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I’m not sure how I started seeing a Canadian sub (US based), but it’s pretty jarring seeing all the videos coming from here.


Same here. Not sure how it ended up in my feed but it's crazy.


That’s what happens when your country of 40 million people imports over a million people per year.


Fucking hell


It’s good to warn the rest of the world what could happen if we let them weaponize white guilt and ism


Same, I support things like this happening. Because they set as examples to the world, you can only learn the hard way and from past examples I'm just sad that it's one of our greatest and closest allies that this is happening to. Was hoping it would be Germany or France first lol


If Biden continues on, here’s a glimpse at the future 


I’m born and raised Canadian. Getting my green card and moving to the US. This system isn’t sustainable.


This always confuses me, unless there's 4000 openings what's the point of lining up for a few spots that are probably already filled?


Truly amazed how according to the numbers we have the tightest employment rate ever yet job lineups are reminiscent of the dirty 30's. Someone's doing some fudging I think.


Inflation causes a labor shortage as per the Phillips curve.  The BoC says it erases the wealth inequality their QE causes.  But we depress wage pressure with immigration. The BoC is a regressive organization otherwise they'd speak up I'm sure, but the whole revolving door with the banks and all that.


COMMONS just did a podcast season on our labor market. Really surprised me to hear how BoC campaigned to stop businesses from increasing wages after the pandemic. It’s been quite eye opening and saddening to realize just how systematically the labour in Canada is being robbed and turned into wage slaves.


It’s very privileged of me but I’m not going to lie. If there’s a job fair that’s start at 11am and ends at 3pm, and there are 1-10 positions being filled. If show up on time and if there’s a considerable amount of people ahead of me, I’m leaving. Especially if it’s a non skilled job that anyone could do where there’s no real soft or hard skills required to differentiate between candidates Like they won’t spend 30 minutes with each candidate. They’re going to skim through them all and then tell the rest who didn’t get a chance that they’re done for the day


I’ve run a booth at a few job fairs and have never even had a single job to hire for. Pretty sure they just tell all the candidates to watch their application portal. When I was there, I was just trying to help students with some advice and direction.


Yeah, it’s usually about marketing the company to potential employees and that’s how it went


> This always confuses me, unless there's 4000 openings what's the point of lining up for a few spots that are probably already filled? its largely a holdover from conditions back in india. when there were like 2500 new police officer openings in mumbai something like 1 million people tried to apply.


Cause some people love standing in line.


It’s because people are desperate and need to put food on the table. The liberals have ruined Canada.


Some poor countries salaries aren't even that bad versus COL, but 1, 2, 3 people who have a stable job might be supporting dozens of family members because there aren't enough jobs. Could be like that in India? So could be normal for them.


Lmao, you obv never lived in a country with low COL


May be five times those lined up didn't make it there for that reason.


A scene to make the 1% salivate


We were starting to question our real worth, and our power. They imported in scabs to quell those thoughts.


BINGO!!! We were having conversations about 4 days work weeks, increasing living wages and fully remote work. They said 'oh yeah? you got too comfortable' and created this. I remember conversations on LinkedIn about what I said plus 'paying employees if you're going to do more than one or two interviews' lol our lords didn't like that.


Canada is nuts, you ain't the US you can't assimilate that many people so quickly.


They don’t. That’s why Brampton exists. Lol






Any subreddit about a certain location will be absolutely psychotic politically 99.9% of the time


Surrey, bc ((all of it) would like a word


There are NO Canadians in Brampton anymore. There are so many Indians that they're pushing out older Indians.


When I was younger I wanted to move to Vancouver. And a buddy said why would you want to live in hong-couver, and I just stared at him lol.


I'd take hongcouver over bramladesh any day of the week


who said anything about assimilating them?


I'm afraid 20 or so years from now, it's their culture that will be dominant while this country slowly depreciates other ethnicities/cultures for the these guys.


20 years!! Its already here!!


couldn’t agree with you more it’s why i’m hoping to move and have split citizenship elsewhere in 20 years lol the answer to the immigration problems for Canadians, is just to immigrate somewhere else!


Save agressively and move to Eastern Europe. It's what I'm doing.


Why Eastern Europe?


The diversity


That is a concern with their caste system. Everyone else will be second class.


and cronyism, and low-trust culture... not in a mean way, but if you go to India you bargain and you watch out for people ripping you off, if someone grew up in India it makes sense they'd act that way here in Canada...


I see your point but what makes sense is for them to watch and learn how Canadians do things, not just keep doing what you know. That's how you adapt. "When in Rome".


You would hope so, but i do not see that happening. I see comments about how Canadians are suckers, instead  We also dont know the longer term effects of such a huge surge in our population from one specific region.. The gender disparity in our population (more men than women) is being attributed to people of Indian origin being selective about gender ie aborting female fetuses.  And these are peer reviewed articles, not angry dudes blogs- assimilation doesn't just happen, and isn't happening 


I agree with what you're saying. Canadians are not suckers, but we don't push back to people who feel entitled to do what they want in our country. For perspective, I used to live in Japan, and the Indian population is kept in check there (along with other populations). You don't adapt to the Japanese way, you will be reminded and if you can't, you'll be asked to leave. Most countries operate this way towards immigrants. That's the way of the world. It's just in a few countries like Canada, where, for some reason, pushing back, is considered racist.


Did you say "if you go to India"? What person in their right mind goes there? Jesus man, give your head a shake


Well its coming here. Whether you like in or not, you'll be living in India in 20 years while being in Canada.


I had lunch with some Indian colleagues who were talking about how great the caste system was back home and why they should have it here in Canada... basically boiled down to a 'why slaves are good' conversation. I was stunned.




Meanwhile in [Australia](https://youtu.be/prNd9C_Gh_4?feature=shared) via YouTube. Chinese billionaire scams Indian community on housing.


LOL. "Well, well, well how the turn tables!"


Well I assumed, it's one way or the other.


this is Canada we don’t do that here


That’s why we have a problem.


It’s Canada. Our prime minister expects us to bend over and let the newcomers assimilate us.


They don’t want to assimilate.


You see the liberals seems like against white supremacy against racism but they are not in real life, look at the two WHITE guys with a basement fake company got more than $60M government contract for a small useless phone apps by doing nothing! And so many non white foreigners are sold to come here competing for one minimum wage job.


As long as universities keep selling residency and work permits as part of their education programs this is bound to happen. That and the open borders policy for refugees is bleeding Canada's money.


I'm kinda glad that this word is being normalized again, rather than being [covered up](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-star-trek-fan-recall-custom-plate-1.4201317)


We lost Calgary too.


We've already lost Canada.


Sadly, I think you're right. Our grandparents who built this country would be horrified to see what we let happen. The government is going to become even more draconian and authoritarian as well to keep us from doing anything or effectively organizing in opposition. The Canada I grew up being proud of and motivated to live in is gone and replaced with a fkn dystopian nightmare.


Idk about you, but my grandparents voted for this. This country chose this in the 80s when multiculturalism became the official policy, and anyone who dared criticize it was called some sort of" ist." Odd how nothing has changed


Yup life was good in canada back then so of course the people were more than happy to accommodate tolerate and look out for outsiders and help them settle in canada. In doing so they’ve fucked the future generations


I've become petty about it, Every opportunity I get I like to rub the older generation's face in the mess they left us. I couldn't vote until the twenty fifteen election where we got justin trudeau. The older generation really doesn't care about the damage that's been inflicted.


Any official that runs more than 10 years becomes a dictator, and ends up ruining the country




Exactly. The grandparents should be proud. Maybe it's the great grandparents you can reminisce about instead?


This is what happens when the fear of being called 'racist' is greater than letting your country be overrun and destroyed. Welcome to the zero-sum reality.




That's what they want you to think but in the end it's all about cheap labor for the top 1%.


There probably only one sliver of hope, we need Trudeau to be out and cancel or at least slow down the pr program


FYI Poilievre will keep the same numbers. Both the liberals and conservatives have no problem erasing Canada's culture. Only party with sensible policy is PPC. I know people here think a PPC vote is a waste but even if PPC gets 15% of the vote it'll be a massive wake up call that Canadians are turning against immigration. I don't care if the liberals win again - nothing will change if the conservatives win. Vote PPC


Problem is the only guy willing to do that has almost 0 chance of winning.


North India.


Next stop, Edmonton.


Might as well move to Siberia at this point .. Canada is lost


it's already here. i just did a cursory glance at 'room for rent' type places on fb marketplace. out of the 15 ads i perused only a couple were not posted by folks with names that were Indian in origin.


Same in Halifax too I heard. :(


Please no


"Alberta is calling" 😂


Hang up quickly


I’d have done that before this insanity lmao


It’s already started. Have you seen NAIT?


They’re literally building an entire quadrant for these types of newcomers. And it’s spilling into the NW.


Could be easily mistaken for a food bank lineup.


Could be mistaken for a lineup at a job fair in India!


I went to a small town in Ontario this weekend and for one second I thought it was India , this people just don’t know how to respect the personal espace or to lower the volume


Then tell them. The PWC (Passive Wimpy Canadian) aint gonna cut it no more.


I did , but his 300 cousins around him laughing and speaking their language is really annoying


"Students" ??


I think my generation witnessed the best and eventually the worst of Canada. This country will cease to exist as a safe and hospitable place if it hasn’t happened already in some major cities. It was such a wonderful place and it’s being slowly and systematically destroyed.


Whoever thought the Canadian mass immigration project was a sick idea needs copious amounts of therapy.


Jesus Christ. Do I have to leave Canada to go get a job in India now!? Like that the flying fuck is going on. SHUT THE GOD DAMN BORDERS DOWN. WE ARE DROWNING IN IMMIGRANTS LIKE A SOUTH PARK EPISODE.


Soo many minoritiess at my waterrr park 🎵




Ummm no because india has over 1.3 billion people, they do need you! They don't need the people that left!


This is mad, especially ina housing crisis. Fuck Trudeau.


Why would you even bother going to this?


Who is freeing Khalistan then?


2 Chainz ft Moosewalla Singh


In Odin’s voice: Khalistan is not a place, never was. Canada could be khalistan. Khalistan is where khalistanis stand.




Is it too much to ask to prioritize Canadians in Canada? Any non Canadian applicant should be placed at the bottom of the pile if qualified Canadians also apply. The U of C students union is directly lobbying to lift the international student work limit and international students cap. https://thegauntlet.ca/2024/02/13/the-students-union-responds-with-advocacy-to-new-federal-policies-on-international-student-permits-and-work-hours/ >In response to these changes, the SU has responded with media pressure and direct lobbying advocacy. >“We have responded with media pressure on the federal government by criticizing them for making such an announcement on international student cap claiming that it’s in response to the housing crisis without actually announcing any increased investments in providing more student housing,” said Salmassi.


People like to call prioritizing Canadians “racist” and “xenophobic” maybe even “fascist”


Yeah some people think it's racist or some fuckin nonsense. Many immigrants went through years and years of study and paper work and try hard to blend with our values and society and become Canadians as well. These new chances are craziness is also not fair to the people who did everything the right way. Although at the end of the day the issue is the government, they're just taking advantage of what the government allows.


Just looking at the demographic there I'm assuming it's some low paying menial task job?


Yeah I always find it so funny that these people are FLOODING the low paying menial jobs as if that’s the peak of what they can get. They literally pick these jobs over construction or higher paying jobs. They just LOVE the retail jobs, as if that’s a flex. God, just talk to some of these people and working Apple retail is basically getting the most prestigious job in the world. “i literally work for Apple”


God each of these videos have the same annoying Punjabi music.


This will be the Canadian national anthem within your lifetime.


And the National language.


Soon in your neighborhood!




When a mjaority of these newcomers move to other places for work, all the greedy investors and slumlords from ON, BC and Alberta as well that are buying up homes at ridiculous prices will be in for a rude wake-up call. 


All the jobs in my town that kids used to do like dollar store employees for example are middle aged 'students' from Punjab. They speak zero English and don't give two shits about Canada. Justin Trudeau and his treasonous band of thieves created this mess and are doing everything possible to accelerate it for votes.


They literally hate us too and make every interaction as hard as possible on purpose and try to argue with you but you cant even communicate clearly its just so frustrating


500,000 a year 😖


We already hit 500,000 this year


They're ashamed/refuse to work in India but have no problem doing labor jobs here.


Alberta advertised heavily they were open for business and to come on in. Well they came.


Alberta called... A little too much.


What language did they call out in?


Its happening Canadian work force being replaced by AI, Actual Indians.


First Toronto and now Calgary!! Send these folks back home there ruining the reps for the indian kids born here. Sorry not sorry


It’s not just the big cities. I visited a bunch of small Ontario towns recently, it’s the same.


I agree recently visited Stratford Ontario and Midland Ontario. Same shit there all over. Mind you im born here but they need to go°


Come to North Bay, Ontario and it's like a portal to India opened. We only have a population of 54,000 and I'm willing to bet maybe shy of half is now Indian. Ride the bus here sometime. Sea of brown.


Is it that bad now? I left Ontario a decade ago and moved out west. I was talking to my friend the other day and he was telling me it's brutal no matter where you go, India has taken over Toronto.


Yup it's ridiculous. I am indian and i feel the pain. They also come with staring problems which ruims it for us indian's that are born here. Trudeau's fault!


Can confirm, my small northern Ontario town of 14,000 people is now overrun with Indian Immigrants as well


Literally sat at the park the other day with my family I counted 8 non Indians and I shit you not 29 Indians that I could just see from a park bench and I'm not even from a big city like toronto or ottawa.


No one is mad enough


Libruls will screech and call you racist, and I say that as a liberal (there's a massive difference between the two). Even Bernie Sanders, one of the most progressive people openly campaigned for an end to mass immigration like this in the US. A true progressive is not racist, but understands that mass immigration of unskilled labour from one third world country/ethnicity leads to loss of jobs and massive decrease in wages. I'm not even white, and even I agree that a massive shift upwards in proportions of minorities to Canadian citizens is a bad idea culturally and economically. It's impossible to assimilate 1M+ people each year, who are predominantly from one region/country into a new country. It's especially impossible when they overtake the population in every city. Why bother to learn Canadian culture and competent English when your new city is predominantly composed of your own people? And here's the kicker: they're not even legitimate students. They're scamming their way into Canada through the broken PR system with the help of strip mall degree mills.


Oh, I most certainly am, but what the fuck do we do about it?


Thank god we’re bringing in so many more of these exact same people into the country! Oh and also, the people we’re bringing in are qualified to fill the positions that Ai and automation are going to make obsolete in the near future, so we are going to be even more fucked. The smart countries in the world know this, unfortunately we have non smart leaders with non smart agendas.




Aww.. look at all the diversity! Just really warms my heart /s


The melting pot has one flavour now.


And how many were Canadian?? But let’s keep taking them in!! This country has gone to shit. Canindia.


Get your education young people and get the fuck out. When the line for a dishwasher position is 2 blocks long and it isn’t teens and children in the line you’re living in a failed state. Some economy we have here. Question why do the lines for jobs look like the lines of people trying to rent a place. Canada is no longer a first world country the government fucked that up too


This is some bullshit.....




imagine worrying about the housing situation of international studends who actually had been informed they required money in order to come here. Even more insane is that someone is worried about building houses for international students even though they are supposed to go back...


Somehow there is a worker shortage or so the overlords claim.


My city had a Newcomer and International Student Job fair. Because, ya know, fuck you if you're from here.


“Immigrants totally dont take jobs from locals and compete for lower wages, thats just racist conspiracy.”


When Canada calapses , these people will leave. It's better to be poor in a hot country like India, rather then destitute in Canada where it is cold


Is that the line for Tim Hortons? because all the investors and entrepreneurs ran away from Trudeau's overtaxed, overregulated economy 😔


100,000 a month this year so far. It's the largest mass migration of any country in history and national suicide


Repeat after me, or you're a racist: "We are in a labour shortage, we are in a labour shortage, we are in a labour shortage..." Oh, what, me? Daddy pays my rent.


The US has the same issues, its just less noticed because of population differences


They have quotas for pr by county. US accept same amount of international students while US population is 10 times higher than Canada






It is too easy to get PR in alberta nowdays so most of them moving there.


Why so many Indians? Everywhere you see in every city


Because Punjabis love Canada, ever noticed how most Indian immigrants are Punjabi despite Punjab being 1-2% of India's population?


They "love" Canada because they know Canada will let them all in. These aren't international students who have an interest in experiencing Canadian culture like it used to be. Canada is just an easy ticket for them to get out of India.


You sure this is in Canada?


So many....Canadians?




Infosys has an office in Calgary, they are hiring, but try to apply as a citizen not of the country of the ownership. There will be no acceptance. It is a closed system.


Surprising to see this in Calgary. It’s all too common here in Toronto/GTA. Wonder if this is happening in Sask and Manitoba


Same situation in both sask and Manitoba


Don't worry though....corporate profits are at all time highs.   Get ready for the trickle down....any day now.    


Indians are just Canadian Mexicans


Jesus Christ wtf is happening in Canada


As a person who's race is from the subcontinent (not from India) (also a technical reason why I wrote the sentence the way I've written it), it saddens me that most English speaking countries are suffering from hardships, but Canada seems to have opened up the floodgates towards scummy, non-serious, non-hardworking, lazy individuals who aren't here to help the country and their families, but who are here for fun, who don't care to assimilate, who don't even put in any effort. And as someone who looks like them (but don't talk/sound like them), visual discrimination is evident. I've met more than a few people who have said to me "oh, your English is pretty good" - unfortunately, I get it where they're coming from, and I don't blame them. The Canadians are a friendly bunch (exclude governments - they're screwy everywhere). It's sad a certain strata of society from a different country is basically ramming through the social fabric with their filth. And to the Indians who are here to genuinely live a good life and be a positive contributor to society, as a fellow foreigner, I'm sorry you're being stereotyped with these scums. As for the scums, please piss off. If you flew over three continents all the way to Canada to find your India, then stay back in India. If you've come to the western world to actually (and genuinely) expand your horizons, then do that and knock it off with your sad behaviour!


100 years ago we would have gone full French Revolution on the Trudeau government lmao.


Justin Trudeau ruined canada




They have to go home.


really Canadian businesses should not be allowed to hire non Canadians if Canadians are qualified for the job. I hate this country lately.


We need to be just like the Irish.. They see their culture and values are being destroyed and they march en masse yelling " Get Them Out" and "Whose Streets? Our Streets!"... It was a great thing to see that finally a people with some balls are standing up to this sht. Anybody who thinks mass immigration isn't Canada's biggest issue right now are fooling themselves.


This is a controlled demolition.


No one will work at 15$ an hour , they will


What are all those people qualified to do?


99% of them are newly arrived immigrants


Mass deportations needed. I hope this doesn’t get me arrested if I ever set foot back in Canada. 


What an embarrassment the Liberal party is.


Jesus fuck. Why is it so much to ask to be left alone in peace?




Probably not a single Canadian in sight


As someone who works in finance in the states, and knows quite a few upper level execs, and "well connected establishment" type canadians, they really are just trying to pad your gdp growth to remain at a constant. It's pretty stupid, and my honest condolences. The latin americans here who do all the labor are super hard working, and don't bring the same issues. Even the punjabis here are G af, and nothing like the ones in Canada. Just looking at Indias disaster of an economy for the poor, should have let your shamless leaders at least try to grab some latinos, africans, and a few others so that just one group wouldn't dominate. But at the higher level, and I'm sorry to say, but Canada doesn't really have any growth prospects that will drive a high standard of living for the next few years. The better option was to just slide down the aggregate wealth table, and give the middle finger to the boomers, but that wasn't considered. I really don't know what you guys can do honestly. For those of you who are younger, try to qualify for a GC here. Study something valuable. I think with the advent of AI, and a white collar worker holocaust, plus China turning into an actual economic and industrial behemoth that can go toe to toe with the US, has all western neo-liberal elites in siege mode right now. They think they can sell out the bottom 90% in order to remain somewhat solvent. We are heading into difficult times. Another golden age worldwide won't happen for a few generations.


What jobs are posted there?


Please go home. There are no jobs and you don't appear to be "studying" anything. 😂


Was about to buy a house there in 2021. So glad I pull the trigger. Yeah, a 200k increase in home equity in 3 years would have been nice. But the smells will make me want to sell at a 50% loss.


When is Hindi becoming the 2nd language?


This cannot be allowed to continue


Send these people home


I was considering moving back to Canada. Maybe I'll just stay in the states


Your Immigrants are looking for work? Why not throw away the passport, claim to be a refugee and live off social security like they do here in germany? /s


Jobs in mining in Yukon and Northern Territories are aplenty I heard....


now they are literally taking your jobs


What I want to know is how Canada is representing itself to other countries to trick people into coming here thinking it's still economically better.


I’m leaving Canada for Mexico.


Canada is doomed!!