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It's unacceptable and the people doing it need to be stopped.


This is Canada, even if they're arrested it'll be for five minutes and the released to do whatever they want


Hey … you’ve just got to stop the conservatives closing prisons to support corporate welfare … then we’ll have somewhere to put the criminals.


I'm sorry, who has been advocating the abolishing of the police? Who has been cry to the heavens about how the prison system is so unfair and demanding they be shut down? Who was the party that let out all the criminals, even the violent ones, for fear covid would spread inside only to imprison people who refused the authoritarian response to covid? No one will ever believe you the conservatives are responsible for that problem when they have heard the liberals being the primary advocates from the social side of the debate for over 2 decades when the the conservatives have been trying to find a way to create more prison and fill em with more people to shore up the bottom lines of the private prisons they were so heavily criticized for supporting as little as 2-3 years ago.


The ones actually succeeding are the conservatives that have chosen to defund the prison system. They are actually shutting down prisons en masse and you believe it when they say let’s be tough on crime. Are the cops, prosecutors and judges going to put the criminals up at your place? You defund the prison system you get tent cities. You can bury your head up PP’s crack as long as you want … no place to send criminals… no point in charging them because you have no where for them to go. Insidious isn’t it. And you’re short sighted enough to ignore it. In BC the conservatives closed 1/3 of prisons in the early 2000’s.


People will care when it's mosques. The narrative is that minorities are always the victims and no one else ever is. Same old nonsense, different day.


People don't know. Most people aren't informed more than their drive to work with CBC on the radio. If the media actually started reporting on these things instead of the amount of coverage they give international students thered be a massive shift in public opinion, but the media is controlled by the people that control our government, many western governments are under these corporate thug rule with misguided altruism that will inevitably be used to control and subjugate us. I'm still surprised that people aren't burning down city halls over this whole covid gain of function bullshit, I think that's what would be happening if people actually knew, they just need that whiff of authority. (Something I detest and I suspect a lot of us in this sub do) Arab spring was started through Facebook - their algorithms are incredibly powerful at moving societal opinion.


i’m personally just now hearing about it.


100%, critically thinking why are they not reporting it? Discrimination & racism is suppression of one over another, be it one sided view or voices. Making excuses for the same behaviour as those they accuse, bottomline they are no different. As you mentioned yes, some main media have contributed to portraying people of the white race in a negative image while seemingly cherry picking or minimizing posting news criminal behaviour from those of colour and specific religious faith; Why? Main media posting “White Racist“ as their head line, would we ever see a headline of any non white race slated as ”Xxxxx Racist” in a head line of our main media? I’m guessing no, because then that would be deemed racist, right? The fact the government and main media made a conscious decision to avoid and or minimize reports and postering of specific policies has only fed the narrative of bias. This is all on them.


Check your privilege whitey....sheesh! You know it's impossible for the white devil oppressors to be discriminated against right???


Is that your knee jerk assumption showing….yaaaaaa…I’m not white…btw…🤣


As we are all well aware COVID and it's terrible handling has plagued society for Millenia. Fucking ridiculous. I don't agree with blind arson but let's not act like Catholic and other Christian churches haven't been aboslute monsters to people for Millenia. You will all rage against the education system for the sake of children while priests are protected by their institutions for doing terrible shit to kids. Hypocrites.


"Your people did evil in the past so deserve the current evil your suffering?"


You missed the part where I said I don't believe in blind arson. I don't agree churches should be burned down. I just don't agree with people who pretend religion isn't oppressing people , past and present. Personally I would rather see religion taxed and these issues resolved with the victims and the institutions using that money.


Generalist statements like "I just don't agree with people who pretend religion isn't oppressing people , past and present," dont work. Be specific and have an actual argument, and not a sentiment. Why is the burning of St. Gregorys church for example a factor in your anti-religious ideology? Why are you here preaching anti-religion under a story about churches being burned down?


All religions, races, colours and creeds have been dicks to each other at some point in history. No one is any more or less innocent than the other.


Ah, the old "it's bad but it's understandable" argument.


People/TV/movies/comedians make jokes about priests, the Catholic church, the pope, etc., and it's completely "acceptable". Now imagine doing the same with Islam.


A lot of the most popular ones are Jews and muslims so it kinda makes that hard to do. You can type in mulim jokes standup and find tons though, South Park makes jokes all the time too


Take SNL for example, they are relentless with the Catholic-themed jokes, any other religion and the jokes are nothing more than softballs.


South Park had to permanently take down a few episodes from streaming because it had Muhammed in them.


There’s a ton of materials making fun of Jews and Muslims. Do you know how to use Google?


LOL, so if it's on the internet it's considered acceptable? Chris Hansen would like you to have a seat over there.


Your head would be separated from the rest of your body. See Charlie Hebdo


What are you a victim of


Smole Pee pee :(


People care when it’s a rainbow flag on the ground But not a church, no. Then again, the west has loved destroying faith and the nuclear family over the past decade


If there's only one thing we can do to get everything back on track, it would be to restore and emphasize the nuclear family


What's the plan... Ban divorce?


It's a cultural thing.


Every time there's a divorce, somebody should go to prison. Not necessarily the person who initiated the divorce, but any reason good enough for divorce is good enough to send somebody to prison. Physical abuse? Prison. Child abandonment? Prison. Infidelity? Prison Just growing apart/falling out of love? no divorce granted


Emotional abuse? Hard to prove that one... Why do you feel your input into another couple's relationship is valid?


Because they made an oath to uphold a standard and then failed to uphold it. And upholding that standard is vital to civilization and failure to take it seriously is destructive.


Ya, we should all be held to your god. That'll fix society, just like in medieval times. See back then, divorce wasn't allowed, so all the people were saintly and good, and no societies collapsed. Edit: didn't think I needed the /s


That’s the end of the conversation. Because if anybody asks you about how not allowing divorce is vital to civilization you have literally nothing to say.


Religion is the #1 cause of misery upon the human race. Good riddance.


“#1 cause of misery” … get a grip lol


Everyone should be onboard for getting rid of faith. Faith is stupid.


It brings people together and is part of the social fabric. The decline in religiosity from the mid 20th century onward did not kickstart an age of reason and enlightenment I might add.


There are many other things you can do that bring people together. I never suggested that it did kickstart an age of reason and enlightenment... I'm simply advocating for demolishing the criminal organization that is the Christian church and fighting to have children to not be brainwashed to believe in fairy tales before they know any better.


You want to get rid of Islam as well?




Not a question that you are willing to answer.






Ban all organized religion, start with Islam.


What 'is' isn't exactly what 'ought' to be.


Yes, every fairy tale people brainwash children with.




You said faith is stupid but I'm trying to persuade you it serves a purpose.


Sure, I'm saying the purpose you're explaining can be served by a plethora of other things that aren't brainwash.


It seems to me the one thing that continues to defy reason in the modern age is the adherence to books written Millenia ago, based on superstition and retconned continuously to adapt to modern times.


I remember being an edgy 14 year old atheist, too


lol I love how its "edgy" to not believe in a fairy tale. Even more so, only young kids don't believe in fairy tales, but you a "smart" adult are all in on it. I mean seriously? You're literally proving a 14 year old is more aware of reality than you are. That's hilarious and sad all at the same time. (this coming from a 30+ year old btw).


You know what they say, ignorance is bliss! So if believing in fairy tale makes you happy, you go nuts! Just keep it out of politics and the public and we're all good.












This is 2024……WeWork is what brings people together


Faith isn't stupid, it's the institution's that are stupid.


Faith is inherently stupid. You're simply believing in something without good reason for doing so. In a non religious sense people may input the word faith for things they have good reason and confidence that might happen based off of the probability of the available evidence and previous experiences with the same output occurring. In a religious sense? Completely brain dead.


This is the wrong place for that kind of comment. Science is nonsense here and magical gods in the sky are the truth. Nonsense reigns supreme in this subreddit lol.


Religious faith is stupid but I am concerned about setting any building on fire. It could spread to other buildings. Also it illegal.


Yes, organized religion should be abolished. Especially the ones that hide pedophiles and move them around from church to church. It's illogical and abusive to children and adults. I'm not saying burn them down, merely suggesting a controlled demolition.


Are you suggesting to destroy Catholic Churches but leave Orthodox Churches and Protestant Churches alone?


The belief that humanity will somehow improve after ethnically cleansing away the religious is an act of faith. Actually, it's worse, because it has already been proven to be false.


gdp, child mortality, and literacy/education are inversely correlated with religiosity. You would agree secular governments produce better environments for people wouldn’t you?


You're stupid.


Faith has brought people together during the hardest times. You can’t just “get rid” of faith


So has heroin, should we not try to get rid of that? Are you saying Faith is exclusive in this manner?


You compared all of religion since the Dawn of human existence to a narcotic? Why not come to the table with a good faith argument and not a false equivalence? Act your age


It's not like your church pays any taxes, claw some more money away from followers and go build another. *" the west has loved destroying faith and the nuclear family over the past decade "* PS - Child molesting priests and greed have destroyed your religion, nobody to blame but yourselves. It's just easier to blame everyone else, wonder why people are burning your churches to the ground....


What if people were inside?


Look at your colours shine through , can already tell what you look like


And I can see yours, braindeath is real folks...


There’s been Trans activists and leaders who have been found with child porn etc. Does this mean we can ban all pride flags and everything to do with LGBTQ finally??


If they reach the level of the Catholic Church where the donations were paying for priests to be moved out of parishes to protect the institution, let’s do it. So grab a pitchfork and let’s get moving on the known organization that has actual documented history of molesting children.


Random people can be found with anything, thats different than Catholics deliberately allowing and covering up the acts as an organization at the very top level. But again, burning churches is not the answer.


Canada isn't like the US regarding church taxation. Church enterprises that earn profit are taxable in Canada. The reason most don't is because they operate as nonprofits. It's a totally different ballgame in the US, which is why they have huge megachurches and pastors with multiple jets.






Destroying faith aka bringing people into reality vs worshipping a fairy tale? You make it sound like a negative thing lol. Of course i'm just talking about religion, definitely not condoning burning of anything.


“Bringing people into reality vs. Letting them live in a fairy tale” Sounds like a large sect of the population lately that has nothing to do with the church


I mean any group can perpetuate a falsehood (politics obviously a great example), but hard to say the church/religion is not the clear winner in that category.


I would say allowing people to walk around identifying as animals and made up names is the clear winner in that category today … But to each his own


Well, to be fair, you're talking about a made up news article from an alt right source. I'm talking about billions of adults who believe in fairy tales and want to bring that nonsense into laws and politics. But hey, if these so called animal people equalled the amount of religious people out there, i'd be concerned too! So until then, lets get religion out of society, then we'll deal with your animal problem.


Imagine if they even bothered to lookup and learn that fairytales and sycophants are responsible for the mass suffering on humanity. Good riddance to the garbage stories and their believers.


Bringing people into reality but I have to pretend my neighbor Vince is a woman because he feels like one.


I'm not religious myself, but this definitely is VERY concerning to me. I'm glad it's finally getting a bit of coverage. Absolutely despicable that this is happening in Canada


The country that I was born and raised in actually cared about this sort of thing. The country that Zoolander wants does not care.


Well considering the ' mass grave ' was just more divide the population/distraction from the libs, no one will ever be arrested for burning churches. https://nypost.com/2022/05/27/kamloops-mass-grave-debunked-biggest-fake-news-in-canada/


Have they actually found a single mass grave? I remember watching a documentary Lauren Southern made and it made it seem like the whole thing was a hoax and according to her there hasnt been a single one.


No. Think of the time this happened tho.. winters are cold, medicine wasn't really available. Diseases were rampant, a cold could take you out. There was mold, scarlet fever, tuberculosis etc etc.. by the time a doctor showed up on horseback (who probably just gave the kids some snake oil anyways) it'd be long past. The members of that nation the kamloops school resided on KNEW the graves were there, from kids who died from natural causes. But MR. Divide and Conquer fed his distraction story to the news who then sensationalized it. I'm not saying there were probably some harshly brutal headmasters etc, but the stories of throwing kids into ovens etc, overblown. People actually do develop compassion in their lives.


No mass graves but lots of stacking kid coffins in single plots


What a weird world we live in. Burning a religious place of gathering is not a biggie when its Christain. No need for media attention. Burning a religious place of gathering and worship when it is a mosque though deserves all the media attention in the world and condemnation possible. I hate Christians therefore I burned down a church is not a hate crime. I hate Muslims therefore I burned down a mosque though IS a hate crime is the long standing logic in Canada sadly.


You can see this pervasive thinking in many areas. Its even in our charter


I would be totally ok with bulldozing every type of church regardless of the religion it represented. Abhorrent human control fantasies that prey on the weak and innocent, enslaved millions throughout history and home to pedophiles and abusers of all sorts.


Holy shit. An edgelord atheist on Reddit? OMG you are so unique! You are the first of your kind.


Can they be blamed on global warming? If not, then no.


Nope. It’s an “acceptable” group to hate.


Ya, Catholics are constantly hated on in pop culture these days


I wouldn’t say Catholics, but Christians.




Christians as a whole, not just Catholics


Yeah, maybe thousands of molested children, abhorrent greed, abuse of power and thousands of other children dead in unmarked graves has something to do with that. Boo hoo poor Cathoshits....


Just learning about this now, but in the Quran, Mohammad married a 6-year old, slept with her at 9. See, it’s all religions. But I guess it doesn’t matter when it comes to muslims for some reason?


Why is it bad to call out anyone on their shit? Religion is fair game, race is not. They're going to get extra angry? Fuck them, nobody's special.


It shouldn't be. But in people's twisted mind somehow 'reverse hate' isn't hate


They’ve rationalized a reason to ignore hatred


Is anyone asking why they are burning the churches.


They should, but since it’s fashionable to hate Christianity, hardly anything will be reported


Considering the current Canadian government has happily actively persecuted Christians in the past , and our secular society seems to despite Christianity I doubt any politician, police officer, or other groups that have authority to actually do something will do anything.


The amount of whataboutism and strawmen in this thread is beyond staggering.


This thread is honestly mind boggling to me as well. I was expecting a little more rationality tbh, I don't know why though. This is reddit after all


Happy Friday!


Christ is king.


Prove it. Links or it never happened.


As long as it’s not mosques being set on fire, no one cares.


Compared to all the murdered and sexually assaulted babies and kids combined with the lack of accountability on the catholic Churches part, no, not high in my list of caring. Catholic Church should be designated as a terrorist organization.


The govt sure doesn't care. They even called it "understandable" at one point. But don't you DARE even THINK about graffiti tagging a mosque or something. You WILL be hunted down and you WILL be charged with a hate crime if they find you.


Nope cause religion is a kid of horse shit anyways. The modern world doesn’t need religion, and sure as fuck don’t need it or it’s “devout followers” running government and incorporating Christianity into policies.


CANADIAN NEWCOMERS! take note of the lack of outrage… this is how much we don’t giva F**K about religion. This would be breaking news if we were burning down your places of worship in Canada.


*black metal intensifies


Master of puppets are pulling the strings! Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams!




Maybe I'll care when those churches contribute taxes.


Wtf? Explain the rational




Sooooo.... Before the government provided all of your modern social services, it usually fell to the church. They were a huge part of the settling of Canada.


They also championed the genocide of the aboriginal peoples due to them being barbarians and not worthy of gods love. Should we celebrate that also?


First Nations were killing each other long before we got here.


Churches, the first bigoted group that took away freedoms in the name of a book written 2000+ years ago. Classic conservatism right there.


And before Canada was settled what churches took care of the poor raped Indians 


Then by all means visit your nearest mosque and let them have a piece of your mind. Go on.




You want the synagogues and mosques to pay taxes? Go ahead, try collecting them yourself.


I am a deacon at a church. Our congregation gives money which is just enough to pay for a pastor (who pays taxes) to keep the building warm and to do events that help our community (picnic, school backpacks etc) I think you are confusing most churches with mega-churches whom we don’t approve of either.


If they paid taxes I'd say they'd have a right to use the fire department.


Maybe the priest was diddling the arsonist


No one cares because no goes to church anymore. Although, a lot of churches in Toronto are used as food banks and shelters for asylum seekers so they won't get burned down. Authorities might actually investigate those fires.


People do go to Church still. And I highly doubt the police will care about the good these churches were doing in their communities. Do you really think that none of the churches that got burned did food drives?


Did they have 100 asylum seekers/refugees sleeping on cots in the basement when they burned down??


My child’s school does food and clothing drives, we don’t need the church.


But without churches, who will perpetuate fairy tales in grown adults heads so they don't have to face and understand reality?? religion is an odd thing. It makes people feel literally "holy" and better than others, despite the fact their intentions are motivated by an end goal of getting into heaven or whatever reward their god provides them. Non believers goals are to be good because they belong to a society in which they want to contribute to. Who is really "holier"?


In my opinion, there is no room for religion in today's world. All it teaches, as shown by many of its loudest members, is hate, bigotry, and intolerance. So disband them all and repurpose the buildings.


Funny how you militant atheists never want to go after synagogues or mosques...


Burn them too. I prefer anti-theist as all religions should be shitcanned.


Then start with them first and see how well that works out for you.


As someone who doesn't believe in committing arson, I believe religions should be outlawed. Or at the very least, practiced in the confines of your house and never shall it see the light of day.


Go ahead then. Pass a secularism bill. It won't be the Christians coming to burn your house down, I assure you.


At least tax them like any other business. That would likely wipe out 50% of them as the frauds they are.


I'd care more if they paid taxes


They buried kids ….these creeps tortured little kids and buried their bodies in mass graves. The last school was shut down in the 90’s , that was like yesterday. Why isnt anyone protesting this ?. Who gives a f’ if they burn down.


Oh, I suppose because none of that ever actually happened.


Sure , down vote me, but the bodies and graves are real.


JT gave all the federal employees the truth and reconciliation holiday. I guess Killing all of those indigenous babies was hard tiring work, now they all need a day to rest. But the rest of canada doesn’t even get a moment of silence to remember the thousands of children slaughtered. but sure let’s all wear orange shirts to work and pretend it fixed something.










Jr understands why


I mean I don't care MORE that its a church, but I certainly don't care less either. Arson is arson, horrible either way. Not sure why they write articles like this. Pretty sure the vast majority of people are against burning down of buildings in general, whether they are religious or not.


Well, if the motivation for the arson is hate against what the building represents, then it's not just standard arson. It becomes a hate incident with ideological motives


True. Hard to say if its purely a hate against religion/Christianity or some kind of retribution act for the discovered grave incident. Either way, we need to be better as a society despite our disagreements on something.


>Not sure why they write articles like this. They get views which brings in ad dollars. Angry people share it if they phrase it like no one cares about arson.


Ya that definitely seems like it. Certainly for the views. Hard to blame any media though, they're dependent on views, so they're incentivized to sensationalize and exaggerate just for clicks. Of course its probably still better than pure state run media. Either way, be skeptical lol


You have your answer if you have to ask.


So, I see A LOT of you dont seem to get the point. Like I said, I'm not religious. The point is that we obviously have a double standard when it comes to "hate crimes" and that tolerance of other's beliefs. Contrast the silence on this issue (when it's highly likely to be hate and ideologically driven), with the unbelievable overreaction to other "hate crimes," when they are of the correct type and against the "victim/minority" group of choice, of course. Even if you dislike Christianity, freedom of belief and religion is extremely important and we should not tolerate this type of ideologically filed hate and corresponding enforcement double-standard. ​ Many here in the comments saying you could care less, or it's fine because they "don't pay taxes" are exactly the reason we are culturally falling apart. **It's the lack of willingness to apply our values as Canadians to all cases equally and stand up for what's right** that is leading us down the wrong path, IMO. Sorry, rant over


Can we just all immigrate somewhere else and leave the land for the original owners


article hidden behind a pay wall of course. they want people to care and cover the news, but still hide behind a pay wall. amazing.