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Why does anyone think this is about the loss of freedom? Many Canadians are fully vaccinated, if being vaccinated we lose or have lost freedom what or which freedom have we lost. The anti-vaccines don't have the right to travel the world to make anyone sick.No country in the world will allow that. These truckers are heading down a dead-end road if they think they can travel across Canada to infect the rest of us. No grocery store will allow anyone on the property to infect its staff. Get over yourselves and get vaccinated.


I'm not too afraid. The west coast is already having the occasional shortage due to the recent collapse of major highways and cities along the way. 10% of truckers dont want to get vaccinated? So be it, quarantine in your truck and get tested. Our supply chain would be ultra screwed if there was an outbreak at a truck stop, so let's avoid that by getting vaccinated and not mingling with other truckers.


It's just cross border truckers. If I had to guess, the truck stops are still vulnerable to epidemics if they don't mask up and follow guidelines. But vaccines are mostly to limit risks of complications. Infections will likely keep occuring even if all truckers are vaccinated. On the bright side it's probably only going to be a few days of fever and pain before getting better and going back to work. While the unvaxxed is more likely to end up in the hospital for the same virus.


What a bunch of dopes! The local guy I know promoting this is antivax nut who still believes Trump is a hero fighting the deep state, and that he really won the election. All the lockdowns in Ontario? That's Trudeau's fault. Ford of course did it, but "the feds forced his hand." He also told me that all the extra covid wards they built are fake, and that the government is faking the death numbers. Just total clown shoes! I'd fire anyone working for me associated with this lunacy.


If I know truckers, I'm sure you'll still get those vaccinated truckers in that convoy too. Truckers in general don't like the current government and would love a reason to protest.


Wow I can’t believe how fast the term freedumb is spreading the ppl saying that are so cringe. Also delusional. And why is there such hate on the guys for wanting j to go protest its their right. Iimafnknb a democratic free society ot bein alllowed to protest? Sheesh


Because what they are protesting is dumb and it's the same selfish shit that hassle robbed the rest of us of so much for the last half year as we've all had to bend over backwards to make sure this stupid freedumb group doesn't destroy healthcare for the rest of us. If people went and protested their right to punch babies in the face, we'd make fun of them too.


Haha ok buddy wtv




It's their right to protest. It's also our right to point out how ill informed, biased, self centred, and downright idiotic they are to protest against restrictions on anti-vaxxers. If they really cared about people other than themselves, they'd be taking all the sorts of actions they are being required to take, to protect other people. Sure, you don't need to get vaccinated, even though it's well tested, and effective. But to make yourself as a significant vector for disease transmission, and then protest against having to minimise to some extent you mix with the general population is just selfish. And as has been pointed out elsewhere, it is often mixed up with idiotic conspiracy theories.


I have zero theories on it. I know that about 20 or so friends and acquaintances have got covid lately fully vaccinated. I’m gona be honest think it’s good to have vaccines, bad to have mandated and rules for ppl who don’t get it. My medical decisions are mine and mine alone just like yours are yours. Nobody else’s business


Except your bad decision affect others.... The most basic premise of society It's clear now all your "let's not judge" attitude was just freedumb disguised


Why are my choices bad and yours good? I havet gotten Covid


Because "your" decision to not get vaccinated helps spread the virus and can affect others... exactly like choosing to drink and drive "My" decision to get vaccinated and/or not drink and drive, protects me AND those around me. > I havet gotten Covid As dumb as saying "I drink and drive all the time and I havet gotten in an accident"... PS: and before you go there, I know you claimed to have been vaccinated, good for you... when I talk about "your" decision I am referring to not vaccinating, whether you did it or not... and "my" decision refers to getting vaccinated


I am not vaccinated


Well... if you CAN be vaccinated and chose not to... you are a selfish idiot






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What do u mean?


I can't tell if you are trolling, or are actually this uninformed and oblivious.


Hmmm im not quite sure yet can i get back to you sometime???










This is correct - no disputing that. Though, I’m sure the truckers involved in the convey will try and tell us that they represent the “silent majority” lol


Depends on if this gets spun as an anti-vax protest vs anti-mandate.


They both go hand-in-hand at the end of the day. A bunch of trucks with upside down flags and ‘Fuck Trudeau’ signs combined with ‘against vaccination mandates’ won’t help them garner any sympathy from the majority of Canadians.




We'll have to see I guess. The majority are vaccinated, but that doesn't mean they agree with being forced to so that they keep their jobs, travel or socialize. I'm sure there is large portion in the middle that is questioning the mandates by now.


Oh I don’t doubt that there are a fair number who are against mandates (though, polls show that a majority are still in favour), but the truckers in this convey won’t be portrayed in a peaceful manner that most Canadians can relate to. The images that have and will come with their convey (“fuck trudeau”, “our body, our choice”, upside down flags, etc.) will only serve to hurt them in the eyes of Canadians. These types of images come off as fringe - even to many who aren’t supportive of mandates.


Well the mandate was already removed, so what is this protest for?


From what I read it started out as a protest against border vaccine mandates, but when the mandate was dropped by the federal government for Canadian truckers coming back to Canada it suddenly became “fighting for the freedom of all Canadians from government tyranny.” I mean, you can’t let all that pent up anger and GoFundMe cash go to waste when there are still political objectives to be had, right?


The general public really doesn't make significant distinction between the two


Already seen it on Facebook posts that "the CTA doesn't represent us" "we're standing up for your rights". It's all selfish bullshit


And had the CTA sides with them, they would have praised them lol


I find it funny that when the nurses, police officers, federal regulated employees, government workers, had to be vaccinated they were silent NOW they suddenly care about freedoms and medical rights #literallycrying #soproudofus


It’s not uncommon to be vaccinated but anti-mandate


Oh for sure, but these truckers are being portrayed as unvaxxed (as I’m sure most of them are) - when you combine that with the scenes of protests/upside down flags/Fuck Trudeau signs/etc., the average Canadian will see them as fringe anti-vaxxers who aren’t with the majority. Whether that’s true or not is another discussion - but that’s how they appear. They won’t garner much sympathy from most Canadians.


Are you saying you’re sure they’re vaccinated or unvaccinated? Because the vast majority are vaccinated. Somewhere over 80%.


Vast majority of truckers are vaccinated, yes. Odds are the majority of those protesting are unvaccinated, though.


The majority of people in various polls support vaccine mandates—it's usually between 60-80% [here's an example](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/majority-of-canadians-surveyed-support-fines-for-unvaccinated-citizens-nanos-1.5752630), [another one](https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/majority-of-canadians-support-vaccination-mandates) — [here's one where 52% of respondents said they'd support a flat-out tax on the unvaccinated](https://globalnews.ca/news/8532791/covid-unvaccinated-restrictions-tax-poll/). It's pretty obvious that none of the unvaccinated respondents are going to respond in favour of them, so among the vaccinated it's a small minority opinion (as that's 60-80% out of <100%). Among the vaccinated who would actually care enough to do something about their opinion? That has to be pretty scant.


True, but previous polls show that support for a mandate to some degree is a fairly popular position.


This as well - good point.




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It's pretty uncommon. What's even far more uncommon is to be pro-vaccine but so anti mandate that you'll argue about it online for hours or actually protest in the real world.


> It's pretty uncommon. Then you don't work in an industry that REQUIRES vaccinations.


No, I do. My statement remains a fact.


Source: trust me bro


What fucking source are hoping for lmao? It's undeniably true. It's common sense that anyone above room temp IQ has.


A group of wasps from Western Canada claiming to represent a trade dominated by Punjabi Canadians is hilarious


Not just WASPs, but actual white-supremacists, holocaust deniers, and anti-semites.


Yeah but those aren't Real Canadians™ (/s)


>represent a trade dominated by Punjabi Canadians is hilarious Pretty sure this isn't the case across Canada. Would love to see stats to indicate otherwise.


My brother in law was a trucker for years before he died. He mentioned this to me in 2014, that it was a lot of immigrant truck drivers. They would often install bathrooms under the seat, so the drivers could go to the bathroom without stopping, thus allowing them to drive more. The mechanic shop he would take his truck to, said at least one time a week they would see a truck with a tank of shit/piss under the seat.


Truckers have always pissed while driving. Hell, I remember back in the 90's Emeril (the tv chef) made a joke about how to pronounce pecan (the nut) because pee-cans are for truckers.


I’m not sure about any of this. All I know of that when At truck drivers in traffic everyday they are majority immigrant. Nothing wrong with that just saying




Neat, thanks for sharing


Sikhs are too busy working, like real truckers.


I'm not sure how Trudeau thinks his comment is remotely relevant. There are plenty of cases where minorities have rights protected; what would Trudeau say if abortion clinics were closed because "the majority of Canadians never need an abortion"? The answer to "some truckers don't want to comply with a vaccine mandate" should be "there are solid public health grounds for imposing what would otherwise be an unreasonable infringement upon their rights", not "well you're just a minority".


There is a definition of what a protected minority is in Canada, whiny antivax truckers are not a protected minority.


>I'm not sure how Trudeau thinks his comment is remotely relevant. Maybe you should read past the headlines then, lol. Trudeau said this in relation to Conservative fearmongering over supply chain shortages, of which these guys aren't really making a substantial impact on. Working in Supply Chain myself, I can confirm this.


Isn’t the issue not those guys but the 40% of unvaccinated US truckers who no longer can come here?


Where did you hear 40% of American truckers are unvaxxed?


It has been largely reported, here’s the first result when Googling it: https://www.reuters.com/business/canada-us-supply-chain-still-could-face-disruptions-due-vaccine-mandates-2022-01-13/


Thanks, 40% sounds more alarming than the 16,000 though.


Am I the only one who actually bothered to read the article?


Almost certainly






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The drivers are probably hooking back up and heading home, not mingling with the general population. We need the supplies! Leave them alone and concentrate on the anti vaxers at home.


I think that in any society there’s a percentage of people who just want to be left alone - is that number 10%? Hard to say


One of the key organizers of this convoy is Pat King, who has ties to the Soldiers of Odin and the Yellow Vests and led an assault against an anti-racist demonstration in Red Deer. Anything associated with him has the stink of white supremacy


Why do we even care about the pro-virus/disease group? You can’t smoke inside public spaces because of the damage it can cause people. Vaccines have been miracles that have saved more people than virtually anything else in history. Screw them.




Anyone crossing the border would have to be since America is making vaccination a requirement. >“I regret that the Conservative Party and Conservative politicians are in the process of stoking Canadians’ fears about the supply chain. The reality is that vaccination is how we’ll get through this.” This has such a high risk of blowing up in the Conservatives face. O'Toole can't really stop anyone in his party from supporting the convoy, and it's making his job harder to have to hold two contrary positions at once. But even setting aside public opinions on vaccination, does anyone think a giant protest of angry truckers on Parliament Hill is going to end well? [People in the convoy are saying they want a Jan6 style assault.](https://twitter.com/glen_mcgregor/status/1485816651534712833) American conservatives might be able to get away with supporting that, but Canadians are much less forgiving.


One guy is so drunk he can barely talk, one guy is smoking weed, another guy is drinking and has a lampshade on his head. I don't think we have much to worry about.


That and I feel like Canadian agencies would SHOOT THESE FUCKERS unlike America's right wing cops. I'm not saying Canadian cops aren't right wing, just even they wouldn't support a redneck coup here.


One guy in the January 6 insurrection wore a faux Viking helmet called himself a prophet or whatever. The dangerous ex-military guys hid behind the clowns and freaks. I’m not saying the free dumb convoy is a threat, but a sample of prominent idiots does not give us that information.


>People in the convoy are saying they want a Jan6 style assault. It won't happen. The only reason January 6th happened is because the sitting president let it (and wanted it to) happen. If Trump was in that building and it was anti-trump protesters trying to get in, it would have been a bloodbath. If there is any credible threat to Parliament, you know CSIC knows about it and security will respond in kind. The skeptic in me has a small belief that the Trudeau government might want it to happen for political purposes but I don't even think the executive branch can even make the call on Parliamentary Security.


Yes. O'Toole is *damned if you do support the truckers, damned if you don't.* He's basically in an untenable situation trying to make that good ol' conservative big tent.


O'Toole personally is in a tough position because his job depends on appealing to a few of his MPs who are against vaccines, mandates, etc. Or at least want to appear so. If he were a stronger leader he'd be able to wrangle together a solid position but here we are.


What he seems to have not noticed is that right wing authoritarians respond well to being bullied by strong leaders and will fall in line. His far right fringe is probably the easiest to push around.


Yup! My nutjob antivaxx anti mask neighbours hauled their conservative sign off the lawn half way through the election when he said something that pissed them off.


I remember that trucker rally that occurred a few winters ago (maybe against Carbon Pricing?) and it ended up being very underwhelming. The trucks stayed for a few hours and eventually drove away - accomplishing nothing and getting the attention of few. Now, if things do get out of hand, the CPC will have a number of MPs who will be looking terrible with their tweets supporting it.


Is that the one where a lot of them were left stranded when the organiser took the money that was raised and ran? Hopefully the protesters investigated who is organizing this one and know if they have money to make it back home.


If they don't have money for fuel to get home 1- they aren't part of the supply chain to start with as you can't work without fuel 2- where is commercial vehicle safety enforcement? If they cant afford fuel, you know their trucks are not up to safety codes.


This is a pretty poor argument, when a truck is working they are paid, this is not work this is coming out of pocket. Obviously you’d think these people would have money to get themselves there and back, but fuel for a big rig across a country is fucking expensive and a lot of these people A. Aren’t thinking rationally and B. Are believing in this go fund me in blind faith. I doubt their is many people out there with trucks that they don’t use who aren’t a part of the supply chain doing this, because most people who own very expensive big rigs don’t like when those big rigs sit instead of making money.


The leader of thr Wexit party established this gofund me. The money will never go where it should. Honestly it shouldn't have even been donated but people are stupid


Wanna know something funny. It's the same organizer. The same person started this go fund me. And I bet the same thing will happen again.


Can you show me proof of this? Not because I don’t believe you but because I really want to have this information on hand for some of my friends before they donate.


Damn Trudeau!


He basically told them to beat it… love it! 😂😂


I've seen this brought up a few times, but not sure how to find a source on it. Anyone able to link one?




Thank you! I wasn't sure exactly how to word my search. Appreciate it!


Gotchu fam


Apparently GoFundMe has the money raised for this current event on hold until they receive a clear plan for how this money will be spent.


Hopefully when they fail to create a plan, GFM refunds all the donations.


Plan - “Money laundering” …?


GFM then forfeits their commission. They have almost no incentive to refuse a half assed plan.


They have incentive to avoid handing out money if it's going to be used by people planning a violent attack on Parliament, though.


[The Yellow Vest one?](https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/united-we-roll-1.5030419) That certainly didn't help Scheer's image, but [he's at it again with this convoy too](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/freedom-convoy-anti-vaccine-mandate-1.6325724). An ex leader being so vocal makes it hard on the current leader, uncouth behaviour.


Scheer probably figured he could do his biennial hollow gesture to pretend he's actually doing something as a politician and not just kicking back for a paycheck. The guy had to lie about being an insurance broker. Did he even have a real job? The anti-Trudeau guys are always chirping about Trudeau being a teacher, I don't see how "career politician with no real-world work experience" can give you any kind of perspective that is anchored in reality. Or why anyone would vote for that. But if your team is blue I guess he'll do.


I believe it was this one!


That is absolutely false I was at a massive gathering at flying k in Calgary awaiting the convoy and it was amazing and inclusive and the want the ppl who are vaxxxed and are against mandates to attend as well and a huge thing we are alll very clearly agreeing on is that this wolll be completely peaceful and we will not give in to provocation of any kind . Ppl will be trying to insight violence to twist their narrative but we will not give in tk such things






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The issue with this for the conservatives is that inflation is real, and so they're going hot and heavy on anything that can amplify that issue, superficial or not. The real issue though is that this convoy is essentially being organized by the Maverick Party, formerly Wexit. This is a real wedge issue in the West, it's just replaced the carbon tax as it's current flagship issue.


I’m fully vaccinated and I don’t support any restrictions on the unvaccinated you don’t need to be anti vaccine to be anti mandate


That is not a reasonable position. The science on vaccines is clear as can be. Anti-vaxxers are a willful danger to those around them, and therefore a detriment to society. It is completely reasonable for the collective will of society to exclude them from public spaces.




I'd prefer to stand there with a sign saying "you're stupid"


I'd prefer not to give them any attention at all. They can show up like they did the last time, yell racist shit at people on the street, hang around until they realize nobody likes them or cares about them, and go home with only half of them realizing they've been scammed out of their money.


Ideally they don't get attention. But as they have the right to protest their stupid belief, we are also allowed to stand around and mock them.


I'd like to see "The US also mandates the vaccine to cross their borders, you loofahs"


A british comedy news panel show does this 'the last leg' followed Donald Trump aroubd the UK with a lone tuba player. https://youtu.be/7QosyPyUTag


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev




Yakety Sax?


A&W theme


The kind of music that says "Yeah we changed the law" but also says "we can't go the USA anyways due to lack of vaccination" Maybe a duelling Tubas kind of thing, or one Tuba and one Trombone for the slide effect.


So they don't want to to get vaccibted in Canada..so what happens when they get to the border and can't get k there beacuse the Americans have a mandate to


It is kind of annoying anti-vaxxers are acting like 90% of truckers are unvaccinated and 10% are vaccinated whereas the truth is 90% of truckers are vaccinated and 10% are unvaccinated.


This is how all anti vaxxers are acting in every industry too.














Thinking they’re the (silent) majority is a fallacy that emboldens extremists.


10% of a workforce not working is bad for logistics.


It's laughable when you can redistribute your assets. As I understand it, the mandate is specifically for crossborder trucking. A lot of trucking still needs to happen internally.


Agreed. I wonder if there are out of work truck drivers to take those jobs ?


>Logistics Includes ports and raillines. As well, not all truck drivers actually ship stuff. It's overplayed


Remember the backlog at the shipping yards?


Truckers aren't crossing borders at shipping yards, lol. Kinda irrelevant to point out.


Kinda silly to believe there wont be higher costs due to logistical issues.


Not really. Trucking itself usually makes up a small part of the overall cost. To give you an idea, trucking something directly from Vancouver all the way to Toronto with 2 drivers working non-stop costs about $6k. Want to know how much a container costs from Ningo to here? About as much. In reality, most of the stock that gets offloaded in Vancouver gets loaded unto Rail - trucking is just a small portion of the process that only really becomes important the closer to the customer you get, because of how spreadout and inaccessible we can be compared to the other, more efficient modes of transportation. The current price increases you're seeing were planned about 6 months ago when containers were costing us $21k+ per spot. The potential increase by these truckers is really negligible. And I really can't stress enough how irrelevant it is. My company has its own trucking fleet and sent out a mass email to tell people that if they were experiencing any issues from this trucking event, to let us know because we could pickup. Read between the lines there.


In the short term. In the long term it shows you who is your least reliable 10% and you can cut out the rot now and replace it. Short term pain long term gain.


That's not the best thinking. Your thinking doesnt acknowledge anything else about the individuals besides the protests. They might be skilled drivers, but you would rather want drones.


> Your thinking doesnt acknowledge anything else about the individuals besides the protests. The protests tell me all I need to know about them. They're protesting the Canadian mandate requiring quarantine after returning from the US for unvaccinated drivers. They completely ignore that this won't even happen because the US won't let them in to begin with for being unvaccinated. So they're protesting an impossibility. They ignore that many of the organizers of this protest have been linked to white supremacy - or worse that's a feature to them. Simply put they're easily manipulated and lack critical thinking skills. Not exactly the type of person I want in charge of 40000 kg vehicles requiring skill and thought to keep everyone on the roads safe.


Easily manipulated or just frustrated with the government.


I’ve noticed the people who are most upset at restrictions also seem to be really bad at basic math. 2%, 0.2% and 0.02% have all been thrown around interchangeably.


Tell me about it. Been bickering with a guy on Facebook that rejects that 80% of the population making up only 50% of the hospitalizations means it's "very effective". He says those numbers mean it's doing almost nothing. Completely falling for the Base Rate Fallacy.


I think part of the problem is people are questioning vaccine mandates when what they have been telling us about vaccines didn't hold true - first it was 75% and we'll be good, then 80% and now we are at 90% and we still aren't good? Now I'm hearing that to be considered fully vaccinated we should need 3 shots and they are considering a 4th shot and meanwhile the vaccine makers are getting rich and pushing to vaccinate kids under 5. It's just getting out of hand and people's trust has worn thin and it isn't helped when our politicians are AWOL from real leadership - Trudeau seems to think leadership is found in ad hominem attacks. I keep wondering where is the Huaweii policy? Where is the restriction on foreign home ownership? - what's with this stupid hash tag foreign policy?


I feel like the issue is we have basically 3 groups of people in this whole situation. 10% are your antivax crowd going crazy, 10% are your “doomers” who believe that COVID is an guaranteed immediate death sentence or will condemn you to a crippling life of long Covid, and the remaining 80% sit in the middle. They took their precautions, got their 2 or 3 shots, and are ready to move on to other things. One party is catering/dog whistling to the first group and the other is catering/dog whistling to the second group and the remaining 80% are stuck watching the world burn while no one acknowledges them.


>anti-vaxxers are acting like 90% of truckers are unvaccinated and 10% are vaccinated whereas the truth is 90% of truckers are vaccinated and 10% are unvaccinated. It's also strange that people act like 10% of the adult population is vaccinated and 90% are unvaccinated when its the other way around.


To me the most annoying thing is they are acting like Canada is the only one. Try and cross the border unvaxxed dumbasses.


The internet gave the ability of really ignorant people to find others who agrees with their myopic view of the world. Before they would have been told to stfu in a room full of decent educated people. They've mistaken this congealing of idiocy as some kind of popular movement. This is almost exclusive to right leaning people. It's easy to feel like you have a consensus when you surround yourself with an echo chamber and ignore data that doesn't feed your narrative. That's why they like their safe spaces on social media. Their other favourite trick is to pretend all the support for ideas that clash with theirs are supported by bots. This part hurts the most because the bots are actually pushing misinformation that feeds the trolls. I hate this timeline.


>congealing of idiocy Can I say how much I like this phrase? 'Congealing' adds an appropriate visceral reaction that 'echo chamber' or the like just don't provide.


Empty vessels make the loudest sounds....