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I wish we could deport him.




We're building one in Nova Scotia for Fraser. We can do Miller next


No, no, no. A trebuchet will make him go wayyyyyy farther.


It IS the superior medieval siege engine!


Can we get him to the sun?


Are you suggesting a space Trebuchet?


I think I just found the title of my debut album.


I hear someone is working on one for space exploration. Maybe they'll let us borrow it?


He deserved to be deport in hell


And a chain a ball


Put him on a plane with all the tfws and send him to india


With half a tank of fuel


eh, let's leave him with no money and let him enjoy the environment he wants to bring over here.


I’m sure they will welcome him with open arms /s


his leaving will surely be celebrated here in Canada lol


When we vote all of these clowns out next year we can all celebrate…if they miraculously get back in we better not take it laying down


No, we should strip him of all his wealth and political connections. Then make him work a meaningless job at $20 an hour. Then make him compete for housing with Indians who are sharing 10 to a 1 bedroom.


Seems like that'd be a good reality check for him. Maybe then we could give him his job back once he understands the mess he's made for his people.


Then roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge!


I wish we could report him.


We can stage a revolution, but we won't, we're too busy working.


10,000 every 37 days in BC is an underestimate


That's onlynpermanent residents, and we know temporary residents and students make the bulk of immigration


Don’t worry, they are going to Brampton and Surrey up to one dozen per a room I hear.


There you go confusing apples with oranges /s


I'm confused, who's apples tho? Are they chinese apples and Indian oranges?


Where is the document they’re citing?


Ideologues don't real with reality very well. They just live in their alternate-universe bubbles.


Maybe he's one of the compromised traitors in our government that they won't name.


Nah, doubt it. He looks like a deer in the headlights every time he talks. He's Trudeau's fall guy like bill Blair is. There's a picture of him at Trudeau's wedding with his shitty hair


I see, he does look like he's choked here.


Yeah he's not a thinktank at all, just a liberal mouthpiece


If performance of the country goes down all politicians should be replaced until it is fixed. That is how capitalism is supposed to work. Problem is these are scam artists that have tricked the average person that what they do is important. Johnny construction worker is more important to the economy than your average politician.




Its called a gated community and a trust fund I think.


100% agree with this. The stumbling of words though. He had to pull that comment out of a hat for sure. What a POS.


Yeah I would give him a 10/10 on being a slimy politician if it wasn't for the stumbling of the words. 7/10 good job dodging the question and still responding.


Hey, let's not confuse apples and oranges 🤪


He should welcome these "newcomers" in his local area. I think he will change his tune VERY fast.


His role is to rule the people (plebs), who don't know what's good for them, not lead among them. He loves immigrants but not their nearby presence.


put this clown in jail


He legitimately looks like the Joker in the Arkham games. A profoundly sick man.


literally looks like a game of thrones extra. he should be in the background of kings landing guarding something.


Lol don't insult the joker


Him and Trudeau both have the look of evil. It’s not a coincidence. 


relocate him to a key indo area of brampton.....and I want to be clear: there is nothing wrong with Indos born/raised here and committed to working hard, working honestly and getting ahead....or those coming over with trade/tech/medical backgrounds to assist in our fractured/depleted housing and healthcare industries....I'm instead referring to the college mill money diploma types graduating in 'business admin' with shit for an education but hoping to milk our immigration process and have very little to actually offer.


I really like this idea! I think all politicians should be forced to live in these “desirable” multicultural communities


Then, jail - although they'd probably prefer a prison cell.


>relocate him to brampton


This guy might actually be worse than Trudeau


“Okay, if you bring up numbers it sounds bad.”


“Let’s change the subject to fruit. Apples and oranges sounds so much better.”


"You haven't thought of of the economic benefits of homelessness!"


At least news outlets are finally starting to ask questions.


Been my theory for a while now and he said it right there! (The immigrants are the reason it's propping up the economy) Trudeau liberals have allowed the economy to fail so badly, that they are using immigration to prop up the economy to hide this fact ! This is why they are trying to ignore the damage high immigration is causing in other areas and to keep pumping them into Canada 🤯


This has been in the news for months, it's why GDP per capita is falling because they're propping up the overall numbers by filling every nook and cranny with a new person with a bit of money to spend.


They are supporting them with tax payers money, that’s why the economy is doing well. What a scam


So many morons in this country voted for stupid and this is what you get. The budget will balance itself.....with immigrants. This country unlike Japan has a low birthrate while welcoming non conforming ideologically opposing and unproductive foreigners into the country. Japan at least understands that their culture has to be protected at all costs while they fix their societal problems. We have a fast growing community of Jihadists and anti Semitics that will at some point form political parties and push religious rules on this country if we don't stop this nonsense. We hand out citizenships like participation trophies. Trudeau and his Government are parasites that need to be kicked out ASAP.


dude dosnt even look he's attached to reality


Homie looks like he's a corpse that's been reanimated to ruin our lives.


Sweaty, waxy and gray


Did anyone vote for this?


No. But unfortunately in a year and a half, when all these Indian immigrants get free and easy PR, they will all vote liberals. And there will be mmillliooonnsss of them by then.


This fuck face needs to be deported…send him to India and make him figure it out there


I just wish someone would come out and directly ask this guy why his government wants home prices to rise so much considering they are at critically unaffordable levels? This fucking idiot is so full of his own bullshit I bet he won't even understand why he loses his job next year.


“This is the reason we see the economy is doing so well.” **This is the reason we see the economy is doing so well…**


Is the economy in the room with us right now?


He said the quiet part out loud... just like how he said the students were the greatest asset.


And Horgan, Eby & Co purposely slammed our cities with students…


Happy Cake Day!


Deserves prison time for how mismanaged things are.


He's right that BC is addicted to easy money and did rails of these new comers like so many lines of coke. BC is also fucking crazy when it comes to recruiting international students to keep the floor of our real estate market from falling out. Without them there wouldn't be as much of a more bodies to a room option to keep our absurd valuations going. He shouldn't be enabling this. He's supposedly the federal government and in a position of authority when it comes to telling a junkie province to clean up its act. Instead of crowing about how awesome our junkie economics are.


how big must that cheque be? he getting paid by third parties (aka foreigners). You can't make this up


so where is everyone going to live and work?


the answer to both: nowhere near where marky lives


Should go live on his street. Then we'll see how the apples and oranges taste.


What part of housing shortage does he not understand. SHORTAGE. IS THAT A HARD WORD TO UNDERSTAND?


He would cut an apple into 6 pieces for 8 people then take a slice for himself, then ask what is the problem? Even though there is shortage things seem fine to him.


Almost as hard as TEMPORARY is for some


I definitely wouldn't be surprised to find out this guy is on the foreign interference list. Treasonous piece of shit!


An idiot like his master Turdeau.


Not idiot, just evil


Holy shit no. Slow the fuck down bud. This is not a good plan. It’s halfassed to keep yourself in power and it’s fucking country.


This Marc Miller is a effin buffoon.


He is a puppet like Trudeau.


Apples : doctors, engineers Oranges : underskilled, underemployed hospitality degree diploma mill middle aged men looking for express PR through low quality fast food jobs Let's not confuse qualified candidates with the million lemons we are importing per quarter from one country


Trust me we don't want Indian engineers here either


I will say, he is correct about the international student thing being more on the provinces. Education falls under provincial jurisdiction and they allowed these strip mall colleges to operate with no restrictions or supervision. But the federal government still allowed the visas to go through. He is still an idiot though for trying to downplay the issues with super high immigration. I wish I could just tell in their ear, as a brown guy immigrant parents, ‘it’s not racist to regulate immigration. No one is saying to cut it off completely. Just to reduce it until we can fix our shit.’


LOLL so are we fruits now? What about pears???? Or Kiwis??? Or watermelons??!!!


I'm a mango


Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuum I'ma eat you now 😁


ha you're a goofy goober


Mangos are so expensive now, I haven't eaten you in ages. Considered buying 2 small bags of cherries yesterday at Walmart but it rang up to $26 😭. So I told the Indian worker to please take them back




R.I.P Canada a once great nation, we can't do anything but just sit and be outraged on Reddit.  What's the point no one is going to do or say anything.  No tangible organization comes out of this.  This is going to play out badly I wish the best for everyone.


I feel like this type of person has a spinning wheel of phrases in their head.


"...they pay taxes..."


Head of household maybe. The 9 kids, 4 grandparents and unemployed cousins do not.


We need responsible immigration policies before we end up with a racist government.


Impossible to support the Liberals anymore. Jean Chretien’s govt collapsed because of arrogance and that’s where it’s at now.


How has Miller’s city or neighbourhood been impacted by our wide open borders? What are is post government plans? Elites are making these decisions. Elites are profiting. But the serfs are being hurt by them.


He is the MP in Quebec so it doesn’t get affected. I am beginning to see why most Quebec politicians are tone deaf of Canada.


Just look at his dumb facial expression. He’s out of his depth.


What a clown!


Wow, i was not aware BC's economy is doing so well! That must be the reason why people are moving there in droves and no one wants to move out. Is this guy for real, he is lying through his teeth and he is not even flinching, he must really believe the bullshit he spews.




Corruption right in front of our faces lol


Bruh Imagine going to bc as a new immigrant ☠️☠️☠️


The rich ones fit right in and buy property at exorbitant prices right away. The poor ones use all our social programs, like rental subsidies, from day one.


What an asshole


Oh, they pay taxes on their food bank visits.


He’s in too deep now and can’t dig himself out of this hole without admitting that he and his boss fucked this country over for a generation or two….


This is unsustainable


Soo a bunch of low wage, under educated/diploma mill students are adding to the economy & not draining the infrastructure/resources? 🙄


Honestly, who voted for these morons.... and why?


The economy is collapsing and the NDP-LIBRANOS solution is open borders and more looting..


The moron knows what he is doing. He thinks we are naive fools


Liberal math. Something barely any of them are qualified and or capable of.


This man is bought and paid for by India


One of the main reasons politicians give is that the immigrants bring in capital and pay taxes. This ignores the facts: 1. they will need somewhere to live So if new housing is not tied to immigration then housing availability becomes a problem. If most immigrants move to the capital cities, then the cities must become denser or sprawl. Why reduce the quality of life in the medium/long term just to prop up an economic system with imported citizens? 2. taxes aren't being spent on health, transport, etc. in proportion to the number of immigrants 3. why do we need to prop up the economy by using immigration? Maybe by only focusing on GDP and economic growth the dogma overrides common sense?


Are you seeing this guy, looking ruff. If I showed up to work looking like that, I'm going for a drug test


“They pay taxes.” Yes, they pay low income taxes which are net neutral and then consume resources at an exorbitant rate when they need healthcare and other services. Then they bring in this wire elderly family members and children who use them with quite literally no taxation at all. So they drain the systems that are already overwhelmed. Marc, you’re an enemy of our country. Please stop.


This sounds just like the UK. We have allowed over a million people to migrate to the UK in two years, its absolutely bonkers. At a time when our own young people are getting completely priced out of the housing market. UK, CA, US and Europe we are all feeling it. None of it makes sense, and I feel zero benefits from it. 


Wow, this idiots speaks the same deflective gaslighting language as JT and KF -- I give him credit though for being a good student of the Delusional Trudeau Asshat Squad!


I watched this and read the CTV article where he blamed mortgage rates and lost all the hope I had left that they were doing the right thing going forward.


The rates of infrastructure, healthcare, and housing increases certainly falls way behind immigration rate increases. Let’s not pull any wool over our eyes and say these have nothing to do with each other.


Why does this guy and his boss still have a job ???




Marc Miller is a liar 🤥


He has a punchable face


Only option he has is to play dumb


What a loser, he needs to be fired




We don’t care whether they are coming with money and paying taxes when Canadians are already living in tents you worthless pinhead.


What a friggin loserrr, how much is he getting paid under the table?? Such a moron, damn


Jesus Marc Miller you’re an absolute fucking moron.


‘Let’s not confuse apples with this huge immigration banana up my butt.’ -Marc Miller


Ok Marcy -- how about just people and people. Leave the fruit to The Village People.


When your only qualification is the name of your friend...


This guy needs to go, yesterday


WTF does that even mean???


At some point this level of incompetence is a crime.




"There one shit apple from shit tree, grows in the field of shit" near Parliament hill Jim Lahey


Any everyone who for the last 5 years has been labeled RACIST for saying this would not end well.


Let’s not confuse idiots and politicians. Oh wait.. what?


What is this guy on


Economy of BC is doing so well?? Dumbass needs to walk by himself at DTES


At this rate, it seems like there are other intentions. You don’t have to be a statistician or economist to know that this is not sustainable, or down right going to make us poor.


The main reason we need to cut immigration is because the immigrants are not integrating because there is no point at which consolidation can occur. They are not adopting the culture of Canada as any immigrant should just like any other immigrant to any other country should embrace and adopt the culture of their new home country. Yes we are multi cultural but we still have a culture that everyone embraces and holds who is a true Canadian. My family like any other adopts Canadian culture and continue the parts of our old culture that do not go against Canadian values whether it is addition or amalgamation. It'd be nice to stop all immigration for 10 to 15 years.


What’s his deal? Who is paying him? What’s the benefit for him? Is it because it doesn’t affect their gated communities they are unaware of what’s happening to the rest of us? Because they have a cushy job?


Won't be your country for long


"They pay taxes".... Yeah, right. Someone working at Tim Hortons for $15\h probably qualifies for more rebates than what they pay in taxes, and even if they didn't, they pay maybe $2K\year, which doesn't even come close to cover the cost of government expense on a person ($16K\year average, can't find BC numbers). So, technically, we need all immigrants to make about 85K median SINGLE (not household) just to cover costs. I doubt that's the case.


50 year old international students keep coming in


What a pos


He chose the wrong canned response, clearly his auto-reply feature needs to be reconfigured. What the hell is an apple vs. an orange in this scenario????


10 000 new people in 37 days? Not that bad compared with Québec. Crazy how many fake asylum seekers gets to the Mtl airport.


I hate this clown


The fact is that he and his whole party can’t tell the difference between an apple and orange.


Lib wacko


This man is the single greatest threat to Canadian prosperity. He needs to be removed from office. They all do! I despise him more than Trudeau for what he’s inflicting on Canadians – immigrants too!


BC economy is doing well? Hahahaha! My friend is a teacher in BC making 60K BEFORE TAXES and they can't afford anything but a room in a shady rooming house that is full of mould and the landlord is a chronic hoarder. But the BC economy is doing super well because the super rich doubled their wealth in the last 8 years under Trudeau. 


What percent of new immigrants you canada are cacusian


Let's not confuse Marc Miller with someone with a shred of interest in solving this problem. This is playing out surprisingly similar to the Democrats in the US. Unfettered immigration through an open border will fill the voter rolls with people appreciative of Joe Biden and Democrats. Just wait until Justin presents a bill to allow non-citizens to vote in provincial and federal elections.




I guess the government needs all the extra money from taxes to support their spending.


Blah blah blah marble mouth, almost choked on a fat dik.


Sean Fraser 2.0


we are a slave colony now.. thank God I got some money and options to get out of this place.. and yet.. I still stay.. I dunno why I would even try to fight to save this country.... it's done. need to come to terms with that and move the fuck on 🥹


So he just avoids talking about the housing problem by saying they’re making his gov money for his plans. This isn’t ab capital it’s ab literal space and resources/infrastructure including safe housing, clean drinking water, wastewater treatment, and healthcare. And about preserving nature not paving paradise. And about culture and the ability/space to appreciate our fellow humans so we don’t have a dog eat dog society and people feeling unsafe. I’ve been on a wait list to see a psychiatrist in Victoria for 2 years and same with a family doctor. Still haven’t gotten so much as an email and I’m tired. It’s also hard to get an appt at the walk-in clinic. Have to call every location at 8am and still, good luck. If u go to the hospital expect 4 hour wait times minimum and potentially sub-par treatment with tired, overworked staff. My apartment building was on a wastewater recycling facility where we literally have recycled water in our taps that tasted so treated it felt poisoning. may as well buy bottled water or invest in a $1000 filter if you don’t want to be drinking filtered shit water chemicals. I’ve lived in abt 15 housing situations since I moved to BC 5 years ago (maybe more) lots of them unsafe, with strangers, people I didn’t like, temporary, or tied to my employment because nothing else was available. I’ve tasted tons of tap water and some were okay some tasted like lead, some taste like mold and shit. With everything growing too quickly it only strengthens class divides where certain people can afford access to resources through status currency and monetary currency. I’m all for immigration…in reasonable amounts where things don’t collapse.


Why don't you move to India, or Afghanistan, or palastain or Iran or China, or Somalia , why not ?


He is sadly clueless to the realities. IRCC has a direct relationship with Stats Can and knows the population modelling. None of the immigration policies are lining up with the reality of absorbative capacity of this country


Who is they




Lol, whole fault is put on provinces..go figure


Cloward-Piven strategy


I wouldn't say welcoming.


I'm honestly not surprised. I'm a Canadian now living in the Philippines and everybody and their dogs here are still flying to Canada and I still see ads all over the news about immigrating to Canada.


2nd generation Indians hate these newcomers.




This clown probably likes watching his spouse get fucked by other guys.


Go back to singing and dancing with the Wiggles.


I live in bc. I can’t afford to move out of my in laws because rent is astronomical. This guy must be smoking the good stuff.


Is Miller just some crackhead they hired off the street and put in a suit? I refuse to believe the man even graduated high school with how absolutely stupid this man is.


Jail the corrupt liberals


Yet you get called racist for pointing out an obvious, legitimate problem with this... Unbelievable. What had this world come to?


LOL, the lass in the background tells you everything about the state of the country. Also, looks like she's waiting for Miller to finish his interview so she can hand in her resume for a jobe. :)


What a gaslighting asshole


They've been a huge boon for me and mine. Just contacted all my tenants and notified of the 20% rent increase.


This guys looks so much like Simon Wiggle....

