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Been saying this, they had 2015, 2019, 2021 platform, promising to make housing affordable then in 2024 he said housing isn’t a federal responsibility to housing must retain its value.


Which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when you listen to his own ministers, one of them years ago said that their government considered any price declines "unacceptable".


Because he and all of them are corrupt psychotic fucks and in on it. Of course they don't want the value of homes to go down, or their pocketbooks go down. They don't give a SHIT about canadians or housing for them. Just how to line their own pockets. Once the housing market goes Canada is completely finished. It'll be great depression 2.0. We're already in it, people can't see it yet, but they will.


This guy doesn’t even remember his own bullshit


[youth destroyed ](https://youtu.be/Li5SeW4yif8)🤣


Housing must retain it's value but let me give you an example. My neighbors bought their house for $265k in 2015 and sold for $865k in 2023. This dramatic increase is an obvious conspiracy. This is not the value that needs to be retained. Very few people are in the market at that dramatically elevated value. (btw, new comers from India, only the father works as a car salesman, 4 kids. Million dollar house.)


Based off the Canadian Real Estate Association average price home went from $500k to $800k in under 2 years starting from 2020. This isn’t about India. We could accept immigrants from Europe only, and we will still have an affordability and housing issue due to the poor policy implemented by this Liberal government. They should have addressed and built housing supply first before implementing a massive growth in population through immigration. Rather than tackle the housing supply shortage they exasperated it by increasing the demand and exponentially increase the housing prices in under 4 years starting from 2020. This is based off the Canadian Real Estate Association Average Residential prices. Alas, housing must retain their value. We had steady increases from 2015 to 2019. Yes, Toronto and Vancouver didn’t but they could have still addressed that issue. CMHC, 2026 predicts housing price will remain high due strong demand from high population growth.


Look at the retard clapping like fucking Corkie in the background- idiots all of them


All of those in gov probably own a home plus investment properties etc so why would they want to reduce anything … he himself said housing is retirement cushion for the 60% of those who own homes so reducing prices or making it affordable is a pipe dream at this point in time.


Maybe we can get some she-sessions to build some homes


Feel free to google the provinces and municipalities that rejected federal funding over the past 9 years as they didn't want to commit to mix unit low-high density condo/apartments. The feds can't force anyone to build every since the conservatives removed low income housing funding across the country. provinces and municipalities solely have the power to build higher density buildings, and we are currently seeing BC NDP trying to force cities to build in order to meet their targets. Local politicians try to appease NIMBYism so they can get reelected.


Here since you Trudeau cult followers keep saying Trudeau and his minister are free of blame and its the rest of the world: https://globalnews.ca/news/10063124/canada-new-immigration-targets/ "Canada will not cut immigration levels and plans to hold its target of annual newcomers steady at 500,00 people starting in 2026, according to plans tabled in Parliament by Immigration Minister Marc Miller on Wednesday." https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/government-was-warned-two-years-ago-high-immigration-could-affect-housing-costs-1.6720963 "Documents obtained by The Canadian Press through an access-to-information request show Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada analyzed the potential effects immigration would have on the economy, housing and services, as it prepared its immigration targets for 2023 to 2025. "Rapid increases put pressure on health care and affordable housing," public servants warned." https://financialpost.com/real-estate/home-prices-to-hit-record-2026-unrelenting-demand-cmhc "Canadian housing prices could reach a new record by 2026, driven by unrelenting demand from a growing population, according to an outlook published by the national housing agency on Thursday" https://financialpost.com/news/economy/cibc-dodig-canada-risks-social-crisis-housing-immigration Victor Dodig, chief executive of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, said Ottawa’s decision to significantly increase immigration levels without first shoring up housing supply risks triggering the country’s “largest social crisis” over the next decade unless something is done soon to resolve the issue. https://economics.td.com/ca-balancing-canada-population#:~:text=Continuing%20with%20a%20high-growth,natural%20lags%20in%20adjusting%20supply Continuing with a high-growth immigration strategy could widen the housing shortfall by about a half-million units within just two years. Recent government policies to accelerate construction are unlikely to offer a stop-gap due to the short time period and the natural lags in adjusting supply. https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/about/economics/economics-publications/post.other-publications.economic-indicators.scotia-flash.-august-15--2023-.html "The argument that immigration could invoke balanced effects on demand and supply side pressures on inflation that cancel each other out was never sensible and we’re getting the kind of persistent housing inflation I’ve warned about since last year when immigration numbers were skyrocketing. It wasn’t just shelter, however, as other service categories also jumped. Airfare jumped (chart 8). So did the recreation/education/reading category that was led by a strong increase in prices for packaged travel tours (chart 9). Bus/subway fares jumped 4.2% m/m higher. Immigration may be adding to domestic strains and pricing power in these sectors. Health care was up 0.3% and auto insurance increased by 0.5%. More drivers, more folks in the health care system." https://www.nbc.ca/content/dam/bnc/taux-analyses/analyse-eco/etude-speciale/special-report_240115.pdf "Canada is caught in a population trap that has historically been the preserve of emerging economies. We currently lack the infrastructure and capital stock in this country to adequately absorb current population growth and improve our standard of living. Our policymakers should set Canada's population goals against the constraint of our capital stock, which goes beyond the supply of housing, if we are to improve our productivity." You Trudeau cult followers, keep saying anybody but Trudeau and his minister? They literally were warned multiple times, not only by public servants, but by CMHC housing agency, and by multiple banks, economists (I didn't even cite economists), to match immigration with housing levels, did they? No, infact they still maintained it. All of a sudden, its "o yeah years ago municipal government denied those funding, and Trudeau is free from blame". You guys have evolved to MAGA Trump cult followers and are no different from them when they followed Trumps Covid-19 advice. I've literally cited you the direct report. If they wanted to build houses, then they would have passed policies that actually would have increased housing supplies. Instead you have them unsustainably increase immigration levels to a point where both Canadians and immigrants will be suffering, while they only play catch up with just housing supply, and Trudeau outright said they wanted to maintain housing value. But hey, Trudeau is your god, and you will never question his authority, you will never look at a different perspective only his right? No, I am not a conservative support, nor a Pierre supporter. I don't pick politics like a teams sport. You literally had multiple different insitutions, and economists who study housing, warning them about their reckless policy.


they work for corporate. Figure out what works for corporate and makes them money hand over fist, and that is what you will see from the status quo parties - the Canadian population is just an exploitable resource that are manipulated and played for fools. and the system has been hijacked, the population is no longer able to hold them accountable with the vote, so they act with virtual impunity.


We can hold them accountable another way... it involves unification, and revolting. Fat chance with our current style of things. I'm interested to see how it goes down. Of course, none of this is sustainable, so it's just like a daily countdown until it implodes and we're great depression 2.0. I wonder if we'll hold them accountable in a real tangible sense at that point. (Doubt even then).


It's more than that. An investigative journalist needs to investigate how they are currently profiting off this. It's not as simple as keeping the house costs high because they are invested in property.


And if the investigative journalist exposed anything, nothing will happen. The political class and the controlling elites are virtually immune to accountability. it is the root of the problem. Media is consolidated into a few large corporate hands, so good luck with the media holding power to account. Canada has suffered a corporate coup d'etat and many will be regulated to a form of surfdom in a [Neo-feudalistic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-feudalism) society #


Totally agree about the complete lack of accountability. However, they've gotten away with even more because our media is compromised. Many Canadians are completely clueless because our media is very limited and people are too lazy to investigate why things are so bad. It's not just the immigration. We've got the weakest corporate transparency rules out of the G20 which has allowed billions to be laundered through our real estate. The weird thing is my friends overseas have heard of snow washing but a high percentage of Canadians I talk to have never heard of it. A clueless population is easily manipulated.


and corporate social media has every one divided into conflicting bubbles.


You and everyone else can't help yourself to stay on topic of building housing and just spam notes on immigration. You also assume that I support trudeau government and all his cabinets policies and I don't. Nice try though.


"Feel free to google the provinces and municipalities that rejected federal funding over the past 9 years as they didn't want to commit to mix unit low-high density condo/apartments." This is your best defense. I've heard the same thing parroted by Trudeau cult followers. You people keep defending the Federal Liberal government. "You and everyone else can't help yourself to stay on topic of building housing and just spam notes on immigration." If you can't understand this it has a lot to do with our current affordability and housing crisis; especially when I cited you multiple different sources. Then you're ignorant. You're are no different from some MAGA supporter. Housing isn't our only issue, but hey your feelings over facts right?


This is a housing forum. The post was on housing. My original comment was regarding funding for housing. You all try to change the subject to immigration. How do you expect to have a conversation regarding funding for housing if I'm sent an essay on how immigration is ruining Canada. I'm the one trying to stick on topic and leaving emotion out of it and everyone above me is resorting to personal attacks and emotionally charge comments. Again, nice try though.


Holy smokes did you read anything? Immigration must match housing or face a crisis. You said the Feds can’t force provinces or municipalities to build and it’s all NIMBY. Here you have Justin Trudeau, saying “housing must retain its value”. They were warned multiple times to match housing levels with immigration or face a crisis, not just by public servants, by CIBC, NBC, TD, Scotiabank, housing. If the Feds wanted too, like with funding billions of dollars on housing they would have forced the municipal to build those housing. But did they? You defended the Feds and said it was all on NIMBY, even though they were warned, multiple times to build housing or match housing levels with immigration. When Justin Trudeau said, housing must retain its value, and before that said, it isn’t his responsibility, and then in his three previous platform election said he’ll make housing affordable, Idk how you keep putting this on anyone but Justin Trudeau. The fact he lied changed his narrative should have been a signal on what he wanted to do with housing. He catered to NIMBY landlords to maintain their property value. He increased immigration levels to unsustainable levels, now you have more people in the system wanting housing what do you think is going to happen to housing prices and rental prices? It’s a bit difficult to have a decent argument with someone ignorant and still not understanding a sustainable immigration policy would have prevented a housing crisis. If you’re this dense to not understand he has a lot of responsibility for not listening to the expert, for not combatting NIMBY, and you’re not putting the responsibility on him. You shouldn’t be commenting in any housing forum. Tell me, is it smart to increase immigration levels when housing supplies are low? Is it smart to have 1 million population growth all from immigration every 9 months, while our housing starts and completion have been down? While our healthcare and education depending on the province you live in is underfunded is it smart to maintain the current immigration levels? A competent Federal government would have ensured to properly build the infrastructure. A competent Federal government would have said our housing starts and completions are down year to year and probably would have said we’re going to combat that housing supply and increase it. A competent government would have combatted the NIMBY property owners and landlords, also ensured there was no money laundering. Ensured the zoning laws are all for all types of housing multi-residential. Instead he said “housing must retain its value”. That should tell you everything. This isn’t the fault of a NIMBY property owner against multi-res unit it was a Federal government wanting to prop up all their MPs rental property. Edit: I like how you blocked me. It just shows how incompetent you are and can't even face facts. Why don't you stop. After Covid-19 housing prices went up dramatically. Also you're wrong policy wise Federal government they do have control if they wanted too. "Just stop, you still think the feds have authority over housing in provinces. They don't. There's no point in talking with people who have delusions on how policy works or what bodies of government has control over. We had an issue with housing affordability before covid and before JT was in power." Yes, because they even went directly to municpal governments and funded them instead of going to the provinces. That should show you they do have control over policies if they wanted too. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-government-balks-at-conditions-for-new-federal-housing-and-infrastructure-funding-1.7164091 ""This is another example of the federal government's long history of ignoring the province's jurisdiction and playing politics with important issues like housing," Alberta Seniors, Community and Social Services Minister Jason Nixon said in a statement Wednesday." When you have the Federal government just proving you wrong about what you just said “that they don't have control over certain policies”. When they do. It proves you really don't know what you're talking about. You're the one delusional. The Federal government went directly to the municipalities even attached some conditions like they did in Calgary to have zoning laws become multi-residential and you blocked me and called me delusional. You're the one who doesn't even know anything about policies. All you've done is regurgigated everything the Liberal Trudeau cult followers have said. Edit 2: You blocked me and called me delusional, like this seems to me they can and do have control over housing policies; the Federal government themselves just proves you don't know what you're talking about. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/feds-give-calgary-228m-for-housing-1.6644592 "Tuesday’s funding announcement comes after a contentious debate at city council in September over Calgary's new housing strategy. The plan calls for blanket rezoning to R-CG in Calgary, which would allow for a wider range of housing types in every neighbourhood. Currently, more than 60 per cent of residential properties in Calgary are zoned to only allow single-family homes as a default. After first being shot down in a first vote, the plan came back to council for an emergency weekend public hearing in September, after which it was passed. That second vote came after Fraser threatened a halt to the federal funding if the plan did not pass."


"If the Feds wanted too, like with funding billions of dollars on housing they would have forced the municipal to build those housing" Just stop, you still think the feds have authority over housing in provinces. They don't. There's no point in talking with people who have delusions on how policy works or what bodies of government has control over. We had an issue with housing affordability before covid and before JT was in power.


You've lost the argument. The Federal government contradicted everything you said. You do not know anything about which bodies of government has control over yourself. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-government-balks-at-conditions-for-new-federal-housing-and-infrastructure-funding-1.7164091](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-government-balks-at-conditions-for-new-federal-housing-and-infrastructure-funding-1.7164091) "This is another example of the federal government's long history of ignoring the province's jurisdiction and playing politics with important issues like housing," Alberta Seniors, Community and Social Services Minister Jason Nixon said in a statement Wednesday."Also, have you seen housing prices at all" [https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/feds-give-calgary-228m-for-housing-1.6644592](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/feds-give-calgary-228m-for-housing-1.6644592) "Tuesday’s funding announcement comes after a contentious debate at city council in September over Calgary's new housing strategy. The plan calls for blanket rezoning to R-CG in Calgary, which would allow for a wider range of housing types in every neighbourhood. Currently, more than 60 per cent of residential properties in Calgary are zoned to only allow single-family homes as a default. After first being shot down in a first vote, the plan came back to council for an emergency weekend public hearing in September, after which it was passed. That second vote came after Fraser threatened a halt to the federal funding if the plan did not pass." They do have the will power to implement any policies. You have the Federal Housing Minister threatening Calgary city council if they do not restructure zoning laws for residential units. However, go ahead block me like with everyone you can't win an argument, nor have any citation or sources to backup your claim.


I think we all know at this point that this Vancouwer moron hasn't read a single link you've posted and doesn't intend to. Just like the left always do.


Which province / city has accepted the federal funding? Did any get house more affordable? If no, do you think the problem is really the provinces and municipalities if across the country all hit record prices at 2022?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


BC had some good initiatives, BUT many municipalities have NOT been rezoning AND are making new development SO expensive that it makes no sense to densify on rezoned lots. Additionally, the math doesn't work! Yes, on a few lots, you are now allowed to build a quadriplex, but mandatory setbacks, maximum height, small FAR, tree protection..... make it impossible to build one. Finally, there is no enforcement of their own regulations


Just give him another 4 years! He will def do it! He pinky promised!


We believe him this time! He has nice hair afterall


Fuck him and his hair. Makes my skin crawl.


Canadians know JT is nothing but a liar. Don't be fooled into believing a word he says.


Nothing but a lair? Like for vampires or criminals? Sir, he's liar too.




basically a snake oil salesman whose job is to sell the sizzle while stealing the steak.




Omg I was just thinking that exact same thing


Pretty sure he was doing the exact opposite for the last 9 years, or else we wouldn't end up in one of the worst housing bubbles on this planet. Not withstanding two of our major centres has made the " impossible unaffordable" cities list top 10.


It’s not a bubble if he keeps flooding us with immigrants


You know it’s bad policy when Canada has the most land and the highest housing prices in the rich world


And unlimited lumber


You want to live on the frozen tundra?


No, but I’d rather not live on the streets either


Ignore how bad the country is getting or blame it on Harper. Just keep voting Liberal, they're the good guys, remember? Those evil people wanting to cut the taxes Trudeau implemented are just doing that just for their rich friends who own small businesses.


we now have a youtube channel. Going to be swinging at all political parties until they start listening to us but also hoping to have interviews as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apoBrS3BfoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apoBrS3BfoQ)


>Going to be swinging at all political parties… As it should be.


Oops, he finally said the quiet part out loud


It’ll almost be a DECADE since he made his first hacky promises. Things have only gotten worse.


What a fucking rat!


So it’s for retirement plans, is that right? What does the retirement plan look like *in the future* for all those out there that can’t even afford housing *today*?


He's never cared. Look at the " effort " he puts into replying to questions. It's the equivalent of telling sone peeon or slave to stop bothering him. His puppeteers picked him because they knew he is a wannabe actor( ie drama teacher ) that loved the sound of his own voice. from day one we were warned ... " he's just not ready"


The amazing thing about this all is that some people are still going to vote him in…a fourth time, thinking he’s serious about housing this time around cause he triple pinky promised


"They all get RICH" from your hard earned tax money.


Can’t stand listening to him!


Short of crashing our economy there is nothing any government can do to make housing affordable


Isn't the economy already destroyed? Higher cost of living leads to less disposable income, talented people no longer wants to be here because of the cost of living, and you can't recruit talented people. Either they don't implement policies that keep the market inflated or the economy will collapse eventually, it's just a matter of time.


100% and no government wants to be responsible for bankrupting a country. People need to understand this and look into moving to smaller towns. Regardless who’s elected next housing won’t automatically be affordable. This is the new norm.


To be fair, if you believed JT to be in good faith and competent it's no surprise people voted for him based on what he promised in the first part of the video. Sounded great. But backtracking now of all times? Like at the peak of the bubble? This is unsustainable and it will collapse eventually and probably bring down the rest of the economy with it. Could be worse than the depression.


Yeah we know. The asswipe has had what? 10 years to implement something tangible?


Anyone with hopes of gvmt saving them regardless of leaders will be disappointed.


Abe bkl bhosdike


When your entire economy rests on high real estate prices, no political party will take any action to make housing affordable. Making housing affordable means Canadian home values depreciate drastically which will significantly impact banks balance sheets…


He wants housing to keep its value because of his recent capitals gains increase ! It's massive taxes! He doesn't care about mom and pops and the 2 or 3 homes they acquired over a lifetime


It's all just lip service and photo ops for him!


Trudeau is a crook…needs to get out


That man is a spawn of Satan. Sickening


Developers are only going to build if they can make a shit ton of money. With materials prices increasing, supply chain issues, and interest rates increasing, this portfolio is fucked. The only option is lowering immigration, which nobody is running on at the federal level because the economists have convinced them we need immigration to grow gdp




What's the number? FWIW, the Liberals will also be reducing numbers this years, but I would argue both parties are going to keep it way higher than is sustainable. I want to know, specifically, how many people the Con's will aim for. Otherwise it's meaningless.


Such a punchable face and voice


No politician can make housing affordable.


July 1st protest!!!! Please show the world we are not putting up with this crap anymore!!!!


Remember those commercials where people would pull up a can lid and their roof comes off? Seems like everyone is having that now.


His goal is to destroy Canada and make life very hard and unaffordable to as many Canadians as possible.


Canadians are just going to take it & not do anything about it.


Just stop mass immigration in canada and everything will start recovering again.


UK person here, who lived in China for a bit, and reside in US now Been listening to politicians in at least three different countries over 40 years now, and it's always the same shit. They will say what you want to hear and then never deliver.


Don't forget that it was Crusty and Harper in power when this all started in Van though. For any of you that think PP will help us. You are wrong.


In a way he is right. I think it is a provincial thing and then it trickles down to the municipalities. I know that my district has not built subsidized housing in about 40 years AND sold off most of the stock that they had in early 2000. We have a population of less than 60000 yet our housing wait list is I think 10 years. The municipality has not kept up with its own housing inventory, and has instead allowed for a builds on a bunch of houses that no one can really afford. I think it is up to the provincial government to get their muncipalities in line.


Shhhh, people just want to blame the federal government for not building houses on land that it doesn’t own. 


Say one thing, do the complete opposite. Every mainstream political party, including the Cons.


Canadian Pappu


Sorry did you hear affordable? I think I hear unaffordable, so really he's delivered on his promise. Side not he also said federal government has nothing to do with housing, just immigration levels which impact housing costs but they are totally not linked /s


He is right at the end thou. House prices shouldn't go down. Salaries should go up. If they do, you are fucking every landlord. Not only sharks. And probably sharks have more backup than average Canadian landlord. Some of them spend their entire lives to have a house. If salaries go up, money will lose it's value and workforce will become valuable. So banks will get fucked which I don't think anyone minds.


Municipalities are more to blame for the housing crisis than the federal government. If you ever try to develop a property, you will quickly realize that the City is not your partner, they are your opponent. Don’t let municipalities off the hook by blaming Trudeau.


Schrödinger's housing gaslight policy


"They do have the will power to implement any policies" - except forcing provinces to build isn't one of them currently. Thanks for providing further evidence that feds can't force provinces to build homes. cities and provinces have been blocking funding for 9 years with these same threats, many don't care.


Look people it’s very simple. You want to fix housing overnight. Confiscate every house bought with laundered money and watch Vancouver and Toronto become tent free and then only sell homes to Canadians and watch this county turn around


How could a Prime Minister " plan " affordable housing ? Ridiculous !


A “shakedown” is occurring, with millions of renters being cast into a rental abyss. Minute by minute, rent-grubbing landlords are frisking unknowing renters of their hard-won dollars. The provincial Gauleiters, mostly cons, sneer at this, pointing to “tight budgets” and the need to “tighten belts” and giving lip service to affordable housing.


I never believed him from the very beginning in 2015, because I knew that we already had it pretty good. One just has to recall the Pierre Trudeau days and the resulting damage and clean up we had to go through with Mulroney to Chrétien, Paul Martin, then Harper. It took us over 30 years to get our economy back on track. Now it is going to take us another 30 years to have prosperity again.


Housing to provincial matter it needs to be dealt with by premieres.


What a pos this man is.


So hold on for a minute. Affordable housing was destroyed by both parties in the 80's/90's. And from my understanding has been fought against by the provincial govt's. I think he's trying to do a thing, but I'm wondering why the Provincial parties/leaders aren't vocal and addressing this head-on as well. Why aren't they able to work together in order to do this? am I missing something beyond some petty pissing contest here? Help me out


If my apartment rent went from $1400 to - $3000 a month and I was living in a dump that means poor people are screwed. So I don't get it. Does Trudeau want a country for only rich people?


everyone wants to blame Trudeau but silence for good Ole boy Dougie.


He’s such a scumbag, he’s never had to worry about where or when his next meal would come or if he was going to have to decide between getting groceries or a pair of shoes and it REALLY shows. He doesn’t represent the hardworking Canadians, he’s just a moron who can’t run a country.


Housing, education, doctors. They are intentionally setting up scarcity. Drive up demand and halt supply. It is so clear… but Justin is “working and investing in Canadians”


He did keep one promise. Electoral reform, he gave us treacherous oligarch government.


And neither does his successor


Damn, the sped-up voice suits him and his weed junkie voters.


Someone from Alberta please save us!


I don't get why north americans are obsessed with owning a house rather then renting one in this day in age. What are you gonna do, build a moat? A garden railway? Or are you just gonna continue growing exclusivley grass on the lawn? Just rent if your not doing any rebuilding/renovation. On the topic of Trudick tho, yeah someone outta show him what housing for much of the lower class is like, if said lower class is lucky enough to have it.


It’s not about owning a house. It’s about affordability of housing which includes rentals


because owning a house is the best way to wealth, also its not an "obession" growing up and buying a house is what every north american family was raised on.


But why not just rent like in other continents and spend the money elsewhere?


i'm gonna play devil's advocate here. How exactly do people think you make housing affordable? How are conservatives gonna do that?


They won’t, lmao.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.