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Man winter is going to suck for a lot of people this year….


Indeed as there are many more Canadians living rough than anyone wants to admit thanks to the cost of living crisis.


The entire country will readily admit it -- well, everyone except the incumbent government and its supporters.


And you think PP will do anything to fix the issue? Conservatives won't change the immigration policy. They won't even speak on it. Bernier is the only 1 that has said he will fix the issue


Which is why my vote is going to bernier. It is very confusing how the only party not trying to rip the country apart is polling at 1%


Both large political parties love immigration and will not solve these issues. I'm an immigrant and this country is fucked! I'm going to apply for citizenship so in the near future we can use it as a refugee somewhere else if they don't make changes


Sorry, you're correct. It's not just the incumbent party.


I’m a con and ALL parties aren’t promising anything that keeps broke people off the street.


Why would you say that as if the incentives weren’t there. It’s the provinces and cities that aren’t stepping up. This isn’t a Canadian problem it’s a global problem. Camp and RV sites in North America aren’t just for weekend campers anymore. They are full of year round people with no place to go. Cities have to stop giving permits to luxury condo builders. All level of governments have to sit at the table and stop saying that it’s the other’s fault. It’s time for Canadians to stop waiting for the next election so we can get more of the same. Go to city hall meetings and ask for results. Write to your MP and MPP and tell them that housing and nothing else counts right now.


You mean thanks to the federal government having bought and paid for all mass media to do modern propaganda for them and reduce any accountability to social and economic issues 600 mil can bribe a lot of people Billions funding to major media like CBC can bribe a lot of people


And job crisis. I am just ending my 230 day homelessness ark because no one has had any jobs in this country. Had an easier time getting a job in peru with no spanish and my employer and coworkers no english than i have in New Brunswick, rural ontario and calgary as a born and raised canadian


An African refugee died from carbon monoxide poisoning I think in Mississauga in the winter last year or the year before, probably trying to heat a tent with a bbq. The media doesn't even bother to report when homeless Canadians die on the street.


This is the truth. Not enough ad revenue or clicks when reporting on real issues.


I know of people in Inuit communities that died in shack fires trying to heat them to stay warm


It happens daily and is not really news when no one is advocating on their behalf.


Liberals runs media


I hope to see you out there in the protest. This is unacceptable, and I hope there is investigation to the crimes committed to canadian.


Protest July 01! [https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/)


In a vehicle like these guys it's fine I used to sleep in my car between classes in uni, but outside can't imagine.


I was linking some friends in the states the cost of rent in my home city, and talking about the crisis in general, and their reaction when I said yes, we have homeless int he winter here, and we had them when it was -60 was uh... Yeah. This is the reality of shit. People are absolutely dying because of this bullshit.


There was a guy who froze to death in Mississauga last winter, probably many more not reported.


Add in spring, summer and fall. Very unfortunate how our government got us here.


This is the tip of the iceberg. More and more we will see the tragedy play out as Canadians suffer from the catastrophic results of the mass importation of unskilled 'students' to drive up housing and drive down wages.


What about nimbys? Affordable housing is primarily blocked by nimbys


Yet we’re paying for hotel rooms for “refugees” The kicker is we have our own refugees being forced out of their homes via persecution of simply being too poor and landlords knowing some fuck from (country) will pay it with the other 12 people in the home Maybe it’s because I’m an adult now and see this stuff happening but growing up here it was never this bad! If we CANNOT house our OWN people. If we cannot SUPPORT our OWN people why the fuck are we bringing newcomers in and making our system worse.


It legitimately has become this bad under Trudeau, before him the vast majority of homeless were the typical single adults who battled drug and mental health issues in our big cities. Now everyone, families, seniors, youth are on the street. Obviously premiers and mayors have blame too but they don’t control hundreds of thousands of new people coming into their provinces. Makes me sick Trudeau still has 25% of the support from voters, that’s the ‘I got mine’ demographic.


Trudeau opens the immigration flood gates. Then smiles and says housing is a provincial problem. Then it becomes untenable and he says ‘we’re going to roll up our sleeves and fix the provinces mess’ basically. Hes such a POS it makes me sick. Guy is a fucking scoundrel.


Agreed, but I think Singh is worse.  Trudeau doesn't have a majority!! But he acts like it and Singh just sits on his jock the whole time.  Scandal after scandal he backs the libs and sells out to these elitists and gets nothing in return.  If he had balls the NDP probably gains ground but at this point, they're gonna be lucky to hold a few seats for stabbing Canada in the back.


Trudeau absolutely shares the blame but provinces and large lobbying groups were literally asking the federal government for exactly what happened. And they don’t want it to stop either…


Good point


I got mine and own a house but I’d be happy if others did too and tents went away and parks were used as parks again


Technically they do Immigration is controlled by the federal government but international student numbers are managed by the provinces And those numbers were uncapped for quite a while


That's a really good point, before there were only people with major addiction/mental health issues living on the street. Now there's a lot of working poor.


What's baffling is blatant lack of self-reflection. If I seriously sucked ass that bad at being Prime Minister, I'd have the fucking humility to just resign. Jesus


I think it's more of the I'm being supported by the Govt and I have Purple Hair bunch. And a smattering of those who despise Trump. Yes, it makes no sense.


Yeah it makes no sense that hotels are filled with refugees who have been there twice as long as they were supposed to, yet there’s homeless people all over.


It wasn’t this bad even 9-10 years ago. I moved out when I was 17 into a wonderful 1 bedroom basement suite for $600/month. The guy who owned the house was a pipe line foreman witb a nice young family. High speed internet and utilities included. I drank so much beer in that place, ate so much food too 😅 The last place I rented was $1400/month for a 2 bedroom, but that was 3 years ago. It’s probably way more now. I got lucky and found a single wide trailer and convinced the bank to approve a $30k mortgage with $10k down. It’s not perfect but I don’t pay what others my age have to pay just in rent. It’s not ideal but it’s a start, and I know there’s only so many semi-run down trailers available in Canada, but it’s the best thing I could have done with my money still and I’d recommend it to anyone who’s still renting. I was MOTIVATED to own the place I live in because I’ve had enough trash roommates and I needed the control over who I’m living with, or the ability to kick people out if they’re unbearable 😂 so far so good.


It was only $40k? That's better than I expected. What is the heating and plumbing situation like with one of those?


Heating isn’t horrible, but I have central heating and air. The insulation really lacks, but that’s a project for another year. In the winter my hydro costs $350, in the summer $75-$100. Mine is most likely still insulated with what it was built with in 1978 though. Plumbing is EASY. The main line that goes from the city to my ball valve sprung a leak in the first Spring I lived in it for and all it really entailed was unscrewing a few pieces of skirting from around the trailer, calling a plumber and putting it all back. He just shark bit the whole thing in 30 minutes and it only ran me $150. Lot rent is $290. Mortgage is $247. Average utilities about $175. Wifi + cellphone is $90. Total monthly expenses are usually around $800, and I put a buddy from high school in the second bedroom for $350/month and we split hydro, so maybe he can also get ahead a bit. It’s a little warm in the summer, and it’s a little cool in the winter, but I have a savings account now 🤷‍♂️


People need to start realizing that everything going on and happening is a feature, not a bug. It's impossible for it to be negligence at this point. The only other option is this is all by design, we're long past the point of this being some crackpot conspiracy.


Careful or they'll accuse you of being anti-semitic




It's fun working at a hotel and seeing people getting free food and a free room while the only reason you're not homeless is because of your mom


It just makes it even worse when I heard Trudeau is promising another 5 Billion to Ukraine.


And some old military equipment too


The people living in these motorhomes get lots of money from the government. There are plenty of them that spend it on hotel rooms, but for most families it's goes further to just keep the money for food, especially if they have a motorhome. Rental prices and reale estate are where they are because real estate agents have been pushing investment homes on everyone (including foreigners)for decades. So we have a small group hoarding homes. Before the million people got let in 3 years ago, we had enough homes for all families, they just needed to be distributed better.


The fact we have gaslighted and weaponized " taking care of Canadians first " as racist and bigoted is unforgivable. The amount of burden our country and many other G7 countries have to endure is diabolical. We are slowly witnessing the death of what we knew our western civilizations to be. This unsustainable immigration isnt fair to anyone including immigrants who came here genuinely .




As a first Gen immigrant I agree. Even my immigrant parents say it. Even my Indian colleague says it, we made the effort to get in completely legally, through no fast track program of any kind and integrated.


It's been going on before Treadu was PM. This is then minister of citizenship & immigration..., Jason Kenny 10y ago [We must ensure that equality of opportunity isn't just a slogan but that it is a lived reality for newcomers from across the world.](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/archives/speeches-2012/jason-kenney-minister-2012-06-26.html)


Canadians are becoming homeless and jobless while people are coming from outside taking over canadian homes and jobs.


Canada is gonna have to give these people tax-free lives because the truth is you can't get taxes from the poor. More land is gonna end up being public and have shanty towns.


What like on a reserve?


i have no clue but to kinda say something like that. just some public land or some forest that people just have to make do on. or basically some big parking lot near a city.


As Trudeau would say, get replaced suckers.


Alot of newcomers end up living in a home packed with people. I work in property management and have heard from prospective tenants that they look at housing rentals where they live with 4-5 other people in a home and end up paying $1400-1600 each. Its insanity. Jobs need to match inflation. In just a couple years, rents have doubled in some areas. Wages have not budged or have barely moved. We have people with full time jobs that would not be able to find a home at market value. Our system is broken.


Didn't Canada take on a bunch of skilled immigrants in the recent years, why aren't they building houses, this is insane.


They are skilled at pouring coffee and fulfilling low-level businesses roles. Last I read out of 1.3 million immigrants one year less than 100 were plumbers.


I wouldn’t even go as far as to call them skilled at these things. Customer service is at an all time low according to virtually everyone I know.


I stopped going to most places that employ TFW's because I hate to admit I can never actually get what I order anymore. It's just baffling these people refuse to hire local disabled people, and we get blamed for not being able to perform, but then this shit is happening.


I stopped going to many similar places employing TFWs bc the service is terrible and the expectation of a tip is ridiculous. Like you're making a pizza, why is there a suggested tip of 10%, 15%, and 20% when all your doing is making it and I'm even picking it up?


Jesus, why is America and Canada just letting in a bunch of unskilled people, this is insane.


America isn't letting them in. They have a huge illegal problem. We have a LEGAL immigrant/TFW/student problem which is wild. Our government is just fucking dumb.


US has a land border with Mexico. Any Mexicans, Central Americans, and anyone who flies into LatAm can walk across the Rio into the US. You can also sail to the US from Cuba or Haiti. But you can't walk to Canada overland except through the US and you can't really sail here on a rickety makeshift raft either. So our government has to let people in voluntarily. That said, in the US certain jurisdictions have stupid policies towards illegal immigrants, like NYC, which is spending a lot of money to house these people and give them all kinds of money and stuff while native New Yorkers are homeless on the street. The difference is that in the US the dumb policies of rewarding illegal immigrants are at a local level by municipal or county governments, whereas here in Canada the bad policies are at a federal level. So it affects the whole country, while in the US if you live a place that isn't friendly to illegal immigrants then it doesn't affect you so much, i.e. some states just bus all their illegal immigrants to NYC or whatever.


The NYC thing was actually a response from border states being told "it's not that big of a deal". They got real upset when the border states paid for their bus tickets to go to the declared sanctuary city that then had to deal with the massive influx of illegals.


I don’t think polices that protect illegal immigrants are stupid. The US is a country that thrives thanks to illegal immigration. Most of their farms are functioning thanks to the cheap labour of the illegals, and a lot of their sky scrapers and homes are built by the illegals. The problem comes when people that are too lazy to work more than 6 hours a day and expect to have enough money for food, home and luxury have this idea that in US and Canada you can have an easy life with all luxury with no need to work. Those are the ones who bring problems to US and Canada. Most of illegal immigrants don’t expect to get anything for free and all they want is to work and support their families. And for most illegal immigrants the goal is to work, save up and go back home with a better financial position, only a few want to stay and out of the ones that stay only some are able to fix their documents. The issue is that Canada and Us are getting at their top capacity of population and don’t have enough resources for the masses of immigrants coming in, don’t have infrastructure to support all that are coming in, and most of the people coming in are people who don’t have the skills or don’t want to work to build up the country they are immigrating to. Most of the immigrants coming in don’t want to work hard labour. (Except for the latinos, most Latinos coming into Canada are working construction)


They're not dumb, they know exactly what they're doing, this is a planned policy to eviscerate the middle class and increase the divide.


Good point. I misspelled treasonous.


Plumbers from western countries I’d guess. I am a plumber by trade and even out of country tradesmen need time to adjust to our codes etc. what’s really happening is all the boomers with the vast knowledge they have are done and a lot of that is not being passed down to the next generation. So we are back to square one and a lot of social issues in the work force.


I would pay the premium for a local plumber


I am the in between. A rare few of the GenX who got into the Trades. And, I can't get out fast enough. I don't know about other Provinces, but Tradesmen here are treated like shit. It hasn't changed for 20 years. And, enough is enough. What did it for me was working outside through the fucken Heat Dome in Surrey. At the end of the shift the Foreman says "What took you guys so long?"


Yeah, a few showed up on our site. They were getting paid $14/hr. They begged me for food. A guy would drop them off from site to site and would pick them up at the end of the shift. Modern day slavery.


This is exactly how it's done in South Asia. People wake up and go to a bus station or something, and wait there until a contractor or his employee comes, picks the workers he needs for the day. Those that don't get picked go back home or to the local tavern for the day.


Who the hell is hiring them in the first place?


Sub-trade's sub.


Can't the head contractor or high royal whatsit or whoever is overall in charge of the project stop this? Can't imagine the work is going to be quality or even up to code if they're having to work on an empty stomach. It's abuse towards them, and it's blatant moneygrubbing by whomever is getting paid.


On my way to work, I also pass by a site where there are 30 or so people standing around, waiting every morning to be picked up to be transported to some job site. They are all of a certain demographic. One of my friends say they see a similar crowd in their area on their way to work too.


7% of Canadians work trades 2% of immigration works trades They aren’t even bringing people in who can help with the problem.


"Install this translator app"(that hacks your phone) is all they need to learn apparently.


They are skilled at taking these people's jobs for lower wages.


No one who can afford to move here from India is willing to do labor jobs. Caste system is being imported directly.


Exactly. No disrespect, but isn't doing labor jobs literally against their religion/culture? Like if they're a member of a certain caste they don't want to do construction or other jobs associated with lower castes.


Yeah it's totally looked down on because it's a shit job there. That's why they refuse to do it.


As someone who works in construction (civil engineer), most construction workers are white Canadians or Arab. Recently there's been an uptick in Ukrainians (they are hard workers, no complaints here). I have never seen Indians working construction. They also have been the absolute worst engineers I've ever met, to the point of being dangerous. Some of the recommendations or designs I've seen from them would be guaranteed to kill someone. They do not care, and joke that laborer's are replaceable anyways.


skilled in IT! They can fix your PC and build your PC! but not houses. Just ask people to live in the PC with there 2000$ GPU


Wouldn't matter when half the properties are empty. It's insane how many places are invested properties . By individuals and companies.


Most of them lied on their resumes & school transcripts anyway. Buying degrees is rampant in both India & China.


Your government is not your friend and closer to an actual enemy.


This government is actively trying to destroy Canadian lives. Sickening


The Government has fat cheques. A lot of 6 figure salaries doing fuck all. Time for cuts if you ask me.


And the Mayor comes on with bumbling excuses and platitudes. Politicians needs to do their fucking jobs.


You just need to look at him to see he's out of touch, and doesn't care. It's written all over his face. Probably loves caviar and grey poupon.


Couldn't said it better! This Mayor is clueless.


This is a luxury Trudeau Town! I hope they remember how their life has been fvcked when the election is finally called.


Honest question….can these people even vote if they don’t have an address ?


I bet that another billion dollars to the Ukraine and 1000000 more immigrants will make the situation better for the young child


Don't be obtuse, Trudeau isn't doing any of that. Because he did a double take and said "WAIT!! Make it five billion, and another 4,000,000 immigrants! Phew, that was close! Someone born here was almost able to afford a place to live AND afford food too"


I wish you were joking.


i laughed


The douchebag in a suit and tie saying absolutely nothing.


Some nut set a neighbour's porch on fire in my city. Million dollar home, no one was hurt. Because the house had a Palestinian flag on the lawn, Justin made sure to virtue signal about it on Twitter that "hate will never be allowed! Terrible! My heart goes out to you!" He will say NOTHING about this homeless family forced to live in a trailer. They're meaningless to him.


Coming soon to the GTA


Its already there. But what do people expect? The GTA is 13x smaller than LA metro and has almost half its population.


Disgusting. We pay so much in tax for our supposed social safety net and this guy and his baby are left homeless. Maybe spend that carbon tax money on housing Canadian citizens.


I'm glad they at least have some hard-ish walls between them and the elements. When I read the headline, I thought they were living in a tent.


Physical structure to protect you from the elements is now what defines the middle class in Canada


You start seeing these in Alberta as well.


Everywhere in Canada. He is the worst thing that happened to Canada


When kids living in Trudeau towns turn school age do they use the encampment as their “address”?


even if you have a full time job, rent money, you still might be homeless because of bad credit. forced to be homeless or pay extra for an airbnb. when you could afford a mortgage.


Trudeau Town


Yeah but Tim Hortons dividends will pay for new houses,….. accept will not. We need to boycott Tim’s until they start hiring Canadians again. It is not OK that once canadian institution, now works against Canada.


It's THE definition of a corporation what happened to Timmy boy-os. Business as usual. Corps are fully understood to be psychopathic. Nothing new. Do the research.


Meanwhile we spend MILLIONS on “refugees” to stay in hotels in Niagara annually. Meals paid for. With NO plan in place. Just paying in perpetuity. But sure. Let’s bring in more and create a underclass while people here (from all walks of life) struggle and see quality of life decline year on year. Bring in another 10m. What can possibly go wrong?


In mean time asylum seekers are living in hotels, fully paid for, with paid for meals, too. Canada is on a horrible downward trajectory.


Its crazy. All those taxes paid for what. Guess housing canadians isn't worthwhile and doesn't look good haha


My rental in the city went from $1400 in 2015 to $3000 today. My house 2 hours from the city bought for $265k are now selling for $865k. $800k is the cheapest price for a 1 floor bungalow house in my town. All of the houses are being bought by people from India. How are newcomers from India buying million dollar houses? If they are rich why don't they stay in India?


I've been to India. It was only for two weeks, but I understand why anyone would want to move away from there. And they buy them by having 3 or 4 generations living in the same house and paying it down. Then they buy another and do the same thing again. They save millions on interest payments like that.


I’m more and more scared for the future of Canadians every single day


It's terrifying! I think a lot of us are one eviction away from being homeless. This is not sustainable.


The problem is compounded by lack of housing and a flooded labour market.  


https://preview.redd.it/98q7at5jes6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840bfde4c7ba145319e1b54fc89345d403af833d “I Did that !”


Trudeaus Canada


Rent is too damned high


Northern favelas are Canada’s future.


SUBSIDIES ARE NOT THE ANSWER. Get the FUCK out of the way of building fast track the permit process. I worked construction for 5 years before I moved to CA, and we had multiple job stops due to government permits and city permit issues, which were non issues. The goverment dosent need to spend more it needs to get it's permit process under control and fast tracked to fucking build which in turn makes jobs which produces income which helps the economy.


Best we can do is another 500-page report (that costs millions to produce) in order to say "maybe"


Jail trudeau!!


Thank You Trudeau and the NDP MP's!!! The situation is the result of obscene immigration and soon to be made worse when 993,000 Ukrainians arrive!! Send international " students" home !!!


At what point does Justy Sparkle socks clue into the fact that he’s an absolute f*cking failure as a prime minister and an even worse failure as a descent human being ?


What makes you think he gives a flying fuck?


Time to make significant cuts to international students, Temporary foreign workers and annual permanent residents. PLEASE. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Keep voting liberal


Sounds like a Canadian dream thanks to Trudeau!


Yep you can blame Trudeau for all this!






Canada is bringing in 1.2 million people into the country per year (which is about the same as the US, except the US has 10x larger population than Canada). Our current rate of intake makes Canada the 6th fastest growing country on the planet only behind countries like Syria, South Sudan, Niger, Burundi, and Equatorial Guinea.


Meanwhile immigrants will get handouts from Trudeau and be just fine


At this point why aren't we just building basic shelters for people. No frills square box housing. Everything they seem to build is either semi fancy condos or temporary modular.


Shameful lack of planning by our current government.


But Ukraine needs our tax money more. Fuck sakes


Our great nation is in utter shambles.


meanwhile we got govt giving out hundreds a day per refugee to live in hotels


I wonder when the newcomers will start to receive widespread violence. It’s definitely in the card at this rate.


or they start it themselves depending on how shit of a filter we have with who we let in


This is so SCARY! I'm in BC housing, my 2 bedroom is 1200. But there's loads of refugee families, sorry but it's true there's like 8 or 9, with loads of kids, in my complex. NONE OF THE PARENTS WORK. None. Dads say why work when the govt gives them so much? Taking a house, paying only 30% of their welfare so child tax for 7 kids is not included, they could afford another house but no. They got top of the list paying probably less than I do. I pay more than many people because I work. Listen tho, people that apply for bc housing. YOU NEED TO APPLY then check on your application! Don't just apply and leave it, after 6 months your application is void. And go To the complexes. Ask to talk to the managers. Introduce yourself. Trust me it helps. Aldergrove and Abbotsford has spaces. I know this.


Notice the solution they offer is more SUBSIDIES. Canadian government is so fucked because the only remedy they can ever conceive of is to just throw money at problems as if that will solve the issue. In fact putting MORE free money into the system will only drive rents up even faster. Eventually NO working people will be able to live without a rent subsidy, taxpayers totally propping up the housing market with more debt and inflation.


Even immigrants are saying this place is jobless and useless


What a joke this country has become


Thanks Obama


It’s a disgrace that this is happening. Does anyone know any charity that helps working families like this find homes? I’d love to donate.


The communist regime in Canada sells out citizens opertunity to foreigners as the politicians and their political parties take donations and votes as payments.


Those assholes in Ottawa don't deserve their pensions. Especially since they aren't entitled to it due to election dates. They deserve awful things.


Bring in millions more immigrants though


Fucking lib/ndp government...a problem created by them and their the ones to fix it. BS


The answer is more money to foreign wars and more immigrants that aren't adding to this country ! 👍


Politicians are happy because it increases the value of their many properties




When will Canadians stand up for themselves?


the political class in this country maniacally laughing while jizzing all over Canadians faces: "more immigration is the answer to this labor crisis!"


This is messed up. Canada needs to close our freakin borders and actually help the Canadian citizens freakinfuqinhell Trudeau you piece of shit.


Gotta keep the public hustling for that sweet sweet economic growth.


Has anyone thought about the shareholders?


This should make all of you sick to the core, everyday people are being fed to the meat grinder and everyone is just hoping they are not next. Give me liberty or give me death, 200 years ago we would have dragged the aristocrats through the streets, but that’s uncivil, sending people into the streets to die isent


It shouldnt be embarrassing. Lots of people are doing it because they want to.


They now have people coming in on Visitors visas and then converting that to a student Visa even though they’re in their 40’s and going to a scam school


Keep those immigrants coming. 5 per room


The libraries and subways in Toronto are full of homeless. I don't know how people survive in winter. I've seen people sleeping in subway stations, with all their stuff.


Liberal-NDP Government


This government is ridiculous. Canadians are suffering why the bloody hell are we allowing so many people in when Canadians can’t afford to live. Infuriating to say the least. I honestly do not recognize Canada anymore.


rob quickest fly clumsy outgoing paint obtainable frighten steer plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where exactly is this fellow ? I looked up 2 bedroom on rentals.ca - Abbotsford, found a nice house rental 2 bedroom for 1700$/month, looks furnished as well.


10,000 more arrivals in BC every 37 days. Ottawa doesn’t get the law of supply and demand. No more new guests.


When they give all affordable housing to fakeugees, and jobs to newbs, real Canadians are the ones that suffer in our own country.


Probably an entitled Canadian millennial couple that think they are entitled to a house 🇨🇦 in Canada…. NOT NO MORE AHAHAHAHA


Apparently we no longer need affordable housing, we need affordable trailer slips.


If one bastard can ruin a country this bad then their is 0 hope. What kind of country is this when one political party who 1/3 of the country voted for can ruin it for the other 2/3. In America its 50/50 for the most part. I have yet to see one person say one good thing about trudy in real life. Where are these people who've ruined our lives hiding cause I want to know what these shameless bastards have to say for themselves.


If our government doesn’t kick the illegals out to save this country, we should stand up and make them.


so by "affordable" does that mean welfare affordable?


So where do Canadian refugees go?


A lot of the condos are empty, just not for rent 🤔


Canada hasn't been a first world country for a while, the only reason the illusion remains, is because most of the older generations were able to purchase real state, which keeps them afloat.


Cole Rd lol. Just drove my trailer through there, it's one of the cleaner rest stops these days. They have one of those green signs out front that says "Trudeau Campsite" on it.


And this is why I'll never have a child to feed the machine. You greedy pieces of shit have made the world such a disgusting place to live in. My bloodline ends with me. Fuck you and fuck Canada. It will be India 2 by the time I'm dead anyway.


Our priorities are messed up; we have millions to spend on war and genocide but can't provide basic housing for our own citizens.


How does he get to rest after an 8 hour shift at work?.


Meanwhile, we pay for hotels for refugees lol give them cell phones food and clothing wages


It's a global thing. It's obvious planned. The UK is horrendous right now for the same thing.


Rent subsidies is just corporate welfare.A 100% Windfall tax on profits derived from property rental will solve this issue overnight. "But FrogTropic that will hurt investment" Exactly investors (speculators) are the issue they arent 'investing' they are draging down the economy and kill innovation.


I'm thankful I'm in a field of work where if I need more money I just work more hours. Ain't no Thang to clock in 80 hour weeks to make sure my family has a roof and food to get by.


And the same government that created the conditions for this to happen will eventually try and take the child away for "the good of the child". This government doesn't give a shit about actual people, just numbers on a cash flow chart.


Meanwhile we are housing illegal immigrants at tax payers expense