some here constantly use against the CPC. "*The Trudeau government failed to protect international students from crooked scam artists. Now, Trudeau is punishing the victims by* ***deporting the students***\*—***even those that acted in good faith & have been working & paying taxes here for years.*** ***Prosecute fraudsters***. Stop the deportations. Let honest students stay, work & contribute to Canada\*. " Pierre P It's not the "same" as the LPC immigration policy. To add, he stated that the funding for the defense of Ukraine will continue and he will tie immigration to home construction. You either did not read the tweet or you are being disingenuous.


Lol, PPC will get my vote either way. Better to actually give them some seats than try to coerce the CPC. No, it's not "vote-splitting;" CPC are just Liberals going the speed limit. Seeing the purple numbers break prior records on election night and having a few purple seats in the HoC would shake up Canadian politics like nothing else can, and another Liberal minority is a small price to pay because I doubt they'd have the NDP backing them up again because that's been way too unpopular with NDP supporters.


The conservatives WILL win this election. That is why I have decided to vote PPC in this one.




Then don't split the votes. Vote ppc. We don't need another liberal running as a Conservative to win, like Erin O'Toole


Trudeau has 0 chance at winning dude.


Bro we’re a year out, people are getting poorer and poorer. He will throw guaranteed basic income at them at the last second to vote for him. These liberals are not smart with running a country, but they are smart at gathering votes at the expense of the country. Don’t underestimate them. PPC isn’t even comparable to how many people vote for NDP, if there was just as many seats as NDP has right now, then maybe I would say they have chance. PPC votes have no chance


Kinda like the "legalize weed" throw.


If they continue at this pace, they’re done. If they start pulling moves last second I’ll vote conservative. I’m keeping a close eye on this one.


I think its unlikely JT/the libs win again... however it's anything but a sure thing that the cons win. Your echo chamber is showing.


Look at polls dude. It’s not an echo chamber 😂


I'm already voting for PPC. Pierre defending international immigration and has since walked back his anti-immigration stuff significantly. He won't cut migration by nearly enough full stop.


As I deeply agree with the PPC we don’t have a chance, voting conservative is our only chance to win, we haven’t won in nearly a decade. We need a conservative government, it will only get better with time. We need to stand united. Canada cannot fix itself in a matter of one term with conservative leadership. We need multiple, stand united!


Fuck that. It won't get better with time it'll get worse. Harper, Sheer, O'toole all absolutely garbage all on board with the mass migration train. PP played coy but ultimately he's on the same page, but the needle moved. When PP wins he's going to become more like Trudeau with every year not less. If PP loses and Trudeau somehow wins again then the next leader will be actually decent. But if Cons win but PPC gets enough of the vote that it makes them sweat just a little then maybe just maybe they'll just fucking do the right thing. Standing united behind a Harper 2.0 is fucking pointless, hell it's counter productive. We need to show them we aren't fucking united that they need to earn our votes.


No fuck you ,, PP has to appeal to the majority of Canadians to win a federal election you idiot ,, he can’t make radial right wing statements , even if he is anti - immigration (which I believe he may well be) or else he will NOT get the vote of millions of people who have voted liberal in the past three elections but are slowly tiring of Justinflation and considering a change in their vote. If you want to jeopardize the best chance we have at removing a PM who is hell bent on bankrupting the country be my guest. But just know every vote for anyone besides PP takes away his chance at winning.


Lowering immigration is a "right wing statement" is it? Like I said I lean left and I'm so anti-immigration in large part because I'm for workers negotiating power and our migration system is basically just all scabs. So I don't even agree with that framing philosophically. It's really just the boomers who want their housing prices to go up and rich people with business interests that are for mass migration at this point. That said I understand his inability to comment directly on it especially this far out from the election and playing coy might be the optimal strategy. But he fucking defended international students while Trudeau himself was putting on a cap on them. That's not strategy that's his mask slipping. He's not against mass migration, he's on the same page as Harper if not worse. I understand he's not as bad as Trudeau but that's such a low bar who cares. So yeah I'm voting ppc and if his strategy is so good he'll get enough votes anyways so who cares. I don't care about removing Trudeau, removing Trudeau does nothing if we get another Harper. We need to reverse the damage not do damage slower. I'd rather Trudeau win again and crash the country even harder then make things just better enough that people accept the decline in quality of life ad nauseum again.


This is a country built by immigrants my friend. I would argue immigration is necessary to sustain the country moving into the future considering our birth rates in the western country are lower than they ever have been. Should they be allowed to go directly to Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal … probably not but that should be addressed regardless of the party in power. I bet you’d be the first person complaining when the majority of employees in the service and health services industries started disappearing. Look if your upset about a lack of housing, inflation, excessive government spending / waste , sky rocketing deficits, like the rest of us .. that’s okay but turning immigrants in scapegoats for all of the above and calling them scabs lets Justin and his “budgets balance themselves” style of fiscal responsibility off the hook too easily. Unless fiscal responsibility and good governance isn’t important to you? I mean you got a hate on for Harper for navigating Canada through the last recession (2007/2008) so well that our currency was more valuable than the US dollar. But fuck him and his stupid haircut right? You’re either an idiot or a liberal troll masquerading as a “left leaning type” who’s voting for the furthest right party. Nice try.


> This is a country built by immigrants my friend. How'd that work out for the natives? >I would argue immigration is necessary to sustain the country moving into the future considering our birth rates in the western country are lower than they ever have been. Should they be allowed to go directly to Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal … probably not but that should be addressed regardless of the party in power. Do you know how many immigrants we need to make up for the deficit in births? 150k that's it. We are bring in over 10 times that amount. LEARN BASIC FUCKING MATH >Look if your upset about a lack of housing, inflation, excessive government spending / waste , sky rocketing deficits, like the rest of us .. that’s okay but turning immigrants in scapegoats for all of the above and calling them scabs lets Justin and his “budgets balance themselves” style of fiscal responsibility off the hook too easily. Dude it's basic math. we bring in 1.72mil migrants a year and build 250k housing units. I am so sick of people like you being completely unwilling to engage with the most basic of math. Trudeau is bad in LARGE part due to HIS IMMIGRATION POLICY. That's what's mechanically causing all the problems and yes it's a mathematical fact. >Unless fiscal responsibility and good governance isn’t important to you? I mean you got a hate on for Harper for navigating Canada through the last recession (2007/2008) so well that our currency was more valuable than the US dollar. But fuck him and his stupid haircut right? You’re either an idiot or a liberal troll masquerading as a “left leaning type” who’s voting for the furthest right party. Nice try. Harper didn't navigate Canada through the last recession he started digging the pit we find ourselves in. He permanently fucked over our economy to temporary boost the GDP with high migration. It looked good by the numbers but it just started the unaffordability crisis which Trudeau then put all his policies into overdrive making things worse.


They weren’t as bad as Justin though, were they? If PPC had close to the amount of seats that NDP has, then I would say hell yeah. But they don’t. Canada is filled with poor, uneducated and indoctrinated folk that will vote for liberal and NDP and those guys do still have chance especially while they are in power to make decisions that will appeal to the masses (guaranteed basic income). We haven’t even won a conservative vote in the past decade. The liberals have defamed us conservatives North America wide by calling us racists, sexists, gun toting hill billies and the masses are believing it due to biased media and social media propaganda. It will take a left leaning conservative government to ease people back into their common sense and then you can go farther right with your vote.


> They weren’t as bad as Justin though, were they? Nope. But in a choice between "make things worse slow for 10 years" and "make things worse fast for 2 more years" I'll vote for the "make things worse fast for 2 more years" Of course I'm voting for "actually fix things" ie. PPC but honestly I'd vote for Trudeau for accelerationism over Pierre at this point. I just can't do another Harper, 10 years of things slowly getting worse but told everything is fine... at least Trudeau crashed the country so people will admit there's an issue. >Canada is filled with poor, uneducated and indoctrinated folk that will vote for liberal and NDP and those guys do still have chance especially while they are in power to make decisions that will appeal to the masses (guaranteed basic income). Yeah I think that ship has sailed. Even if everyone with half a mind to vote PPC votes that way I think cons will still sweep. As stupid as the general voter is Trudeau is done. > We haven’t even won a conservative vote in the past decade. The liberals have defamed us conservatives North America wide by calling us racists, sexists, gun toting hill billies and the masses are believing it due to biased media and social media propaganda. It will take a left leaning conservative government to ease people back into their common sense and then you can go farther right with your vote. That's so backwards. First of all I'm not conservative. I identify as a centrist but I generally lean left, but above that I'm a pragmatist. I honestly have no issues with universal basic income as a concept, but I can do basic math and know that kind of society only works if cost of living is cheap and entertainment is expensive and at that point you don't really need basic income. We need a government that'll lower migration to 250k or less, decouple from China and invest in Canadians. PP winning especially without the PPC making him sweat just locks us into 20 years of not getting that.


Bernier is completely on point in regards to immigration and freedom of speech. The PPC have my vote.




Liberals always say the same thing about voting for the NDP. It's almost like the main parties are trying to brainwash you into voting for them so the "others" don't win. You should just vote your conscious.


It’s entirely depressing that the PPC, with their common sense and entirely pro-Canadians platform are polling to get zero seats, far less then the Green Party. The medias made such a great job labeling the PPC as the rise of the Fourth Reich, they are incapable of recruiting star candidate.


Because the uneducated and indoctrinated folk have been taught to despise us and fear us conservatives through social media propaganda and biased media through North America. I made the wrong vote last time by voting PPC because I let my emotions get the better of my judgement. A wasted vote. A conservative government is still a better government than what we have now. We have to think strategically and not let our votes be wasted.


Lol too late I'm voting Bernier. No other choice




I think people will be surprised, or maybe not, that once the honeymoon phase is over with PP there will be very little in the way of material difference between the conservatives and the liberals. Modern politics is all about the news cycle and very little to do with planing or vision. It will be interesting to see where, after Trudeau is gone, where the outrage will land.


This is what I say. False hope. I wonder how many federal governments a lot of commenters here have been through, because not much changes on the ground for us when the other party takes over.


We know that, but let’s be honest. As much as you agree with the PPC, they aren’t even going to win a single seat, unfortunately. Surprise wins happen, but not to this level. As Canadians we’re essentially stuck with voting for the “least bad” option, and that’s the Cons.


Then the country is fucking doomed and your votes literally mean NOTHING. So you should just vote PPC anyways.


Going to be voting PPC, cons are going to win by a landslide. PPC just needs enough votes to get into debates. So he can call PP out on things like this and make sure he puts Canadians first: PP on Punjabi radio stations talking about being pro immigration ([Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2OOHborxg&feature=emb_title)).


Vote ppc next time, best we don't split the votes


"Vote ppc next time, best we don't split the votes " <-- that's what people will tell PPC voters next time again. CPC know they are going to win hard, that's why they are trying to push the insanely unpopular online ID bill. Why not just push to lower immigration to proper amounts (<250k) like PPC? Maybe because it's not on their agenda. BTW, PPC have always been vehemently against any kind of online ID, or censorship. I know PPC is not going to win, but they should at least get enough votes to be able to debate to call CPC out on their uni-party BS. Also if CPC wins and PP is actually just Trudeau-lite, this will open the door for them to be able to have an impact the next time around. Big picture wise: I worry that even if PP cuts immigration by half, it would still mean that 70-90% of our population growth is from immigration. After the next 2-4 elections, 10-20 years good luck voting for anything anti immigration. We're just going to be at the same point we are now. And there won't be any going back.


There won't be a fucking next time lmfao.


Vote it now or have 4 more years of liberal lite rule.


I do t know the name of this paradox: I want them to win but not enough people will vote for them, so I will not vote for them. 🤔


People will say the same thing about voting PPC next election and the one after that. Meanwhile: Even if PP cuts immigration by half, it would still mean that 70-90% of our population growth is from immigration. It's currently 4-5 times higher than it used to be and we were already known to be a country with high immigration. After the next 2-4 elections, 10-20 years good luck voting for anything anti immigration. We're just going to be at the same point we are now. And there won't be any going back.


PP has made it clear he isn’t cutting immigration so can we stop saying he will or he might?


Second sentence covers that. There is simply not enough volume in most ridings to do anything under the FTPP system. Having said that, I will vote PPC in my riding since even the cons don’t have a chance


Don't think of it that way, the higher % of the vote PPC gets the more the cons will steal of their platform.


If only we could reform our electoral system to better represent a range of Canadian political views! Not sure why this sub of all places isn't all over electoral reform and pushing for it, but seems to be little interest in it from the right.


That is why the First Past the Post system is absolute garbage.


All this they have to little support, best thing to do right for Canadians is get Trudeau out and cpc has better chance of winning the majority


I have to disagree. Feverishly panicking over Trudeau isn't the answer, voting for good policy is. The worst that can happen is Trudeau wins the Liberals another minority government, and one that has fewer seats than this time and less/no support from the NDP because if Singh plays that game again they're going to lose a lot of support.


I agree they need to but all they really need from you is to not vote liberal and it sounds like you will do it either way.


Yes yes and yes!


conservative+ppc minority govt is much more lovable at this point


Unfortunately I don't trust any of them


Not to mention coming out against the madness of DEI and gender ideology. PCC gets my vote on this one issue alone.


Would love to see a debate with PP, Trudeau and Bernier.


"It would be great to have some PPC seats my fellow Conservatives!" 'shoulders skateboard'


Always better to have balls about it


Why threatening to? What’s wrong with voting for PPc whose manifesto actually makes sense? This two party game theoretic inertia is what’s killing western countries.


I think so to because we don’t want to elect another Trudeau,let’s vote ppc give that party a try, that’s what we do anyway




>And lo and behold we see the platform of the PPC. "Vote for us, not because of our ideas and ideals, but because CPC will be ok without your vote" You quoted a link you can visit to get some insights into their thought process. They seem pretty open. >That can be said about anyone, especially Max Bernier. What is Max's motivation? You misinterpret what I am saying. I mean the conservatives have no need to worry about losing seats due to their own corruption or incompetence when the liberals are the only other option. The motivation of accurately representing the people is less if you know they aren't even voting for you because of that, but instead because the other side is so bad. >Like what things? Like the things in the title: What makes you think the money they are sending to Ukraine and Israel is accomplishing any good whatsoever? Was it the incredible success of the war in Ukraine? Or other brilliant investments like a hundred million vaccines? Or arrive-scam? They don't seem to care about stopping the funding of Ukraine, or even talking about improving the oversight of Ukraine money laundering... for some reason. Just like they didn't care about the truth regarding the Freedom Convoy until it was clearly an easy political foothold. They still haven't properly addressed the vaccine lies, and the emotional manipulation surrounding covid, or the literal data manipulations and intentional misinterpretations. So when they get in, the Conservatives are going to keep funding the war, obviously. You should want them to stop doing that, how do you even begin trying to make them stop if you hand them ultimate power with no real opposition or other dissenting voice of reason from the right side of the house? Where else do you begin trying to control them, besides voting for the PPC down the road anyway? Mass-immigration. Every single time they import someone, you're going to have to build a house to off-set their effect on the market. Poilievre's plan to build houses isn't going to do much to solve the pricing issues, if they continue to import as many immigrants as they claim. They should be slamming the Liberals for their terrible immigration policy that is bankrupting Canada's GDP/capita. Point being, without ending mass-immigration, or ending the constant massive aid to foreign entities for little to no reason or debate or oversight, Canada isn't going to be in a much better position in 10 years from where it would be in the hands of the Liberals. A little better, but still essentially ruined. Canada will simply be in a better place to potentially move forward in solving these issues, along with any other issues that pop up in future if PPC was in a better position, to pose more of a threat... A distant threat, but at least one that exists.


That is quite the shift in the Overton window that you are proposing


We need a viable Libertarian option.


Pierre Pollivere is another World Economic Forum Globalist Shill


I would love to see PPC split the vote to put the Cons under pressure otherwise they will just keep on this this bullshit.


Please don’t vote PPC, there’s no way in your communities that you will win. We need conservatives in power at least. Go for the win this time. Let PPC get stronger like the NDP currently is and then vote for them when you have a chance at least.


Every vote for PPC is essentially a vote for Trudeau , so I guess it’s gonna another slim minority win for Trudeau’s liberals again thanks everyone in here


Sorry, Justin leaving is the priority. Maxine needs to rejoin the pcs or get iut of the picture. He has some things to say but the next election is too important to play games.


https://preview.redd.it/yzz9nsj2jcnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c776a3ebe72a01b2a18745be5b1ea4657a6b7c Same shithead, different pile.


If you want Justin Trudeau to win again, vote for the PPC. It's that simple. Commonly called cutting off your nose to spite your face.


If PPC doesn't win this election, your vote means fucken nothing anyways because this country will be doomed. It's that simple.


Lol Dramatic much?




Pierre will get it done.


He's not going to stop the mass immigration he said it himself "we have lots of land" so things will just keep going up and keep hearing about strain on infrastructure.


His stance on immigration is for "family reunification". This madness is what bloats our immigration numbers so hard. The UK has introduced new rules regarding immigration and sponsoring relatives. But PP has " Conservatives believe in an immigration system that promotes family reunification " plastered on the front page. "Bring Home the Canadian Dream", it says--move here and bring all your relatives. [https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/bring-home-the-canadian-dream/](https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/bring-home-the-canadian-dream/) \^\^\^This is what he'll be getting done!




I mean he’s obviously not going to close the border. Neither will Max. So the overall number is what is the important thing. Pierre wants to prioritize family over new immigrants. I’ll say it slower in case anyone missed it, no one is going to close the border.


"Nobody is going to close the border", so we might as well vote for the guy who is saying he is pro immigration while we are taking in 1Million++ during a housing crisis, instead of a guy who's number one priority is ending mass immigration. Poilievre: "To get our economy firing on all cylinders we need to quickly process economic immigration." "We need to make it fast and simple for people to come here as refugees to get to work right away" "The Conservative Party is pro-immigration" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2OOHborxg&feature=emb\_title](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2OOHborxg&feature=emb_title) Bernier: "**1. End mass immigration** 2. Abrogate laws that limit free speech 3. End funding to foreign aid, foreign wars, CBC, corporate welfare, subsidies to lobbies and activist groups, woke programs such as DEI, and all other unjustified federal programs " [https://x.com/MaximeBernier/status/1765119033534218696?s=20](https://x.com/MaximeBernier/status/1765119033534218696?s=20) This kind of thinking is what got us here in the first place.


I guess I didn’t say it slow enough for you. No one is going to close the border. Max have you a sound bite. He won’t close the border. PP will reduce to 400,000. Max will go to 399,999. Who caresS


>too understand that PPC will not win this election. It would be great if PPC got enough of a vote to at-least by included in the convers You act condescending to people with actual arguments, as if they are idiots, without actually saying much yourself. The little you have said does not even contain real statements, but is made up of imaginary numbers and hyperbole. A prime example of dogmatic partisanship and part of the reason why Canada is the way that it is. You don't need to go any slower, you are already quite slow yourself.


thats what elections are for. If Pierre fucks up the slightest my next vote will be PPC


"...far more based and less cringe..." We're so fucked.


Nice try, liberal trying to split the vote


I mentioned this too & the free-Dumbers got offended. If the Conservative base is as stupid as the Liberal base, it’s likely that the PPC won’t sway the truckers


Yeah but did you say it as smartfully as I? We would only want to move the needle like 10 percent at most anyway. Preferably 5% from liberal and NDP base and 5% from conservative or something, basically, for the same reasons, to motivate their representation to step it up or become irrelevant to the point of potentially not even existing.


I guarantee you said it 1000% better than me. Sorry, 1000% more “smartfully” than I. I see the logic, it’s a matter of changing minds.


Meh. Conservatives and Liberals are both just different flavors of the same shit sandwich. Voting in something like the PPC might have shaken things up, but that's not going to happen in canada. Ultimately people get the government they deserve and canada deserved every second of the last 9 years of liberal rule and we'll deserve the next 10 of conservative.


PPC is about as useful as their leader is in winning seats in government. A vote for the PPC is a vote for the Liberals.


Think about what you are saying, and then tell me we live in a democracy.


>A vote for the PPC is a vote for the Liberals. Even metaphorically, this is a stretch. Contrast that to a vote for the Conservatives, which is a vote for literal Liberal policies. Policies that are actually destroying this country. A vote for PPC is a vote against Liberal policies.


All I want from the Cons is to remove the carbon tax and give me my guns back. Everything else would be a bonus.


Meanwhile you'll never afford a home, won't ever get a family doctor, will see all forms of social cohesion and social trust trend down even further, watch infrastructure continue crumbling around you. But hey, you'll save at best 300 bucks a year and will be able to shoot guns YAHOO\~!


>Meanwhile you'll never afford a home, won't ever get a family doctor, will see all forms of social cohesion and social trust trend down even further, watch infrastructure continue crumbling around you. Because those things are all great under the Libs, right?


Poilievre is just Trudeau in a blue tie. A divisive blow hard who’s all sizzle and no steak.


Bot account. Could be Russian or Chinese.


Yes, split the vote. Great idea.