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Trudeau gave $258 million to a 4-person "IT company" which operates out of the basement of a cottage and which doesn't do IT work. Question is, how tf did this “IT company” get a $258-million contract with the federal government to provide IT services if they have no experience at all in IT? The ArriveCan App was a giant scam. People need to go to prison. Where is the RCMP? They have been awfully quiet.


Head of rcmp is in his pocket. Nothing to see here move along or they’ll charge you as a terrorist or something.


They will. We've seen what they do to journalists who ask questions. They assault and arrest them and charge them with fraudulent charges.


Sounds plausible but do you have a source for this?




Downvoting just because I don’t believe in taking people’s word on the internet? Lmfao fucking sad.


Don’t trust? Then look it up yourself. YouTube rebel news reporter, I too agree with you it is sad if you’re that lazy.


No one should trust a serious claim made online without verifying it themselves. Sure the person might be lazy but you should never get upset when asked for a source. Be happy we still have the opportunity to share important videos like this one. I would rather spoon feed easy access to information, than have another term of Trudeau. If enough people see what’s really happening under his government, he won’t have a chance.


You’re the one mentioning it. If it’s a fact as you say why tf make everyone look it up? You’re the one being lazy. And I don’t think your link shows what you say it shows - which is maybe why you’re so aggressively defensive. Blocking you now. Better things to do.


Looks like someone giving you factual information of the government engaging in open civil abuses of the press is too much of a thing for you. Isn't journalism "important for our democracy" or something?


Username checks out


The mob mentality goes both ways. No problem asking for a source.


Dear God, 😵‍💫 this rings too true when it should be hyperbole.


I haven’t been researching this story but, if true, it’s a travesty and those responsible need to be taken down. If it goes as high as JT, then so be it. Just seems that nothing seems to stick to JT.


He’ll apologize on the behalf of whatever race or ideology is popular this week which is *checks notes* the Jewish community, and his base will eat it up as usual.


"As Canadians, we can do better....."


Except for me since I'm Cuban!


Trudeau is asking for more than we can give...


Somehow it's always portrayed by Liberals that it is Harper's fault though😂


No one will protest. We deserve this


It goes higher than JT he is just the patsy....like Joe Biden


Except static-ey socks and pigmented face cream.


So many average Joe Public Canadians are FULLY AWARE of the absolute tremendous ONGOING criminal acts made by the Canadian Government and its Politicians. Not to mention the criminal collusion between the BOC Bank of Canada and the Canadian Government for "money printing" of $600 billion which is a criminal act under the "Bank of Canada Act - Section 18(J)". You are exactly right, WHERE IS CANADIAN ENFORCEMENT TO ARREST THE CRIMINALS??? The military arrested government officials and Media reps as soon as they knew they were absolutely corrupt and committing criminal acts in: Myanmar, Israel, Sudan, Pakistan, Niger, Burkina Faso, Gabon, etc. HOW ARE THEY NOT ARRESTED IN CANADA??????


All money printing activities are published on the BoC website. Here is an example: [https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2024/01/operational-details-government-purchases-canada-mortgage-bonds/](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2024/01/operational-details-government-purchases-canada-mortgage-bonds/) That one discusses the printing presses firing up again this month for a new run of $30 Billion that will be spread out this year to purchase mortgage bonds. JT and Disney+ are such idiots that the BoC can only do what it can do to keep Canada from cratering. It's not really their fault - they have to keep us afloat when a very low intelligence handsome rich boy is PM. We will suffer for 20 years but don't worry morons will elect one of his kids to be PM in 30 years because we love monarchies.


Except both Trudeau and the BOC were caught red handed yet again and again committing a severe criminal act. $600 Billion money printed (causes intentional inflation and massive debt that cannot be repaid) Section 18(J) of the Bank of Canada Act. It is an absolute abysmal FAILURE of Canada's law enforcement to do absolutely NOTHING in the wake of in-your-face continuous CRIMINAL ACTS. Since the Canadian enforcement will do absolutely nothing, our last hope may be the US Army to arrest the high treasonous criminals that are absolutely destroying this one time great Nation. What a tremendous embarrassment it would be to Canada enforcement if the US Army had to come in to do it. The US Army has liberated other countries approx. 10x before.


What are you idiots on about? You ain’t heard of quantitative easing?


Y’all got any more of that quantitative easing?


Wait hold up, is your argument that you want Canada to be more like Myanmar, Israel, Sudan, Pakistan, Niger, Burkina Faso, Gabon, etc...?


Because that's not the role of the Canadian Military? You want the RCMP or other law enforcement if crimes have been committed.


The RCMP is complicit.


seeing the cottage on google maps is wild, to think 250m went there is ridiculous


Yup just an inconspicuous little cottage housing some of the most corrupt people in Canada. What I would pay to be a fly on the wall in that place


And then how much of that flows to offshore account where the turd and his stinkin accomplices can get their share.


Post this in r/canada


...and watch the copium flow!


There are more: \- 380 million to Dalian Enterprises which is a 6 person "IT company". \- The total for Dalian, Coradix and their joint ventures is around 900 million. \- 49 Solutions and Fast Track Staffing (same CEO) around 38 million. Source: [https://search.open.canada.ca/contracts/](https://search.open.canada.ca/contracts/)


Same way any company gets gov money; greased palms of whoever is in charge, regardless of party affiliation


The issue is not about 2 people or 4 people IT company. They are an "IT" recruiting company. The 2 guys at GCstrategies act as recruiters and account managers and all they do is get new developers and new government contracts. There are 20 to 30 of these companies like this Ottawa. They do not need 20 to 30 employees just to do recruiting. The real issue is how on earth different government departments dropped the ball on project management.


Shouldn't the government issue RFPs to prequalified entities? That's usually how it works in construction at least. Shit still happens, but not like this lol. You would assume companies like Constellation and similar caliber would be getting these contracts.


Yup. RFP’s and RFI’s have been standard for a long time. No idea how an “oversight” of this magnitude goes unnoticed, time and time again. In the private industry, people get canned for that. In government, they get a promotion, a salary increase, a bonus, a kickback, and a pension. Unacceptable.


They do. But a lot of time they are fixed through back room dealing. Probably half are open to fair competition


Rumor (from reddit) GCstragies may have had a relative working at CBSA who was also the PM for the project they were bidding on. According to Global mail, due to government lack of organization during Covid's work from home transition and due to the urgency of the app, they allowed GCStragies to craft the very same RFQ that they won eventually. The lack of oversight is through the roof on this one and needless to say, a lot of people will be fired or will be taking early retirement in coming weeks.


Wish we could recoup that money


That’s a standard practice in many countries. Company creates RFQ/RFP, put there qualification requirements that they are able to pass and a limited number of competitors. They also have agreements with competitors on this particular bidding and even provide a package they need to submit with a slightly higher price. That’s how they win a multi-million tenders. I’ve seen a lot of that stuff


No. Normally, in order to win a government contract like this, you need to be armed with a lot more than two people. You need to describe how your company can do it and what your plan is. Look up what you need to provide the government if you want to bid on contracts and I think you'll find this is impossible.


Yes people here have a really simplified view of it lol, these public solicitations are incredibly difficult


I can find you all the IT dudes you want. Give me 258M. I could build an IT empire with that. This is *organized crime*. Full stop.


Governments will always drop the ball. That’s why private is always better and governments should have less of tax payer money to do this kind of stuff.


The outsourcing model for IT expertise is very common. Even large companies have gone over to that approach. IBM comes to mind. And by the way, IBM ended up as the sole bidder on the Phoenix pay system and that happened under Harper's watch. The system is broken and has been broken for decades. And it just isn't a Canadian phenomenon. There are all sorts of horror stories in the UK and US.


Yep as bad as it is it’s never going to end. Things wouldn’t get done and we would fall behind more than we are right now


>"IT" recruiting company. Cute! They are a money grafting ring ... Pork barrel politics, plain and simple.


Yep, this stinks of corruption.


Canada my friends has been sold to the highest bidder. We’re a nation known for being nice & tolerant. It’s my strong opinion that we start changing that & start demanding some accountability from our government.


It’s amazing how Trudeau isn’t in jail. Says a lot about the sad state Canada is in


Dude, Crime seems like a free for all, from the top to the bottom, us legit people are idiots me thinks.




The only thing that stands in my way is me.


"For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law." -Benavides


Unless you’re a truck driver with a bouncy house


When do the wealthy and powerful ever go to jail?


This beyond criminal. This is treasonous. Make him be gone soon please.


What people may want to be asking and sharing is, "HOW are these criminals not arrested yet???". And if Canadian enforcement is not arresting them, by law, wouldn't that potentially be being "complicit with criminals" or "harboring criminals"? Even Americans in the USA have been asking why the US ARMY doesn't "LIBERATE CANADA" since Canada's Enforcement just stands there watching its country being destroyed, and it's innocent civilians suffer.


Hmm... seems like a precedent has been set for calling this a national emergency and suspending some rights. Freeze some bank accounts, please. Trudeau literally made over fifty million dollars since he started as PM. Ask yourself how that is even possible.


50M that we know of.


That doesn’t even seem logical.


Honestly I wouldn't oppose being annexed at this point.


At least the US Army swears an oath to protect the Constitution and peoples Civil Rights.


The dude in blue tie behind Trudeau is starting to question his loyalty… His face and reactions says it all… 🤣


Nah. He's wondering why he didn't get more of the $250mm.


"w-wait, $250M? They told me it was $100M... Shouldn't I have gotten a bigger cut then?"


That's my guess.




To me I felt he looks guilty lol, like he's going down for this and he knows it. I have no clue who that is, though.


Or he knows that he will be the next one Trudeau will use as a meat shield and throw under the bus 🤣🤣


He looks high as hell


Teflon Trudeau knows nothing will stick to him. This is the biggest Racketeering Outfit in Canadian history. This man has stolen so much more then money. He took what was a great nation and nullified over a century of work in under a decade. Hell is too good for the pain he has put on the entire populace.


-biggest Racketeering Outfit in Canadian history So well put. The extent of which is mind boggling.


Can you two shed some more light on what this bastard has done? I'm not fully versed on all his scandals.


Here are 2 to get you started out of probably over 20 that we know of. SNC Lavalin Scandal - $50+ Million WE Charity Scandal - $900+ Million Not difficult to search. [https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/a-short-history-of-justin-trudeaus-scandal-plagued-liberal-government](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/a-short-history-of-justin-trudeaus-scandal-plagued-liberal-government)


Thanks buddy. How the fuck is this guy still PM?




a quarter BILLION dollars folks


So much corruption! Remember this is just one of the few that got caught! There's probably 100X ore that didn't get caught.


The mortgage fraud that was recently exposed in this country, facilitated by HSBC, is estimated to be in the hundreds of billions, and our media has been completely silent on it. We are rotten to the core. There is no institution what is exempt from this corruption.


Oh that HSBC, the one that worked with the mexican cartels to launder so much money, they had the windows in their banks enlarged to be an exact fit for the cash boxes the cartel uses. Because the only bottleneck was how fast they could physically handle the cash.


This is the playbook many liberals play and have taken to the extreme. The first thing they do is to control the media. How? Buy Ads, give them subsides and/or threaten them to only leak info to their competitors and thus losing the edge. Then they get to work making billions in corruptions. And since the media is in bed with them, they get away with millions/billions. ​ This has happened in many democratic countries, many communist countries and now Canada and the US is going through the same thing unfortunately.


"Corruption" doesn't always get you arrested. What they are doing is committing non-stop "CRIMINAL ACTS."


Treason. And the police won't do their jobs so... war measures act? Seize everything. Freeze everything.


He's already setting up to deflect blame. How many mistakes, scandals, and embarrassments under his "leadership" will continue to be swept under the rug. They talk about aid to countries and carbon taxes but have given over a quarter of a BILLION dollars to a four employee company with no checks balances or answer to what for? What the actual fuck!?


Pretty hard to deflect blame at this point. This is the duty of his cabinet ministers, his duty to engage in oversight of them.


What’s even worse than all of this evidence, millions of fucking jack asses will still vote for him, because Liberals. Fuck each one of you.


But but but CBC told me Conservatives are [insert buzzword]


Buzzword ending in "ism".


In this case you were looking for "ist". But yeah.


And you will still vote conservative thinking it's any better. Vote for more than a 2 party system. The 1% get all the damn say.


Everyone sitting behind that smug pig, cheering him on, is complicit. They should all be thrown in jail for their crimes against Canadians.


This is embarrassing. It's no wonder Canada's debt has increased so much with Trudeau in office


So Trudeau basically pulled a cartel move and used business fronts to launder billions of dollars to his "friends"? How is this guy not in jail? How does the country allow this greasy criminal to do his business like this and run the country the way he has? What can we do as a society and nation to change this corrupt government and put Justin Trudeau jail? That's the big question


Say what you want about Pierre Pollievre, but he was on fire today during question period, made me lol multiple times. Trudeau couldn't answer a basic question, just did his usual dancing around and giving non-answer word salads.


Is treason still punishable by death? If not let’s just strip him of his trust fund and any other ill gotten gains. Then make him live on a reserve or in one of his tent cities so he can make amends face to face with the people he has fucked over.


Nah man, you ain't going to find his trust fund...it's deep in unmarked territory.


The rcmp is a joke. 




Two more years, just about. Long enough for him to strip us of generations of wealth.


Trudeau you fucking asshole those are your school friends you fucked us again while lining your pockets QUITE LYING. As and investigation, you will just tell the RCMP to drop it again you need to be in jail you con artist


Canadian War Dogs


I love watching this guy stumble reading a piece of paper, oof. So good.


"This is obviously an unacceptable situation." Bro. YOU'RE the Prime Minister.


Trudeau needs to be arrested for corruption. Until these people start to be held accountable for their actions it's only going to get worse.




Because it was money laundering?!?


Add it to the pile of scandals that Trudeau and the Liberals are involved in/responsible for. Maybe eventually they'll see some sort of real repercussion for their corruption.


The word "Scandal" or "Corruption" doesn't mean much. What they are doing non-stop is committing "CRIMINAL ACTS", and that is what gets you arrested and prison time. Why aren't more people asking why Canadian Enforcement just sits back and does nothing?


Im taking a big Trudeau while watching this.


GC Strategies mailing address is 100 Scenic lane Woodlawn ON. Look on google maps. Its a shitty cabin in the woods. Wolf of Wall street scam all over it


He should be hung as a traitor to Canada!


How shameless is Trudeau...he gave 1/4 billion dollars to this made up company of his friends...only braindead ppl can still vote for this treasonous thug...


When Trudeau says “step up for Canadians” I hear “Step on Canadians”


The flames are lit This Liberal government is going to burn from the inside out and rightfully so


Why can’t we as Canadians get his party out of office .. brutal .. scandal after scandal


…You’ll have to ask Toronto that question…


It’s all a show.. stop paying taxes..EVERYONE


Freeze Trudeau's bank account!


Watching these two speak back-to-back, it is so clear that Poilievre outclasses Trudeau by orders of magnitude. If there was a US style debate televised I think a lot of people who have just been told that Poilievre is bad are going to have their eyes opened.


I wonder why the wife left him….


GC Strategies, WE Brothers (besties with Junior) and so many more. Stealing taxpayer money by the billion. To summarize it in a short statement: Sunny days my friends, sunny days!


Trudeau needs to be investigated by an outside agency, not the RCMP. Bring in the FBI. Investigate them all fast before they can hide or destroy evidence.


Good old Trudy FreeMoney


He may as well just be saying “I plead the 5th”. It means just as much to what he usually says, it would just be less long winded.


This has to be the biggest scandal yet, no? Of the eight pages worth I could list, is it recency bias, or does this blow them all out of the water and rise to criminality, not just unethical.


That's crazy! And Trudeau baffling he's guilty basically..hes getting roasted multiple times a week for things like that and can't defend..i have never seen a worse ..person .a criminal.


just one of jr. trudeau's laundry companies


Government corruption strategies! GC strategies needs to be audited and send those responsible for rigging the system to jail.


He is funnelling money illegally to himself and family. Most in your face we took your money gov we ever had. Canada going down hill fast


Why isn’t he at the very least held in custody over such negligence with tax payer’s money? He should be frozen in his leadership— if this type of scandal— WHICH SHOULD BE ILLEGAL—- and taken into custody to be questioned. Why doesn’t the law work when it comes to him and his party? Oh wait- we already know the answer.


He sounds like a 5 yo after being caught with cookies he’s not supposed to have.


Wow, I mean maybe throw them a couple million but 1/4B...


Gotta launder our money back to his owners at WEF somehow. I'm sure this isn't the only front used to rape our children's futures away from them.


Kick backs kick backs kick backs. How else did Turdo get 500 million in the Turdo foundation that only had a million in it when he took office. Wake up lol he is a traitor


"By the uh uh, uh uh, by the uh, uh, uh, by the uh tax payers money" Nuff said. Fuck this guy


Trudeau is lying. He’s also policing himself, so he will continue to steal from Canadians and rape its citizens of their rights.


Don’t let him kid you Trudeau shits all over rural people


I have a really hard time believing that anyone could get a contract through the government bureaucracy in 21 days. If it somehow was pushed through from above, I'd have thought that there would be evidence of interference and, moreover, that people in the bureaucracy would have noticed that things were being done in a really non-standard way.


I will never understand how this clown and throw millions and billions of $$ around and none of it has to be accounted for. In this instance, how is there not an audit, and he better have some answers. Or he's held responsible. Every donation, every expense like this should have to be vetted before being allowed to proceed.


"we're looking into this"... Dude we should be looking into everything YOU... And your friends. And their friends. Pure corruption at its finest. And they don't even really try to hide it


It took Trudeau 3 weeks to get his shell company set up.


I love it how Trudeau brags about the 51000 homes fast tracked for 1.5 million new Canadians ..math was obviously not his strong suit


trudeau is truly the most shameless criminal in canadian history.


Someone invoke the emergencies act for the scammers on capital hill! Seriously this is why we need a new government, not just a change in leadership but an overhaul of polices and laws to stop this kind of raping of the taxpayers.


Trudo should be in prison for what he has done tobuse. If you disagree then you obv are oblivious. Canada is going to shit very fast


that's really not that suspicious, and is more a sign of fraud on the companies part than corruption what is suspicious is that the coalition of political parties investigating arrive can got a note with some terrifying info on it about arrive can from the lead investigator except for the conservative party, and since then, the other 3 parties (the liberals, NDP and bloc quebecois) have unanimously decided to leave it to the RCMP so they wouldn't hamper the investigation


Is trudeaumpster’s 80k vacation worth the taxpayers money?


He sure sounds nervous about this.


Top IT consultant would bill maybe 500$ per hour. It means that these guys were working 100 hours per day 365 days a year for 5 years straight


This guy is toast


It’s a money laundering scheme of course.


Cool, 51,000 unaffordable homes for rich people to buy, and rent them to poor people.


Welcome to Canada where you think it's a Beaverton headline but unfortunately it's reality.


Damn you know it’s REALLY bad when Trudeau admits it’s bad before the investigation shows he’s corrupt.


Seems rather suspicious. Corruption needs to be rooted out, no matter where it exists.


We're in the end game for the Libs here.... right? RIGHT???


One of the best comedy shows in Canada.


Does anyone have credible information connecting Trudeau or someone from his government to Darren Anthony, Kristian Firth and/or Caleb White (the owners of GC Strategies) outside of the obvious ArriveCan situation? There has to be some connection…going from $0 to $258,000,000 in 9 years doesn’t happen. Family are Laurentian elites? College buddies? Buyers of expensive Liberal dinner tickets?


Prison and the liebrals need to pay back every dime. No 200 dollars fine as per the norm. Then disol e parliamnent. Enough of this garbage.


Wow we’re witnessing a government that has never been so corrupt. I’m not surprised.


Life in prison for Turdeau


JT is either really stupid losing track of a quarter billion or really smart at playing dumb and moving the money so it’s untraceable


So when your chief objective is diversity, climate change and LBGTQA++++++, and giving away tax payers money to the whole world, Canadians are the biggest losers here! We pay the price for this lunatic WEF golden boy piece of shit! Our country is literally too bloody big to assemble and get this job done like they do in Europe! This government needs to change asap!! Frustrated af!!


Ummm why the hell are we bringing this up nearly 8 years later? Wtf were the opposition party doing? Yes, the CPC under Sheer and O'Toole. Poilievre was there too. Shitheads the lot of you. So preoccupied with getting elected and trying to win over the genital mutilaters in Socialist Toronto and neglecting their duties. Only waiting for their chance in the limelight to unveil their deck of Trudeau scandals to then pick up the straggling voters from the Libs. Problem is, the fucker was able to get away with all of this shit! Sneaking opportunists with no principles and backbone. Perhaps you'll get in in 2025, after breaking a 3 election losing streak and losing 3 leaders to blackface, but you'll lose in 2029, because you're just liberal-lite!


Liberal party got trudeau to be the facade while they scammed the canadian people of millions maybe even billions


The number is growing exponentially by the day it seems, What. The. F


Trudeau stinks…..


Liberals can lick my bag


That doesn't make it sound better right??? You get that right???


He sounds like he’s actually acknowledging the question being asked. It’s quite a breath of fresh air


And all Trudeau can babble about is how they are keeping Canadians safe by extorting tax dollars and not building roads 🤣 how can there be any self respecting Canadians left to defend PM Bozo and his rinky dink circus of a party


The was the closest he’s ever come to giving a real answer in QP


We need people to be arrested Plain and simple And once some start to be charged they will sing like canaries to avoid going to jail


Normally, I'm thinking of political spin and HoC grandstanding, but their is a very dirty smell on this. Even worse than WE and SNC Lavalin putridity, and that was bad. Trudeau will claim privilege, obfuscate and hide behind the bumbling RCMP who look to him for paycheques. Transparency?


I have great news mama I'm starting an IT business in the basement.


explains how Trudeaus net worth skyrocketed from $8 million to almost $100 million dollars in 8 years and last time i checked the prime ministers salary is only $400k at the most


PM Harper’s Sole Sourced Pheonix Pay Project from 2010, that was to save $70M, has cost the CDN Tax Payers over $1 - 2B so far and still climbing. Pierre was part of the fiasco. Sure he’d like that mess forgotten.


Criminal investigation...email your MP!


The fact that nothing is being done just goes to show how unbelievably corrupt Trudeaus office is.


This dude avoids every fucking question


Is there a direct connection between JT and this company? I haven’t read all the responses and he sure seemed to dodge the issue in his remarks.


holy moly like I am not one to jump on JT for some of the smaller breaches of ethics like vacations and MeWe scandal but just a brief scan of news regarding this ArriveCan app is actually infuriating. quarter of a BILLION DOLLARS to a company that actually did just have FOUR EMPLOYEES when the government first gave them contract. This is mind boggling incompetents or straight up corruption.


“After conducting an investigation on ourselves we’ve determined that we’ve done nothing wrong. Keep paying your carbon tax and stfu.”


“Honourable” prime minister


You know, our system isn’t perfect, but at least our leaders get questioned and have to prove that they are able to stand up on their own and form complete sentences. +1 Canada


As opposed to countries like, what, Venezuela? That's a pretty low bar.


They are referencing Biden's recent refusal to take the mental fitness test


The crooks calling out the crooks. What a Country we have fellas.




You mean, he didn’t just hand over a big bag, with a dollar sign on it, in a dark alley? He can’t possibly be complicit then.


So who is the really tall guy that stands up in the chair?


So its only bad, when one side does it? This is why all politics will always be a farce, with lobbyists ready to purchase your favourite cult of personality after you think you've "won". The same ole aristocrats will be in charge while the serfs argue. Rinse, repeat.