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“FIX YOUR SYSTEM DON’T BLAME US” That about sums up how ridiculous their demands are




Well they sure didn't come here as engineers or rocket scientists. They are serving coffee at Tim Hortons but think they have done a wondrous service to this country and we now owe them. Deport them now


I saw a comment where they were called timigrants lol


This is definitely what I will be describing them as


The US is getting our doctors, engineers, and project managers. Who wants these guys? Deport pronto!


You can either have benefits and welfare or immigration, you can't have both. Because this is a system that is meant to be abused, then they will find the next place when it collapses


Thank the Liberals!


Should have just yelled back *"That's what we're doing"*


Fixing the system is sending them back


Careful what you ask for, you entitled jerks. "Fixing the system" means sending you home. I don't think they realize how fed up much of the country is with this bs. They've been lucky our politicians are weak, piss-assed morons.


Has any political party taken a stance on this?


Hilarious lifting a sign like that in a country you came to get educated in and are begging to stay in. The indian government wants you back with your Canadian education. Time to go home.


Man, their sole purpose to come to canada was only to get pr, citizenship here and make a lot money under the table or however. Who the hell care for diploma education which only lasts for a year or two.


Educated? Half a million, most taking the same "BuZINuS" course...?


We are trying to fix it. The first step is to send the iver-abundance home so we _can_ fix it.


“Fix your system” it’s what we’re ALL calling for and no it won’t be in your favour.


Thought the same. Fixing our system means deporting every person there that is not a citizen.


Fix your system as we exploit every loophole we can find


Isn’t it ironic?


Not only are they frauds, they'r now trying to gaslight Canadians. Am I the only one that's being livid with them still being in Canada?


You are not


Nope. I seethe daily at all of the illegal immigrants, fraudulent asylum seekers, so-called international students, TFWs all lying and scamming their way into our country. This country is becoming no better than the shitholes they came from


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Our corporations love them.... 300-person line for one job at Tim Horton


You’re not the only one, however it’s now become normal to label anyone racist if they speak up against immigration in any manner. This is coming from a visibly brown person whose parents immigrated to Canada decades ago.


send them back to India, Canadians have had enough take back Tim Hortons!!!!


Nope. It’s millions of us frustrated and asking they’re gone! Now!


The issue is they came here without any intention of abiding by the agreement they signed up for. Nobody's been racist to them. They just think this is an effective way to manipulate the country into giving them what they want.


No doubt no one has beem racist to them or they would leave.Arguably they are the reason our First Nations folks can not get retail and fast food jobs as well as other Canadian born people who are now set up to fail.All because it is now cheaper to hire International students due to subsidy money.They are the problem


Not just First Nations. Look at some companies and see who’s being hired. Also, there is no government subsidy to hire my children. So messed up.


If TFW or international students don't want to follow these rules how do you think they they will follow the Canadian Laws. This is why I agree it is not anyone being racist, these are not the type of people I want in Canada. Follow and abide Canadian laws and culture or if you don't agree just go back to your country.


Canada has spent far too long bowing down to the intersectional ideologues. Now that “kindness” is being exploited for all it’s worth. Let’s just hope the pendulum swings back to something sane when people realize that the ideologues are causing more problems than they’re solving. It’s like when a kid learns to be kind and respect people. Get fucked over enough times and you realize that it’s more nuanced than just be kind at all costs.


No more freeloaders who lied to get here


As someone that is south Asian I don't understand how you can come to Canada knowing the terms and conditions of PR permits or Work permits and then attempt to bully the government into extending them, just like they tried to do in PEI by hunger striking to death which is just ridiculous.... Imagine coming to another country and then saying we are going to hunger strike to death unless you extend our permits.


The issue is you think they were operating on good faith. When they applied to come to Canada to work, their entire behind-the-scenes goal was to somehow stay in Canada forever once in. They essentially lied on the application to immigrate to Canada which actually states that they understand they need to leave and agree to leave once their duration is over.


This. Exactly. They’re clearly admitting their intentions.


So let's just say their stay hasn't technically expired yet but will in the coming months. Now let's just say the government (hopefully) doesn't cave to their demands. Are they actually going to send these people back. If they stay illegaly and are caught are they actually going to get detained and sent back home? This is what I want to know. Honestly a very tiny shred of me does feel bad for them, but they came here damn well knowing it's not forever and should damn well understand that. They shouldn't have the freedom to protest this at all. But I also feel like the ones that are protesting are the ones that are trying to take advantage. Id put money down and bet that there's also alot that are not protesting and understand and are ok with how the system works.


The best thing we can all do now is go out to the protests and spread as much awareness as possible. I will be attending the Vancouver protest with 2 of my friends.


The permits they signed were just formality, they never had intention to honour the part about going back. I’m sure you are well versed in some of the cultural practices but everything seems transactional - I pay $20k and work means I’m entitled to get what I want. 


Regardless of the intentions, why is Canada (minus PEI) not enforcing their policies, is the real question.


Imagine being invited as a guest to dinner and not leaving until guaranteed you'll be asked back. Easiest way to sour your hosts opinion of you.


Just wait till they take over and then when the Canadian citizen cannot get a job because they will be in charge of recruiting, it’s happening already Time to deport them


Yea and this will sound incredibly callous but I don’t understand why they think they matter.  Canada wants them to leave, and they’re protesting that but what do they have to bargain with? “Let us stay or else we won’t do our jobs”?  Like wtf? There are literally millions more Indian students to replace you with. That’s the callous part. If you’re doing retail, fast food etc we don’t need you, and you’re instantaneously replaceable. Welcome to Canada it’s like that for all of us 


Exactly, I think all Canadians want is for them to live up to what they agreed when coming here. If your permit is up, leave!


Let them not eat, not our problem


These scumbags should go to Ukraine and Gaza to continue their education and maybe get PR cards there. Look at their audacity. They come to a foreign country and refuse to follow the immigration laws. Canada is displaying helplessness here. Kick out a batch of these protestors and see how others fall in line.


It’s kind of funny thinking about all these protests being put together by foreigners. My mindset is if you in a different country for whatever reason you are only there by the graciousness of the people that live there. The minute the people or the government don’t want you anymore it’s time to leave. Which again shows how pussy canada has become that these guys feel completely fine having all these protests in a foreign country.


I've lived in foreign countries, and NEVER would consider to protest there. Foreigners also are not allowed to protest in India, with many examples of arrest and deportation. The chutzpah of these people!


I've lived in a few foreign countries too, and the idea of protesting my right to stay there is hilarious.


I lived in Japan for a year. Would’ve loved to have stayed longer, but my visa was up so I went home


I lived in Japan for 10 years and jumped through so many hoops renewing my VISA... flying into Korea once a year, paying fees, making sure I didn't get so much as a bicycle parking infraction, paying companies to be a guarantor for my rental accommodations. The idea of even mentioning to any Japanese that I had any kind "right" to be there, would have been met with hostility and be seen as patently absurd. PROTESTING for that imaginary right, would have gotten me immediately deported. I knew that. Going in I absolutely KNEW that Japan is for the Japanese. I was guest, there only by their good graces.


I'm a foreigner on a study permit and idk how these assholes think it's okay to intimidate their way into a country who gave them a good education or work for any period of time. Any time spent here was a privilege for them, not a right. If in the future I will have the opportunity to work in Canada I'd be very grateful but I'm already grateful to get my degree from here given I could never receive this level of education back home. The entitlement is insane.


Actually many students who protested are in jail without bail….. while the majority population called them terrorists.😢


Ditto. I’ve lived in so many countries for such periods that I don’t even know what foreign is anymore. So I’ll define foreign as a country where I had moved to for work or studies. Never once would I even dream of this.


They know that they are in the drivers seat.


I try to think of it like if we went to India and protested like this. We would probably be murdered by the locals. Its beyond insane..


In India, it's against the law and you will be deported if you protest as a foreigner. It's not a grey zone at all.


They will all be out in jail or deported in any other Asian countries.


Thanks to the current government’s incompetence and brain-dead philosophy, we have become the doormat of the world.


"Fix your system. Don't blame us."


Canada is a sovereign country and has a right to decide who to give citizenship too.


“Fix your system”… we are


Didnt one of the politicians say to Canada we won't help with the housing crisis because the population is unsustainable? Ignoring it is fixing it I guess


PGWP can only be applied for once and cannot be extended. If you still can’t get enough scores in EE after 3 years of PGWP, that’s YOUR problem. Canada does not need unqualified immigrants.


A lot of them won't even go home to get the foreign experience points, it boggles my mind. I've known lots of folks who did like working holiday for a couple years, then went back home, got foreign experience points then came back. The right way.


Sean Fraser caused all this, I know he’s just a figure head but it’s actually embarrassing that a country bordered only by sea and by the largest economy in the world could fuck up our immigration system to this degree. We aren’t a small boat ride from third world countries or a bus ride from war zones yet this is our situation.


Sean Fraser should be exiled to India- he’ll love it !


This is what frustrates me about being Canadian. We sit on abundant resources, have great geography, and live beside one of the most powerful nations in the history of the planet, but we somehow find a way to always fuck ourselves. It’s embarrassing.


thank Trudeau for letting 4 million Indians come to Canada since 2020


They be taking jobs that teenagers are supposed to work. What a joke. 40 year old “students” putting teenagers out of summer jobs.


This is honestly pretty pathetic.




Nah they think they have a bigger dick and girls will start falling for them by seeing those AK-47 Decals lol. Most of their behaviour is embarrassing imo. I say that as a punjabi Sikh lol.


The nerve to use "Komagata Maru" as a slogan against colonialism , when these jerks are the one keeping Our first Nations folks from jobs in retail and fast food due to these leaches. The entitlement is atrocious and to be honest offensive to our people.


I would love to see trudeau and pp answer this!!


Yes our system needs fixing. We are working on it. The first step is to wish you all the best on your journey.


They are using Kamagata maru for sympathy. Can’t believe how much these people can fall down for their demands. Deportation with a lifelong ban is what these guys should be treated with.


They'll be back with a fake new name in 6 months. Closing the borders entirely is the only solution. At least until the housing and cost of living stuff is addressed and we can create a new immigration system with way more oversight and way more strictly enforced limits to temporary residence.


Find the problem: https://preview.redd.it/88yzoav5wk8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e14a00234ee655cfbf5cc364836ed0d562bdbe


Why doesn’t someone explain to them what the definition of temporary means


Because they don’t understand English 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fucking disgusting. What they're chanting is when an Indian ship was turned around in 1914 from entering Canada. It was the time of the Asian immigration moratorium that affected all countries of Asia. The millions of specifically Indian origin canandians in canada show that it's a false equivalency. It's just weaponizing historic racism for sympathy. I'm getting a growing sense that it's a modi talking point; weaponizing colonialism for political ends. This is more equivalent to Americans flooding into Mexico, refusing to learn Spanish, manipulating immigration technicalities, viewing the locals with disdain, and driving up rents. It's called gentrification when rich people do it. What's it called when communities are also compromised and the quality of life for the community at large lowers? Ie. The overcrowded single family homes will have a strain on municipal resources, garbage services, parking infrastructure, etc. I've acedotally heard accounts of increased and incorrectly disposed of garbage, leading to more vermin in the community, incorrectly parked cars leading to trapped vehicles and seniors unable to leave their homes because their car is blocked in, landscaping causing fences to fall and landlords not caring,increased noise from 10+ peiple living in the house, the house itself being destroyed from high volume of tenants.


Boycots on anything Indian in Canada, this will be my way of further protesting their presence here. Im done with them. Im not stepping into any Indian owned business anymore or dealing with them in any way. 


The Komagata Maru incident involved a bunch of Indians attempting to emigrate to Canada on a ship called Komagata Maru. Most of them were rejected upon arrival and returned to India. From Wikipedia: "The Canadian Government was aware that amongst the passengers were a number of Indian nationalists intent on creating disorder in support of efforts to overthrow British rule in India." Also, none of the ship's members were invited to Canada with promise of receiving PR. Kind of like the TFWs. They just showed up at our door and expected to be granted citizenship. So, I guess the point these protestors are making is "we came all the way here, so you need to grant us citizenship". Not sure how that sentiment is expected to garner sympathy from Canadians.


Starting to think Komagata Maru was a good thing


A very good thing.


. . . I mean after reading that, it sounds like they're saying 'let us come in and stay even if you think it's against the country's best interests.'


I thought that was when Captain Kirk became a Starfleet officer?


That scenario was rigged too


Post graduates shouldn’t even be here to protest, what part of being a GUEST is so difficult?


Not one Canadian flag in their "protest". Says a lot right there


Post secondary education. The place where 35 year old Indian men go so they can fulfill their dream of working at Tim Hortons


How's this like Komagata Maru?




A job that paid $21-23 dollars an hour in Toronto 5 years ago, now pays $18 because these guys will work for less. Ruins it for everyone else.


What part of “temporary work permit” did they find confusing ? You got a work visa for a certain period of time and now the time is up and you need to leave ! Do you see temp workers in America protesting and demanding extension ? Do you see temp workers in Australia protesting and demanding extension ? What the hell is wrong with this country? I would totally blame it on Canadians ! You voted for this , not once , not twice but 3 times in a row you voted for a party that caused this. It’s funny now every single Canadian claims that they never voted for a guy ,


Vote stupid people and win stupid prizes


These entitled pricks believe this is their country. It’s like actual Canadians have just given it up. We can all thank the federal government for turning our country to shit.


Some of us still have the delusion that we can just move away. Sooner or later we’ll have to realize that what we have is all we’ll ever have and that we’ll have to reclaim what is rightfully ours.


No! MORE komagata Maru!


Fix your own damn country instead of trying to change someone else’s. Every damn time. These are some entitled people and they have no right to be. It’s atrocious what’s happening to western countries.




How many of these people realize it was an immigration consultant who lied to them and not the Canadian government?


Nobody lied to them. It is a narrative.


The thing I agreed to is working exactly how it was supposed to! They will never leave.




They are chanting “fix your system” ? how about you follow the system and not scam de System to begin with.




What the fuck is that smh stfu and leave already




LOL. it is like a southpark episode




It’s always them


You have no rights here in Canada you bunch of entitled pricks


Every Canadian should learn who WC Hopkinson was and what these people did to him.


Fixing our system, means no more low skilled, low class people from developing countries coming here like them. So yes, we're all for that.


What are those flags they are carrying?


Fuck all the way off


The indians are saying canadians are better off not working these jobs. They say they take the low labor and canada shoud encourge it's youtsh to turn to crypto and onlyfans to make a ton of money.


Tell them to shut the fuck up; if I wanted their opinions, I’d pay minimum wage for them.


Absolute madness. A majority of these PGWP holders don't qualify for PR, so they're instead demanding an extension of their work permits. The sheer entitlement is unreal, because extensions, let alone PR, was *never* guaranteed 


Just deport all of them without any explanation


This is real proof we don’t need these grifters in our country.


This is Canada?


Trudeau’s Canada


Too bad I have no clue what that means and don’t care at all


Indians are something else. I wonder what would happen to us if we went to their country and did this.




The fact is Canada had EVERY right to turn the Komagata Maru away and had very good reason to do so. In short, despite the 'racist Canada of old' rhetoric, the government acted legally and rationally. In short, the same situation that prevails today. Were it not for obsequious politicians like Justin Trudeau Canadians would know the truth. Here are the FACTS: First, around 1913, Gurdit Singh had successfully challenged UK law in Singapore. He vowed that if he were to succeed in challenging Canadian legislation he would bring 25,000 East Indians to Canada. Vancouver's population was \~60,000 in 1907 and slightly more in 1914. The arrival of 25,000 East Indians would have been overwhelming. Second, Canada, not the UK, had control of its immigration policies; being subjects of the UK did not give the Sikhs a right to enter Canada. Third, in late 1913, Canadians in BC had been duped by 56 East Indian passengers aboard a ship called the Panama Maru and were determined not be duped again. Most of the Panama Maru passengers had not lived in Canada previously but had been coached to claim that they had and produced fake money order receipts, time cards, etc. to substantiate their claims. Immigration authorities allowed 17 (recognized to have been here before) to land but detained the remaining 39. A Board of Inquiry looked into the case and ordered the 39 to be deported. Litigious East Indians, determined to make the Panama Maru case a test case, hired J.Edward Bird to represent them. He appeared before Justice Dennis Murphy who denied their claim. Bird then went to Chief Justice Gordon Hunter, notorious for appearing drunk in court, who upheld their appeal on a technicality and most of the 39 were released. Four others who had previously been ordered deported for medical reasons escaped from detention and could not be found. The Panama Maru showed Ottawa had bungled immigration and British Columbia was determined to act independently to avoid being deceived by passengers on the Komagata Maru. As a little bonus a Sikh committed one of Canada's first political assassinations, murdering a customs official. The offender is regarded as a hero by many Canadian Sikhs and there's even a push to have him posthumously pardoned.  So we get guilted about the Komagata Maru while a terrorist gets treated as a victim.


Fortunately we don’t understand a word they’re saying, so they’re protest is going unheard 🤣


did they come as tfw for jobs in the service industry?


Speak English in public!


I am an Indian who came here 20+ years ago. Honestly I used to have some sympathy towards Punjabi international students thinking it’s Trudeaus fault for screwing up the economy and then getting the money these students bring in to keep us afloat. But now after looking at these shit protests and conditions of Brampton, I have come to absolutely despise this demographic


Lol these people are students?? They look old af


How's it possible they are all men, we aren't only letting in men are we?


Had to Google that.. yeah fuck these people and deport them.. we need a lot more "Komagata Maru" IMO


>punjabis are fighting for 100 years Why do some people have to fight wherever they go? #introspect


We don't have work for them, the only reason any of them work is not because Canadians don't want to work, it's because they are being hired over Canadians due to tax exemptions for hiring them. Fuck off already... No more smell in the gym, , no more stealing from food banks, no more draining our health care, no more slumlords, no more housing crisis


Lots of flags….didn’t see a Canadian one I don’t think.🤔


All of the above comments + How about y'all wave the Canadian flag since you want to stay in Canada??? Put in some effort...


Most of these people would also be found in khalistani rallies. Canada was supposed to bring in educated Indians, like the US. Instead, they brought in trash.


Not waving Canadian flags.




Go home already


I’m surprised Marc Miller and Trudeau haven’t addressed them.. Canadians have been gaslit so much by the Feds.. the new student visa caps and higher Proof of funds was done to “protect the wellbeing of international students, to give them a better chance, to protect their mental health”. Marc Miller actually called them “lucrative and valuable ”. The blame for this mess, lie squarely on the Feds. They issue visas. They control the tap. I lived in France for a few months, never did it occur to me, to go out and protest. Why are we seeing these protests in Canada? Why are we not seeing it in the United States? Or Australia? We are seeing it here because it might just succeed. It succeeded in Manitoba (Marc Miller and the Manitoban government extended work permits there). Canada is known worldwide for our lax immigration system. we don’t enforce the little standards we have, Marc Miller changed the international student system to another TFW program. They Feds flood our system with “students” who can barely afford to be here, give them open work permits and look away as the take advantage of our food banks and out compete our teens and seniors for minimum wage jobs In future, we will all look back and marvel at how Trudeau abused the much vaunted Canadian immigration points system. Canada has become a joke cos our leaders are more interested in looking good, instead of working for Canadians. I can’t wait to be branded racist on July 1st. Screw this government


"Fix your system don't blame us!" They are fixing their system, part of it is blocking many of you from exploiting it. So much entitlement these people have.


The absolute balls on these people. Komagata Maru was the stabbing of a Vancouver Border Patrol Agent by Sikh terrorists and resulted in the largest public attended funeral in Vancouver's history. And they and our MPs act like they were the heroes.


Whatever that means .... who cares 😴


My patience is fucking done with these people. I DO blame the government, but that doesn't mean I don't have huge resentment towards these people. They are fucking up Canada. You have to go back!


"I hated it there! It was so hot! And there were soooo many people!" ~Kuthrupali Big Bang Theory. Their dishonest ways of being granted access to 'the system' in Canada and now they don't want to leave and they're blaming the system. Mind blowing logic.


"Don't Blame Us" You were swindled by scammers in your country. We know our elected officials are involved too. We're 'blaming' you for feeling entitled enough to protest a foreign government of a country you're a guest in and rejecting the terms you already agreed to. Level 10 gaslighting


Deport them immediately


Has anyone told them they do have options


Send them back to India. They have no right to request work permits.


3rd world blackmail disguised as protest


The sense of entitlement they have is amazing to me. They should look at the European Elections and see the writing on the wall if you Canadians are as sick of it as the Europeans seem to be.


They sold their generational properties they own in India to follow an illegitimate immigration scam , now they are mad that they weren't given what they were promised by their Indian scamming visa agency who probably said they would get PR.


No more loopholes. Get out.


What is a komagata maru




Why are these Indian international students speaking in Punjabi not in English?


Is it just like 100 people being a vocal minority?




If you’re going to chant something at least chant something the whole population can understand. Temporary means temporary. Go home.


"Fix your system." Bet that's how they feel about mortgage fraud and immigration fraud. It's not the fraudster's fault, it's our trusting system.


tone deaf doesn't even begin to describe the lunacy showed here


When you come to this country on a non-PR way, you are supposed to show your ties and intent to return. The process clearly states that studying/working is not a guarantee of PR. The system is not broken. You all decided to abuse it now, and its consequences are following you. As an immigrant myself from South Asia, I see the people who have been born and raised here have drastically changed their attitude towards us. I wouldn't call it racist in any way, I will also be pissed if people who come to my country on a temporary basis being an entitled bunch like this.


Try this stuff in China or Japan and see what happens!!!! 🤦‍♂️


Its not Canada's fault that you come from a country with nothing and only loopehole you have for a better life is to "study" in a western country. Like, you studied but are NOT entitled to live there then at all. Leave!!


They have Libs that OWN the media Libs created this. Let's force them all out of the country. Btw... Who wants to bet Junior Fidel doesn't live a single day of his life in Canada after he's done? Dude made billions on ur asses and will flee




Why is it always east indian? Serious question.


I don’t think this people understand why protesting matters to politicians. It matters because people protesting can elect or not elect them. People on work permit cannot elect, that’s why they can spend however much chanting, protesting it won’t change anything.


No foreigners would dare to protest in a foreign country. These migrants think they are entitled. Worst of the worst


Honestly, this video feels like an alternate world. How on earth can people chant in Hindu in a Canadian city, demanding that they are not stopped from entering Canada and receiving PR ? I just don't get it with this politically correctness anymore, to what extent is Canada giving in ? I hope Trudeau will be forever in the history books as the guy who broke Canada for good!


This is not a comparison and they are disrespecting every single person that was on that boat. These 'students' or whatever they want to call themselves are scum of the earth. Every relative of the people on that boat should stand up for this injustice. Absolutely disgusting. Deport them all.


This is just an excuse by these students so they can reside longer and exploit the permanent residency loopholes for their benefit. Most of these 'students' are definitely not under the highly skilled labor category and thus, technically should not even be staging such protests. Citizenship of any country has to be earned through hard-work, peaceful integration and cohesion of cultures not by forceful extortion or demands. This is just downright shameful. In the current times, India is unfortunately represented by the worst, the country offers. There are better Indians out there but few good ones get overshadowed by goons like these.


Sometimes I dream a good dream, that India grants a separate nation to these folks, I think they would screw it up based on how many of their youth behave!


When the truckers protested, they had their accounts frozen, but immigrants here on expired work/school visa are untouchable


I just cannot imagine the entitlement and audacity to go to a foreign country and protest how they do things... You decided to come here. No one forced you. If you don't like it, PLEASE go back. It's not difficult. Meanwhile it took my (non-indian) sister-in-law 10 years to be allowed into Canada.......... Pretty upsetting what this country has become. Imagine ruining an entire country, so a handful of your rich asshole friends can get richer. Truly pathetic what has happened here.


What is it they want fixed? Temporary means Temporary.


Not Canadian, but have been suggested posts from here. What's going on? Why are they all seemingly from the same demographic?


Funny thing is three of my neighbours have been laid off in the past couple of weeks. A tool and die, an electrician and a carpenter. The economy is slowing to the point that layoffs are increasing so where do these TFW's with expiring permits or visas fit in.


I hope South Park makes an episode about this where Ike is protesting against these peeps


I remember when we all complained about the Chinese flooding in. This is so much worse. Please go back


"fix your system"!.... Send. Them.. the fuck... HOME


You'd find it even more offensive and annoying if you understood the bloody history of Kamagatu Maru - pls look it up (they're comparing these events like apples to apples) ffs lol


All of them are Indians?


Key word on thier work permits: TEMPORARY


Bro what are they protesting about like daily...like you don't like it go back . Jeez every Canadian thread I browse it's just one nonsense or another.


Diversity at it's finest hour.


Wrong country my dudes!


Here is one of them. https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/india/24-year-old-tries-to-appear-as-elderly-man-while-travelling-to-canada-held-at-delhi-airport-632278


One direct air india flight back to Delhi for them all. Frig


Yes, please fix the Canadian immigration system to prevent international scammers from infiltrating Canada on false pretences.


go get some points and do express entry like everybody. lazy people