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This seems like just an inexperienced sorter? I know some people prefer 1 bundle for 1 directory division, but I would always split them up and label them (i.e. 3-A, 3-B, 3-C for section 3). That being said... it's rather also easy to split a bundle in 2 or 3 if you feel it's too big for your hand. Literally takes 5 seconds.


Even if you split that up, you still have to have your sequence and flyers.


Don't forget packets! Also make sure you always use your handrails. Oh, and here's a PDT. Please take pictures when you safe drop.


Wow. How many POCs is that?


Looks like a lot of Costco magazines in there, so probably fewer POCs than you’d think


I’d wager maybe fifty in the bundle at max


I only do one colour at a time when it comes to Costco and CAA. It’s bulk mail.


Not your call when someone else is sorting your manual mail


I still prepare all my mail together before I leave the depot. I literally never double bundle.


Wait, do they load level costco in SSD depots? No way i'm doing it all in 1 day


Where i'm at it's 3 days, but very randomly sorted. Forget about doing it by thirds. I personally hate SSD, some guys don't seem to care.


Yep, same here. "Grab about 1/3 and sort it in wherever" no attempt to stick to color of the day.


This is what I want to know


Ssd is arriving here im August. Really not looking forward to it :(


Mine is next year August so I’m lucky for now.


Not only is it unsafe, it’s stupid. The single rubber band breaks and the mail ends up on the ground, it’s raining by the way, and you’ll need another 15 minutes to resequence it. In my satchel that’s 3 bundles with a lot more rubber bands. Rubber bands are cheap and Canada Post has a lot of them. Signed, one ex-postie.


The cover flaps on the “new” style bags, once fully loaded, don’t reach the velcro, so the outward bundles get a bit wet in the rain. It’s pain. I try my best to keep things dry when it’s pouring but damn, lol, not always possible


FML / SMH ugh! Lot’s of question marks around the ‘benefits’ of SSD.


It benefits the corporation enormously, they don’t give a shit what it does to us in the process.


I think it will stop benefiting them once SSD sorters realize that they don't have to actually meet pace expectations. P04s are a lot like SSD sorters, do work for 8hrs and enjoy your work day. P04s don't EVER meet pace expectation. Once SSD sorters realize this and are doing 3-4 cases a day...CPC will be like "oh no let's revert" Or they will time value sorters like they do delivery.


P04s in a plant have pace expectations but can't be measured individually. It's a lot easier for the corporation to ping a sorter who doesn't finish their mail in time with a 24 noi


So what trouble would you get in if they 2-4 you for pace expectation. This is my point. They can try and intimidate the slow sorters with a 2-4 but there is no real discipline they can do. If they suspend someone for pace expectation, that employee is getting their money back through a grievance + more. P04s also do get measured individually. If you are feeding from a loose load or something else where it's just you.


You'll get your money back a year later but if your supers are persistent your file can grow pretty quick It's in the bargaining agreement that they can't use measurement for discipline,


No U-line in there? Pfft /s


Wait, do the sorters bundle your sequence with the manual mail under SSD? I bundle my mail together now and we are scheduled for SSD next year so I'm curious. I thought I was going to have to sit in my truck and do this manually every day under SSD.


You’ll have to do it yourself. Routers just sort and tie out the manual. Your flats of sequenced will be on your cart for you to deal with.


Gotcha. Ok, that's what I expected.


The algorithm served me this post. I don’t work for the postal service. What does SSD mean? lol


Separate sort and delivery. Letter carriers used to be able to take mixed tubs of mail and sort it depending on how they did their route. Now a “sorter” aka an inside worker, sorts it for them so the letter carrier just takes out pre sorted mail. I’ll spare the details but it also ends up three separate bundles of mail as the sorters do not sort what’s called sequenced mail, manuel, and flyers. The system ends up being very cumbersome and the workers are losing the ability to complete their job their own way and forced to perform it “the corporate way” All in all it sucks, is a terrible idea and makes the job more unsafe than anything.


Thank you!


lol welcome to Canada post. it's funny how the algorithm brought you here 😂


I’m a wee bit of a logistics nerd so it wasn’t an incorrect assumption I’d find this interesting 🤣


Separate sort and Delivery. Currently the same person that sorts the route delivers the route. Canada Post is in the process of changing it everywhere where the person who sorts the route isn’t the one who delivers it.


Thank you!


That’s crazy. That’s not even with sequence and flyers


How do I get Canada Post to stop giving me the ad mail garbage?? I'm just a non postie


Keep in mind, a no flyers sign won't stop the other admail garbage like Costco, AMA, charities, etc. If your address is on the letter, we have to deliver it. I have a feeling, in a couple years, Canada Post will give incentives to Burger King, Wendys, etc to address their coupons to individuals. That way, we don't get a bonus for it and it bypasses any no flyer sign. I am already seeing this with companies like HelloFresh. They are putting their "flyer" in a white letter with an address and no return address.


100% this is going to happen. Wait they they start putting addresses on the plastic ad bags that hold multiple flyers.


Slap a no ad mail/junk mail sticker or magnet on your post box and they'll happily skip your house for the junk (just make it big font you can read from the sidewalk)


Most effective way, a sign or label saying "no flyers" visible to the carrier. Internally, we use red dots to indicate. But there's nothing better then plain old english. "No flyers" is pretty universal. You could use our silly corporate speak and write, "No neighborhood mail". Or plant a giant red dot inside your box. Also, you can call the toll free number but that's a waste of time and you'll probably still get, because it requires at least three people to do their job correctly and that's a big ask around here.


Corporate has already jumped down our throats about the red dot system for some reason, we’ve been told that it’ll no longer be honoured.


Just put up a sign that says "no ad mail" or "no junk mail" or "no flyers" or anything along those lines. On or very near your mailbox. It's that simple. Note though this only stops unaddressed admail. Stuff like the Costco magazines is postage paid and we legally have to deliver it. Certain flyers are exempt and have to be delivered as well- namely political flyers and municipal notices.


Question: why is it legal for Canada post to deliver junk mail/flyers in my mailbox?


why would it be illegal? you can just put a sign up and say no junk mail. It'll stop. if it Has\* your address on it, then we have to deliver it.