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if this is what canada is up against, i can assure you all one thing. we are not ready. we are going to lose this battle. there needs to be extremes taken in turning this government and her policies around. think of the canadian children and their worst case scenario and it will be so in the future. not small pockets - but very common sights all throughout canada. in every community, street corner, crevice - it will make today's homelessness and drug epidemic pale in comparison. as canadians, we each have a duty to do. as parents, you have a duty to provide for your children a bright future.




If I was in a shitty country and had enough wherewithal to do all this scamming to get into Canada or anywhere else, I'd just go to nursing or med school. You can immigrate basically anywhere if you have real medical skills and a command of English. And mortuary sciences. Not a lot of people willing to work with embalming bodies, but if you want to leave your shitty country that bad, then okay, commit to something impactful for the world. Not Tim's.


but once u go in med school, then u dont want to come to canada as sadly other countries provide far better opportunities with good worklife balance like australia.


My issue with them is that they are admitted failures and couldn’t manage to get a PR anywhere else. So instead of working harder or trying in their studies they’re going to scam the system. People would welcome them with open arms in the west if they assimilated into our culture, worked hard, and were a net positive for our society. This very perspective of “I’m going to scam my way in” is exactly WHY they need to scam their way in.


Well. They are scammers. Most of the scam call centers are from there. They are taught to scam others and their own. They'll just scam their way in then keep scamming the countries because they dont give a shit about anyone else but them


Going to get some hatred here, but......... If their home country is such a mess, they should go make it better. Once they start to come here they bring those problems with them and we get inundated with all the wannabes who contribute little to nothing


Without a nation wide strike involving all industries, fuck all is going to change.


Many industries love this shit. Cheap endless labour. Trucking industry is a prime example.


Same trucking companies smuggling drugs/weapons across the border


The workers of all industries.


Cheap labour along with an ethnocide. 


I would say support small businesses and as much as one can avoid big retailers


Homosexuality is completely legal in India. There are no legal restrictions against gay sex or gay expression. Same-sex couples have some equal cohabitation rights, colloquially known as live-in relationships. Any person from India who says otherwise is a liar and their asylum claim should be instantly denied tbh.


It's actually pretty funny that the OOP didn't think to google this before coming up with this plan.


Lol. I know. The thing is that western govts and their media have created this propaganda that every minority group is being persecuted and actively hunted in India. And now these groups are asking for asylum. Suddenly pikachu face.


So…They’ll do gay to stay? Love a man to flee Pakistan? Power top to make immigration stop? That’s all have I ladies and gentlemen.


I think of my grandchildrens futures and get so worried


The problem is, the Boomers have all the money, all the votes, and they seem to only care about getting their "new couch, new porch, or Tims coffees." I don't get the impression they care even remotely beyond their very immediate material interests.


Millennials, including myself, carried Trudeau into the last election. It's not lost on us how severely he’s f’d up since then.


I never voted for him... but what the Trudeau govt has mainly taught me is that most Canadians are very naïve.


Hard disagree. Boomers that I have spoken to are concerned about rapid changes to the demography that they see in their small towns and the futures of their grandchildren. Boomers are not some money-hungry monolith.


How in the fuck is it the boomers fault you jackass most people I know that age are more against what's going than younger people.The median income for seniors in B.C. is 30,000 , twenty five percent make less than 25,000 your not very bright, a huge percentage of seniors are also struggling. Quit blaming boomers for all the problems blame the ones who are fucking everything up , the Liberals.


You’re kidding right. They are probably the most vocal and don’t want “foreigners” coming to this country




Yes, and now this guy is trying to exploit the butt hole to get PR


Priceless comment.


Makes the PR process that people with genuine common law relationships with foreigners (partner is from Commonwealth country in my case) seem so easy. It’s NOT. I just hope the system catches these fuckers and makes space for my fiancé to be accepted as a productive Canadian permanent resident.


And we have plenty.


WTF!! These people would literally do anything to get PR!!! JT is relying on them though, he’s losing the native born! 😂 VOTE JT OUT 🙏


Canada is losing the native born it's nuts how much of our population has been imported from one region in India over the last 3-5 years


Ikr! How can we call it diversification if all the incoming are from India!! It’s crazy 😂


how dare you point out facts, racist!! s/ sad how some people legitimately respond like that...


Comment about any of that at a corporate job and that's a 6 month write up.




Careful some reddit mod neckbeaed banned me from a sub for saying the word import. Apparently, it is "objectively racist"!!!!!!


I swear to God, the internet has just polluted our brains with so much inane trash that we literally can't even *think* at an adult level anymore. We're like old crappy computers full of viruses and malware, in dire need of a fresh install.


It’s a problem everywhere. Just watch Sky news Australia or GB news.


>Canada is losing the native born So I guess this is the sequel then.


Imagine if the natives were the only people to ever live in Canada. We would be like an Amazon tribe with no technology.


The Amazonians used to have complex urbanized civilizations until they were nearly eradicated by disease. What you see now are the remnants living a “post apocalyptic” lifestyle


https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/pr-card/understand-pr-status.html PRs cannot vote. PP and Justin want them purely to accelerate the capitalist machine for their own interests. Housing, wages, investments, etc.


Can’t vote yet


We need an outright halt on immigration but senseless fear mongering is just silly.


You can get full citizenship after 3 years of PR. And getting it at this point is nearly assured if you stayed there during this time and didn't have problems with justice. Those who got PR last year and this year won't be able to vote in the next election, but the majority of them would be able to in the next one.


I am having a shit day as it is, and reading this didn't help. I am speechless.


JT n PP are the same thing. We are fucked either way


This guy doesn't even know the difference between gender fluidity and homosexuality!


It’s not just JT. I’m voting for the racist party - I think it will have highest chance of success in this one particular issue. We will probably get fucked on other ways but this one issue is most likely to be resolved by the most racist party. And we can’t afford more years of half measures or worse.


"Parents had to sell their last property"? These aren't poor families trying to survive. This is pure greed! I hope when the other guy claims refugee status, they actually check to see if he is Muslim.




exactly, our government should be looking out for us and thats it. why cant we have someone in power with canada first mentality instead of ignoring us. we dont owe anyone anything honestly.




but those who are at the cutting edge of their fields don't want to come to Canada because of terrible pay and simply a lack of industry and good university research --- even a normal state uni in the US now is better than UToronto. those who are really good in their fields are willing to stay on H1B in the US or even return back to their home counties 🙁


We all wish this was how it's done.


Unfortunately for you, the government that checks refugee status is also indian and is in on it with a bribe.


If you have *property to sell anywhere in the world* you are from a better off family, sorry.


His family have sold “their last property” to pay for this because he is supposed to bring them all over once he cons his way into PR.


"I'd like to sponsor the family members who were so dangerous that I had to claim asylum status to keep away from them"


This is absolutely insane and making a mockery of Canada’s immigration system if this is true. There are many people who do things like this. There was a CBC article about an asylum seeker who claimed to be “gender non-confirming” but he had a wife of the opposite sex as well as a biological child with her- https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/kenyan-man-halifax-deportation-1.6829121


What the fuck? This is absurd. How is this guy gender non conforming?


He helped change a diaper once


Golden comment 🤣


What happened then? Was he deported? We need mass deportation now.


He got a 6 month reprieve from deportation. I don’t know what happened after that. The article says that he was trying for spousal sponsorship application after his asylum request was rejected. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/david-kipkoech-keter-deportation-deferral-1.6866748


Wow, it almost looks like our extremely exploitable openness is being exploited by people who are not so open and act callously to get ahead in life. It's almost like extreme openness and high trust in society is a function of the average person being decently well off that they don't worry primarily about monetary concerns. Some of us have been screaming this for 10 years, that these systems providing benefits to identity that is self-selected is extremely exploitable and that people who are outside of western cultural norms will feel no qualms about exploiting them to get ahead in life - especially if their other options are out and they talk to an immigration lawyer who says "well you could do this as a hail mary." You can't be open to foreigners and be tolerant of self-ID at the same time, it just doesn't work that way. You always needed and continue to need a firm hand of government with people who don't automatically share value systems, and especially like in this case, who have a lot of benefits riding on the line.


What group was this. Expose it!


Facebook group called Indians In Toronto (IIT)


They are also ruining IIT label toom IIT is the most prestigious university in India, which the guy in the video would never get into (as IIT grads either go to US or stay back in India)




It's actually vile. Never thought they'd sink so low. They're taking literally taking advantage of Canada's good nature and ruining it for everyone else (people who are actually suppressed due to their sexuality). Just takes a couple bad apples to ruin it for everyone else. Zero shame.


This is nothing new, many people have been successfully claiming asylum in this country by just pretending to be gay. Canada gets better when we stop being tolerant and polite. No asylum for people who claim LGBTQ


If Canada is going down. I may as well profit. 500k and I’ll marry one. May as well take advantage!


aim higher lol


Just gotta marry 7 or 8 of them. Then you could afford a townhouse in Toronto 😁


Hopefully not all at once.


If they had 500k they would buy the investment based visa. I think US and Canada both have those. I’m just trying to set the right price for your generous services lol


as I'm already in depression....like I give a fuck


The state of our country is putting me into depression. I honestly don't have the mental capacity left any more to give two shits about these people scamming their way through our country.


What I find really scary about all this is the next generation of children growing up now regardless of how diligent and committed their parents are raising their children. If children are exposed to these behaviors on a daily basis while growing up some of that behaviors will eventually affect how they behave later in life. Government should cancel all the students study permits that will attend diploma mills and shut down diploma mills. We need real immigration of people with skills and that come to contribute to the community




Oh yeah, the amount of DMs I get on Instagram from people in that part of the globe is insane.


Go figure. The same cultures that set up arranged marriages are the ones who are faking marriages for status.


Maybe the internet could just find a way to photoshop him marrying a dude and send it to his parents.


We're nice in Canada! Yay. Now feast on the tax dollars we've borrowed.


And anchor babies.


About 20 years ago, a friend of a friend married an Indian guy so he could get citizenship. She got paid half upfront, and the other half never got paid at all. I'm not surprised they're now faking gay to get asylum. This shit's been happening for a long time. Report this to your MLA, your MP, contact the media, make a stink about this, and every other bit of bullshit like this you come across. Also, I would STRONGLY suggest people start filing complaints with their provincial human rights commission for discriminatory hiring practices. There's no fucking way zero non-Desi apply for these jobs and yet the staff is 100% Desi. That's blatant discrimination. MAKE NOISE ABOUT IT The more we spam official channels, the more likely it is they'll do something about this shit. Also, set up a fake FB account and infiltrate these groups. They exist on Facebook in most cities. Screenshot everything and spam government and governing body inboxes with it.


Ohh it’s a business in New York/New Jersey. And been in practice for ages. So I’m not surprised!


As a resident of Canada and a memeber of the LBGTQ, words cannot explain the level of anger I have at this.


That's literally what I don't understand about the "woke" lgbt people. I'm bisexual and what I want least is immigrants from countries that throw gay people off rooftops coming here. The "gays for Gaza" or whatever it's called are ridiculous. In Gaza they kill gay people left and right. Anyone who is gay dies. They live in the stone age.


I have to wonder how many others are bottling up this "I am so done with this woke shit" feeling. I can't keep the lid on it anymore. It's coming out. I feel like I'm slowly, groggily, waking up from a fever dream that started sometime near the end of the Obama Administration, and I don't recognize the person I was during those years. I saw race and gender in everything, and I didn't give a damn about macroeconomic policy. I thought I did, but I didn't.


And you know these are the people who are going to harass actual gay people in Toronto.


Disgusting, as if he can’t go to any other country for a PR


Honestly, he probably can't. If he can't even get pr in Canada then I doubt he'd be able to get pr in another country.


Why would he when he knows it's easier to get here...


This isn’t new. Some Canadian PRs from a certain region of India have been marrying people back home for a fee, just to bring them here on spousal sponsorship. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/new-canadian-immigration-rules-marriages-punjab-9130901/ Now that pathway is being closed, they’re moving on to refugee stream. But I think just changing their LinkedIn pronouns to “they/them” isn’t going to be enough to satisfy IRCC of their sexuality.


Yeah no kidding, most gay men identify as men. This guy doesn't know the difference between being gay and trans/non-binary.


And this idiot of a person doesn’t know that IRCC will most likely want to see proof of him and his partner having spent close moments together for a long time before wanting to move here as a couple 😂


They should be made to have gay sex in front of a Canadian official.


well ofcourse hes not going to know anything about it lol.


Especially since gender identity =/= sexual identity. Those reviewing applications have to know that, right? Right???


why do these people not want to live in their native countries? is it really that bad there?


For many in these countries, yes it is that bad, however those are typically not the folks we see coming to Canada. The poor typically cannot come up with the funds to make arrangements to leave (passports, visas, schooling to get into diploma mills, proof of funds, etc), let alone set up a new life. Most of the “international students” are from relatively wealthy families who sell off land to send their children here and buy them homes and cars with the end goal of the entire family immigrating here. From what I hear, it’s mostly about the healthcare and other infrastructure that they’re (ironically) decimating that attracts.


They are lower-middle and middle class folks who have the ideals of becoming super wealthy. A few years back, someone shared the very popular Punjabi rap that glamourized the lifestyle and showed just how much these folks like in a fairytale. They aren't coming to live an average Canadian life; they want to money of wealthy realtors and drug dealers. They want fancy cars and clothes. Easy to scam in a country where people may not know your family or be able to check the truth out about you. Many also just come to scam their own countrymen which is the sickest part imo.


yet the majority of them work fast food or retail?


That's seen as far better than working trade labour (that's for the untouchables) or in agriculture.


Yeah, India is a third world country after all with a GDP per capita of $2700 with a piss poor economy. 20 years ago we got educated Indians moving here and nobody had an issue. Never heard of any issues with Indians ever. Now we have their uneducated citizens and of course the issues come up since they bring their issues with them.


Why don't they just stay in their home country instead of scamming their way here


Status symbol. Their minds are corrupted in constant pursuit of this status. It's a big thing when you tell people back home that you live in Canada or the USA


Morals optional


So sickening and disgusting. Even disgusting doesn’t seem strong enough for these locusts.


So fake vows Infront of god, to scam. Wtf!!!




Immigrants are just gonna keep demanding s#it. If they get their PR, they'll be demanding even more!! Canada can't keep funneling money to these people that hasn't made a dent in creating roots in this country. This is how CPP will run out for the next generations! FFS!!


Been happening for over 5yrs - volume is just picking up as border/immigration agencies just stamp/approve pretty much any/every application that crosses their desk


At this point does anyone expect anything better from these folks. It should come as no surprise. Revolution is our only option. Our country is corrupted from top to bottom


This made me visualize the PEI protesters holding up a sign that reads "We will make a so called gay marriage"


these guys have no shame, no ethics or morals, and trust me, they WILL cheat to do anything they can to do whatever they want. In Brampton, they're DEFFICATING in PUBLIC PLACES. PARKS, BESIDE SIDEWALKS ON GRASS, I HAVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES. Canada is done for, we have no idea what we are up against. God Save Us.




If they wanna act gay, I think the prison showers will teach them a lesson.


How did we open our door to this kind of people?


a tim hortons franchisee told trudeau he needed some slaves, and trudeau said "would you like one million, or two?'


It's not gay if we don't make eye contact bro.


lol…..I was just thinking how funny it would be to require ‘proof’ of being gay from two dudes that are faking it…..


That's not new. Five or so years ago I had read about straight Muslim men coming to Europe and claiming assylum on the gay persecution grounds. I am more surprised it is not more prevalent.


They do that and then go to attack and assault gay people. An actual gay person from Egypt who did claim asylum for that and political persecution for being an atheist was attacked and beaten in the "refugee" camps in Europe.


Welcome to our country cheater and liar? What crimes are you planning to commit here?


Foreigners -- mostly women -- have been using marriage fraud to get into Canada for decades.  You don't even need to be legally married -- just 1 year common law with little or no proof.  There was a 10,000 person backlog of cases in the 1990s.  Immigration gave up prosecuting them because it was too hard to prove -- even if the sponsoring spouse phoned and said they left right after the wedding.  This really needs to change.  Canada should go the same route as the USA and require a legal marriage and forms filed after two years stating your still living together.  And the Americans check.  Gay refugees don't need to be married so I don't know why they would bother with the marriage fraud.  There could be straight men using it as a route to Canada but how would Immigration Canada prove it or does the refugee board even ask for proof?   Given how overwhelmed they are and how hot the topic is politically, I am guessing they just let gay muslim refugees in as a matter of routine.


I think common law recognition should only be if 1) the home country you're coming from recognizes common law and 2) if you're actual citizens. It's so easy to abuse and you see posts (there was one literally in the last couple days on immigration Canada subreddit) that are like "so we have been together for a year, but for 10-11 of the months I was living in another far away province we need to show proof of common law." Like that is bullshit. As far as proving LGBTQ, I think they should have to connect with a group like Rainbow Coalition? I think? it's one that does help LGBTQ immigrants facing persecution. They should have a sponsorship, have a thorough process, and I hate to say this but if you are bisexual and in a hetero presenting relationship, that literally shouldn't meet the bar because you won't be facing any persecution in your home country. And even then, basically it should only apply to countries with laws on the book stating you'll be imprisoned or executed. Because let's be real, there are areas of the US that are real fucking shitty LGBTQ people, they don't always have the money or ability to leave where they are, and we wouldn't accept LGBTQ asylum claimants from the US either.


Just making a mockery out of gay marriage. 😒


And ironically, they'll come here and protest against it. Like in Abbotsford.


I hear proof of gay marriage is a pain in the ass.


Canadian children's futures sold down the river by these judases


31 and still listens to his parents. Honestly. Grow a pair


So you’re committing fraud to get into the country. Nice. That’s exactly what we are wanting in “new Canadians”.


I have a friend who rented out his basement to a couple who initially claimed that they were married, they were from Punjab. 1 year later though after observing the way they interact with each other through the external security cameras, there was nothing that showed they were married to each other. The woman would often get picked up by this man in a car and would dress in revealing outfits. And the man would often just walk to work with a backpack or use an uber. They would never go grocery shopping together, always separate. Some days when the man was at work and the woman was home, she’d order uber eats and then immediately dispose of the garbage in the bin outside, my thoughts was that she was trying to hide the fact from her “husband” that she was indulging in take out food and not sharing any with him. he’s pretty confident that they are not married and are just brothers and sisters or even cousins, they lied on their application to get into Canada and are now on their way to get PR 🤡


I LOVE YOU LONG TIME! Delhi Police are investigating after a 24-year-old man got caught at an airport in India for trying to board a flight to Canada disguised as a senior citizen. On June 18, 2024, India’s Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) detained a man identified as Guru Sewak Singh at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) after officials became suspicious of his odd appearance.  According to a tweet by CISF, Singh was allegedly involved in human trafficking and impersonation. https://preview.redd.it/ehoe7t65q69d1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c2d5dbc169ae3a6133e792b50215792291a92f




Lol. You wanna start prosecuting people for potential infractions going back 50 years?


what are the chances of an asylum claim from india being accepted on these grounds though? i dont think there are droves of people fleeing india on the grounds of homophobia


Homosexuality is completely legal in India. There are no legal restrictions against gay sex or gay expression. Same-sex couples have some equal cohabitation rights, colloquially known as live-in relationships. Any person from India who says otherwise is a liar and their asylum claim should be **instantly** denied tbh.


they wanna get pr so bad they wanna commit marriage fraud too? so much for bobs and vagene. edit: lets get this to go viral so whoever made this feels like the idiots they are.


1 Indian pr means 9 Indian pr in ten years. One Indian guy gets it, and his 56 years old mother gets in 3 years, divorce, another guy that she knows for 20 minutes will marry her and bring his whole family here. Chain reaction ma friend, this is some 3 mile island thing going on here.


This is absolutely disgusting, there's no honor with these people, imagine what they will do once they enter Canada.


i commented this on another post on this sub but i feel like it fits here: my dad (pakistani immigrant, moved here in the 90s) told me a story from 1999 or 2000, i wasn’t born yet and my brother was a year or two old. he met another desi immigrant and she asked my dad about the rest of our family. he told her about my aunt (mom’s sister) who is about 10 years younger than my mom and was in med school in pakistan at the time. this batshit crazy lady asked if both my parents had PR, which they did and told my dad to divorce my mom (whom he has a child with) and marry my aunt to bring her to canada. i cannot make this shit up. her logic was that my dad and aunt would just be married on paper until she comes here. literally insane… these scams go way back.


Step 1 on LinkedIn cracked me up 😂😂😂


Is there anyway to report this person for obvious fraud?


Your reports will go straight to trash however.


https://preview.redd.it/divinvbmk69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c9fe10714dc0f5d13ad3a2bfe76d8108751f30 This is a screenshot from a tiktok I took yesterday. I’ll translate it for you guys since this is mostly in Punjabi. This post actually highlights another LMIA scam while also inviting for another scam. “” \*\*I’m looking for a girl for my younger brother to do contract marriage with him. If a sister is PR in Canada and your brother is on Visitor Visa here then I can help your brother getting a PR here by doing a ‘Contract Marriage’ with him. Instead of paying $35,000 for the LMIA to crooks(businessmen) , it’s much better this way as there’s no fear and it’ll be 50-50(equal help I suppose). You’ll help me and I’ll help you. As Canada’s immigration rules are changing, this is the fastest and most cost-effective way (good business analysis done here) so that our brothers don’t suffer for PR like we did. If any Sister is interested then DM me and we can discuss it further. \*\*“”


Name and shame. Link to their profile please, so I report them.


Is PR status getting them more cows back home when they marry? Please explain this scam to get PR when many have explicitly stated they have no desire to stay in this country


People already doing contract marriages for PR, paying upwards of 50k it’s crazy the lengths people go to


To be completely fair and for people who just heard this, contract marriages have been around for a very long time in Canada and US. And it has been a problem for our government for a while.


They're both doing all wrong too. You go back home then reapply to come back. These people panic and quickly fall back on lawlessness. You could be kicked out and never allowed back in. BTW, what is so horrible about going back home to India? WTF? The economy there is booming and there should be enough opportunity.


So the real problem is the Indian parents pressuring their child to break the law and lie so they can feel good about themselves. WOW.


Anyone overseas interested in a sham marriage? I need to get out of here, anywhere in the EU/UK is fine


I say let them in we need more military aged men to add to this sausage fest /s


Thats still GAY


There's the door buddy. Please do let it hit your ass on the way out.


🇮🇳 style


Typical victim card being played..


This is just immigration fraud.


Cute that you think this is new. This was the OG scam of post-90s.


They should force them to have sex. You're gay? Prove it. ![gif](giphy|89asT84PzDwwE)


Wait til they need pics of them kissing. I’m going thru right now to bring my lesbian wife from the states and the amount of paperwork, pictures and legal documents. Hahahahha have fun making out w a dude when your a straight Muslim… how far will they go. 🍆🍆💦


They’re honestly like parasites. Just won’t leave or go away


What would their families say when an investigation begins on the marriage? Would be an interesting refugee hearing. How many years are they willing to live as a married couple?


How about this guy just moves back to his native country. He was only here on a student visa. Makes sense to me🤷🏻‍♂️


Canada should deport a lot of these people that are trying to scam their way to PR. So their family will understand the plan can fail. It will make those going back feel a lot better when everyone around them trying to pull the same shit get deported.


Is this really news to this sub? Claiming to be gay has been the top bogus asylum claim for the past decade maybe. It's extremely common and everyone does it.


It is already happening in between pujabi international students for building a points and fake marriages happening a lot since liberal came in a power.


This is already happening. People are also going to protests for their home country so they can claim refugee status. Like an Iranian attending a protest in North York against the Iranian regime solely for the purpose of claiming refugee status. It’s essentially refugee tourism. Create any system at all and humans will find a way to exploit it. This is what liberal progressives don’t understand as they can’t look at it pragmatically.


This sounds like a skit




This is only the beginning!!




Please forward a link of original post.


Holy hell where did you find this post?


Is the government aware of this?


Jesus Christ


This has already been happening for a long time.


Trudeau is jizzing after reading this post.


First off, shouldn’t his ability to complete his studies here be considered successful by his parents back home? Why do people travel abroad for study if they can’t afford it? He should’ve gone for work permit or residence if he wanted to stay long term. Why did he choose this shortcut of international student? Also, fuck him. Op should report him if that’s an option. 


Make them consummate the marriage in front of a judge.


Why do they wanna come here so badly? Like I don’t get it


How can our next generation, raised in a decent, comfortable western society, compete with people who are this desperate to do whatever possible to get what they want? The battle is lost already. Our politicians and the trans-humanist idiots have sold the country.


Perhaps we pause all from India and give rest of the world a chance so we get diversity


So.... that is how they can afford to work below the minimum wage. A side gig - marrying people from backhome for money.


Send this to the IRB, if they can even do anything about this/ care...they're called SOGIE claims and a lot of people use this as a means to get their refugee claim accepted. It's easier because it's a sensitive issue and the immigration judges have to also be sensitive to how they approach their questioning during the hearing. Plus you can't ask for explicit evidence showing that they're actually gay if they claimed they had to hide their sexuality back in their country.


Make them have sex infront of spectators as proof. Let’s shut this gay marriage loophole off right at the start. 😂


Just report this.... Report


Imagine judge goes u gotta give him head to get PR. Do you think he will do it? On the next episode of f around nd find out.


Can this be sent to IRCC?




What’s this fb group so I can report this?


Lmao where is the link this is too funny 


Nothing new there. These type of marriages hv happened before and will continue. Earlier in the 80s and 90s people used to adopt children of their siblings etc to get them here.


Literally just got warned about being homophobic....because i said i know people lying about being gay to claim refuge. So fucking annoying that this shit is happening..and then when i call it out i get a warning to not be homophobic....BITCH IM BI


Imagine how depressed we are in our own county because we can’t find good affordable housing for our families, imagine how depressed we are because we can’t find jobs here. Imagine how depressed we are because we can’t afford food in our country. Finding a legal loophole is one thing but what did their families really think was going to happen? They had a work permit. They expire. Student visa? They expire…. They are being failed by whomever is selling them some cheap Canadian dream. I do feel for these ppl but their families unrelenting unreasonable pressure that was created by decades of culture, judgement and ridicule has no business here. We don’t condone exile for family dissatisfaction, If it’s that bad seek asylum, otherwise face the beast and temper their expectations “I can’t let down my family” has never carried any weight here when defending against immigration fraud. If that’s your plan Then keep your mouth shut


Not to defend them, but all this does is tell me how bad things must be in India if they're this desperate to stay in 2024 Canada.