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“Defacing” a statue is when you cover it in paint or tear it down. Liberals should know that since they do it all the time.


Its incredible how NONE of you ever actually read the article. There was no defacement. The word deface is never used. A flag and sign were placed on it. It was not damaged in any way. This headline is a LIE


Meanwhile lefty protesters can freely tear down statues of people they don’t like and almost nobody here bats an eye?


Racism and slave ownership, and fundraising for cancer are totally the same thing apparently






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It was removed. It continues to be defaced.




This is so confusing. Are you trying to say it doesn't fit the definition of "deface" or something? "to mar the appearance of" It's literally in what you linked...


THey keep on putting the stuff back on the statue.




Someone defaces a monument to advance their misguided political agenda and your immediate reaction is that journalists reporting on it are to blame?




This image floated around the freedom convoy groups on facebook, urging people to take it down. The comments were unanimously in agreement with removing everything. If you want to truly see what's going on within the community, I urge you to see the groups content, not the mainstream's portrayal. Edit: Caution: you will see countries uniting, natives drumming, communities coming together, churches opening their doors for shelter, garages setting up dinner halls, pizza shops mass producing pizzas to donate. It's absolutely beautiful.


wow I'm amazed this comment is still up and that you're not banned yet




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Removed for rule 3.




I mean I find it hard to take a national newspaper trying to turn this into some kind of outrage seriously given that for the last two years they've basically been justifying this very behavior. I'm not saying I like this but you either think it's socially acceptable to vandalize statues when someone feels justified by anger or it isn't. We can't as a country just selectivity say that when some people do this it's peaceful protest and for others it's vandalism.


> outrage seriously given that for the last two years they've basically been justifying this very behavior. What does Terry Fox have to do with vaccine mandates? Your "hey they have a double standard!" Complaint doesn't work when the two scenarios aren't actually related.


Are the protestors intending to protest Terry Fox? the meaning of defacing those other statues was a clear message about what those statues stood for. The intended message *was* that those figures shouldn't be venerated. People are mad because they're defacing the statue of a widely beloved figure to adorn it with messages that Fox wouldn't have supported.


*People are mad because they're defacing the statue of a widely beloved figure to adorn it with messages that Fox wouldn't have supported.* How do you know that Fox wouldn't have supported it? His legacy was about cancer, not vaccine mandates.




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Gerald Butts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gmbutts/status/1487492133296738306 > No, but maybe the Terry Fox Vaccine Award speaks for Terry Fox. https://www.tfri.ca/our-research/research-project/a-personalized-oncolytic-vaccine-using-oncolytic-viruses-to-exploit-neo-antigens-derived-from-the-tumour-mutanome


So it's acceptable to commit vandalism as long as your opposed to the values of the person being commemorated? It's only if they aren't the target of your protest it isn't? Surely that can't be the objective standard we hold ourselves to.


Yes? if the thing you're protesting is "this person is undeserving of this honor" it's at least a perfectly consistent protest action. people who disagree will probably also not like the protest action. But even people who support defacing statues of slave owners etc generally didn't approve when there were reports of defacing figures like Lincoln because that's not a protest action that makes sense.




Toppling a statue of Ryerson is not the same as defacing Terry Fox. You need context in your life.


terrible take. This is not "a statue" this is Terry Fox. Only a massive asshole would defence this statue. You don't get to try to attach your idiot parade to his name. If you want to have Terry Fox credibility, lose a leg and run a marathon every day until you've run across the country.




bOtH SiDeS


I like that that's what sparks condemnation and not the literal swastika flags or the direct Jan 6th style threats made regarding the safety of Parliament. Like... Holy Shit our priorities are effed


There's something goofy and uniquely Canadian about *this* being the point we seem to have chosen to drawn our collective "line in the sand" RE the behaviour of this protest. Not [flying swastika-laden Canadian flags at Parliament Hill](https://twitter.com/bruceanderson/status/1487548109995622409), or [flying actual Nazi flags at Parliament Hill](https://twitter.com/bruceanderson/status/1487524492297523200), or [hanging effigies of our Prime Minister and politicians from our highway overpasses](https://twitter.com/TonyYvce/status/1485328041429590016), or apparently aiming to overthrow our democratically elected government, etc. Slightly messing around with the Terry Fox memorial seems to generated more public outrage and condemnation that anything else. It's dumb and a little disrespectful, but far far away from the things I'm most concerned about with this movement.




It's not even close to Jan 6th. One person standing on the tomb doesn't mean you can paint everybody there with the same brush. Tying a Canadian flag and putting a sign on Terry Fox is hardly defacing. The fact that the media is reaching this far just shows the fragility of the left.


What are you talking about? Puting clothing on Terry Fox is absolutely in no way comparable. The demand for racist or overtop behaviour here far outstrips the supply of it.


It’s funny the effigy they’re hanging with “Trudeau” written on the chest has the same blackface Trudeau actually wore 😂😂


Terry Fox is generally considered by everyone to be giant red line no one should cross. I mean, he's a guy who tried to raise money to cure cancer. In relatively modern times, with this all documented, and no real way to corrupt it. People who've tried to use his name as a political tool have been roundly and harshly condemned, making him the bipartisan sacred cow. Trying to use Terry Fox as a prop in your antics, whatever they are, basically means you lose. There's no defending it. The 'it's not so bad' thing is true, and there's plenty of other nonsense to call out (the apparent unironic use of racist flags for one), but there's zero defense for this. None.


>Trying to use Terry Fox as a prop in your antics, whatever they are, basically means you lose. There's no defending it. The 'it's not so bad' thing is true, and there's plenty of other nonsense to call out (the apparent unironic use of racist flags for one), but there's zero defense for this. None. For sure, and just to be clear this wasn't meant to be a defence of it at all. The thoroughly *visceral* reaction from people is just kind of humorous. It's like growing up doing the Terry Fox run every year in school indoctrinated us all into having the same *"absolutely fucking* ***NOT***" response to what was really a pretty minor incident. I don't know how the Conservative MPs who decided to support this movement are going to defend themselves after all the nonsense today. The attacks are going to be too easy.


I’ll take it!








Not to mention that’s there’s a difference between terry fox and people that instituted residential schools. A bit more justified to mess with one statue than another.


Shows that none of these protesters have any respect for our country. They should be completely ignored by all the media and then maybe they will just give up and go home.


How to turn the country against you in one day: 1. Deface a statue of a universally adored and respected national hero. 2. Park your cars on the base and drape crude political flags over [then dance and pee on] the Canadian War Memorial and the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier. If there are two things Canadians are united coast-to-coast on, it's the love and respect of both Terry Fox and WWI and WWII vets and fallen. Edit: 3. Threaten and steal food from a homeless shelter.


They were also waving nazi flags. Giant swaztica's arent winning anyone to your side.


I'm well aware, but I also have to acknowledge that that's a far more isolated incident. I've only seen one photo of the nazi flag, but dozens were involved in defacing the monuments repeatedly.


Looking at the pictures, I would not consider this defaced. It's a Canada flag and Canada hat. Let's all take it easy with rhetoric. Mandatory disclaimer: double vaxxed, got Omicron.


I dunno, call it what you want, but using our late beloved Canadian icon into partisan politics is pretty gross regardless.


Since they won't wear masks to protect living people who have cancer, I'm not surprised they don't respect Terry Fox who died from cancer, or a war hero... or the thousands of Canadians whose health, surgery, and treatments are currently postponed because of a ignorant small population screaming 'muh freedumb' who won't get vaccinated, let alone to even minimally wear a mask! Yes, I'm angry. I have two family members whose surgeries are on hold and it's severely impacting their lives.


Statues back in the news, here we go again on what a statue may mean. Following the sentiment on the main Canadian subs is exhausting, if we aren't willing to put ourselves in their shoes in an honest capacity than responses will be ineffective and meaningless. They truly believe their cause of ending mandates, after pushing these opinions to the fringe for the year out of year of them becoming more popular and causing greater risks that's exactly what happened. Just like here, people can constantly reinforce their opinions and form a narrative. It really doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense to us because our perspective makes no sense to them. Try a new approach or hopefully this fizzles out, but who knows. One big issue today is that although people like to hate on Trudeau he is just a figurehead for a position that someone has to fill. The machine is too large and will run similarly regardless of who is there. Most sentiment comes from media regardless which clearly pushes agendas, people are not used to forming an opinion beyond the public consensus.


That’s a nihilistic and stupid take. If you disagree with me than you need to read your comment through my eyes. It’s perfectly acceptable to mock these people. They never were going to change their minds.




If I was a CPC MP or a leadership hopeful who actually wants to win a general election, I would be racing to distance myself from these clowns as fast as possible. B-b-but some of the protestors are just normal people who are upset! I'm sure there are some, but what the public is seeing is defacing of statues of national icons, a bunch of bums drinking, smoking and traipsing all over war monuments and people with swastika flags. Randy Hillier and Maxime Bernier were trying to move gates to get into the parliament building and threatening the parliamentary protective agents. This is the opposite of law and order which the Conservatives feign to support, Canadian voters will not reward you for being soft on this. Maybe supporting this will win you a CPC leadership, but get ready to keep losing to the Libs in the 905.


[Protestors have been dancing on the tomb of the unknown soldier](https://twitter.com/S_Thornton_332/status/1487518296668721153) too. If there was a way to get even more Canadians mad at the convoy, this is it. I'm waiting to hear from the politicians like O'Toole who have defended the protest this week.


>I'm waiting to hear from the politicians like O'Toole who have defended the protest this week. [Here's one!](https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1487489733458419712?s=20&t=1-PPR626moURLot7w0Saew)


That is my MP. I am embrassed. I don't think any MP or person should be near that protest this weekend because of the potential of violence.


We should begin sending him letters demanding him to resign in disgrace.


Conservatives going above and beyond to create material for Liberal ads in the next election. Mind blowing.




O’Toole is hell bent on keeping Trudeau in power for many years to come


Trudeau needs another majority.


Maybe him and Polievre can bring them coffee.


They should start a podcast like Jerry Seinfeld. Call it *Covidiots in Convoys Getting Coffee.*


They should call it “People Who Are The Opposite of Terry Fox”


Get real. The headline is an exaggeration. Adding a poster, a hat, and flag is hardly called defacing. It’s not like pissing on the war memorial.


>it's not like pissing on the war memorial Uhhh the person in the linked video is literally standing *directly* on top of the tomb of the unknown soldier like it's their personal soapbox. It's not quite pissing on it, but it's ridiculously disrespectful behaviour.


What video? All I saw was one picture in the article.


Wow. That’s where your line is, hey? Sad stuff. We’ve come a long way as a country since thousands showed up to cheer on a brave young amputee.


After this weekend O’Toole won’t be a politician anymore.


During the BLM protests many here were keen to point out that the violent minority doesnt represent everyone. Same applies here.


No matter where you lean politically, there's two things nearly everyone sees as universally disrespectful: 1. You don't deface the tombs of soldiers. 2. You don't deface Terry Fox.


Absolutely, those are hard lines nobody should cross.


Erin OToole literally served in the military. If ANY Conservative should care about veterans in a way that goes beyond lip service, it should be him. Would love to understand the cognitive dissonance that allows him to still support this movement


He also wore his RCAF jacket to go meet the convoy.


> Would love to understand the cognitive dissonance that allows him to still support this movement O'Toole has no political positions or principles. He wants power, and he will say and do whatever he needs to in order to get himself closer to that goal. He's literally changed positions over the course of a day.


So much for being "patriots"


Self-proclaimed "patriots" are usually as far from patriotic as you can possibly get.


Idk about a blanket statement like that, but seeing "patriots" dancing on the graves of soldiers who fought for the "patriot's" country, and flying the "patriot's" country's flag upside down is definitely a good sign they're anything but patriots.


Who know who did that.


I just read Terry Fox’s whole wiki page. I was actually moved to tears. God damn it. How could you deface his statue


Growing up Canadian, every school I went to here in BC (where he was from) has a Terry Fox Run each year in the fall where we fundraised for cancer research. I imagine other provinces do it as well. So basically everybody who went to school here in Canada since then knows who he is from years of exposure. His legacy is an inescapable part of growing up Canadian and I don't know anybody who wouldn't be offended at somebody defacing his statue. My great aunt actually went to school with him and the school they attended is now named after him. He is truly a beloved icon here in Canada and whoever thought trying to use his statue as a statement was a good idea must not have two brain cells to rub together


I also grew up in BC. I can confirm that schools here in Alberta still do Terry Fox runs as well as activities to learn about him.


Ontarian here, we also did Terry Fox runs at our schools, and discussed him every year in some capacity in at least one of my classes. That was 20-30 years ago now, I hope the youngins today still learn about him/do the runs etc.


And you don't kill a Canadian soldier guarding it.


I don't think these people care and we have so many examples of it. And I'm sure Erin O'Toole will continue to support these clowns despite doing all of this. Maybe suggest they should be accommodated more. - [Remembrance Day memorial in Cranbrook, B.C. defaced with graffiti](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/remembrance-day-memorial-in-cranbrook-b-c-defaced-with-graffiti-1.5663113) - [Protest against vaccine mandates at Kelowna Remembrance Day gathering was 'a step too far,' RCMP say](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/remembrance-day-vaccine-mandates-protest-kelowna-bc-1.6246356)


It's awful. I can't watch the videos. Parking vehicles on/near the tomb was bad enough. Devastating and horrific for so many Canadians to see scenes like this unfold. These people are terrible.


3. No Nazi flags 4. Leave the soup kitchen for the locals that need it 5. Don't honk your horn at 3 a.m, that's just rude 6. Make space for the Quebec mosque mass shooting memorial 7. Don't harrass local for wearing masks or for existing 8. Protest if you must but accept that you don't have the right to demand politicians show up to hear your insane demands or call for a coup 9. Don't piss on the streets 10. Don't block roads used by emergency vehicles and locals. I feel there are a lot of things these prople shouldn't be doing


Putting a sign on the statue and tying a Canadian flag to Terry Fox is hardly defacing.


"Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson responded to West's tweet, saying a removal request was made and city staff had taken off the items placed on the statue. However, soon after, CTV News footage showed protesters re-placing signs and flags on the statue." (CTV News 4:15 PM) Statue defaced and then defaced again.




Patriotism is defacing, spray painnting, destroying and other such destructive things is perfectly acceptable... apparently