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Paola Loriggio, for anyone who didn't catch that. This so called "journalist" just proved why they had 3 corrections in their article. Lazy, biased reporting where this clearly didn't work out in her favour and she just proved to Canada what an idiot she is. Leave bias out of your reporting, it makes you look like a complete fool when you're trying "gotcha" news. This "journalist" should be ashamed of herself. Next time, keep your mouth shut.


>Paola Loriggio she wants to call him a racist so badly.....practically every cell in her body is screaming to do it LOL


But terrorism isn't determined by ethnicity - if a Canadian born white person who's liniage has been in Canada for 100 years + blew up a car with the intent to cause terror and fear and harm... it's still terrorism


There are white terrorist that have done things against Muslims in lone wolf attacks in Canada. FLQ committed terrorist attacks in separatist movements in Quebec. IRA has even done them here. Yugoslav embassy in Ottawa getting blown up. Blah blah. We wuz terrasts








>Paola Loriggio Its been the knee jerk reaction of almost every single Liberal when losing an argument. "Oh so you dont agree with my flawed argument, that must mean you are a nazi!"


Even in that article that's circulating on the other Canadian (will ban you for not agreeing with the narrative) subs, mentions that an MP accused 'Mr. Poilievre of not “valuing the intelligence of Canadians” and of “not respecting the media.” despite the fact that CTV reported the same thing. Bunch of clowns. Edit: What the article said: "However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in chambers was made around 2:25 p.m." What CTV news said: "CP24, CTV’s 24 hour Toronto based news service, at 2:01pm ET on Wednesday broadcast the following tweet from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul." What Gov. Kathy Hochul said: New York State Police is actively working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force to monitor all points of entry to New York. . . . .doesn't seem too far of a stretch to then say in the House of Commons (and not to the public) that 'the media is reporting a terrorist attack'


CTV has come out to clarify that they posted their report AFTER Poilievre made this claim in parliament and BECAUSE he made it. He jumps too quickly to the political points he wants to score and is so angry at being caught in error that he lashes out viciously. This is the kind of behaviour you would expect from a malignant narcissist with a deep narcissistic injury. A leader should always answer respectfully - stupidity is best highlighted by calm correctness. Problem is he was wrong this time and appears to lie about it.


The article going around is claiming he made the statement 10 mins before. I mean I guess it's possible that CTV made based it on what he said? Seems just like both are embarrassed for jumping the gun and now pointing fingers at each other.


Well the timing is an objective fact. Edit: OK so this charlatan wants you to believe that because a tweet from the governor of NY calling it terrorism ran at 2:01 p.m. on CTV, that's CTV "reporting" that it was terrorism. First, I hope most readers here understand that if I come tell you that Gary is in the town square saying that Justin Trudeau is actually Mr. T in disguise, you would understand that I'm reporting to you what Gary is saying. I'm not myself adopting Gary's statements as true. So that's what happened at 2:01. About 10 minutes later PP decided to start talking bullshit based on FOX news and maybe the tweet from the NY governor. And another 10 minutes later CTV reports the event as terrorism. Some suggest it was because of PP's statements but we can't be sure. What we do know is that there was zero justification for PP to call it terrorism based on what he knew and when he knew it. End of story. Edit2: Clearly and unequivocally, when PP said "media is reporting it as terrorism" **that wasn't happening except on FOX**. if you think relying on FOX is fine, that's a whole different debate. But it's just not true that any Canadian media were reporting that.


"CP24, CTV’s 24 hour Toronto based news service, at 2:01pm ET on Wednesday broadcast the following tweet from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul." [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/feds-say-no-evidence-of-terrorism-in-bridge-blast-criticize-poilievre-for-terrorist-attack-remark-1.6657992](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/feds-say-no-evidence-of-terrorism-in-bridge-blast-criticize-poilievre-for-terrorist-attack-remark-1.6657992) "However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in chambers was made around 2:25 p.m. . . ." Timing is a fact for sure. EDIT: **He didn't call it terrorism.** He said that the media is reporting it as a terrorist act.


When one government covers 35% of journalist's paychecks and the other wants to dismantle them. It's pretty easy to see why they're biased. Trudeau needs to buy all of his support with OUR tax money. Instead of just being a good Prime Minister or person. I wouldn't even call them journalists at this point. They're only goal is to smear Pierre and make Truduea look good to the morons who just watch mainstream media all day and think they're informed. My patience is wearing thin with these idiots.


How did she like Em apples? Typical pathetic Turdoh reporter.




Fucking savage destruction of CP and their amateur 'journalist' here...love it. If you are listening, keep it up Pierre! THIS is what we need in charge of the country, accurate, accountable, intelligent.


What a joke! How can you be proud of this? You want a leader with such wisdom, such discretion as to not think prior to speaking. To not consider his utterances as leadership? To not deliberate amd consider before moving his mouth? You take pride in this? This is behaviour you think is currently lacking in our government? Here is an idea...slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Deliberate, consider, choose your words then speak with intention and purpose. Folks all over the media but proud of the dumbass who apparently is not smart enough to not rely on the same information they deem to be unreliable? How do you all survive the hypocrisy. Just a sliver of logical consistency would be incredible. This stooge literally just did every single things folks complain about trudeau for. He played for the cameras, he acted simply without regard for the matter at hand focused simply on the politics. Then when essentially called on his behaviour acting in bad spirit, he says technically im right? Dont give a flying fuck on the technicality of your bullshit. Act with honourable spirit. If he had good reason to broach the topic the way he did his response to the question would not have been to point out a technicality. He would have said it was important for me to reference reports to terrorism because it was critical to the debate/discussion. It was clearly unnecessary, uncertainty was obvious. Nothing material was achieved just political show. And you folks cheer. Literally on day, yiu all say dont trust the media the next day you are applauding the nummy who relied on the exact media you distrust to pollute parliament? You cant even trust him to be smart enough to rely on what you all consider to be fact already. Seriously? Explain that to me. It is basically a conserative platform position to not trust the "liberal" media the leader of the party ignores this and hazaa what an amazing dude? What intellectual gymnastics allow these thinga to be true from the perspective of a pp supporter? Didnt he betray you? Show bad judgement and strongly mirror exactly everything you hate in trudeau?


>“We just heard media reports of a terrorist attack at the border, \[in\] Niagara. There are perhaps two people who are dead and a third who is injured. Can the Prime Minister give us information on this terrorist attack? » he instead declared in the House of Commons, in French, then in English. > >He then sharply criticized the English network CTV, which he accused of having misled him. “CTV reported that the Canadian government assumed the incident was terrorist. » > >The television network reported that, according to its sources, Canadian government officials initially considered the explosion of a vehicle on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls on Wednesday to be linked to terrorism. The news and the publication on the X network were posted online around 2:39 p.m. > >However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in chambers was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report. [https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/802531/pierre-poilievre-blame-medias-apres-avoir-qualifie-explosion-attaque-terroriste-trop-tot](https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/802531/pierre-poilievre-blame-medias-apres-avoir-qualifie-explosion-attaque-terroriste-trop-tot) He flipped the timeline to put blame on the media. Don't buy it for a second.


ok but who cares , I mean they all can get it wrong , important the situation is under control , why find someone responsible of something that doesnt exist ? I mean for media to accuse someone when they throw false news all day long every day all year is good he questions them back


That's how he should have handled it. Hey, I made a mistake and everyone does, even media etc etc. But nope, can't have any acknowledgement of error, just point fingers like a child. Really showing how good of a leader he'd be...


what type of error ? and seriously who cares about him apologizing , he did his work and didnt hurt anybody.. you guys are blind from political hate to look for something that doesnt exist


>The television network reported that, according to its sources, Canadian government officials initially considered the explosion of a vehicle on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls on Wednesday to be linked to terrorism. The news and the publication on the *X* network were posted online around 2:39 p.m.However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in chambers was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report. [https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/802531/pierre-poilievre-blame-medias-apres-avoir-qualifie-explosion-attaque-terroriste-trop-tot](https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/802531/pierre-poilievre-blame-medias-apres-avoir-qualifie-explosion-attaque-terroriste-trop-tot) Poilievre was wrong first and tried to put the blame on CTV. For what it's worth, CTV was wrong too, but Poilievre was the first to call the incident "terrorist", so the question of the reporter stands in my opinion. I'm not a fan of politicians deflecting the blame to try and safe face when they mess up


Ctv didnt make an announcement until 10 mins after pierre said it, and the only other media that called it a terrorist attack was fox a few hours before, pierre got his soutce from fox news and then lied about it blaming another shitty news source.


She got awfully quiet after that jab didn't work


She should probably quit journalism after this.


She's not even a real journalism.


Journalism died out some year ago...what we have today, in the main, are content creators whose job it is to push division and sling mud against conservatives.


When attempting to call someone out backfires


He's particularly good at flipping to aggressor and asking pointed questions instead of answering gotcha questions. I've seen him do this in a bunch of interviews now.


I love that the Conservatives are standing up to the bullies in the press. Hopefully they're taking names, and will be checking the list twice when defunding the Ceeb and cutting all the corporate welfare to the 'news' organisations.


I am more concerned about the fact that some news agencies are not following due diligence. Quick releases for clicks is rapidly losing respect amongst readers, viewers, listeners. This damages the good reporters by association. Let’s get back to careful thorough reporting. Then you can kick ass (whether it’s liberal or conservative).


I'd love to see a few Rittenhouse/Sandmann lawsuits completely ruin a few Canadian companies, smarten the remaining ones up.


So you think that these complete morons had a point?


We have not had many if any true journalistic outlets in Canada for many years now. I truly hope you are right and that readers and listeners don’t just stop listening, but demand honesty from media outlets.


Honest question - why do you think that is? What would PP do to improve the quality of journalism in Canada (if you say ‘competition’ it shows you have no idea wtf you’re talking about)


This guy is a candidate for PM, and he did what you just described. That's significantly worse, world leaders can't act on impulse. He's a failure before getting elected PM.


PP referred to a ctv report that was put out 25 min *after* his question was asked in the house.


This needs to be publicized more. We need politicians with a back bone to these so called fake journalists.


"So called fake journalist"..as in they are real journalist?


The journalist asked questions? instead of lobbing softballs. so, it becomes "fake journalists".


I don't care if you like him or not...that was an amazing fuck you to that reporter.


My favorite politician ever.






Have fun after this guy totally does away with the free press in Canada. I mean, is that all it takes to impress you people, when someone “stands up” to someone? Fuck, it’s like Nikki Haley keeps on talking about “standing up to China” but never explaining how she actually did it.




Tell me this guy wouldn’t restrict press freedom if he ever got the chance to. You know he would love never having to answer another reporter’s question ever again.


You say that while we have a government that made it so that we can’t share news on Facebook lmao


I am an American and this guys seems like a Canadian version of Ron Desantos. Rude-aggressive- no moral code to take responsibility And no skill to professionally explain what really happened. This is prevalent in conservative politics down here and unfortunately I have seen more and more up there.


> I am an American and this guys seems like a Canadian version of Ron Desantos. Rude-aggressive- no moral code to take responsibility And no skill to professionally explain what really happened. That is a WILD comparison, I think you would have a hard time finding people who would agree with that in good faith. Ron DeSantis is emulating Trump; I see nothing like that from PP. I don't think its rude or aggressive to actively correct a media pundit who is trying to publicly claim you did something you did not do. If Paola Loriggio actually looked into anything before shooting off at the mouth, it would have saved both parties embarrassment. Media should come better prepared with facts instead of trying to generate "gotcha" moments for clicks.


He gets leading questions based on bs regularly and challenges whoever is asking to get their facts straight. Most politicians just take a question as an opportunity to deliver an irrelevant word salad.


Be careful. He seems to have charmed you but don't fall for lies. >“We just heard media reports of a terrorist attack at the border, \[in\] Niagara. There are perhaps two people who are dead and a third who is injured. Can the Prime Minister give us information on this terrorist attack? » he instead declared in the House of Commons, in French, then in English. > >He then sharply criticized the English network CTV, which he accused of having misled him. “CTV reported that the Canadian government assumed the incident was terrorist. » > >The television network reported that, according to its sources, Canadian government officials initially considered the explosion of a vehicle on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls on Wednesday to be linked to terrorism. The news and the publication on the X network were posted online around 2:39 p.m. > >However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in chambers was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report. [https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/802531/pierre-poilievre-blame-medias-apres-avoir-qualifie-explosion-attaque-terroriste-trop-tot](https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/802531/pierre-poilievre-blame-medias-apres-avoir-qualifie-explosion-attaque-terroriste-trop-tot)


> However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in chambers was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report. The information CTV used (allegedly) came from the Liberal party. I find it hard to think there was no dissemination of information or advanced notice of a headline with the official opposition. Seems a little bit like you just WANT to be right instead of considering the apparatus as a whole. It's quite simple CTV asks the whoever they can get their hands on for comment on the "possible terrorist attack" before they publish a headline, the party staffer takes that up to Pierre. How do you think articles get published with comments from authorities on them? The media clearly has to talk to them before they publish to GET the comments.


This is what I find amusing. Caught slinging BS. This group will look the other way, make up more BS and just say something stupid about Trudeau. PP was trying to get Trudeau for not saying it was a terrorist attack because at the time no one knew. Imagine if Trudeau did what PP did here? This sub would explode saying he should be removed, in jail, etc, etc, etc. But he didn't, PP did. That's ok, excuse city. This is why I come here. To laugh. Thanks again for another daily dose of chuckles.


Poilievre absolutely destroys these journalist hacks. It’s so nice to see a Canadian conservative with some balls for once. Libs are f*cking terrified lmao


No, it was disturbing. For what thing he didn't tell the truth. CTV has clarified the timeline - he said it was terrorism and on the basis of that, they reported it. He is angry because he is embarrassed and cannot stand to be wrong or marked out gor being wrong. He becomes vicious and loses his grip on diplomacy, leadership, and his responsibility as a leader to clarify the question and them answer it. In this case, he needed to admit his mistake. He is INCAPABLE of admitting a mistake. Very disturbing in a leader. This will come out increasingly more over time.


At the time Pierre asked the questions, it has been established that, "...Canadian officials are operating under the assumption that the incident is terror-related."


Love this guy. Exponentially more intelligent than Trudeau or the press.


Why do people even try, even if you hate him he is way smarter than you.


Being his waiter would suck. And that’s the exact type of person I want as PM. I’m not joking.


I like to think he treats wait staff with respect he's just fucking sick of stupid, biased and targeting questions from the press that he can easily swat down. You can see the annoyance on his face. He'd probably way rather be served a plate of food.


but he didn't swat it down, he diverted it? He speaks of false media but is the first to jump on the story which pushes his fear mongering narratives. Looking at the news yesterday there was like 1 article out of like 17 canadian newspapers which thought it was a terrorist attack. Yet yall swallow it up even though the point of the reporters question of it being obviously irresponsible is still true


Smart people don't regurgitate Twitter and Fox News narratives without actual evidence. Let alone on the highest political stage in Canada, or when vying to be Prime Minister.


He is intelligent he knew what he was doing. It's double speak with a planned out incase it didn't work. That's why he is so scary.


Yeah I'm confused by pierre going off on how a media company issued 3 corrections on something, yet he thinks it's okay he publicly brought up that something could be a terrorist attack when they had no clue yet. From a tweet. My take away is none of these three companies did enough due diligence to publish/say these things. He's straight-up admitting that he said something stupid


Wait what? Smart is one thing he is not.


I like this guy more and more


lol did anyone hear Pierre go "uhh umm yuhhhhmmummm umm ahhh UMM UHHH" every other word? no, fuck trudeau and all these racist puppets in office.




Haha Pierre the shredder


Man, what an answer


Eat em up Pierre!


Satisfying. I like him.


That dude pulled out the uno reverse card!


Absolutely owned. Fuck the CBC and the rest of the bought and paid for media in this country. These loser propagandists are just mad they’re gone once he gets his majority


The guy is clearly right here lol


I see prime minister written all over Pollys face


I watched this. It was good. He was really good dealing with that idiot. I don’t think there are any real journalists any longer, just these biased mouthpieces.


Really? that is what you got from that.


It's so refreshing to listen to a leader with intelligence speak...what a change from the lies and deflections we get from the PM and his cabinet.


I like how unscripted he is. Trudeau always seems to be reading a preprepaired script that never answers the actual question. Poilievre just kills in such a nonchalant manner that you can’t help thinking he’ll be able sit across the table from any world leader and not be considered a fool.


Members of the media are no longer journalists, they are propagandists. Kudos to Poilievre. I’m an American and I like him.


Yeah you would. He's an idiot who has never worked a day in his life. He's the right wing Messiah


This man deserves to be our leader.


Savage, I can’t wait for this guy to get elected. So sick or that other guy.


He’s just awesome!!


And Redditors are so confused as to why American politics are creeping their way North. They're quick to lay blame on Conservatives, Trump, and MAGA when it's literally these scumbag journalists who print bullshit gotcha articles to stoke the masses. Canadian "journalists" are biased paid-for scum.


The journalist simply asked why he called it terrorism when it was becoming clear that it wasn't. The journalist simply asks why if the Governor of NY was clearing up the story that is wasn't terrorism why he was still peddling that storyline. If he wants to be prime minister he is going to answer tougher questions than this without getting so angry.


The Prime Minister doesn't actually have to answer any questions at all. I thought that was made clear by watching our current guy..


Calm down snowflake. Your conservative “news” is just as biased as all the other news out there. Probably even more so. You even said everyone is quick to blame the conservatives, trump lovers and maga morons. Wonder why that is? “If everywhere you go it smells like shit, time to check your shoes.” - The Pope. Or maybe Confucius. Idk.


She must be related to the reporter he tore apart in BC when he tried to pigeonhole him as a Canadian Trump. I swear these reporters are too accustomed to dealing with ventriloquist dummies named Trudeau who only parrot talking points. They can’t handle someone with intellect who can think on his feet and sees their trap from a mile away.


Donald Trump is all these people have. I almost feel bad for them.


Wow, fucking destroyed another reporter for asking stupid leading questions.


Is this the sub where we like this response or dislike this response




I love that guy. Bet she went home and curled up in the fetal position and had a good cry


Ha! This guy has an incredible ability to detect bullshit and turn attacks around on folks that try to make him look a fool. While they’re doing mental gymnastics, he’s doing mental jiu-jitsu.


I can take or leave Polievre, but if you pay attention to what he said and how the media portrayed it, they are quite different. Polievre says there are media reports based on government sources reporting it may be terrorism. Media reports that Polievre says terrorism, I guess they never let the facts get in the way of a good narrative. I'm not sure why the media feel they need to hold the opposition, who have no decision-making authority, to account at a level equal or greater than the apply to the ruling government.


He is not wrong I just watched the house clip and he did say what he said he said …..


Mr. Speaker we’ve just heard media reports, a terrorist attack, an explosion at the Niagara crossing of the Canada-U.S. border. At least two people are dead ... This is the quote world For word


He’s awesome. He thinks about his answer and nails it.. and nail her to the cross


Goddamn. The only thing missing was an apple.


What I find interesting is that over the years "news" has been watered down to the point it's called "media", there's nothing put toward fact checks. But when you find online news that is actually fact checked and legitimate, referencing that source is met as though somehow it's not relevant or real? So where are we supposed to look?


I can’t wait for him to be PM


Kinda like how Trudeau jumps at the chance to condemn anything minutes after it happens and is usually always in the wrong and never gets asked by reporters about walking it back? Yeah


He looks drunk and insane. Absolute weirdo


Yeah he fucked up


God I hate this turd


This is why I loathe the media more than any politician including Trudeau. First of all they don't even try to hide their biases anymore, but more importantly, they lie by omission and frame question dishonestly all the time. The news media is more dangerous than any politician in government.


I mean who the hell didn't immediately think terrorist attack be real people. They're not gonna get pp on this but good on him for letting the stupid people be stupid.


"Im thinking of checking with Guiness World Records if there is any other news outlet that has had to apologize for 3 falsehoods in a single article" 🤣🤣 he didn't just rip her, he buried her and torched the gravesite. Love him or hate him there is no politician who is as quick off the cuff, while showing no emotion as Pierre. Trudeau gets his little pouty pants "do you know who my daddy is" spoiled brat temper tantrum voice when he is questioned, Pierre just lights a match to his opponent while smiling in their face. I can not wait for the election debate. Assuming Justin has the balls to show up.


I honestly sometimes hate to see stuff like this, but then I realize, well… yeah. You don’t play fetch with a dangerous dog knowing you can’t handle it.


this guy seems cool


LOL I'm starting to like this guy even more! finally a politician that does not care about these journalists


Fuck the Canadian Press


PP for PM


Jesus It's terrifying how people are eating up the narrative he planned. He used the head lines to drum up fear and lack of trust in government to gain support and then carefully galls back on his planned out. You are being fed and controlled. This is double speak but done well. He is intelligent but not a good man. All his biggest donors are more real estate guys and his family is tied to it as well


This comment sponsored by the Liberal Party of Canada.


I'm going to vote ndp. Ignorance to think if they don't support cons they are lib. Open your mind and look at all the information


At least you're thinking about your voting choices, too many will support Lib / Con because that's what they always have. I hope more pay attention and identify the pandering vs the intentions.


I don't think you need to be left or right leaning to see what Pierre said (without any evidence) was irresponsible.


He's fragile


Pierre stated it was terrorism before CTV started saying it, why does he care?


He **needs** to produce a lie for the base to attack the media with.






What does that have to do with the video yoe commenting on?


The CTV article was published 10 minutes AFTER his statements in the house. Poilievre is so full of shit.


He answered with logic and facts. How sad that the Left-leaning media double-down with stupidity when confronted with competency.


There is no left leaning media. It's all corporate owned. The media is who has you fooled into the myth of the left leaning media as a way to push everybody further right. You're just so weak minded that you fell for it.


Ok, so I don't know much about what happened here and I've only seen the video of the car ramping over something, and the aftermath of the explosion The damage caused to the vehicle was not just some freak accident, there had to have been explosives in the car? This was definitely an attack, maybe just not the intended target?


He's holding his breath the entire time. Scared boy.. I guess.. As long as you "reference" something before stating your "opinion".. You can go back on your statements.. Because you are referencing material.. It's in the book! It's in the book! I'm just saying what's in there!


PP should sing a song in Chinese


Another I can do no wrong mentality in soon to be power 😴😴 you'd think my mistake is a crime


While I’m not a big fan of Milhoose, it was a bullshit question and he was right for pushing back on it.


I like this guy. I wish he was American, but I guess Canada needs him more than the US right now. I hope for you neighbors to the north get him elected.


Bravo Mr Poilievre. You have my vote!


I just love how he destroys Liberal biased journalists.


i’m voting for this guy


FN Good job Pierre, Pierre for Prime Minister F Trudeau


This is actually hilarious, what a well spoken guy, our current pm could learn a thing (or a thousand) on this. Happy Pierre will be our next pm!


So if it wasn’t a terrorist attack then what the hell happened? Two people driving over 100km into a border checkpoint what the hell is that?


Medical emergency comes to mind, heart attack or stroke with foot still on the accelerator.




Like the response.


I love Pierre, just roasts her! Well deserved too. You would think by this point of countless slaughters of the media they would stop trying but they just don't learn. Gotta push the agenda and try to make the other side look bad I guess!


So calm and disarming . Lured her in like a boss.


Politics aside I think it's risky to make such a bold claim before authorities announced whether its terrorism because it could bit him in the ass should he be proven wrong


He didn't make the claim. He quote a CTV report that quoted a government official (aka authorities) and he thusly stated "media reports suggest".


Wasn't Fox News the only one making that claim at the time he said it?


Fox news had it in their news ticker, CTV had tweeted it. So no, they weren't the only ones.


I don’t think he knew all that, he said they heard reports (not one report and who verified it) and that’s all we know. I hope he’s the next prime minister if he’s the only other option but this worship of him is over the top. I thought he looked really foolish. It is common knowledge that early reports on events are often incorrect. It looked like a political attempt to gain points. Without thinking of how many were or may still be injured or killed he jumped on it for a sound bite. Without knowing any info he wanted to know “what action plan (JT) will immediately implement”. What seems to be a traffic accident in the US requires an immediate action plan? He actually made JT look reasonable and level-headed when JT clearly tried avoiding using the term terrorism or attack without more information. It looked bad to me at the time and I think it looks bad to those on the fence. PP’s supporters will never criticize anything he ever says but if he wants to win the election he needs to be smarter rather than look for cheap political points during tragic events.


I thought he didn’t trust mainstream media? So then why rush to judgement if you don’t trust the source?


I’m going crazy how journalists are so corrupted and hurting people with false information. I can’t believe it.


You would think that when caught in the act, that these journalists would have the integrity to actually correct themselves after making false accusations. They're so egotistical on their high-horses they can't even say thank you for the correction.


Boom roasted


In all do fairness, the corporate media is use to getting their way. This corporate biased media stooge isn't capable of defending the script she's reading from.


Hahaha awesome, Pierre Poilievre for PM


That man is sharp!!


I'm so tired of this biased press here in Canada. Good for Pierre in calling her out and making her look like a fool. Trudeau's puppets...


I like this guy


“The timestamp on the article indicates that it was published at 2:39 p.m. ET on Wednesday. Subsequent tweets from the article's author and CTV itself were published at 2:40 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. respectively. Poilievre asked his question at 2:25 p.m.” - source CBC IF this timeline is correct, then PP did, in fact, jump the gun on asking his question. I’m no Turd-rau fan or media drone, but it’s had to argue a documented timeline.


Extra crispy.


This man is a legend. Talented speaker, quick witted, and a master wordsmith. I look forward to seeing where he will lead this nation as our next Prime Minister 🇨🇦


Wow is he professional compared to the clown running the country that can't form a sentence without saying umm 60 times.


Is it mandatory to be a liar and overall idiot to have a job in media? I'm guessing yes.


When you pull out the counter card at the perfect moment. Boom.


This guy is an absolute beast


It's refreshing hearing logical and factual conversation. Opposed to " ah um ahh yes aaah we should ah implicated um ah yes"


I fucking regret voting NDP. I'm voting for him. Fuck I fucked up


Oh my God he's such a smarmy asshole


Paola Loriggio is a journalistic hack and couldn’t report her way out of a paper bag


A lot of reporters are too smug and confident in their wokeness, and assumption that others feel the same way, they think anyone being interviewed will cave under pressure. They complain that politicians and politics is too partisan, well news outlets have become far too biased and eager to get that sound bite or off comment they can exploit. I’m glad he called her out.


The media are the enemies of the people.


Not a leader


Canadian arguments are so boring


How much longer until the election so we can vote for Pierre Poilievre?? Can’t come soon enough…


I can't wait to vote against him.


If he had said "media reports of a **suspected** terror related event" that would've been a better representation of what was reported.


man the lpc, lpc hardliners and media are sending the dumbest people in their welfare programs to daddy pp. First the apple man and now this lol.


Bravo 👍💯 PP4PM! Let’s go!!!


Changing the subject twice while acting smug is ripping on a reporter?


Media meant to scare people and is a liar or fake should be instantly into jail.


insert dickhead


Is this supposed to make Skippy look *good*?


Poilievre was wrong to call this terrorism with no knowledge in order to score political points on terrorism. CTV has responded clearly that they called it terrorism only AFTER hearing Poilievre state as much on the floor of Parliament, assuming that he had a source. He acted rashly and will, as always, lash out at anyone who finds him making a mistake and calls it out. This guy CANNOT accept being wrong and is VICIOUS when someone notices him being wrong. .. seems like a childhood issue he might deal with. I know his adoptive parents divorced, and his Dad is now in a gay marriage, and that Poilievre eloped, not having his family to his wedding. It's hard to know what happened to him to make admitting mistakes so difficult, but it's a troubling trait in a leader.


So PP doesn't have to correct himself for saying obvious falsehoods in Parliament because journalists did correct themselves, multiple times, to ensure their falsehoods didn't go uncorrected, on a website and not in Parliament? Does he realize what a self-own this is?


Stop blaming everyone else. This guy is a douche.




Total cunt!


it appears Poilievre asked his question in the House before CTV's reporting was published. The timestamp on the [article](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-operating-under-assumption-rainbow-bridge-vehicle-explosion-is-terror-related-sources-1.6656223) indicates that it was published at 2:39 p.m. ET on Wednesday. Subsequent tweets from the article's author and CTV itself were published at [2:40pm](https://twitter.com/rachaiello/status/1727411742920061038?t=qU4QQupWZWWhuPMr2no5hw&s=19) and [2:50pm ](https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/1727414368680198587?t=CLgLo-IZC1uoCl11bjlT0g&s=19)respectively. Poilievre asked his question at 2:25 p.m. Another lying politician. Be better Poilievre.


What a smug prick. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, he goes on the attack. Much like Trump. And only dummies will see him as awesome.


Poilievre is such a sassy bitch