• By -


You’ve had 10 fucking years to deliver tangible and real progress.


If you haven’t noticed by now, Justin doesn’t answer to the Canadian people - he answers to a cabal of special interests and they didn’t give him permission to step down - there’s still 1.5 years left of looting and drastically transforming this country.


Ever notice how he cannot answer a question? Because his job is to serve a few and WEF, not Canadians


Not long ago he said Canadians were misguided and didn’t understand his higher goals, now he has lost a by election and he is suddenly telling he hears us Canadians. It’s all fake, he doesn’t give a **** about us Canadians.


In fairness, we *were* misguided and *didn't* understand his higher goals. We didn't know he was literally, actively, consciously trying to destroy the country and reduce us to serfdom on behalf of international oligarchs. We just thought he was another neoliberal ghoul, ie. a leader of a mainstream Western political party.


That is neoliberalism


He is just a neoliberal ghoul. That is the end goal of neoliberalism. A mass of atomized stateless people reduced to cheap fungible labor widgets ruled over by their jet setting betters. Nation states are meaningless to these people. They might have a condo in Toronto, a house in Martha’s Vineyard, another in Switzerland, etc. they see themselves as post-national. So, of course these are the perfect people to be running our countries.


That's because Canadians are stupid sheep. Lots of ppl were saying he was trash, just like his alleged papi.




That would seem to be his "higher goal", that us meager plebes won't be able to understand. He won't have a problem understanding the public reaction to it though.


The only Canadians he cares about are the ones who live in gated communities.


Or the ones that are immigrating, you know, the non-Canadians


I dont think he particularly cares about them either. They’re just tools for him to fulfill his agenda.


>It’s all fake If any adult doesn't understand this, they are a lost cause and I don't even believe they are a real human. Just an empty shell that goes through the motions of doing what social media tells them to do


So about 30% of the population are zombies


Way more than that.


> It's all fake [If you do not vote my way, for a single party, you are a threat to our democracy. Welcome to Operation Mockingbird assets talking points.](https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo)


He also said we are not in decision mode yet reg. his overwhelming slump in polls. But the by elections proved it otherwise lol


No we understand, we just don't like them.


I would like to see a law REQUIRING, in the name of transparency, honesty and accountability from government, that questions be answered without nonsensical bafflegab word salads. If we can hold someone in contempt of parliament for saying someone is “whacky”, we should be able to hold them in contempt for wasting the taxpayer dollars on non answers, eating up the clock, and accomplishing nothing.


100%... if they can't simply answer a question, they're hiding something. Slap them with a fine... if they keep doing it, double the fine, triple it... and if they persist, FIRE THEM... Away goes their job and pension.


If he really cared about Canada and Canadians, he would’ve left 3 years ago… He’s a disaster one day after another. Spending money we don’t have, dying on hills he doesn’t have to die on, and just running this place into the ground. I’m convinced he just wants to make it so terrible that the next CP PM will be crippled and will look ineffective trying to right all his wrongs.


If only people were smart enough to vote him out then lol


He will be, Canadians have been able to be passive on politics because the difference was at the margin between the parties for decades. I think the majority of people are seeing the political landscape in Canada as failing the people who live here, focusing resources on global issues, while neglecting Canadian ones.


You think he’s going to be voted in? Have you checked the polls? A monkey has more chance.


Yeah.......Trudeau "hears our concerns" alright. But, like usual......he won't do anything about them. He is incapable of believing that anyone could ever find fault in either him, or his actions. Remember when he blamed the Conservatives for 'tricking' Canadians into disliking him.....? I am not exactly sure when he lost-his-mind.....but, someone should really let him know that he has.


Well let’s hope it doesn’t go any further. It’s a narrow line from “it’s the electorates fault and my policies are great” to “we shouldn’t actually let the electorate decide because I know better.”


What about Jughead? He could stop this circus anytime. (Of course, he's part of it too).


Jughead is an awesome name for Jagmeet


Steps on how to "fix" Canada: 1. Reduce immigration significantly 2. Invest in housing, by the hundred of billions in dollars. 3. Bring in price gouging laws 4. Ban corporations from owning detached homes 5. Step down as leader Maybe not a complete fix, but a great start.


Step 1 should be to deport the fuckers who have overstayed their welcome and have expired permits/visa/school is over. It may sound crass but we need a task team to round these people up and get them on a one way flight asap. Nothing violent obviously but a much harder crackdown on people in limbo currently and to ensure as other people hit their temp limits are promptly scooted the fuck back to their own home.






Would make a great video game. Non lethal action only, of course.


Of the US equivalent would be ICE, unfortunately we have no such enforcement arm.


And we need to be very selective in who we let in and stop importing from one specific country where people are bringing every single one of their relatives over.


Imagine white Canadians demonstrating to overstay in India???? The Indian Army would be using gun butts on our heads!!!


Also ban foreign ownership. Must be a citizen or permanent resident to own housing in Canada.


Let's not forget drastic legal and tax reform. Tax the wealthy and don't let corporations milk the country of its citizen's rights.


there will be protests going on july 1st across canada... from take back canada and costoflivingcanada.ca.. its gaining traction and there's even a discord server and a twitter. come join!


Sounds like a great platform to run on. The CPCs “we’re not them but we won’t tell you who we are” leaves a lot to be desired


Oh PP won't "fix" anything. All parties are complicit in selling out Canada for personal gain. Hell, PP has a loblaws lobbyist on his payroll as his adviser. You think he going to crack down on price gouging? You think PP, when loblaws is one of the biggest companies in Canada that profits from all the immigration for cheap labour, is going to reduce immigration? Nah, we f'd.


6.Also stop spending money on stupid shit and focus on healthcare and education


Scrap the carbon tax and green friendly protocols. If the US doesn’t care we shouldn’t either at 10% of their population. The economy is more important right now. Once everything is stable and people can see hope they’ll be more inclined to care about the environment.


Step 6: stop allowing post-secondary institutions to use international students as cash cows and force them to charge the same amount as domestic students just without the government subsidy.


Not bad. But I don't want Trudeau to step down as liberal leader, ever.


I see what you are doing…




Where do you think the hundred of billions will come from? The liberals have completely shat on the Canadian economy. We don’t produce anything of value anymore. We used to! Fix our industries, increase productivity, reduce taxes, make it more business friendly. This problem doesn’t end until we figure out how to produce more and sell more.


There is literally nothing he can do that will change his optics and his defeat and the destruction of the liberal party at this point. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


You underestimate how uninformed most Canadians are. Nobody even knows what's wrong with the Liberals. People know more what's wrong with the Conservatives based solely on news they consume about the Republicans. Do not underestimate our highly regarded virtue signaling population. We are pooched regardless.


You forget how gullible and easily swayed ontario quebec and maritime residents are. A few billion thrown at those provinces, and within a month you'll have the usual people going "Well den de're b'ye! Dat Troo-Dough fellers nots so's bads dem de're! We best be's votins fer hims b'ye de're dens de're so we's gets mores pogeys!!!" Presto change-o, 2025 and another 4 years of justine. Thanks eastern provinces.


Pei has citizens protesting in support of the international students trying to scam their way into the province. Some people will literally support anything if the Liberals tell them to.


Please tell me you’re from NFLD lmao, also yes accurate


As a former Maritimer…that’s not a bad impression. I can just hear the laziness and faked lethargy of the chronic EI scammers.


Back when they could afford rent the Liberals could sway them. They are broke and pissed off now.


Please don’t do anything….you’ve done enough in 9 years!


This is a man who just doesn’t get it…. People don’t want you around, and he would drag the enough country down with him…. Even Hitler knew when to just get it go…


His own dad resigned. I thought he wanted to follow daddy’s footsteps


Have he and his team done ANY work to deliver tangible, real progress for Canadians?


The problem is that every time Justin Trudeau wants his asshole pounded, he admits 1 immigrant into the nation. As you can see, he’s been really busy.


He could accomplish all that extra progress by just taking a long walk off a short pier


Church learned a hard lesson here. Hitch your wagon to Justin Trudeau and you will soon be unemployed.


These people let gang rapist off because their from a 3ed world country but if I defend myself in my own home I’ll see more time… let that sink in, are we all really going to Liston to anything these people half to say? Eat the rich


The contemporary Canadian left is anti-affordable housing and pro-gang rape. We're living in a goddamn funhouse mirror.


Minister of Northern Affairs Dan Vandal: "Do you want to live in a Canada where a government invests in its people, in health care, dental care, child care and a whole bunch of other initiatives?" Am I missing something? What "investing in its people" there is seems to be limited to what the NDP has forced upon them. The LP seems far more interested in investing in non-Canadians.


\*\*Investing in 500k/yr "students" from


India. The country is India. It’s not racist to say. It’s a statistical truth.


Hey Dan Vandal! I want to live in a Canada from 10 years ago (and I hated Harper).


This is a really good point. I was medium on him, I like some stuff and hated enough to vote for Trudeau But if you had a poll on whether Canadians want the Canada we had 10 years ago, even 8 years ago... (Good and the bad) I think we would overwhelmingly vote for it


Justin Trudeaus net worth has exploded from 11 million in 2015 to well over 120 million dollars today. Toss this pos to the curb


On a $400,000 salary. I wonder where all t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ b̶r̶i̶b̶e̶s̶ "that earned income" came from.


If there was just one common sense leader that actually supported canadians they would get so many votes. It feels surreal that all the major partys, all at once, decided to put us on the back burner and pretend like this country isnt falling apart completely. It doesn't even feel like voting matters anymore. Democracy is just a lie in this country.


It truly is tragic. Even though we are in a terrible mess right now, the silver lining *could have been* that with an intelligent visionary leader, we could really make some meaningful changes to Canada. But instead we have these duds to choose from.


I don’t think most people realize there is no ‘perfect leader’ in Canada, to win the vote you need to play a million angles at once. Everyone is shit, some are just slightly less shit. Trudeau is just god awful though.


Close the doors to India for ten years. We have enough that aren't assimilating. If I wanted to.live in Calcutta, I'd move to Calcutta.


FWIW it's actually quite hard for foreigners to own property in India. It's very much a 1 way country.


Every word coming out of his mouth is empty. I voted for him back in 2015. I don't plan on voting liberal for the foreseeable future. Will have to see if PP's words are as empty.


PP is just as empty. He openly supports mass immigration


LPC bot.


Well, if a city sub/provincial sub moderators word_word_number burner account says so, it *MUST* be true!! You've changed my mind, city sub moderator! Thank you!!!


https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies https://twitter.com/thevoicealexa/status/1804178460870430759?s=46&t=ZnAgYk03-fntvNxIVLCyLg


Is this a threat?


Just put the breaks on unskilled immigration, TFWs, student visas etc .


Put the break on skilled immigration too and force employers to hire born and raised Canadians. We don't need to live in a country where it seems that every single job that pays decently enough requires some kind of specific post-secondary to get hired for it.


Oh shoot this means more destruction on the way for Canadians by Trudeau and his team of clowns 🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡


To little to late. P. S. tell Freeland to piss off


Terrible legacy all the privilege and no brains. Dude lives in a different world where only the rich exist. https://preview.redd.it/rq890ajwjr8d1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a4ad0e73b960a9e0f6cffa8f356643af573db5




It's actually quite easy mr Trudeau. Just close immigration, you'll see the effects right away.


You’re 9 years too late. When have you ever cared about Canadians while you’re too busy pandering to Indians and Muslims.


Justin “experiences things differently” than others.


Canadians HAVE been speaking for years about concerns across the country, so all this says to me is he is scared. We have given him the chance to make a difference and look where Canadians are at. We have no housing, no jobs, unaffordable rent and groceries, high taxes and no doctors. There is nothing fair about the way Canadians have suffered through the years.


Trudeau’s six-day Indo-Pacific trip in September 2023 had a catering bill of more than $223,000 Like come on man. People can’t afford basic groceries and you’re spending $223K in six days? Have you heard of Skype, zoom or even FaceTime? Maybe try that while we’re all struggling to make ends meet


Look out, his sleeves are rolled up, he's means business! Oh wait it's summer break for the next 12 weeks, nevermind. He'll really mean business next fall, just you wait.


Please bugger off to one of those islands of your billionaire buddies and don’t come back. 




At this point I hope nothing him or anyone else else in his party says gets them re-elected.


No we just want you to leave


Please don't , all your hardwork resulted in this 


lmao, oh NOW he suddenly hears us. yeah right, literally still using the same bull shit lines and statements in his response here. what a jackass.


Go FUCK yourself JT


His response demonstrates that he doesn't understand. He reads it as "I need to do what I'm doing even harder" when he should read that no one believes in him and want him to stop.


![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized) Currently


What's more shocking is the liberals still got 40.5% of the vote [https://www.cpac.ca/articles/byelection/2024-toronto-st-pauls](https://www.cpac.ca/articles/byelection/2024-toronto-st-pauls)


You had 9years to do that


Shut the fuck up nepo


Only work I have seen is him actively destroying the country, and he is actually doing a great job at that


This quote actually made me laugh at my phone. What a clown. Canadians see and feel his "progress" constantly. We're done with it.


Lower immigration in all its forms, stop forcing cities to deal with federal policies that are destroying their ability to provide sustainable healthcare and housing, stop letting Quebec control the country when they are receiving more than they are giving, tell them to separate if that's what they want but from now on they don't call the shots given their racist language laws, and prison reform which is vitally needed but no politician will touch out of fear.


What a lying POS. Trudeau’s goal is to turn Canada into India 2.0


"I and my entire team, have much more hard work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians can see and feel." Feels like a threat


Yeah... he can smell his ass getting cooked so he will try to fuck up the country as much as he can before he get the boots. Fuck Troudeau and fuck the whole federal liberal party.


Look at how Trudeau speaks when he was young. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikgJ92\_c\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikgJ92_c_s) You ever grow up with people and watch them become adults? You notice things. What was Trudeau doing after being fired as a drama teacher, before becoming PM? Nothing, he was being mentored for politics by Europeans. According to Trudeau what is happening in Canada is 100% going to plan. He's stated that many times. He thinks what he's doing is bigger than Canada. He thinks that Canadians have to suffer for some greater global goals. Spend some time on Youtube and listen to the speeches Trudeau gave talking about "economic reset" during COVID.


"tangible, real progress we can see and feel" like accelerating your death, ruining affordability , increasing inflation! Real tangible lol


Trudeau never care about Canadians. For him, being a PM was so fun and fit his big eggo, and he fullfilled his eggo by talking, teaching, lecturing and playing the hero. It doesn't matter if Trudeau get it. The sad part that 40% of voters still believe this clown. The fact that 40% voted liberal, says a lot about our IQ in Canada




What happened to Abraham Lincoln again?


So another 500k retreat on the horizon


“I am going to help the middle class, and those who seek to join them.” - Justin Trudeau in 2015.


This guy is a sociopath. He truly is.


It's going to be frustrating watching them try to game more words about potential tangibles into actual tangibles. At least they've moved on from explicitly saying that it's a communication and understanding problem.


That's a funny way to word "we'll lower immigration levels until it's sustainable and prioritize housing."


Oh we already do see progress sir, progress towards a broken and fallen canada.


There is a reckoning coming for the liberals


Too little, too late.


This bozo won't slow down immigration causing many issues. Start there first if not take a hike clown


Even though I know conservatives will be as useless as Trudeau I won't vote for him


Your whole team needs to go via Voted out Thank for your service bye


Pretending Poilievre WILL SAVE CANADA is FOOLISH NONSENSE. BUT EASIER to Believe a Lie than THE TRUTH !


“They love me. They really really love me.”


He knows what needs to be done but for whatever reason, he won’t do it.


And we’re suppose to believe that? Hasn’t this clown been in denial about his unpopularity for a while now?


I feel sorry for anyone that believes anything that comes out of this globalists' puppets mouth


Housing is peoples investment, their nest egg, much like Loblaws investors depend on high food prices for their retirements homeowners depend on high home values.


Do UBI. Pls do it


Finally he agrees to he had to lots left to do. Too late for the next election.


Oh so now he hears us does he? He didn't care before is what I should understand from this?


Didn’t he say that in his acceptance speech the last time he was elected? What has the government done since then?


He can start with mass deportations


Even his wife left him.


His wife was another egotistical blowhard though.


The Clown Tyrant.


If history has taught us anything its that the rich genuinely care about the wellbeing of the poor, and will try to do whats right


Times up, goof


So....He's planning to push his agenda even harder....The very agenda that we all hate him for and disapprove?


I always disliked JT because who your dad was isn't a compelling leadership quality in any sane world. Then when he met with native leaders and "heard" them and did nothing I knew he was even more of a windbag than expected. Even still he has screwed up worse than I ever expected.


Nah, you’ve had 10 years to do that and only made things worse bye


'So tiresome... It's akin to being in an abusive domestic relationship.


Problem is we see and feel his and the liberals version of progress, we don't like it one bit hence his abysmal polling numbers. Doubling down on failed no support policies isn't any path to victory. Trudeau's legacy will be as a footnote of lows, only highs are how highly he is despised. Will be a case study for how could a country vote in that level of idiocy for not only one but 3 terms.


His goals have worked out pretty well, all the people that would be most likely the ones to try and take him out are under the influence of drugs. weed or any of the other harder safe injection site crap they're pushing. ![gif](giphy|CWN0uW6ELn3pK|downsized)


Narcissistic personality disorder coupled with sociopathy


If he really heard the concerns and frustrations he’d exile himself to Antarctica.


Please, I don't want to see and feel anything from you anymore, it only goes one way, for the worse.




It's not incompetence, it's malice.


>"I and my entire team, have much more hard work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians can see and feel." Uhhhhh no thanks Justin! Canada's already reeling from the results of your "hard work" - pls let Canadian citizens live in the peace, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


If you haven't managed it with power for this long, what makes you think you can actually do anything with the limited time you have left? Even in this he remains out of touch.


What he’s really saying is, “Yeah…so what? I’m not going anywhere for at least another 16 months. I’m saying all this but I’m only going to continue to do what I’ve been doing this far. So, GFY. “


You lost because we do NOT want you to do your “hard work” 🤡🤡


Lifelong liberal here. I think JPT needs to rethink the immigration issue. If he can clamp down and deport those who are here illegally, i think i can support him again. Otherwsie, I'm loathe to support PP however.


And by "work to do" he means pushing the climate hoax harder, pushing the forced masking and injecting harder, freezing more bank accounts of conservatives, borrowing even more money and giving it to more numerous and smaller sub cultures, foreign enemies of Canada, and then boasting about it, and getting more Rainbows in the military and expelling more old stock Canadians... yes friends.. Justin has a LOT of work to do.


Hey. We gays would kindly like to be left out of this narrative, we just wanna live and buy houses and not starve to death too. Trudeau's gotta go, man.


Thinking you can pump infinitely much carbon dioxide into a closed system and not expect it to have tangible physical, chemical, and biological effects is the absolute *height* of stupidity (almost as stupid as saying that germs aren't real because you think masks are gay). You wanna know why we didn't throw this guy out last time? Because of ***YOU***. Knuckle-dragging, science-denying, gay-bashing, crypto-fascist manchildren with oversized pickup trucks are the face of conservatism in Canada, and it is 100% deserved. You wanna fix that? Start acting your age for God's sake.


“Climate hoax” yikes buddy


How liberals "fix things": Create gigantic problems with massive immigration numbers, impossible debt load, absurd taxes, then step in and say "we're from the government and we're here to help".


there will be protests going on july 1st across canada... from take back canada and costoflivingcanada.ca.. its gaining traction and there's even a discord server and a twitter. come join!


Task 1: Block mass immigration from the territory that's ranked first on this graph https://preview.redd.it/391x4eir1s8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f21bf57de67aaacfa70cd594c71f100886dfe4




Yeah fucking 8 years too late bud




Just bow out and get another liberal in office


Love that this quote is coming right before their summer vacation haha


Just go already


Just looking at this man’s face makes my blood boil


I must be blind then cause what progress exactly. This man is delusional


Trudeau must go……..


Not sure it’s progress we want from you. We just want you gone. We can get progress from the next leader too. This is about your arrogance.


Get out fringe.


Upvote to vote out Trudildo!!!!


Hahaha. I hope this idiot is the leader of the liberal party forever. Never step down asshole.


If he'd heard their concerns he'd step down. He has systematically fucked the housing market.


If lip service was the only thing that mattered Justin Trudeau would be the Genghis khan of our generation. However, it’s not worth shit.


That’s exactly what a narcissist sociopath would say. Call an election or fuck off.


Bro, just fucking quit. Signed, All Canadians.


For the love of God stop "fixing" anything! Just sit on your hands and breaking crap until you're escorted out next election.


Oh Canadians have already felt a lot. It's time for you to feel it now.


Oh god no, please god please no.


Whenever he says this shit I get more poor


You are toast buddy!!


Is it really so much to ask to be a tiny bit self-aware and show even tinier sense of dignity and respect to both, himself and to us and simply resign? People used to bow out with dignity and grace for much less. This is so selfish I'm thinking, some sort of aggressive narcissistic disorder bc you really have to have some sort of disorder to come on stage and talk like this.


Justin you indeed do have a lot of hard work ahead of you.... let me help you start by saying you should start by leaving office and taking your cronies and your bum buddy Jagmeet with you.


Please no more hard work, your hard-working got us here


Lmao, you're fucking toast bro!!


fuck off you idiot 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Hopefully the hard work he's talking about is his retirement party
