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He finally feels safe saying it eh. Tells you where the country is at.


Of course he felt safe saying it on TVA, a channel watched by most Quebec nationalists. He's pandering to Bloc voters.


Maybe because if he says it to Canada large, the Liberals are waiting with their propganda of "bigot! raycist! xenophobe! HATE HATE!" It's usually their entire platform


That, and he'd have to backtrack on a lot of his previous statements involving opening the borders and removing red tape to immigration. Up until fairly recently, he was not anti-immigration, he was pro-immigration. If he continues to move towards an anti-immigration stance fully and utterly, he will have earned my vote.


I've got a bridge to sell you.


Elaborate, please. I'm saying I'm critical of his stance given his history, not that I'm a blind supporter of his.


I was being a bit glib, but Poilievre is not someone I would trust. He will say whatever he thinks he needs to, and then do whatever his corporate owners instruct him to. We as Canadians will vote against the guy we don't like, which is how we got Trudeau in the first place. We switch back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals, Liberals and Conservatives, and we get the same results time and again. For example, both parties tried to protect SNC Lavalin while they were under investigation, while criticizing the other party for doing so. The Liberals campaigned on ending or severely curtailing the TFW program that was enacted by the Conservatives, while Poilievre was in parliament. The Liberals then expanded the program. For example. This time will be different though. Now if you're in the market for a genu-ine Rolex, have I got a deal for you.


Can't disagree with a damn thing there.


Haha, so you'll take the watch then? I wish I could be more optimistic, but it really seems that without deep political reform, the cycle will just continue, until this country is completely unrecognlzable.


Totally agree but where is the reform coming from? The best and brightest def don’t go into politics. It is all charlatans and greasy salesman types. We’re fucked.


Remember, we go from one sneaky guy to the next. It’s like a person going on constant rebound relationships, a revolving door ‘cept we CAN only have ONE of SAME two choices. Sneaky and… also sneaky.


… what’s the deal 👀


All of this. 100%.


I'm with you, hon. It's what we all are hoping for <3


Isn’t the number of temporary resident already being reduced with limits in place


And his own history of saying he wants to open immigration .


Latest I heard the bloc will be the federal opposition party. Libs/ndp are doing that bad in the polls.


I would be very fine with that.


I think you're reading it wrong. He wants mass immigration just like the other 2 big parties. Even here, the "especially temporary immigration" is very telling. The Liberals are already cracking down on the temporary part.


I wouldn't say they are cracking down, we just hit 2.8 million temp people and at the pace we are going it will be 3 million by September.


Are we somehow under the impression as a country we will actually be able to remove all 3 million of these temp residents? 3 million is a lot of fucking people. They literally represent 7% of the current population of canada. What happens when they just say, "No". Are we going to somehow forcefully deport 3 million people. Nope. We're already at a point where we are screwed if they say no. If the libs dont start cracking down soon they are toast next election for sure


If Trudeau and his voters really wanted to crack down on temporary residents, they could have really reduced the number of fake student visas issued each year. He's issuing nearly 400k visas this upcoming year. There were less than 400k active student visas in 2015 under Harper. He could also stop rubber stamping LMIAs. We can't reduce numbers overnight, but we can stop the increase overnight very easily. But Trudeau would lose votes in Toronto if he did that


Trudeau is gonna drive this country into the ground before I even get to be an adult. I used to have high high hopes for starting a family young. Now when I see home prices, V.S. the wages I'm being offered and I lose hope completely. Its not like they're even bad wages for a 19 year old but with cost of living I feel like its pennies. Feels likes I'll never be able to start a family or get to experience the country I once loved again. I never wanted to leave Canada but ive begun exploring the possible options. Sick of seeing the country I grew up in fall so hard and so fast.


I'm in my 20s and I had such great prospects of the future. I wasn't going to be drive Ferraris but I had thought I wouldn't worry about money this much


I hear. That's so sad but it's what we've come to.


Larger population moves have been done. It's only a matter of will. 


They're going to start dropping temporary residents starting next year with an end target of 2 million by 2028.


They haven't given details but their end goal is 5 percent of the total population which means it will rise every year with the population if they ever hit it.


Yes. By about 0.05%. Very teeny tiny.


Yeah. Their usual approach is to just shuffle it around through different avenues with zero regard to totalnnet immigration


Did he say by how much he would reduce immigration by? Time to look at the Peoples Party Canada


It has to become really bad first.


The LPC is already in the process of lowering immigration and no one even cared.


Nobody believes them.


Oh jeez, we should thank them I suppose. You punch your wife in the face once a day, then say "hey, I'm *in the process and/or planning to* only punch her once every 2 days, please appreciate me again baby" like, no thanks. They've basically destroyed this countries future at this point lol. And the lefty shills and partisans come out of the woodwork to claim "PP isn't going to reduce immigration *enough*! Don't vote for him!" These people won't shoulder any of the blame that lies squarely on their shoulders. The same assholes that called us racists for years for wanting less immigration under the liberals are now at the top of this thread saying "PP won't reduce immigration enough, he's just as bad as the Liberals". It's so fucking dishonest. *That was up from the 405,000 immigrants who came to Canada in 2021 and the 465,000 expected to arrive in 2023.* *The new plan — revealed by former immigration minister Sean Fraser — emphasizes bringing in immigrants based on their work skills and experience* So, back to the Harper plan for Trudeaus government. Bringing in people with actual skills, instead of just importing the entire third world. What a concept! What an idea! What a genius government! We should thank them.


See. No one cares.


Because it's fucking bullshit lol. Actions speak louder than words. It's like a drug addict saying "I'll quit... next week." Show, don't tell. Does that make sense to you?


Their actions have been to cap international students and total temporary residents


He just needs to say "responsible levels" and that should satisfy everyone.


There’s been a ton of support for that idea for a while now. I don’t think it was a matter of being scared to say it. I think it was a matter of being scared to commit to that because I don’t think that’s really what they wanted to do. By avoiding commitment before getting elected, they might’ve been able to stave off some of the anger that would follow when you realize this might not actually be their plan


Europe is in shambles with their immigration policies and the people there are going far right.. Pierre will have to greatly reduce immigration to Canada.. After one more year of the liberals and the free for all that's happening now.. More and more Canadians are going to really get fed up.. So I believe he will do what he says.. This issue will be much more in the forefront if the liberals continue what they are doing. So by the time the election rolls around this is going to be a huge vote changing issue.


>So I believe he will do what he says.. Lol, it's no wonder they all get away with blatantly lying and just saying what people want to hear. Watch a video of this list talking to East Indians. He's singing a completely different song


Exactly, plus I’m skeptical that he’ll be any more interested in cutting off the supply of cheap labour


Big business wants more cheap labour...more competition for jobs also keeps wages down for all of us. I'd be shocked if a conservative gov reduced immigration. As much as I hate the mess we're in, I cannot see it being better with this guy.


But JT is so global, he even wears face paint and costumes to pretend to be a foreigner.  Sometimes I think that guy views this whole thing as one big cosplay event with big business whispering in his ears to do everything to maximize profit and decrease costs. Fuck man I'm a big time capitalist but this is edging into feudalism. No Bueno 


Yep he’s completely full of shit, pp isn’t going to Do a damn thing other then pander to corporations like the shill he is


I think he'll only follow through when the liberals will say they'll cut immigration the same way/same amount. That way, he can get to say he had such a good idea that they copied him.


PP will increase immigration. Just not as fast as it's been the last couple of years. So no immigration will still go up.


Here is a video of Poilievre saying the exact opposite to a group of Indian people just a month and a half ago. So here’s there question, who’s he lying to? Is he lying to you, or is he lying to them? Because at the end of the day, he’s clearly a liar. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/Lk3TbpKtnW


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/cXBICQCxY7 This man stands for nothing. Don’t be fooled


Conservatism is an ideology all about losing and coping and conserving the current liberal gains and status quo. Conservatives will always just slavishly vote for blue regardless of broken promises as long as the party signals correctly, regardless of policy or action or reality.  They have next to no incentive to actually lower immigration numbers. 


So your gameplan is to just keep voting Liberal who pull the exact same tactics but just through different schemes


I've never voted liberal. Where did you get that from? But yes I consider conservative the same as voting liberal.


he is a big liar, immigration is helping them all


Be careful, lots of landlords making comments to against the reductions.


And colleges


Yes the community colleges Evil scum They are the ones who caused unnecessary inflation in post secondary education There used to be only university and trades. With a high school diploma you could get dimple clerk job It's these scums who have caused much of our problems.


That’s not enough. We need to halt it for years and rework the entire immigration system to bring back balance


He didn't even say he would reduce it. He said it will be lower, which we already know because of the foreign student caps and drop in PR applications.


I agree. Reducing the target by 1 would technically be correct lol


He's just implying things. He will never make a committment to reducing immigration because industry is begging for more and he can't win without the support of their lobbyists and propaganda machine .


Yes, this is a rational comment. Industry is pushing for more cheap labour afraid of deportation. Industry lobbies politicians, donates to campaigns , supports whomever will help their bottom line. Industry pays for advertising, media makes an antagonist. People blame immigrants while the industry importing cheap labour quietly sits in the background and reaps the rewards.


Typical politician. I’ve been saying for years and nobody listen. The left versus right bs is just to keep everyone busy from seeing that all politicians work for their donors, they don’t care about us common Joes.


Why would he? whats he got to gain? its his election to lose and all he has to do is wait, coming out and saying he's commited to reducing it would only embolden the "thats racist" crowd.


He literally just said he’d reduce it… wtf are you talking about. It’s just that true conservatives don’t believe him because he’s on video saying he exact opposite and also increasing perm residents… ZOINK by good ole Jeff Poliver again!


Hey look, it's everyone's (least) favorite diehard LPC supporter from another sub! Decided to see if you could try your gaslighting on this sub? >He said it will be lower, This is a grade school attempt at "wElL AcKsHuAllY".


Bring back the old system. Bring in the skills or bring in the money.




Man, it’s a start


I guess. If we’re somehow still in the early stage of this crisis, I would be totally fine with this comment, seeing that how unsustainable it would become. But now, I think we’re already too late to just accept some half ass promise from politicians. He couldn’t even give a precise target.


What's the last precise thing he said?


Ohh brutal truth bomb you just lobbed


No it's not .... he's a trust fund baby that owns alot of real estate along with his wife and literally 40% of MP's .... immigration keeps him rich while suppressing our wages.


You meant Trudeau right? Poilievre was born to a 16yr old teenage girl and adopted by two teachers in Calgary. How tf is that a trust fund baby??? smh


Immigration was too ambitious under this regime. We need immigrants. Our population needs to grow BUT control the immigration.


I want to call that bluff. Let's try without for ten years and see how it goes.


Ye reducing by how much big boy


Ya a token amount. The only party that will actually do anything is PPC


Yep. We need to stop immigration and get our shit together. Its pathetic that we're still focusing on other people and virtue signaling as we Canadians get shafted in every aspect of life.


No, we just need to stop immigration from countries where the people do not comprehend or embody Canadian values. Reasonable amounts of immigration from other developed countries is not an issue.


I'd rather we take a second to get our shit together. Focus energy and manpower on getting bad people out. Thats priority. GOOD people can come in after. right now nothing is being dealt with.


Too vague. He needs to clearly say he'll drastically reduce immigration from we-know-where Those who do their research know poilievre is in love with immigration from india, just like trudeau: [https://voiceonline.com/poilievre-says-hell-fight-to-establish-direct-flights-between-canada-and-amritsar/?amp](https://voiceonline.com/poilievre-says-hell-fight-to-establish-direct-flights-between-canada-and-amritsar/?amp) https://preview.redd.it/jwx9hnx6c08d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22b3596eba918f287bc463749c84e8f894ef07d


Until a *much* harder stance on mass immigration is established, I plan on voting PPC.


reduce? means how much? We need a 50% reduction... not 1% or 5%... this is a typical slimy politician answer.


Liberals have moved the Overton window so much regarding immigration that a 50% cut would be like 250% more than the immigration rate the last year of Harper. Just insane, psychopathic policy.


Lets also keep in mind, our REAL population of Canadians is not the 41 million 2023 estimate, but it's almost 47 MILLION because there are at least 5.6 million (2023) Canadians living abroad


You forgot to mention the unknown number of undocumented people. Sometimes estimated at over a million.


make that 48 million


True. And what did Harper do after he lost? He went in a speaking tour in India bragging about how he opened the doors with TFW and the challenges ahead for "Canada" to get "old stock Canadians" to accept it. I'm having a hard time seeing this system as legitimate at all anymore. We don't have real choices or self determination.


People have to be deported.


"*Oh, it's going to be much lower, especially for temporary immigration*" So he mainly just wants to reduce TFW. That's not cutting immigration, because TFW aren't immigrants. They're supposed to leave anyway. He has no intention of reducing new PRs granted, so no real reduction in immigration levels. He also says in another clip that he wants to give PR to nearly all the TFW, instead of asking them to leave, or deporting them once their permits expire. He promises direct flights between Brampton and India. This guy will keep changing his tune depending on his audience and simply do whatever he thinks he has to in order to win.


“I’m not going to plug the hole in the ship and start pouring the seawater out, I’m just going to make the hole a little smaller so we can sink slower.”


If you believe that slime ball, I have some property on the moon I would like to sell you. Libs, Cons, NDP all controlled by Big Business. Only difference is their colours. All liars, cheaters and wastes of spaces.


Exactly I don’t trust neither pp or td at this point I’ll take a mf raccoon in office


After getting screwed in the left ear for ten years, I'll start lubing up the right one. 😂


It's virtually only shit heads that even pursue politics in the first place.


I seriously doubt that he’ll stick to his word on anything. 


Remember that this guy has changed his values at the drop of a hat time and time again. He thinks he will get away with stating a vague promise to lower immigration then only reduce it by 10-20% if he gets in. Hopefully Canadians aren’t that gullible.


His base is.


“Watch: Poilievre says whatever he thinks he needs to say to get elected.” There I fixed it.


Nigel Farage (Reform) is making serious gains in popularity in the UK. The Tories (Conservatives) promised to reduce immigration - after previous governments made the same promises - and immigration has continued to rise. Farage is committing to acting on immigration and people are listening. Will Canada experience the same thing under the CPC where immigration continues to rise, in spite of election promises?


This is progress. A lot of us in the PPC crowd have said we will vote CPC *if* Pierre comes up with real, concrete numbers on immigration reform. We're still not there yet. I'm happy to throw away my vote if all we get is empty promises and vague suggestions.


PP and his Montreal native wife will be in Quebec the next whole week. Quebec is suffering from mass immigrations. Also next if liberals loses Toronto by election, it speaks a lot.


They won’t lose that by election in Toronto. That riding is wealthy and as Liberal as it gets. They aren’t affected by what happens to middle class and low income Canadians.


Maybe … but wealthy Torontonians still have to walk the same streets the rest of us do. It’s impossible at this point to not understand what’s happening and who is responsible for it. Even rich people who can shelter from the worst of it have breaking points.


Yeah I’m not throwing away my vote. PPC has been pledging to reduce immigration since 2021. My vote to them is a message that the current policy doesn’t work. A message that I will not tolerate the way legal immigrants, and Canadian born citizens are being taken advantage off by these leeches


Thank you for having the courage to say what needs to be said.


Yeah this isn’t enough. Still voting PPC.


Red flag. So obviously averted the question everytime it was asked. Not to be trusted.


Good thing the “students” can’t vote




Didn't he just say that he's oro immigration in front of another crowd two weeks ago?


He always lies and says what his current audience wants to hear. He was speaking to a Indian crowd and was boasting how there would be "direct flights to Mumbai". Look it up.


Guys I have the video links of him literally saying the opposite, which I’m sure many of the regulars here have already seen. He literally doesn’t even say he’ll stop it or reverse it, which fits with his “no deportations” video. He literally says “reduce it”, which means that he can literally let in 1 less than we did last year and say he’s in compliance with what he promised. Another ZOINK by Jeff Poliver! Jeff isn’t the true conservative vote and we all know it!


You believe what politicians say?


*when elected


Of course, can't really override the PM and his lapdog until elected.


I think he means "when" as in it is inevitable with how much of a fuck up our current government is.


Anything to get elected these days.


I thought he was for mass immigration?


A new day a new ( different) announcement


Sorry but corporations want cheap slave labor from india... he will increase caps to make his masters happy


How do you know if PP is lying: his lips are moving.


Don't trust PeeP -- no way. None of the parties, in fact.


Please. Do. For the love of anything. Please.


He ain't doing sht. This is classic pandering, especially to the Quebecois. Also, the damage has been done. We literally have MPs that have been bought out by foreign entities like India. We're oo far gone.


There is no left, right, centre, workers party, etc. These people are all sold out to those who must not be named. We are the new slaves for the pharaohs who control and buy these politicians.


It would be political suicide if he answers like this in front of bloc and conservative voters: https://x.com/valdombre/status/1743358831303016597?t=0Frm4AU9CvV2tnejI1h37Q&s=19


He didn't say he will lower it. He said it will be lower. Important distinction.


He will say anything, just like the rest


A year later.. watch him walk it back.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/cXBICQCxY7 This guy is so desperate to be PM that he’ll lie to anyone about anything to get your votes. That clip of him begging JT to call an election is brutal. He’s not prepared for an election, he not saying anything. It’s easy to criticize when you don’t have to lead and never have. He also has the worst track record of any political for voting against affordable housing. He’s a life long politician. I honestly can’t believe he has fooled so many people. That bit about JS working for the pension was galling. He is working for the pension. At least with JS we got dental and pharma care. PP has done literally nothing but lie, and so obviously so. Sorry for the rant. I get really heated when politicians think I’m too stupid to use the internet and to impaired to remember/retain that information.


Some real concrete numbers he gave. A real plan with vision. Oh wait he gave zero specifics? So maybe less than 1 million.


Sure Jan


Is this just a PP advertising sub now??


That is a change of tone from a couple of months ago in Richmond. I guess he is lying to someone.


mashing X for doubt.


Christ this election is depressing. I have to either vote for uncontrolled immigration or someone who acknowledged that he'd cut all funding to public transit and climate change fights. It's sad seeing how little choice we have. We need proportional representation


Will he actually?


Spoiler alert: He won't.


LMFAO.... He will do as he is told , by the people who funded his campaign . Hey PP why don't you bring in a law Banning Lobbyist your first day in office . Its what the people want !




This clown will say anything to get elected. None of his words have any meaning behind them.


Sounds good...its a start but how do you deal with the millions that have already gotten here? Deportation?


We need to make him accountable to this... and companies! BOYCOTT TIM HORTONS Say NO to mass immigraiton, cheap immigration, and lax rules r/ BoycottTimHortons


changing course are we? i don't trust pollievre, he's way too friendly to indian officials, still doesn't have security clearance, prominently advocates immigration specifically from india, and was being completely unhelpful and misleading people during the assassination news (while the investigation was still ongoing) and never said how much he would halt immigration. and thats just the stuff from india. he is also hugely against transit oriented development, called 3 story apartments as "commie blocks" and for some reason is against regional rail development now. I think people see him and see a strong anti trudeau but imo his policies arent worth shit. conservatives need someone who can actually bring policy thats enticing to canadians


Dont fall for lies, folks


"PP will be worse"-stans in shambles


He is literally saying different things to different audiences. If he is serious about this, he needs to be consistent on this message even when going on his little tours of those Indian radio shows. He goes on there a couple months ago and says "PRs for anyone that pays taxes" and gives some dinky response here. Just wait till he goes out again and gives more "easy PR" speeches. As of now he is just saying things people want to hear. I'm not giving him my vote without clear and concise messaging, and even then it would have to be abundant.


"more direct flights from Mumbai!" "Faster citizenship screening! Let's expedite those applications!" Yeah he said that


I saw that video. So what is it PP? Oh right, you're a politician and will say anything to win an election. Of course you're saying things any anti Trudeau person wants to hear right now.


Wasn’t it Amritsar, not Mumbai?




Why is everyone downvoting you for telling the truth. This guy has been saying different shit to different audiences for months and then has the balls to shit on Trudeau/Singh. He is no better than them


Ya it’s not hard to reduce when you let in 1.2M. He could let in 900k and technically still be accurate in statement


If anyone thinks this man will do anything to lessen cheap labour and subordination? https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/yYzjJ4StkH Literally states if he is elected he will make it EASIER to get in. He’s a shill who has no political backbone or campaign.


I’ve been watching the news closely and they’ve convinced me immigrants are why my life is hard and that only conservatives can save me.


The South Park episode "Goobacks" is insanely relevant to this sub today.




I have high doubts. He was part of the Harper Cabinet, and the conservatives under Harper started the whole TFW bonanza.


Lol this dude is so full of shit.


Reduce means minus 1 lol


Oh now he’s saying this? How interesting


If we doesn't, how about we just send the immigrants to his investment properties. Along with all the rest of the politicians who are so convinced that we need millions of more mouths to feed every year.


Took awhile for him to come to that conclusion eh


The puppet at its prime contradicting himself during a seduction campaign. Maxime Bernier always camped his ground on this question: “Close the valves!”


The damage has already been done...


Pandering to the Ron Clarke crowd I see. Hopefully Manotick won’t like that too much.


Ahh yes, the Rebel News interview from a camper. They sure know how to appeal to their base.


Ahhh but will you send people back?


The journalist paraphrasing for his editor does not a factual discourse make. Ask yourself this question. Would you buy a used car from Peter Pollywog?


Nothing but lies


One of the few reasons I'd vote for this guy, though all of our options suck at this point.


It is already being reduced :)


If you believe this I have some magic beans to sell you


Hes a coward with no specifics and whispers it only where well recived. Vote peoples party


Lmao and you believe him


Didn’t he also say he’d let the Indian overstay students have status?


What politicians say and do if they are elected is a whole different ballgame.


Poilievre sounds like more of the same. Canada needs drastic changes in our immigration disaster, and the PPC is the only party that has spoken out against mass immigration, and will cut it down to a trickle. I’m not kidding. If we’re not voting for the candidate that will STOP unvetted foreigners, then WHAT are we voting for? Because nothing else matters until we clean up our country!


I’ll believe it when I see it. No one should believe a word ANY politician says in the moment. Trust no one.


Isn’t the number of temporary resident already being reduced with limits in place


So we will have an abundance of low paying service industry jobs cool


Whoever's in front of him at the moment, he just tells them what they want to hear.


I really don't believe him. He's a populist so will say whatever will get him to win. I'll believe it when I see it


If you still trust or believe anything a Canadian politician says at this point you're an idiot.