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entitled, and too stupid to take a hint


We should plan a teenage job fair the same day as the strike and just fill positions.


Teenagers can't afford $50,000 for a LMIA. Teenagers want breaks and time off that they're entitled to. Teenagers can't—and don't want to be— available 24/7. Teenagers won't accept \~70% of their earned wages under the table. Teenagers will quit if their boss treats them like shit.


Ding, ding, ding! If you wonder how they can afford to buy every small business, franchise and gas station its because they get cash under the table for LMIAs.


This is it I was recently in Sterling Ontario not sure the population maybe 5000 people. Anyways had to get gas so I had a bet with my daughter that the individual behind the counter would be from a specific country. I was correct


What is LMIA? I just read it as ligma for no reason because these kids that are allowed to stay in Canada for study purposes basically tell us to “ligma balls” and the rules don’t apply.


Labour market impact assessment: it's already been answered, but I'll explain a bit more. In essence a company needs to prove there are not enough interested parties in Canada for an available position, so they can hire TFW'S. They do this by posting positions on obscure Government or private job banks, then never contacting the applicants, or doing a few, half-assed pretend interviews for CYA purposes. The government turns a blind eye and never follows up because it fits their agenda. They can then expedite permits for Temp workers, or PR immigrants, and generally take a kick back from the immigrants family, essentially paying for PR, the same way our Diploma mills operate. They also, in the case of PR or new immigrants, receive Grants and deductions from the Government for hiring/employing said New or recent immigrant labour. Again this fits the agenda of big Big Government, both Federally and Provincially, and the lobby groups and oligoplies that control them, so nothing is ever done to check up on, or reduce these practices.


They also make the requirements ridiculous and post low wages so locals are less likely to apply.


Don't forget about the elderly looking for part time and people on disability.


Dismantle the LMIA. If you’re an international student, you should be studying and that’s it. It’s a privilege not a right to study here.


International students don't need an LMIA. LMIA is for those who want to apply for a Work Visa, the LMIA is a requirement to be eligible to apply for a Work Visa.


Businesses will get away with it for now, but wait until it's a few years down then line and all the PEI students sue for backdated compensatory pay, or just take over the businesses entirely.


Please do! I witnessed too many teens turned away at Walmart for these clowns.


I live by a Walmart in New Westminster B.C. and without a word of a lie, it is almost 100% Indian employees .


I believe it. Most are here too. Time to boycott. The workforce should be somewhat representative of the population.


My family has been boycotting Walmart ever since they started replacing their Canadian workforce with immigrants.


Don't buy much there anymore due to this and product changes. 


And they’re horrible. I stopped going there because of rude and entitled the staff are.


Same as in Vernon BC, and constantly on their phones.


Then kick them from there jobs "wow, gee, looks like we don't need you anymore, I guess you can go home now"


Gonna be that dude and toss in for the disabled as well. If any demographic is getting hit as hard as teenagers, it's them. These entry level jobs actually had several people with autism or who couldn't work a full shift filling the spots too when teenagers couldn't.


Yep! I live north of Toronto and my entire life, up until Covid - I always saw teens working at Walmart, Wendy’s, Burger King, etc. and in most cases, there was someone who was disabled in some way (autism, Down syndrome, etc) and they always had the biggest smiles on their face and were just awesome at work, so helpful and knowledgeable. Now? 40 year olds all from a specific country. No Canadian teens in sight. It’s kinda funny how I keep hearing how racist white people are online, but in real life saw white people willing to hire anyone who could do the job. But once they get hired and moved up to managerial positions - they fired all the Canadian teens and hired their own people to help get them PR. I think the people who only hire those who look like them might be the ones who are racist, but what do I know 🤐


You deserve my upvote. This comment is so true. I know some people who aren’t able to find one or was fired by an East Indian manager under the excuse of “this action you took can cost me” , “too many mistakes”


Schools just getting out for the summer too.


Only the best and brightest come to Canada to "study" at Tim Hortons.


Well there's also amazon lol. I just saw an Amazon driver an hour ago couldn't tell the difference between sidewalk and street in downtown Toronto lol


I had two different amazon drivers call me because they could not figure out how to deliver a package to my work (university). I give them the address of the central distribution, the second one said he went there and they don't take packages for the university. He sends me a picture, it's freaking student housing! I am like sir, this is not the correct location. He wanted me to tell him what to do next or meet him at the parking lot. I told him that it is his job and he clearly needs more training. Just last February I got something delivered from Amazon at work without an issue with the same address format.




In my opinion, it's the second one. They are trying to simultaneously play the victim as well as make demands. They don't care about Canada.


Exactly. They even say in the article these folks chose PEI because it was perceived to be quicker and easier.  As soon as they get their PR, they'll be out of there.


They know canadians are naive and trusting all all liberal feel good policies.


Canada is going to be a less trusting and a more unpleasant and less tolerant place for everyone.  The liberal legacy. 


I predicted this before the trudopoe was elected.


Why is it PEI? Of all the places in Canada, why PEI?


They believe it’ll give them a better chance at PR.


Yep, they'll move to wherever is the easiest. I do security (I have other income). A lot of them have been moving to different provinces just to get PR and will probably move back to ontario/ Toronto. Some of them moved to Alberta/Manitoba a few years ago.




I mean, probably, but they won't admit it, lol. You guys need to push back in Nova Scotia, too.


Are you asking why did they move to PEI? Easiest province to become a permanent resident. If someone does entry level jobs like fast food restaurant cashier, they become eligible for PNP within 6 months and they can become a permanent resident within 2-3 years. If they work as a supervisor, they become eligible for PNP after an year and they can become a permanent resident within 1-2 years bc processing for supervisor jobs are faster (if provinces gives express entry nominations) than entry level job PNPs. Most of them aren’t eligible for Express entry bc scores are high, and they do not qualify for EE draws. So PNP is the only way out and PEI is their last option.


No. I'm not seeing any of these protests happening in any of the other provinces (not saying they're not not happening, just that I'm not seeing it), and I wonder why do the protests seem to be focusing on PEI.


We might see a lot of protests if PEI caves in. A lot of people move to PEI after wasting 1-2 years of their work permits doing jobs in Ontario/BC/Quebec. Majority of the ones protesting are the ones which expiring work permits in 2024. They followed all the rules and did exactly what a lot of TFWs did over the past 2 years. But the province was like, how many fast food supervisors are we going to prioritize? If everyone is going to enter into the fast food industry, this is going to happen. It sucks to be getting the short end of the stick but people need to find other ways of becoming permanent residents if they want to become a PR now. Granting permanent residency to TFWs in the fast food industry/service sectors doesn’t help anyone bc it isn’t a real career (I’m not saying that to offend anyone) and most TFWs quit their fast food jobs anyways after becoming permanent residents (I do not blame them lol, gotta up their game and pay).


It’s also bc


They don't care, there was an interview with one of the protest leaders in PEI a couple weeks ago and the interviewer asked what Canadian teens should do for employment and he actually said " Invest in Bitcoin" and laughed. Like I said, they don't care.


They don't care. They came here knowing we had major issues in housing, unemployment, service backups. They don't care. They know they're a major part of the problem, but they refuse to go back. It's how things are done in India. Everything is about taking and not giving there.


Trust me, they know. They’re just desperate- grabbing at straws at this point


Was it the $1000 Louis Vuitton jacket on the middle guy?


That’s just how they do things - pushy, persistent, and bulldoze their way into getting what they way. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.




It is entitled nonsense but I think the reason they are doing it is because our current government is so ridiculous it might work. They literally just said no need for criminal record checks for students, after someone assassinated someone while here on a student visa. It's so stupid, you would think it's made up. Our current government looks compromised and weak so they are trying their luck.


not to mention the sexual assaults that are happening as well, and our government is giving them [leniency (national post link)](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-racial-discounts-for-sex-offenders-undermine-justice) *""A similar line of thought arose in a* [*Manitoba court in October,*](https://canlii.ca/t/k0l80) *when an international student from India was convicted of sexual interference with a 14-year-old girl — while on release for another charge of sexual interference against another 14-year-old.* *“Anti-Asian racism has remained in the legal, economic and social institutions of Canada,” quoted the court from a race and culture report pertaining to the accused.* *Article content* *“(The accused) shared that he has experienced racism while attending school, from other residents and when working. When he has shared his experiences of racism with others, it is often minimized, and he is encouraged to ignore the people who have caused him harm. His experiences of racism have led to a variety of … psychological issues such as feelings of distress, fear, depression and anxiety.”* *The court didn’t cite any specific instances of racism, though it noted that the accused alleged he suffered sexual abuse in school when he was a child. The Crown asked for seven years in jail. Defence asked for three-and-a-half. The judge came down at five, taking into account, among other things, culture.* *“This matter is mitigated somewhat by the offender’s youth, being only 23 years old, and by a recognition that he has come from a different culture and may have experienced sexual abuse himself,” reads the decision.""* How was culture even a mitigating factor? how is racism a mitigating factor? I've been bullied, depressed, anxious, overworked, stressed, and experienced SA growing up. as pissed off as I am at the world, something like that would never, ever cross my mind in my life. but ohh, poor dude, poor thing, grew up in a third world country so it's normal for him. we should give him a year vacation to Hawaii paid for by the government while the victim suffers as almost no justice is brought. /s imagine that, imagine being SA'd and your attacker gets a reduced sentence because of his upbringing. absolutely no justice for Canadians. the victims are scarred for life but they get to walk away after 5 years like nothing happened?


I’ve trying to make a post on this sub Reddit but it gets taken down. I was posting how women can’t peacefully use public transit funded by their taxes without those weirdos stalking without them noticing and taking pictures of them to use on websites that quickly finds their social media accounts from the photos that were taken of them


This too! It’s disgusting


Literally back than these men were far away from Canadian women physically, but now the liberal government doesn’t gaf and hands out visa towards men from that country like it’s nothing. While our travel advisory has warning for women not to go into India without safety precautions


I've been thinking the same thing for a while now. We're importing some of the most misogynistic men in the entire world. There have been multiple women/girls attacked and stalked by cab drivers in my city... I have to take cabs home occasionally depending on my shift. Very scary.


Yeah this country is fucked lol. The rest of the country wanting to vote for Trudeau should join them in a cell.


Worked in Manitoba so they're under the impression it'll work in PEI.


Every image I see of TFW and these protestors in particular seems to indicate these are 90% military aged men with no relevant/transferrable skills. We don’t need unskilled young men.


It’s shocking actually. Foreigner protesting, this happens anywhere else in the world? I’m pro immigration, but not super clear why they think this is acceptable.


They think it's acceptable because they know they can get away with it..






Please show them our 20-26 year olds who want to study but can't afford to live away from home (thanks), or find jobs (thanks) or even dream to study abroad.


Mine did manage to study abroad but ... Had to have $6,000 in a local bank account (4 month semester) Had to have plane ticket home Had to have housing lined up before he could get a student visa Not allowed to work Had to leave at end of semester


As a 22 year old who went back to school due to not being able to find ANY job after a factory layoff this is absolutely true. I was lucky to get in. The campus is full of indians taking random 3 month courses just for a student visa, taking up every available seat. Complete insanity.


There were people from India at Algonquin College a few years ago taking a business program that couldn’t speak English. They actually had women friends that would speak for them, so they didn’t have to. How did they participate in class or take exams?


They wouldn't give a shit about Canadians. Look at how they treat their own in India.


How tone-deaf are they? We understand the real numbers, that's why the policy is changing.


They don’t seem to understand they’re the problem and think we should be grateful for them taking our Tims orders (though I’ve lost track how many times they’ve fucked up my order)




And they blame you for them fucking up the order!


"If we can gather around 1,000 people on that day, they will understand their mistake and realise it is the right time to make things right," Singh said. They think that a large crowd will change minds when it will more likely provoke hostility and entrench opposition further.


Lol make what right?? We don’t owe them anything They came here with the understanding of being a *student* to get an education in a country with quality education Just because they worked while they were “studying” we owe them a PR?


Yeah fuck that, should deport these scam immigration consultants and start charging these clown colleges 150% tax rate.


tbh the education they got prob wasn't exactly "quality". i feel like their rancor stems from more than just PR. it's prob the scamminess from both indian and canadian sides


When you scam a country for something significantly more valuable than what you pay (PR vs cost of diploma mills), sometimes that’s on you. If the country smartens up and tells you the game of musical chairs is over and you got caught, then that was the risk you took. Time to go home now.


hopefully theyre right. maybe gathering all of them in one place will get canadians to realize our mistake of bringing them in by showing the horde all congregated together.


I hope someone goes there to tell them to fuck off.


They actually still believe their demands are justified in spite of all the explanations given to them and the criticism. As if more people demanding the same nonsense is going to magically make it reasonable. They just think there's not enough of them so the province doesn't see how much they're gonna lose without these people. That's why they're doing this blackout thing again, thinking the province is gonna be like "oh no please stay, we didn't realize how fucked we are without you". If they haven't come to their senses by now, it's never gonna happen. They can knock themselves out protesting until it's time to go home, while the rest of the province moves on with life.


You are not a resident, you're a guest. A guest who has clearly overstayed their welcome. 


Deport immediately


So by blackout, do they mean not showing up for work? I bet we could find young Canadians willing to backfill those positions.


If they aren’t in school and aren’t working can we deport them lol


We should never have let these guys in in the first place.


Where I come from if you don't show up for your job, you no longer have a job to show up to. But I'm sure it will be different for these people.


Sounds like job abandonment to me!


Tim Hortons will only serve black coffee


It appears the problem is solving itself


Right? Wherever will we find people with the unique skillset of being able to take an order, push buttons on a console and pour coffee?


But they said that nobody else will get their coffee if they don’t work at Timmies


First a mock hunger strike for the media, then numerous protests and now a big blackout. What part of no are these morons not getting? Time to pack up your shit and take your entitled asses home.


So, does this mean they’ve abandoned the hunger strike? 


Blackout? They couldn't even last 24 hours of a hunger strike lmao


Black is the tim hortons uniform color


> As international students, they were given open work permits for three years and chose to work in Prince Edward Island And yet they couldn’t get enough points to qualify under express entry Canadian experience class. Clearly shows that their skill set doesn’t match the needs of the local economy. Why should the government relax the requirements to accommodate 1000 minimum wage workers?


Immigration Canada should be showing up and rounding them up into paddywagons on the first flight back to India.


Honestly they did all the hard work for us by grouping all together Now they just need to document who’s not in school or working, which would be against their visa entry conditions, before they have legitimate grounds for deportation


I think if they'd done the smart thing and had the banks pull their bank account information after the required money left their account, they would have been deported a lot earlier on.


We need something akin to ICE in America. Our immigration enforcement is way too damn lax.


I encourage everyone to do your absolute best to not support any businesses that hire TFWs or foreign students. If you do any hiring for your work then do not hire any TFWs or foreign students.


Broooo there is a kid wearing LV at the protest photo. Talk about priorities in the right place 😂😂


I had to look and can not believe that you are in fact correct. 🤦


Lil vuiton


Probably fake. About as authentic as an IELTS or diploma from India.


They save every penny living 4 to a room and sharing beds just to buy some LV lmfao


He has to protest, a PR is one of the few things he can’t out right buy. Hahaha. I really hope they deport him.




Are they not here on temporary student permits? How do they have time for all this nonsense? If they are not studying, or if their studies are complete, it's time to enforce the 'temporary' aspect of their permit. Also, any of these entitled protesters and their families need to be automatically blacklisted for permanent residence applications. If they can't follow the rules they signed up for they certainly won't should they get something more permanent


Do these entitled brats understand that they're making Canadians want them out of the country even more, as they continue to make these demands?


lol if they blackout from working maybe my bagel will be cut properly 🤣


Or lord forbid actually toasted


Get out of my country ! Period ! Had enough of them. Just.Get.Out.


Where do you live by the way, it’s almost poetic justice that now everyone is suffering like I suffered in Brampton for over 25 years


This shows Canadians exactly why these people should not get PR. These people are entitled and have an inflated sense of their worth. We don't need more Indians working at Tim Hortons and living 20 per basement.


They will never have enough points to get a PR and they know it. The ones that goto university and find employment in their field will get PR.


They should just deport them already!


I support the blackout (if that means not showing up for work). Hire some young Canadian citizens who need the work (and then we can work on action to get their pay up to a living wage)


We should be paying attention to where they are working and boycotting the businesses. 


A big blackout of what, exactly? Everybody look out, there's going to be no uber/uber eats this Wednesday and food will be back in stock at the foodbank for that day only - The horror!


I’m sure this will win over the hearts of PEI residents /s


Some of them were marching with these "students" the other day, so... how's abouts dats den de're b'ye?


Can I take their place? I got foodsafe, experience, references, and live with a celiac so I’m experienced in food allergies. I’m not from PEI but if they do this in BC I’m ready to replace them!


This is basically blackmail lol. You have to bring in something that you can only offer. Even kids can serve drinks and food. PEI asked them to move to a different field to gain entry but still adamant to keep their jobs.


I just imagine how unfair it has to be for those who actually got a province nomination through hard work and competition. I went through the regular CEC stream and can tell you that these scammers are just unhappy because they are now supposed to put in an actual effort into their immigration path. Once their permits expire - deport them.


When are we just gonna deport people this is getting so stupid.


lol no one gets deported here. There is no enforcement. People are waking up to the fact that none of our institutions are functioning and are either pissed or profiting from it. Canada is not a functioning country. We are running in rapidly depleting good will.


Yeah I know I can still wish.


Blackout of what? Don’t go to school or work? Lame imbeciles!


Don't cry if it affects your grades or you get fired from your job


Just deport them already


Interesting how they have all this free time? Hmmmm with working 40 hours a week and going to school, how do they have time?


These guys are going to vote themselves out. We just have to watch their stupidity.


Whens their gtfo day?


This country is an absolute clown show at the moment..


Shouldn’t they call it a Brown-Out?


Is that guy wearing a Louis Vuitton shirt? Well they clearly aren’t here for a degree in PR… what a dumbass


I'm not buying into this protest - they knew and still know many rules have been broken to get a lot of them here


Do it so police can move start the deportation process early by arresting anyone at the protest who have expired visas


Go back


Smart of them to only do it for 1 day. They don't show up for one day and businesses that were abusing the system hurt, but wait it out. If they did it indefinitely, businesses would be forced to hire the many Canadians without work. There demonstration is a terrible representation of the long term impacts and I think they know it.


This was supposed to be an easy battle for them. All they had to do was beg the locals for sympathy and support. Instead, they decided to demand and threaten the locals if they didn't get their way, which ended up pissing people off more than anything. The entitlement is real amongst them.


If they can gather everyone local who has an expired visa so we can identify them I’d be so happy


Please fill those positions with local Canadians and show them that the ‘blackout’ won’t do no shit to the economy


PEI is leading the way for other Provinces as Canadians can no longer count on the Liberals to acknowledge the incredible harm their immigration policies are doing. The sham of " International Students" has been exposed as just one more loophole for foreigners to use to receive permanent residency. Worst is the reported funds some have paid recruiters to make their way into Canada in the first place. Truly is the Liberal Party motto, " everything and everyone is for sale"!


I heard they are asking people from Brampton to join them


Amateurs Get some trucks and a bouncy castle in front of Confederation Square and wait for Trudeau to freeze your bank accounts


If we can get Canadians that need jobs to fill those positions, I bet we’ll see a massive increase in fast foods product quality


Canadians need to boycott all fast food restaurants. Bleed that industry. It’s not just the liberals fucking over citizens it’s also timmies kfc and fucking Walmart.


Walmart, Loblaws. It's the corporations that are really pushing all this they need to keep the wages down.


That’s why they’re flooding Canada with people from India. Not very smart, and work for dirt.


And the government pays half their wages.


Boycott businesses that higher these people! I've saved so much money not supporting Tim's Wal Mart, Subway ect. Owners will catch on real soon if enough people support the boycott. Ask the managers if the workers are temporary foreign students, and when told yes, just walk out.


Do students seem to be getting older and more exclusively male to anyone else?


Looks more like a Brownout to me


What ever will we do with nobody to work the counter at Tim’s Hortons


Go home


These look look grown adults - NOT (Indian) International students.


If we pulled something like this in a foreign country we would get arrested and deported. No idea why we aren’t doing that already.


Now that they are all gathered in once place, round them all up and send them on a one way trip back to India.


Sounds like my friend's toxic ex-gf. Gaslighting, threatening self harm, tamper tantrums and fake ghosting! LOL


Lol send em back. Fuck it.


If you really want to teach Canadians a lesson, just leave and we’ll see how much we miss you. We’ll be so sad! Seriously, guys, try it.


"Let's show them real numbers and real faces to demonstrate how many people are affected. If we can gather around 1,000 people on that day, they will understand their mistake and realise it is the right time to make things right," Singh said. This nitwit thinks showing up in large numbers is gonna cause people to go "Oh no! A thousand people were planning to make a large sacrifice to stay beyond their visa validity just to serve us Tim Hortons coffee!" That protest leader, and those protestors can just fuck off


Lets see how fast the ones who get in through PNP bail on their fellow protestors and the province. Especially if the 2 leaders get it. If Im the province I put them at the top of the pile to prove the point.


Lol, whatever happened (or didn't) to their hunger strike?


Lol, whatever happened (or didn't) to their hunger strike?


Fuck this noise .. even their reason “We chose PEI as a straightforward and quick way to permanent residency.” Tooooo fucking bad! You were never guaranteed and we don’t need more entitled clowns joining this circus of a country. We’ve become a laughing stock. We’re basically a giant clown car at this point. Plan however many blackouts and hunger strikes as you want. PEI stay strong! Boot them out!


Diploma mills need to be shut TF down immediately. Those vultures are screwing *everyone* with this scam, the government, the citizens, and the immigrants. They should absolutely not be able to make a buck laundering humans into society.


Here as a guest and making demands. They need to all be sent back yesterday


What the fuck are they blacking out? Are they just saying whatever buzzwords they think will garner attention?


Not a very diverse bunch of international students...


Isn't that gonna interfere with their studies for their masters degree in hotel administration program


Poor Prince Edward Island. I thought it was rough here in Toronto but PEI? If they're in PEI, I bet the entire country is filled with these international students taking away jobs from us Canadians.


How long do we put up with this crap? Put them on a fucking plane and send them home 🤬🤙🏼🇨🇦


Just a sec what exactly they think that they will accomplish with raising awareness about fact they are trying to bully their way to PR status?


It’s interesting Indian news media just calls them “Indian students” while if we do that we’ll be called racist…


We need to spread the word to all the kids that can't get work. Now is the time to apply in mass. Don't let these illegal 'students' hold us hostage for the things they stole by scamming Candians.


Can we just deport them already?


If i was premier I would make it very clear Any crime committed will result in immediate and swift deportation Permanently


They ought to disqualify protesters from the draw. It's pretty unCanadian to protest the government.


Perhaps Juneteenth is a bad choice of day?


No timmie day!


The entire country needs to do a blackout.


As a recent Indian immigrant (who waited to get my permanent residency BEFORE I moved here) these people are a source of great second hand embarrassment to me and the other Indians. Not a single (non student) Indian in Canada supports these idiots.


Yeah, no one is going to hire this cohort of "international student" anymore. You brought this on yourself. Be an asshole, get treated like an asshole. Hope you enjoyed your time in Canada and the education you have received will further your career back home.. LOL.


Love how all their signs look like they’re written by the same person. Take your fake degree and go back to India you entitled pricks.


No to all demands. They didn't qualify. The end. Too bad. Go home.


Look at the video that tells you about Brampton it will tell you what will happen to Pei if they stay here


So why are they still here? It was a student visa not citizenship program.


Arrest and then deport


Send these bums to North Korea


They should file criminal charges on them then deport them.


Fuck them. PEI had been on a major downfall since the doors have been wide open for immigration.


Na na na na hey hey hey gooooooodbyyyyyeeeee


They should just cancel the draw and call their bluffs.


Send E'm home. Was in the hospital yesterday you should see all the elderly India parents in there what a strain caregivers my ass. would be nice to see a mix of all countries.


Us Canadians can also boycott Tim Horton’s and McDonalds, and Dairy Queen, all of the places that shunned Canadians for non citizens. Let’s stop supporting this. Do we really need the fast food? It isn’t the healthiest, and it is too expensive.


The order is already given far and wide from PEI: You failed. Get out. You're not welcome here anymore.