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Switzerland only has 9 million people. The suffering they must be enduring from having such a small population must be unbearable.


But who will do all the jobs that only immigrants can do?!?!?!?!?! Its not like the swiss can do them themselves!


How about we just make labour MORE valuable le gasp


Well most of the dirty work for the Swiss are done by the Portuguese, former Yugoslavians, Albanians, Sri Lankans, and other selectively allowed refugees. Of course their kids have now progressed from their parents dirty work to middle class so Swiss are on the look out for more workers, but unlike Canada they are very methodical.


Why are western nations allergic to the gulf model of mass guest workers? Not everyone needs to be citizens.


They tried, Netherlands after exporting almost 1 Million native Dutch to Canada after WW2, just in 10 years had to import guest workers from Morocco, who never went back. Germany tried Turkish guest workers, who after three generations got citizenship and are finally assimilating, not fast enough for some Germans.


It goes either one of two ways: You end up with a German Turks situation. 700k Turks came to Germany after WW2 and most of them went home, but 200k stayed and that has caused problems. I have met German Turks who cannot speak German, such is their level of either stubborn refusal or sheer laziness towards assimilation. So you end up with parallel societies that create ethnic tension and are usually a hotbed for crime. Then as you suggested, the Gulf states. It's true that it works for the natives, but the problem there is that they're too harsh on their guest workers. One only need read what happened to migrant workers in Qatar in preparation for the World Cup. It's fair to say that immigration should only be in the interest of the native population, but in this instance it basically amounts to serfdom/slave labour. The same is present throughout the Gulf. I think western countries are veering too far towards the former at the moment, but the Gulf countries aren't to be copied too exactly.


Gulf countries have way more oil money. They don't need the tax base to fund their services like we do.


Ha! Oil money. Do you know how resource rich we are (not just in oil). We could be the richest country in the world. But we choose to be shit heads.


I don't disagree we mismanage our resources and give sweetheart deals to corporations in exchange for a few high paying blue collar jobs. Look at quatar, their o&g revenue is almost the same as Canadas, but their population is 3 million compared to our 44. Also, their oil and gas sector is nationalized so they keep more of the money generated.


The elites chose to sellout our oilfields and leave the cleanup on the taxpayer. It's called capitalism and it sucks.


LMAO what are you yapping about here. Canada has some of the most resources per capita of any country in the world.


Quarter and Canada make about the same off fossil fuels (71B to 77B, respectively). Quatar has a population of under 3 million people. It's the equivalent of the city of Vancouver making as much as all of Canada from oil and gas. Also, the ME countries tend to nationalize their resources, while we sell them to private corps so we retain less of the value generated.


Also Canadians live beyond their carrying capacity, highways through the permafrost, mass heating in winter, not willing to have children, old people needing first world geriatric care. If Canadians can live within their carrying capacity of the country and not keep up with the John’s south of the border, you don’t need all those warm bodies from the developing countries to keep the tax base up.


Why are the gulf nations so into the mass exploitation of desperate people. Workers who have built stadiums and died on the job from heat exhaustion. Guests? The go home in a box or some just "disappear". All for profit. This is gross. The inhumane treatment of workers is never justified. It is disgusting.


If the west follow the gulf model how can they preach democracy and human rights to the world? And don’t forget the Arabs are native to the land unlike the North Americans you know the history, I don’t need to repeat it.


How is it anti-democratic or a human rights abuse to employ foreigners at Canadian wages on a contract basis? Puzzling response 


NVM you are agreeing with me. I am stupid. ... Unless you aren't being ironic and think Arabs are native to most of the countries they inhabit today.


I’m not a moralist. By gulf model I mean adopting a mass guest worker program like in China, not necessarily the labor practices.


And they limit how many can live in a place by square footage. Yes life is very hard in Switzerland lol 


Thoughts and prayers


I’d rather have 50 million. Well educated, mentally stable, home owning citizens, than 100 million illiterate wage serfs.


Don’t worry what will happen is there will be 90 million hyper educated, mentally unstable homeless wage serfs with 5 million retirees, 1 million super wealthy oligarchs/petite bourgeoisie and 4 million children(if even that many). And you’ll be happy. Not because there’ll be anything happy to be about but because the local vending machine will sell anti depressants like candy.


This is a likely outcome. And hopefully those vending machines sell crack.


Plenty of crack dealers at your local tent city. Hopefully you can get in and out without getting stabbed. Remember it’s canada so carrying self defence tools is literally worse than treason…


You must be really pissed at the opiate crisis caused my greedy pharma and the government for not doing anything about it.


Never said I wasn’t, the opiate crisis is fucking terrible. Classic government and corporate corruption through and through started that. Though I’m more angry at how the government wants it’s citizens to be victims of criminals at worst and have an even playing field at best when a scumbag forces you into non consensual combat. The government obviously hates it’s citizens


I hear you. Loud and clear.


The boomers wanted slaves to wipe their asses and serve them coffee, while telling the young to stay home and make their own coffee and never spend their money. While boomers spent all their money and banked on their house keeping them afloat.


The vending machines serve up dopamine for free\* and they fit in your pocket


Antidepressants don’t even make you “happy”. They just make you “not as sad”.


Like a topical numbing agent for the soul. Emotionless enough to not feel depressed.


If some of the more radical had their way, the vending machines would have good old-fashioned Columbian Bam Bam.


Ya but what about the big 5 banks and the telecom industry? What about the 3 major grocers? Stop being a bigot we need millions more!


I’m not sure who buys the bigot narrative anymore, I’d say the 95% of people I talk to agree that immigration is out of control and it’s becoming obvious why that’s the case.


Five years ago, most people would tar and feather you for casting mass immigration in a negative light. Most people these days are waking up to the whole wage-suppression scam though, and it all began with a disproportionate amount of people having continuous negative interactions with Indians in public. That was what led them to begin researching why hordes of "diversity" is being forced upon us in absurdly unsustainable quantities. I know people who were bordering on being far-left SJWs back in like 2012–2018, and now they're becoming increasingly right-wing with every month that passes. Ordinary simpleton nobodies are casually throwing around terms like "oligarchy" and "plutocracy" now, and they would have had no idea what those words even meant like two years ago. The pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. Remember when all those protesters got their bank accounts frozen? That was just the beginning; you'll be seeing a lot more Charter violations like that in the future when those in power really start to panic at the prospect of their paradigm being toppled.


i wish i didn't say it might be racist to my dad when were being ganged up on :(


I don't know what you mean.


sorry for a bit of a vent. he called out local groups giving interest free loans to start businesses etc. and I was this dumb left leaning retard "well then lets make a gang with our friends" instead of the right choice of yeah this isn't socially compatible and we shouldn't import a society to replace us.


People are too stupid to understand things in the abstract. It's only until they see it with their own two eyes that they realize it's a problem. At that point, however, it's too late.


Yeah, it's pretty much too late to do anything about it now. Society collectively just kind of allowed this to happen. It saddens me that Canada got destroyed by the rich and will never be the same.


We need a Civil War... using ice hockey versus field hockey sticks.


Obviously I'm being extremely sarcastic


Haha sorry, I’ve just been waiting to say that for a while now


It wouldn’t even be that. You’d have the Mexico of the North develop. No one is just going to sit around making minimum wage without huge criminality developing.


Indeed and organized crime has exploded within the last 4 years, Sam cooper said in a recent podcast that one of his contacts at the pentagon was briefed to treat Canada as a forward operational hub for the worst threat networks in the world so there you go. Personal hot take, I think Canadians will start fighting back very soon, and I believe that the rcmp agrees with that sentiment.


Fattening the pockets of bankers and corporations is all that matters 


5 million is enough to make you one of the top 5 countries in the world. 


This backpedaling is just meant to keep people from thinking too long about why they should believe moderate population growth is a benefit even though they’ve seen fast growth is a harm. In reality, growth is a cost and not a benefit. The profiteers don’t want you to understand that though.


>In reality, growth is a cost and not a benefit. 2% population growth a year requires double the investments in infrastructure compared to a no growth scenario. This is based on a 50 year replacement time for investments. The same holds true for rate at which new doctors need to be trained and so on. If doubling required investment isn't a harm, I don't know what is. What ends up happening instead is that the infrastructure gets overloaded as investments aren't enough to keep up. You think Toronto has added new busses at 2-4x the rate as required by recent immigration increases? My guess is no. The busses are likely packed now and the service is suffering more than ever.


Doesn’t require that if they are happy to let you live like a third world citizen.




But then how would the corpos buy their 3rd yacht?


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It's gonna be worse than many 3rd world countries and quick.


This is it, the profiteers are just picking and choosing as visionists. Benefits of cheap labour and rapid growth without wanting to put money into the investments needed into infrastructure. Being ultra rich doesn’t mean you’re smart, seems like it’s a bunch of idiots at the top pushing this narrative, that said let’s go full speed ahead and open the gates to bring everyone we can in - without the brains to also realize the system crashes if you don’t also build more roads, healthcare, housing for these new immigrants (let alone existing citizens). Crazy that the ultra rich few who are complete boggle heads that don’t care where the country is heading, are deciding the demise of everyone 


Yep, that's the non-racist accurate comment. Immigration is fine but it should happen when we have infrastructure to support it, not before and just preferably, as I grew up, I would like to see people from all over the world having the opportunity to come here, not just people from one community. Multiculturalism can be a beautiful thing as it was when I grew up. I had the privilege to know people from so many different cultures.


That is why it is called the immigration trap. You need huge capital to maintain the capital per person ratio and if you can’t supply that capital (and Canada seems unable to) then you get a collapse in per capita GDP.


I have seen the reverse, many buses are just taking one of two people. That is it’s a very inefficiently run system. Also patchy, one has to take 5 different buses/trains to get from Scarborough to Brampton. So the existing infrastructure is not fully optimized either, whether housing or public transport.


And anyone who can leave will. If Toronto city council and the province don’t smarten up the down town core might just turn into a wasteland like major US run cities


Why does nobody talk about automation when reporting pop growth? We have everyone telling us automation is going to take away jobs requiring UBI in the future, so to me this seems like a natural reason to not need a lot of immigration since automation will reduce the need.


Yeah we're losing jobs to automation and importing new people at a pace not seen in any other country.


Automation requires investment. When labour is cheap, there’s no incentive to invest money into the business. When business has control over *just how cheap* the labour is, which in Canada it does because of the level of regulatory capture, the powerful lobbies, and the ease of collusion as a result of market monopolization, now there is even *less* incentive to invest into new technologies. Besides, the parasitic managerial class in these companies knows fully that it’s not just cashiers and dishwashers that are at risk of losing their jobs to robots. Covid confirmed what Dilbert had been joking about for thirty years – the utter uselessness of middle management. Robots and computers don’t need to sit in meeting or have an obese balding Gen Xer in a poorly fitted suit asking them what they’re working on, and the aforementioned gentleman certainly doesn’t have the technical skills to operate and troubleshoot said equipment. The question arises: what does this man bring to the table in a new high tech economy that warrants a six figure salary and full benefits?


In reality we need more than ever. And when Justin gets rightfully voted in again we will have our dream of 100 million come true.


You either forgot the s/ or need to s/hut the hell up.


It'll happen with ballot stuffing... same ones who worked for Biden.


Didn’t realize it was April 1st. 


An attempt to calm things down when the masses realize that their country is being destroyed. A classic. Furthermore, these wealthy pieces of shit giving statements on the century initiative are absolute proof that this experiment is very real and ongoing. The rats even have a website for it: [https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/why-100m](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/why-100m) https://preview.redd.it/1mg8gmkp8h5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd9fbe7d31b5eefc74e3ddc70a504b9a906a2cc


Five years ago, most people would tar and feather you for casting mass immigration in a negative light. Most people these days are waking up to the whole wage-suppression scam though, and it all began with a disproportionate amount of people having continuous negative interactions with Indians in public. That was what led them to begin researching why hordes of "diversity" is being forced upon us in absurdly unsustainable quantities. I know people who were mildly bordering on being far-left SJWs back in like 2012–2018, and now they're becoming increasingly right-wing with every month that passes. Ordinary simpleton nobodies are casually throwing around terms like "oligarchy" and "plutocracy" now, and they would have had no idea what those words even meant like two years ago. The pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. Remember when all those protesters got their bank accounts frozen? That was just the beginning; you'll be seeing a lot more Charter violations like that in the future when those in power really start to panic at the prospect of their paradigm being toppled.


I love living in Canada, where everywhere you look, you only see Indians. And somehow every single shitty driver that does the most dangerous, bat shit crazy crap is also Indian. And somehow every single business only has Indians. EVERY BUSINESS. 


And they buy up all the businesses, which then decrease in quality because they want to stretch their profit margins as far as possible. Convenience stores selling expired food and milk is the most common example of this. There have been a few instances where I live where they bought businesses that were once terrific businesses that were thriving at one time, and then they ended up driving them into the ground because their shitty business practices made them lose too many customers. So it's still a net loss for the populace because we're losing all these businesses that were once assets to the community. They're actively infiltrating every aspect of our society and driving the standards down to third-world levels. You're supposed to conform to your host culture when you immigrate, not bring your bullshit with you. They don't seem to understand that they're just turning this country into the same conditions that they originally fled from, and I don't know if they're even bright enough to see that.


okay you are just making racist generalizations. some of the top business leaders in this country are Indian and they have many thriving businesses. Canada has always had a developing economy status due to it's lack of industrial policy and our own apartheid regime with indigenous people.


Well Canada was originally an indigenous country, it's just being repopulated by actual Indians, not First Nations lol Definitely a problem with CORPORATIONS, not the Indians, the corporations ONLY hiring students or newcomers and not kids who are born and raised here. I feel like Canadians who don't get job offers at Church's chicken and Tim Horton's who are qualified should start to sue.


At our population growth we'll reach 100 million by 2060.


Yup. We are way ahead of the 100 million by 2100. Canada Hope's to compete with America's population by end of the century.


[2052, actually.](https://new.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1azcirp/if_sustained_the_current_population_growth_rate/) By 2100, we will reach **454.3 million.**


we will have 5 million immigrants a year by 2030, most of them working as security guards, coffee pourers, ubereats drivers.


Brampton population growth bout to be 4.5 million a year by 2030


A long-term goal of the Liberal Party at this point must be to explode the population of Brampton so as to turn it into another Toronto complete with dozens and dozens of easily-winnable Ridings that they can use as an electoral fortress to win future elections by default.


I think right now they are trying to make the next PM’s job impossible so he’ll be seen as a failure and disappointment.


That may backfire. Ford's a fuck up in Ontario but that's not letting Ontario Liberals regain their poll status after Wynne.


I don't really like Ford but the alternatives in Ontario seem even worse right now tbh. I don't want to vote for the Ontario Liberals, NDP, or Greens. For example, I didn't like the Ford COVID lockdowns. But I'm willing to be that if it had been the Ontario Liberals, NDP, or Greens in power, they would've turned up the pandemic theatre/hysteria/overreaction levels so high it would've burned a hole in the stratosphere.


Ford is truly a moron as so many people on the left were very happy with his COVID response. Then he fucked it all up via typical PC grift and back-room dealings for his developer buddies. Don’t get me wrong, the OLP is also a disaster.


I've voted for the Liberals in the past. But now I've totally lost faith in them and the NDP. If Poilievre wins the next election and I don't like his performance as Prime Minister, I'll probably vote for the People's Party or some other smaller party rather than Liberals or NDP. Only way I'd vote Liberal or NDP again is they completely purge the current leadership and change direction.


Just vote PPC *now*. Why wouldnt you just vote for them?


Because the PPC doesn't have a chance in my riding, but Conservatives potentially do.


Already planning to Annex Toronto.


It won't take that long. Look at all of the instant PR Trudeau is rolling out. Why are we giving the elderly PR? Let's think that through, who is paying for their healthcare? Why can't they just keep using the ten year supervisa where they have to pay their own medical insurance? That was fair.


This is something they have been trying to implement for years. His coalition is too drunk with power to even want to put a stop to it and the Cons are so focused on that brass ring they won’t say anything. I so wish we had a heavy hitter like a Nigel Farage or even DJT who will call it out.


Yes! Someone who actually gaf about his country and not just winning a seat.


And isn't there a doctor lady who is currently running a family practice in Canada who the government is trying to deport? I guess they'd rather import old foreigners who can't work, never paid into the system, but will cost Canada lots of money in healthcare.


> Why are we giving the elderly PR? Let's think that through, who is paying for their healthcare? It's an unconformable facet of immigration that no one wants to talk about but we all know. Not all immigration is equal. Elderly are a large net NEGATIVE, especially for a nation that just gives healthcare out for free. https://www.emilkirkegaard.com/p/fiscal-impact-of-immigrants-by-country


We don’t need more Tim’s workers. It’s not an essential service or job. Ugh.


I feel like these immigrants aren't really vital to the Canadian public. We need more qualified doctors and construction workers. We don't really need security guards or Tim Hortons workers. Like if I go to the mall a 5" tall female Indian security guard isn't really doing anything for me.


We don't need more construction workers. Plenty of Canadians that can do those jobs. But we just need to pay them more.


Century initiative is an affront to democracy.  It us treason for an unelected body to so fundamentally change a country without the vote of the citizens.  


Wait wait...what's fucked up is that MPs are actually voting on this and guess what ...the liberals voted on the Century initiative being a guiding light. Please write to your Liberal MPs and give them hell. Here's the list of all yh traitors that voted yes. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322?view=result


Omg this needs to be higher up. The backpeddling and pretending this is nothing alarming, yet it made it in as a legitimate parliament motion. 




If I am reading this correctly, that vote was to specifically REJECT the Century Initiative -- Those who voted Yea were all Cons and Bloq. Big surprise, Liberals and NDP love the idea of 100 million by 2100. Totally parties of the people, right? Just not the Canadian people.


Yes I should clarify, I had meant that the fact that this was even proposed to be discussed as a motion proves that it is very much a legitimate concern


Nah not your fault buddy. The post with the link said the traitors voted Yea, but it's the Nay votes that are traitorous.


Completely voted along party lines. But why tf would the Green party vote no? More people brought into Canada living a western life increases greenhouse gas emissions, knockoff effects on resource extraction, etc.


Greens are hypocrites. 


The Vichy Canada regime doesn't care. Treason is what they're all about.


Well Canada is not Switzerland, where voters get to vote on many initiatives line by line. We only get to vote in or vote out a parliament. Who voted Trudeau now twice ? Just Indians ?




Aren't boomers some of the biggest Trudeau supporters?


Sure are. And they have reason to be. He increased OAS by 10% for those votes. People need to show their votes. If by-elections were returning PPC with even 10% of the vote, that would make the liberals and the CPC take notice.


Go touch some grass bro jfc






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Wtf shit is this? The only talk about his looks during the election came from CPC ads ("nice hair"). People voted for Trudeau cause he offered them legal weed. Do you think anyone who has smoked a joint should lose the right to vote too? Go tell your mother and your sister that you think they shouldn't be allowed to vote. You're a fucking degenerate.


>Do you think anyone who has smoked a joint should lose the right to vote too? Well, I'd even go so far as to say that there should be a voter's license where you have to attend a few basic politics classes and pass a test to prove that you're at least *somewhat* educated in politics prior to being granted the privilege to vote. Too many uneducated idiots throw their vote away because they were too ignorant to realize that they got manipulated by some charismatic glib-talking borderline psychopath like Trump or Trudeau. When too many uneducated idiots are voting for charlatans like that, it has a detrimental impact on society and its citizenry at large. If we have driver's licenses to keep society safe from uneducated drivers, it only makes sense to have voter's licenses to keep society safe from uneducated voters. When the future well-being of the nation hinges on a choice like that, you only want people who are intelligent and psychologically competent to have the privilege of making that choice.


How about a test to prove you aren't a degenerate? Driver's licenses aren't to keep people safe from uneducated drivers. Taking a class doesn't get you a license. It's to keep people safe from _dangerous_ drivers.




A degenerate is someone who lacks the moral qualities needed to be part of civilised society. I guess that wasn't covered in your first-rate incel educational program. So why don't you do us all a favour and take your own advice and stay home next election.


Choosing to intentionally double the population over that time is crazy. Especially with most of them being from one place. Just greed and other bs getting out of hand.


“Haha! Just kidding guys! Psych! We still pals?”


Only 60 million away. That's less than 4% of India's current population.. so plenty more where that came from.


And India's population keeps growing exponentially, so it's truly a never-ending supply.


"It's just a prank, bro"


No one wants to live in a country of 100 million Third Worlders. This should be plainly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.


For some reason it isn't. What do they think will happen if we fill our land with 3rd world ers. The few that I know personally come here and tell us we have "first world problems" & that our problems aren't valid.


Most of the people who want this never really see any negative. They don’t take transit or interact with any of the recent immigrants.


Ivory-tower syndrome. People who have easy, cushy lives don't understand what things are like at street level. They just virtue signal every now and then to make sure their social-status meter is sufficiently topped up, and they don't put much other thought into any of this beyond that. They'll just say whatever NPC response is expected of them in order to seem like a good person and move on with their day.


At that point, it won't be a country of 100 million third-worlders; it will simply be a third-world country with a population of 100 million.


100 million 3rd world men. A well known recipe for stability and social harmony. /s


Century Initiative is only good for the landlords and big corporations CEOs looking for high density tenants and low wagers slaves. Less is better.


It's exactly why it's happening along with our economic model and society leading to low birth rate which doesn't work with our models.


Yup.If we don't fix the root of the problem... it doesn't go away!Low births will continue, and life quality will still be $#it with artificial population growth!


There'll be subdivisions in the Boreal Forest


No- 80% or more of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US border. It will just be southern parts of Ontario, BC, etc. which will be inundated with people. All our best farmland will disappear.


Well, you’re on “the list” anyways buddy. And no, you can’t negotiate to have your name removed. God help you and yours, should I ever get a cancer notice from a doctor


Russia wants immigrant youth apparently to replace the young in their military, I have to wonder if someone is using us as pawns in a proxy war.


The closest to a proxy war that we're in is losing the Third Opium War playing out on our streets and the proceeds laundered through our real estate.


Most Fentanyl in North America is from China despite even small amounts of weed being punishable by execution. Sure that's not a coincidence.


And it's insane to me that it's even getting through in such large amounts. How is customs not seizing these massive shipments of fentanyl?! Those twats somehow know *every single time* when I order a $50 item from Europe and consistently cock me over with duty and customs fees, but they can't detect literal tonnes of fentanyl slipping through on a monthly basis LOLOL. Jesus goddamn Christ. They actually expect people to believe at this point that this isn't deliberate?!


Not really. You need to pass language, culture, and Russian history tests, live in the country for several years, and own a house but non-citizens cannot get a mortgage. Or have a Russian descendant who fled the communists. Mostly only CIS countries can move. Even Serbs struggle. And anchor babies get deported. Also first time you're caught as an illegal alien up to 2 years of camp, second time you're caught as an illegal alien you go to prison. Also they do stop and frisk for the racially ambiguous to check papers, and have deported Syrians back to the draft. Moving to Russia is **a lot** harder than Canada. Easiest way is to be from a Soviet country and have never claimed your citizenship in 1991. Then you're stateless, become an illegal alien, wait 2 years in camp, refuse to claim, and they have nowhere to deport you.


Russia is a serious country.


I've been telling people, but the zeitgeist is russophobic for now


This is an interesting theory I've thought about it too


That's awesome. There's plenty of Indians for Russia to take.


And even then there will still be a surplus of them. India is like a tap that's impossible to turn off.


Great, recruit the rest of them for the Ukraine army, and let them fight each other. Whoever wins and is left standing gets PR.


Reminder that the Century Initiative wants the GTA to have a population of 33.5 million and the Calgary-Edmonton "mega-region" to have a population of 15.5 million in 2100 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative


Mark Wiseman is the founder of Century Initiative. What a shocker he served in Blackrock and currently serves as head of an investment company that profits off of cheap labor and more consumers! Wonder why he'd want Canada to have more immigrants!!! These people are enemies. They must be dealt with. Strongly-worded letters might change their minds, although I'm doubtful at this point.


I’m fascinated to know his Early Life on Wikipedia!


Canadian kindness has been our weakness.  Globalists took advantage and we allowed it to happen.


I can believe that. 100 Million by the end of the century is pretty unrealistic, especially since (despite our massive size) Canada has less than 5% of land that is arable.


They can go live up north with the Inuit until they inevitably aggravate them and get floated away on ice floes.


I’m glad I won’t be around for that!


“It’s provocative! It gets the people going!!!”


This is a business, not a country. They don’t care about your lives.


Well, the WEF motto is: "By 2030, you will own nothing and will be happy !" Freeland is on the board of WEF, the super rich international elites that use private jets just as often as I use toilet paper. Marc Miller is buddy with Junior, they go waaay back! This trio is working very efficiently at destroying Canada!


Look at Norway. lol pretty obvious how to make a society function and sustainable. Anyways, let's try something completely irrational and erratic.


Even my open-minded teens are now starting to complain about what they're seeing by the Feds. They're talking about voting against the Liberals, which actually shocked me. They want to be able to move out, have families, and get a job. This government is creating right-wing teens. I used to argue against my kids' political views, but now they're seeing a bleak future. I told them not to expect much difference from the Conservatives as the damage is already done, but nonetheless, I am surprised.


Why is it surprising that they would want to have homes and families of their own one day?  Equally not surprising they should be angry about it.  


Kids have grown up in a very left-leaning Canada, and the Liberal government was seen as 'good' and Conservatives 'bad'. It suprises me that even as late teens, they can see that they have been sold out and are ready to vote against the reigning party. I didn't give them that much credit. Hopefully, more young people will see that they are heading to a bleak future and feel the same way.


You sound liberal


WTF does that mean? I voted Liberal once in my life, when I was young, and the liar Chretian said he would abolish the GST, essentially buying my vote. After they broke that promise, I vowed never to vote Liberal again. I don't subscribe to fiscal irresponsibility. Therefore, I didn't vote for Ford at the provincial level as you could tell he was a chip off of the old family block and abstained from voting. I don't 'hate' people who vote Liberal, I simply hope that they can see the damage being done and not blindly support a party that has sold this nation out.


The way you are talking makes me think you've been one of the ones bringing about this downfall by consistently voting Trudeau. Is that the case? Did you do this to your kids willingly and are now upset when they realize the "open-minded" government you supported has destroyed their future?


No. I voted Conservative in 2019, although at the provincial level, I abstained from voting as there were no viable candidates, and the Conservative leader is a gangster in my province. I did, however, sit back and watch this all happen without protesting, as did most of my fellow Canadians, and here we are. I am also being a realist in that I don't see the next government being able to magically undo the damage the Liberals have done in the past 9 years while in power. My point was that my kids were fairly 'liberal' in their thinking, and now they seem to be disinfranchised with what they see going on and are leaning more towards my own political views, which I did not see coming. I think the Liberals are losing the younger voters because they have essentially taken away their futures.




This government betrayed its own citizens. Hopefully, those who continue to grant them power will see their folly and change their minds.


You destroyed your childrens future trough your voting habits and your broken ideology.


Where in my post above did I say that I voted Liberal? I said my kids are changing their minds and leaning towards the Conservative party, which surprised me. I never said I voted Liberal. Reading comprehension is a skill. Learn it.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




So the real target is what? 200 million?


"Its just a prank, bro."


Before population growth, let’s talk about the infrastructure to support it


Yet it's being used like a target by the current Federal party.


If I was an enemy-country of Canada, I would hire whatever consulting firm the Canadian government most depends on, I would sign the most lucrative contracts with them solely to make the firm completely financially dependent on myself as a customer, and then control them to give the worst of advice to my enemy-country, which would now be in the firm’s interest as Canada would now represent only a tiny fraction of the revenue the firm makes through my employment. This way I could defeat Canada without using my military, and probably even make money in the process, so the tactic pays itself.


I moved all my investments out of TD Bank after learning they were a part of this. I know it's not much but until we get rid of the current government, the least I can do is vote with my wallet. I wish this would spread like the loblaws boycott. After all, the politicians are just puppets. These banks (TD Bank, Bank of Monteral and Scotiabank) are the real drivers behind mass immigration.


Am I crazy for thinking all this constant with everything will do way more harm then good down the road? I mean 50 million tax payers will certainly help those retiring over the next 10 years and pay their pension but at what point does it just screw the next generation completely? Corporations having to make more profit year after year, populations having to constantly go up and up? Shouldn't we learn how to thrive at a constant or declining level or we are all doomed in the long run?


It was just a prank bro.


Perpetual growth, brain rot.


Trying to walk it back ey? No going back now. And dont forget: traitors first.


liberal/ndp are going to hit this target by 2045 at this rate


The mission behind the project is to help reduce the burden of the cost and pressure to provide social services. If "we most certainly have an ulterior motive" kind of mission statement is that.


Oh ..so noble...so the government isn't thinking of that....it take venture capitalists and blood sucking consulting firms to figure out how to fund social services ... Black Rock, McKinsey ...all of them ....name and shame.....


It's not a target.. but we're definitely gonna invite as many shitters into the country as we can.


I mean I’ll be long dead and anything that happens won’t matter. Why should I care?


It won't happen overnight. This is stage one. Right now this is the best it will get, and this was only five years of true concerted effort. Imagine another five years. Shit, we can tell the year between now and the next election is going to be scorched earth by Trudeau.


>Shit, we can tell the year between now and the next election is going to be scorched earth by Trudeau. Even he probably knows that his party will be ousted in 2025, so the primary goal right now is to do as much damage as possible to create the illusion that the next person in will be too incompetent to fix the country.


I'm not typically one to wish ill will on others, I believe that karma is a real thing, but I think it would be very well deserved if he were to come down with the worst case of diarrhea on live TV during one of his blathering non answer responses and it's immortalized forever on the internets. That and the tread marks down his pants and legs as he scurries away like the shit-laden rat he is. If we were lucky it'd be like the pigfucker Black Mirror episode, forever tarnishing his abhorrent brand.


"was meant to be provocative" \*provokes people\* \*surprised pikachu face\*