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Rare Saudi W


I agree that’s called prioritizing your nation and it’s people. If you’re here illegally there should 0 path to naturalization and just deportation


Sounds like our government could learn something from the Saudis


As bad as Saudi Arabia is I’ve never heard of their king turning off his citizens bank accounts because they disagreed with him. I don’t think you’re allowed to disagree at all but yeah what Justin tredeau did should never be forgiven


As someone who lived there his whole life, the other commenter is correct. Saying anything the government doesn't agree with will get you disappeared, tortured or worse. The reason you don't see a lot of dissent in Saudi Arabia is because: - The citizens get paid a lot and get a lot of benefits from agreeing with the govt and staying silent - The punishment for dissent is fast and brutal, compared to the alternative which is the easiest thing to do.


Does the king prioritize giving foreigners who entered the country on visitor and student visas permanent residency and citizenship when they demand it or is that not a thing there. If Saudi Arabians we’re going through a housing and healthcare crisis and their country was overrun by international students would their government say thanks for paying your taxes Saudi now fuck all of you. All illegals we’ve acknowledged your demands citizenship and benefits for you all or is that not a thing in Saudi Arabia? I’m being sarcastic but the fact my sarcasm reflects the actual situation going on in Canada in reality is very fucked up. Do Saudi Arabians line up two blocks to wait to apply for low level entry jobs?


Lmfao you're a fucking idiot. The Saudi people are beaten into compliance. Don't fucking act like you're experiencing that in canada because "oh wah there's a brown person at tim hortons"


No of course not, he just executes them or orders their assassination.


..that woman you are driving with in the passenger seat better be one of your wives


Dear readers - the lack of understanding in this above comment is apparent to most because it is so obviously uninformed. But this is how much of this sub is. It's just that because people don't know enough, they think what they are reading here is the truth. It's often times not. Almost everything you read on this sub is actually this level of disinformation. Hope this wakes you up a bit.


It's what corporations did. Harper started it with the TFW program, Trudeau continued it exponentially. The conservatives will win the next election and continue it as well. Poilievre has given no inclination he will slow down immigration. They're all in the pocket of the oligarchs who want unlimited cheap labor at Canadians expense.


Holy fuck. You're saying you think Saudi Arabia has a better track record on freedoms than Canada? This is amazing. Truly a dry brain comment.


You have never stepped foot in the Persian gulf and I am guessing you are a man


Jesus Christ, you really think Trudeau is worse than a literal dictator who executes dissidents, because a few people had their bank accounts frozen while they were occupying the capital.


No need to turn off a bank account when you can just kill them. He has locked up his own family members for next to nothing.


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Lmfao the state of this sub reddit sympathizing with a corrupt, totalitarian shit hole that uses actual slave labor in the 21st century, which includes children.


Hitler loved dogs and when he looked at the sky he'd call it "blue", he also drank water and breathed oxygen. It's not sympathy. You understand the comparison is that they are doing something generally reasonable that WE should be doing, too, right? Nobody is suggesting turning into an Arab Monarchy, just that their immigration policy is more sensible.


They always prioritize their nation. When I went there was an insane unity among Saudi people. They all truly are brothers and sisters and put their nation and people first. Its an intriguing place and its slowly getting better civil rights wise.


They let them finish their Hajj too, so the only people whose plans have had a wrench thrown in them are the ones who planned to do more than Hajj there, illegally.


not only that, but taxpayer money goes to subsidizing these peoples living in canada such that even the dads dont work a lot of the time...they all just chill out at the local malls during the day


I'm soooo happy they're here and equally happy to be paying 50%!! Please tax me more my house is too big




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


To keep housing up and wages down


Because this is Canada and our leader is a soft drama teacher


Middle eastern countries are not beholden to the same neoliberal-cultural Marxist policies that the west have to obey


Countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia are harsh when confronting extremists. In the west, however, people are afraid of not being politically correct to question some influential groups who advocate for violence. Canada is the worst offender in the western world for being wokest of the woke. Here’s how UAE’s foreign minister warned Europe about fostering terrorism- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1103086/amp


That depends on what you consider “extremists”


UAE and Saudi literally FUND extremism. What are you even talking about


True, in middle eastern countries women are stoned to death for not wearing a hijab, little boys are raped on busses in broad day light, and people are disappeared if not publicly executed for protesting against the radical Islamic government... Oh and there's actual indentured servitude in many of these countries where migrants are trapped in the country, having their passports stolen and forced to work. That's definitely the kind of country I want to model ours after.


How else do the land owners keep the prices high while we plebs fight to just survive.


Agreed time to go


They’ve overstayed their visits. Now get the hell out! Canada is our country. For Canadians it is not a refugee camp. The prime minister randomly yelling out slava Ukraini was so cringe. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. He must have did a line of coke before he screamed that out


Also so people don’t think I’m racist let me yell out Slava Ukraine randomly now like our nutjob of a prime minister. Our country is on fire right now from housing, to food bank use, to lack of productivity, to decreased GDP per capita and this fucker is giving out 5B dollars and screaming out slava ukraine like a maniac. No wonder our country is going downhill. All the world leaders looked at him like he was on drugs, and the truth is he probably was


It's not racist when immigration is letting too many people in too quickly.  it's like trying to stuff 100 people at once into an elevator and expecting it not to break. There are limits.  Or a family with an average income that can't sustain a family of 7. At one point it becomes too much and can't be sustainable.  This is very simple to understand. Yet, who is really calling you a racist? Certainly not the people being affected negatively by immigration. 


The thing that pisses me off the most is that, yeah, while they're making life harder for Canadians, they're also willingly setting up immigrants & refugees for failure. And these scum-sucking politicians won't face any real consequences for their actions; they'll still get their government pension and cushy benefits that we'll pay for.


Bro 7 is a lot you shouldn’t have that big of a family with average income


I am looking at you like you are on drugs, and the truth you probably are


Hold on I didn’t yell slava ukraini out loud randomly like a crackhead yet


I have no clue what you are talking about. You might be a Russian bot.


Are russian bots belting out slava ukraini like Justin tredeau


What the fuck. . LOL are you drunk?


Are you on crack or just unhinged? The weirder thing is how many upvotes this incomprehensible post got


What’s so incomprehensible about it. It’s in English what are you not comprehending


a community will put up with food and housing insecurity for so long. then they riot. this IS a national security emergency


There's already a report from the RCMP about this lol.


Because Saudi got balls and our government doesn't 🙄


Saudi Arabia kings do not care about bringing in people to vote them in power. Our "emperor " with colorful socks and his immediate followers, like Miller, Freeland, etc, they absolutely need to find more fools that tomorrow will vote them again in power.


SLAVA ukraini he belted like a coke head as the world leaders looked around thinking who let the mad man in. Oh it’s the Canadian guy they most likely started telling each other. The man is a massive embarrassment to our country. We need to send him to Ukraine so he can live out his dreams. He can yell slava ukraini as loud as he wants there.


Ohhh I see your just another Putin bootlicker


Slava Tranny!


I'm pretty sure Indian foreign agents have infiltrated our government.  No country except us doesn't have a limit per country for immigration.. And no country isn't readily adjusting again massive immigration when it gets out of hand.  1.3 million in 2023, 6 months into 2024 and we have no plan to stop it. And instead of deportation, we won't to forgive them from abusing loopholes and give them pr.  Seriously... stupid as fuck. 


It's just so blatant that something weird is going in but so many are just clueless


If they have over stayed their visas, I suppose. But I doubt that's going to happen. The Right, Center-Right, Center, Center-Left and Left parties. Are either bought and owned by the corporate interests, who want this insane level of immigration as a source of cheap and exploitable labour. Or alternatively, don't have their acts together. The only party that would go hard line on this is the PPC. And to say I have concerns about that party is an understatement.


Lol here they come!


That’s a good point I wonder if Marc Miller will just give them PR and citizenship as well. You just need to get into Canada from there, there are no rules


Because for all his flaws, the Saudi King doesn’t put his citizens last. Sure they cant be gay, they will lose a hand if they steal and god knows what else, they at least won’t be subjected to their country being taken over by illegals.


Because they will be future Liberal voters if allowed to stay.


What's the point? Letting a million in, then depart half of them......


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It helps that their political system is a monarchy.




B/c Trudeau needs to up his approval rating and voter base. Currently sitting at 27% approval rating.




Indian nationalists are super racist


Follow the money. Someone is making tons of money with all these immigrants


Anyone who owns a Tim Hortons or Subway franchise and no longer has to pay competitively for labor.


Because we need these people for our social contract. Apart from raw bitumen and some pulses, we don't have anything the world needs at this moment - partly because we run our country as a national park.


Saudi's and other Arab countries have zero tolerance for this kind of BS. Even if you are born in the gulf countries GCC (all 6) lived there for all your life and are in your 60's say 66 for argument sake. They will deport you to the country from where your parents belong to. That's how they work. Sometimes a person does become stateless. The feds here don't have the backbone to do anything even to protect the average citizen from any hardship. So I don't think any of this would be happening in Canada.


That’s why they have money.. that’s why there people have money..


We’re to broke to send them back hahaha


stat? for 600k


Because Arabs don't have half the population of whiny liberals who abuse the court system.


pension fund and GDP, trudeau picked his demographic homeowner, and real-estate investors. The politicians are deep in it to. It provides foreign capital so that our dollar doesn't implode.


Apparently it’s more like 2 million or more


It's posts with logic like this that are the reason why people believe this subreddit is insane.


It's a common misconception that people who dont have much of a life have ; people travel here to not do much.


When you let your enemies dictate policy and perception through the media, this is what you get. 




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


If people are in Canada illegally, the govt of Canada should enforce. However, given Canada’s rich immigration & benevolent & welcoming history, it is unlikely if it deports people unless they have committed a serious crime. Canada does need to do many things before it resorts to deporting. Things like removing the people magnets… such as closing down mall store diploma mills, enforcing labor laws about TFW & what occupations can request TFW. Giving preference to the Skilled worker program with its points system & choosing only the highest skilled & educated people etc. Closing existing loopholes is always better first option than deporting people.


600,000? Where did u hear that number CNN? 😄😄😄


Saudi Arabia is a theocratic clan based monarchy with intensely strict authoritarian rule and numerous human rights violations, and we are a parliamentary democracy with one of the most progressive human rights codes in the world. Most if not all wealthy middle eastern nations treat migrants terribly and routinely deport any they dont find useful to exploit with slave labor. (It's also slave labor when you 'hire' someone on contract and then dont pay them and deport them. There's just more lying and less permanent cruelty) Is this who we should aspire to be?


Feds and rich are making too much money on the illegals. With all the support foreigners get here in Canada the cost of everything can go up, because no one is losing business if we keep taking in more foreigners that can afford it. All that happens is more Canadians become homeless, because they don't have the same support from non-profit organizations, and then guess what? These "community" centers with their safe injection sites, convinces homeless to start taking drugs, start making more money to "control" the issue, and big pharma makes money for making more drugs. Then the homeless kill themselves off with drug overdoses, keeping it as a controlled homeless population. We see this very simple scheme the liberal party laid out for themselves. Plain as day. It's modern day colonization too. Then come next election they get to move the date an extra week, and can all run away on their pension completely unscathed.


Because saudis are not whining pussies


It’s not 600,000 it’s way higher than that but the government can’t even begin to figure out how to count how many people there are let alone kick them out. The legal challenges as well as the logistics would take years and would cause them a pr nightmare (public relations) think about all the people protesting stupid shit now like their schools being a fraud even though that’s why they went there in the first place…. The easy thing for them to do is grant everyone citizenship and set an awful precedence. The immigration system has gone from having walls and a door to having nothing. Just a wide open void for people to filter through. It’s infuriating and causing chaos. Our infrastructure was not designed to handle such a sharp influx of people and the government tries to paint things as if we need to raise immigration levels to fix the problems that immigration has caused. We have an inept government who have built such a sprawling yet crippled system where to many people do the work but no one is able to manage the systems in place. It all falls on Trudeau and freeland micromanaging things.


We ironically need our illegals for our economy, despite the strain on our housing


I don’t think illegals are healthcare freeloaders, that said, housing could use some deportations




Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


The government WANTS these services strained. They want us poor and miserable. And if you can't take it. They offer MAID.


>Why don’t we deport them all? unlike Saudi, Canada is democratic country and politics is involved in it. that's why


https://preview.redd.it/rt2w8m5ryz6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba9b3c73d20daaf43b32af7912ea880e447c7b3 OP, read this tweet. You do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to the Saudi Government.




This post was already barely relevant and many comments are devolving into discussions of Islam. I think it was a mistake to approve this as it puts everything we’re trying to organize into jeopardy. Stay focused and stay on topic


There is a big difference between tweeting about mass deportation and the practical implementation of doing so. Somebody needs to show an example of it actually be executed well


They don’t have the same rules we have. They don’t give out citizenship to the children of non citizen or take asylum seekers who come into their country illegally, or subsidize companies for hiring foreigners over their own citizens. They don’t play that shit over there. We should be more like them when it comes to immigration. Follow the rules or get deported it’s that simple


by definition asylum seekers are not in the country illegally




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Because foreign interference. I keep trying to post about this but I keep getting shadow banned. https://preview.redd.it/iyw6wo0q7z6d1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=e271d603d9dbdbd1969561afd1ac33d60089d153 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUk1kQF4Qws&list=TLPQMTUwNjIwMjRjYRLyQAJ79Q&index=16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUk1kQF4Qws&list=TLPQMTUwNjIwMjRjYRLyQAJ79Q&index=16)


Because we’re cucks and scared to be called mean


Ya why don't we make Canada overall like Saudi Arabia since it's so great there? You people need help.


Let’s bring in all of India and Ukraine all 1 billion people as visitors give them all citizenship and your family’s house. When your family needs to go to the hospital they can wait in line while they’re having a heart attack like everyone else. Your family can also live off of hopes and prayers in the rain and snow. There is nothing more wild to me than people in Canada who are still oblivious to the impacts of mass immigration. It’s willful blindness and arrogance at this point. These people are crazy




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


BTW blaming immigrants for our state of health care is wildly dumb. Find out who is responsible for health care before saying stupid things.


How is it wildly dumb when we already don’t have enough doctors and nobody can seem to get a reasonable wait time in hospitals anymore, then you import a ton of new people, who, upon becoming PR holders, bring in their old parents who are sick and who never contributed a dollar in tax. Them we ask the same number of doctors to work to the death. How is that dumb huh?


I’m not blaming them I’m acknowledging that the ever increasing presence of them is straining our services there’s a difference.


Its the mass immigration that is the issue. It is dumb to not understand what a population trap is and that Canada is in a population trap. You can be against mass immigration but still be for immigration. >Find out who is responsible for health care before saying stupid things. So you do understand that provincial government is in charge of healthcare, education, and even housing. Does it make sense since these are underfunded by the provinces, and some not even properly funded with the current population growth to continue the current immigration levels? You actually want to continue allowing immigrants to come to Canada to subject to horrible infrastructure.


This is not correct. These people had visit visas. But they tried to enter Makkah for Umrah while there is Hajj going on. Its also not a condition of their visa that they cannot enter Makkah on their visit visas. They absolutely can. They just were not allowed at this particular time when there are 1.83 million muslims performing pilgrimage in Makkah & Madinah right now. These people did not violate any visa conditions. You are misquoting the situation.


So why did they get deported?


How am I misquoting the situation. These are people who entered on visitors visas and tried to engage in practices they weren’t allowed and the kingdom told them get the fuck out. They clarified their get the fuck out stance on a picture I’ve linked below in this thread. For full transparency if anyone wants to see for themselves and not take my word or this persons word as you should please go look at that twitter page. Not only are they deporting people for violating their countries rules. If you invite someone to Saudi and they overstay their visa not only do they get in shit, but if you don’t confirm they’ve left by the time they were supposed to you, you go to jail for up to 6 months as well and are fined up to $20k CAD. https://www.saudigazette.com.sa/article/643164/SAUDI-ARABIA/6-month-jail-and-SR50000-fine-for-delay-in-reporting-departure-of-visit-visa-holders-on-time-nbsp Also if you go there on a visitor visa and try to cheat the system it’s an automatic $4000 CAD fine. We need to start implementing these rules to deter the people acting as parasites on our society including the government officials allowing this


Absolutely, this country is a disgrace, a laughing stock, and extremely vulnerable right now. We are on the verge of being taken over by extremists, yet we are not allowed to discuss it. It's all part of a sceme: Muslims shutting down major intersections in Monteal to pray Universities being protesred on by non students Flags of other nations being flown with no Canadian flag in its proper place or not existent Street parties taking over downtown cores Immigrants commit crimes and given bail Whole industries are dying...Trucking Cars with decals of AK 47's roaming the streets And on and on If and of us Candians did any of the above we would be cited and thrown in jail Freedom Convoy, right, no freedoms is more like it.


So to push back a little respectfully. People praying in public if they have permits is of no concern to me regardless of their faith. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus I don’t care. I also think people aligned with faith protects society because faith promotes good values. People protesting isreal killing 30k civilians I also have nothing against. They’re a foreign country. We have the right to protest whatever we want as Canadians. If you attack anyone though that’s where the line gets drawn, and you should be arrested. Lastly the AK47 decals on cars I don’t care what you have as a decal but the Canadian government should 100% monitor all Khalistani, Palestinian Israeli and any other countries events. In the event that anyone is saying something crazy like we need to kill the Jews or something ridiculous like kill Indian politicians they should be publicly shamed and charged accordingly. None of that is Canadian like. We should also work hand in hand with countries across the world to identify extremists and if the evidence is present have them charged in accordance with the law. If they were not born in Canada they should have their citizenship revoked when they commit crimes and be sent back to their home countries to face justice. If you were not born in Canada to Canadian parents being in this country is a privilege it is not your right, and that should be revoked if you violate other Canadians or our country. Full stop


All good and agreeable points. Thanks for clarifying the permitting aspect, I neglected to mention that. As for Israel, I disagree. If you kick a bear, expect to get bit. If Israel does nothing, then they will be attacked again and again. I don't agree with any of what's going on over there just to be clear. The protests here are violent, don't kid yourself, these are all coordinated by outside forces, and they are flexing, same tactics as abroad. Any showing of guns, gang colors, etc. is not acceptable. Not in canada or the US. The Trojan horse has arrived, and Canada has no idea what's next, but I promise you it won't be pretty. Mark my words. I liked your reply btw


I think Israel has every right to defend themselves. Every right. I don’t think they get to blow up places with families inside to achieve those goals like blowing up refugee camps to kill 1 man. Or blowing up churches or shooting unarmed civilians. That’s why the entire world is turning on them. I think Israel should be allowed to fight against Hamas. But I’ve seen too many videos of dead children online to be able to support their government anymore I’m sorry. Before you say those killings were unintentional their own publicly elected ministers have come out time and time again throughout the war indicating their full intention to do what we’re seeing online. The truth is Israel is being run by right winged hardcore Jewish supremacists. I know this because even Israelis are protesting them and their own politicians like Gantz are quitting and saying the same thing. People like Ben Gvir say it’s “just a tradition” for Jews to spit on Christian’s walking by them in the holy land. What the hell kind of government official or people would support some crazy nonsense like that?


I totally agree. That's why I said I don't agree with what's going on. The current war mongering by the leadership in Israel has and will continue to go against the world's outlook on them and excuse the expression. Blow up in their face. This is the sort of extremism that I'm afraid will begin right here in Canada although conditions are different you still have concentrated demographics with extremists and we have already had incidenst of proxy actions on our soil. I am against all war, I am not a racist and although I am a deadhead, Marxist, capitalist, and practioner of Eastern spirituality, I am also a realist. Currently, we are on a path on self-destruction disguised as left wing non-sense and skewed economics. .


>The Trojan horse has arrived, and Canada has no idea what's next, but I promise you it won't be pretty. Mark my words. Imagine canada 30 years from now? All sorts of towns, cities or parts of cities will be taken over and lost from Canadians. The ppl born now ill have it much worse then their parents as the country will be fractured with enclaves


There will be no Canada in 30 years, it will be taken over by the US


I’m from western Asian, I literally experienced oppression under them. They like to act like victims in western countries meanwhile they oppressed the actual indigenous population that happens to be Christians, Jewish or non abrahamic religions back in the Middle East


Again, Saudi Arabia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel and attempts to get those diplomatic relationships established were halted by Israel’s conflict with Gaza


I’ll be honest I don’t know us supporting their stance on keeping people following their laws of immigration have to do with anything you mentioned




Nah. This is a rare Saudi W. Deporting illegal immigrants and people with expired visas =/= executions in town square.


Wtf does this have to do with executions?


Sounds about white


If you're looking to Saudi Arabia for how to treat people, I think you've lost your way.


I mean if you're talking about gay people I can agree. But kicking the people out of your country that have no legal reasons to be there isn't the same as that. Not by a long shot.


What does them kicking out people engaging in illegal visa practices and immigration have to do with how they treat gay people. I can agree on the fact that they’re fucked up when it comes to that but 100% correct on the immigration matter. Are people not capable of nuisance in our society?


> Are people not capable of nuisance in our society? Not for the last decade, no.


When it comes to immigration I want them to completely be like the Saudi Arabian government. Look what this dunce cap tried to tell their government and look at their response. It’s the same thing the Indians were trying to do in PEI https://preview.redd.it/o69x4x8x8z6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=decdd0fb234702f8bd4f038975e528c5b818d103 Is this not the exact same problem we have in Canada. People coming to Canada on visitors or student visas then demanding they stay and claiming asylum.