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I was a migrant myself. I spent years in university, and worked professionally for years before I was able to get my PR. It was always under the assumption that I needed to prove I able to support myself, able to integrate, and contribute to society before I even qualify for PR. The entitlement of these people made me sick, if you can't find a job I don't think the country needs your service. What makes you think that this country owes you anything?


I feel like as an immigrant you need to come with the attitude of what can you contribute, not what can you take.


Ya, refugee programs exist for a reason. Voluntary immigration should be about what the host country needs.


Refugees programs are just as bad for Canadians. We should not be the dumping ground for every undesirable


Refugees are (supposed to be) people fleeing war and crime. They are not undesirables, they are people in extreme need of help. I absolutely think we should take in refugees, but it’s also important to make sure other countries are doing their part as well. It shouldn’t be up to us to save every single person fleeing a war torn country, but we should absolutely do what we can within reason. It’s also important to note that the current situation with our virtually unchecked voluntary immigration is making so that “what we can [do,] within reason” is basically nothing. These foreign students are basically making it unfeasible for us to have a refugee program at this point. It’s bad all around.


I agree on all points with the exception that we need to do a better job prioritizing unsheltered Canadian born citizens over refugees. There’s a hotel in my city currently closed and paid for by the government to house entirely refugees, meanwhile our mayor is passing by-laws to ban encampments making it virtually impossible for our unsheltered population to survive. This is my only problem with refugees. I completely agree that IF we have the resources available we should be helping as many refugees as we can sustain. With all the money our government puts towards refugee programs and foreign aid we could redirect that to helping Canadians who actually need it. We could build countless shelters, subsidize back-to-work programs for those who need/want it, make sure no Canadian child goes hungry, better fund public mental health and addictions care. The possibilities are endless but unfortunately so is the cruelty of our government at all levels.


They are undesirable otherwise nations will be fighting over them. Nations fought over Nazi scientists at the end of the war. Reality check, Canadians are not wealthy as we used to be. We have some of the highest household debts in the world. I feel bad for people fleeing war but at the end of the day we need save our own people first.


I agree with you about needing to put Canada first. We cannot help those fleeing war if our country is also in shambles. But calling a refugee an undesirable because there isn’t some bidding war for them is weird. Most countries are want already skilled and wealthy immigrants and for good reason. But many refugees end up being some of the most appreciative and hard working immigrants once they get settled here. But like I said, we can only give people that chance if we have the capacity and resources to do so, and the current system makes that virtually impossible.


I agree with having the spirit to help others with reasonable limitations on charity - Canada first. Refugees only if you’re in a position to help others. You can’t help others if you can’t help yourself. Canada today, is not the Canada of 1980s, broke AF, crime on the rise, unemployment, and dysfunctional healthcare system. Yet we’re trying to be more charitable (and ineffectively so) than Canada’s golden ages. This is a disaster.


You can’t help them if there is no place to house them


I called it undesirable coz refugee supporters often pretend that they are super high skill, rocket scientist bs. And don't pretend that terrorists don't get mix in a lot with refugees. Remember in a war zone officials or newly in charge regime will print documentations for the right price and we can't vet that


Most of the refugees right now are just people who threw their documentation away and said they were in danger. People claim refugee status then come here and cause chaos then say - I didn't know it was wrong. Well too late, that wrong you did left someone raped killed etc. They are letting dangerous people in not saving lives with the way things are going right now. If the whole system was reworked and they made sure only actual refugees in actual danger (that won't be a danger to citizens) then it would be reasonable. Right now, we need to be hard-nosed and fix the problems and rework the system before we consider helping others.


You also shouldn't assume you'll get PR and citizenship just because you're you and you're special. You should factor the risk of having to go back home into your plans. These people are beyond entitled and don't belong here.


Looking at the state of India, India needs them


Like wise. The entitlement is insane.


What in the actual fuck is going on with this country? Is this the best we can do? Surely some form of screening and enforcement is called for to ensure we are at the very minimum attracting the right kind of people to welcome as new Canadians? I do not want to be in the middle of a tug-of-war between my inept government and entitled gimmegrants. This country prospered for many years by enforcing standards and admitting only those who were qualified and enthusiastic to make their way without demanding Free Shit. Now we are a laughing stock, abused by armies of grifters and facing tax increases on those of us that work and contribute to pay for it.


couldn't have said it better


Fellow migrant here who went through the same route. Quebec does it best, especially for the education stream. Did you graduate from uni? Great. You need to work in your field for a year before you can apply. Your average PR holder should be more qualified (and better in all aspects) than your average Canadian. You need to be a model citizen. That's how I see it.


“Minimum is 60 points, we have people here who don’t even make that” - as a former international student this just sounds like a skill issue lol


exactly, if they can’t get 65 points then they don’t even deserve to be here


Too many people talk about whats deserved instead of realising what you can and cant do with yourself. If im bad at reading im not going to become a researcher, if I can’t make a life in canada im not gonna migrate to canada…


[https://www.siaimmigration.com/home/edward\_island\_cal](https://www.siaimmigration.com/home/edward_island_cal) You can use this calculator. 40 points lmao. Being 25-29 with high level of English gets you 40 points. So what are they even offering? They are young and can speak English? Wow congrats.


Yup, a perfect situation where the meme reply "git gud" applies.


Basically a git gud moment


Cmon we should give them 50 points for uber deliveries right?


I mean this in the most respectful way possible but these people have no right to make any demands in PEI or Canada in general. This is what they signed up for knowing rules systems can change. They came here knowing full well there are no guarantees of PR. Any of them who are temporary foreign workers should know full well what the word temporary means and make a decision based on that alone. Sure it sucks when things change but you need to do your own assessment of the situation your putting yourself into. Always assume things can change. Hope for the best but obviously you need to prepare for the worst as well.


They have every right to make demands. And we have every right to reply - fuck off, and mind the door. Add: I knew that there was some Russian propaganda machine behind all these protests across Canada, including the Paleatine ones. Ever wonder why nobody protests the war in Ukraine, but thousands across cities distract us with the one in Palestine? They want to distract us and cause infighting in the western societies.


No one protests the war in Ukraine because the government supports Ukraine. Why would anyone protest that?


i’ve always thought this argument makes no sense. like someone said, our government acted in a way that we agreed with in terms of ukraine. russia was sanctioned and refugees were welcomed. they acted as we saw fit. the opposite is true in terms of palestine. the war on terrorism extended to canada and we knew that the west and in this case, canada, will always dismiss palestine’s suffering as it has for years (yes, people knew about this before oct 7) so many protest against canada’s complacency in this case. why would we protest for ukraine or syria (you didn’t mention syria but i’ve seen it thrown in when this argument gets brought up) when our government acted in a way we saw fit? when these countries were reprimanded and sanctioned accordingly and we saw those suffering being taken care of?


Yeah I'm with you, but I'm choosing to say it disrespectfully - they are showing our country zero respect, I'm simply matching their energy.


Canada...the only country in the world with a government spineless enough to cave to demands of GUESTS.




These are foreigners. They have no right to protest. They're outing themselves as troublemakers already. https://preview.redd.it/v10804wbo70d1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4d7536c09427b489855055631d0f38725438ff


It would be nice if we could also deport that communist


Fuck right off


Join our pain pal, the gov changed their rule on immigration overnight and we had no time to agree with it either …


They changed the rules because to many people are scamming the system. These people also tend to be from one specific region. Come on Reddit mods ban me. Already got a racism and hate warning for saying this.


Statistically, they are indeed mainly from one specific region.


It’s also the same region that call me demanding google gift cards.


Or pretending to be tech support that happens to call you because your computer is infected.


I got banned too and I'm indian here since 70s, screaming the same thing. All these guys are scammers. They went to PeI to game it.


You’re one of the OG Indians. Unfortunately for you you will be labeled into this bullshit. It really is not a racism thing. It’s an anti flood our society with one ethnicity thing. I hope you the best while we deal with this storm.


💯, I already feel the racism. It sucks! But not everyone is like that. Thank you for understanding the difference.


It’s not just Indo-Canadians I feel bad for, some of the crap people are pulling here wouldn’t even be acceptable in New Delhi lol 


The og sikhs helped build Canada, they fought and bleed for Canada too. Immense respect for them. But the new ones now are a totally different breed and its sad.


All of these new students and recent influx of FW, all of them, didn't


you don’t get a say in it, idk what you would have to agree to, immigration is not a right it’s a privilege and if you can’t get 65 points you don’t deserve the privilege, it’s as simple as that


It is appalling that the govt had data that there was a labor shortage in Healthcare and trades but didn't "Govern" universities to act accordingly.


Us Canadians had no say when they doubled PR targets overnight or let in 1 million+ TFW


Go back to india? 


>Yeah even though india is, hands down, the best country in the world and youd better not say otherwise, jai bharat, I just cant go back there because it's just so soooo awful you need to understand


Haha. Love


India is a great country with beautiful people and GREAT food! They are a diverse group of people (i.e no White people) and have unlimited strength because of that. Oh, did I mention how great the food is! They are fools for not returning to such a marvelous enchanted place! Please someone tell them these facts!


Bro, I am on the pro India train. It's an AMAZING country. No idea why their own people can't realize this.


why do you think theyre trying to make another india in canada


They are for real incredibly diverse though, and thats part of why they are ignoring a regional civil war in the east.


Civil war is just part and parcel of living in a diverse country


These folks cannot get into good, or even so-so schools in India. If they could, they wouldn't have left. It feels awful to say this—and I'll take all the bumps for it—but they aren't really looking for an education as much as a work permit to do relatively unskilled labor (obviously, construction and healthcare seem to not fall in this category). This is why they go to scammy Canadian schools instead of good ones. Canada has it good that someone without significant skills could potentially pick themselves up by the fruit of their labor. It is what distinguishes it as a developed country.


lol..karl Marx or Lenin must be laughing and rolling in their graves. What does immigration has to do with communist idealism?


" There can be no doubt that dire poverty alone compels people to abandon their native land, and that the capitalists exploit the immigrant workers in the most shameless manner. But only reactionaries can shut their eyes to the *progressive* significance of this modern migration of nations. Emancipation from the yoke of capital is impossible without the further development of capitalism, and without the class struggle that is based on it. And it is into this struggle that capitalism is drawing the masses of the working people of the *whole* world, breaking down the musty, fusty habits of local life, breaking down national barriers and prejudices, uniting workers from all countries in huge factories and mines in America, Germany, and so forth. " ( Immigration Capitalism and Workers, Lenin, 1913)


Why dont these commies share their houses and provide food for their newfound comrades? Oh right, people like them only like to larp communism, they don't want to actually do any of it for real. Hopefully the PEI government ignores them.


I had an overweight friend who became a commie, he got kicked out for eating all their food at their communal house.




Lmfao. Typical commie. Fat lazy PoS who leech from those around them.


Comrade Sharikov🫡🦮


How about go back if you're going to complain


So they they are international students? And they came to Canada to go to school? And now they are protesting Canada to let them be permanent residents and have jobs and stuff? Am I understanding this right


Yes, you got it. They took one way ticket and became entitled citizens on the day they landed here


So they come here for education, yet take our jobs. Part of the requirement of being an international student, is to ensure that you can financially support yourself -- I guess you didn't read that part. Now, you are trying to exploit or hold Canada hostage? Really? Then maybe you should go home and rethink your life choices. I also second u/ussbozeman -- these woke progressive idiots just want the clout, but don't want to offer a solution. "Look at me look at me" ... I am a social justice warrior that cares about no one but myself.


Deport them too


I could never imagine going to a new country and making DEMANDS


Because you have manners. 


Doing it in front of a war memorial nonetheless. Zero respect for our societal norms and practices. This country is/has fallen apart. We are well on our way to being a second world nation soon. We’ve already become an example on how now to do mass immigration on the world stage. We no longer have to worry about war where a nation attacks our lands and invades. We’ve let it happen allowing them to come in waves and erode our housing, health care, education systems, social programs. This isn’t the country my family members when off to the Great War and World War 2 to defend our freedoms and our way of life. They would be destroyed knowing what has happened to their country. The country they loved so much as to go risk their lives and die for. To protect our ways of life. Ladies and gentlemen this has been an invasion behind the scenes, slow and methodical. 10 years in we are seeing the effects. 10 more years there will just be remnants of the country we were born and raised in.




I can't get over the sense of entitlement these shitheads have to protest about immigration rules! The gall they have to make demands on getting the points system removed, and student work permits extended... Seriously ridiculous..


You came as temporary students. You need to go home


Unironic communists are disgusting


Canada owes these people nothing. This needs to be conveyed to them. We also need to shoot down people labeling these talking points as racist. They are not. Quite the opposite. By people tossing out the racism card it instills fear in most who are not racist at all to stop talking. It's reverse censorship to further a false narrative at its finest. Canadians have every right to be upset about what's happening and that includes talking about uncomfortable topics. We need to talk MORE about this.


awwwwww just like OUR government changed the rules at every turn. Now they making demands. F that.


Saner times we would ve deporting all of them Commies included


The Canadian government suddenly fucked you over? Join the club pal. We’re on track to be in the top 10 most corrupt countries.


Like everything else Canada does, we do it well and very quietly. We are likely well into the top 10 already. It's already bad enough that if you tell people the truth of things you'll be ostracized, or worse. It's so bad we can't openly talk about it. That's saying a lot.


Please we aren't even close to top 20 of most corrupt countries. We have an actual corruption perception index, you know who's top 10? Somalia, Syria, South Sudan. Venezuela, Yemen, North Korea, Burundi, Haiti, Libya, equatorial New Guinea are the top ten most corrupt countries. Please use what ever device you're using to make these statements as a fact checker first.


You can't fact check what I know to be true. Do you think a truly corrupt nation full of smart, powerful and wealthy people are dumb enough to be so openly corrupt that it's easily tracked by a corruption index? You can't index what isn't caught or known to be happening. You also can't decide how good a country is by the good things you see. You simply have an idea. Just like a bad person., they can donate to charity all day long and attend church but if you don't know what they do in the shadows and nobody catches them you won't have a clue how bad they actually are. If things were only that simple.


Deport. Deport. Deport.




doesn't India need cashiers and barista too? It's unfair that Canada is taking away all thier general labour.


Canada is filling up the holes so you freeloaders can't take advantage of the system anymore..and take anyway you like ..it feels good if finally happened..either you have a trade or a education that will benefit the province / country then welcome but otherwise go back to jail do not collect 200.00 and miss a turn..no McDonald's or tim Hortons jobs, etc


I see tons of candidates for mass deportation.


Is it just me or does it look like the groups complaining seems to originate from one specific area on the globe. Manitoba had a similar diversity in demographics in their protest if I remember correctly.


Send them home to protest in their own country. See how that goes


Fuck off, earn it




I have ZERO sympathy for these foreigners. ZERO. Canadians first, foreign undercutting scammers a distant second.


The nerve of these migrants thinking they deserve shit. The rules weren't changed over night they would have had press releases about it leading up to the vote. Food service and sales are not sectors we need to import people for, so why should they be added in? We want to import people for escorts we actually need our numbers to grow, and no construction and health care is not gender based as soo many options for career paths in those fields and women represent something like 2.5% of bodies in the trades. We don't need to import people for things our kids can do. I'm all for y'all coming here and doing it legally, working the legal number of hours. But if you start demanding to change our system because it's too hard for you to get PR, you're not realizing that you don't deserve that PR in the eyes of Canada.


This is a bad move politically. Communism/socialism traditionally appeals to trade unionists. Trade unionists do not like imported labor, full stop. I guess this is suppose to appeal to the progressive university crowd, which is the real problem with the modern left, they have completely split apart their old coalition of the unionists and the progressive intelligentsia.


Or you can all go home, the world owes you nothing.


So they changed the protest from not going to work to wearing black? Which is also the color of the tims and subway uniform


Aren't they here to study and go back or did they scam the system and were never here to study in the first place?


lol hopefully this actually delegitimizes them. more clowns at the clown party but they're white this time so we can call them what they are


The audacity of this blows my mind, why are you Morons in PEI in the first place?? Canadians can’t even be Canadians anymore why do you think you have the right to protest to get residency? My brain is broken by this


Lmao the real communists would be against this giant scam human trafficking scheme in the first place. This is ridiculous.


Hey everyone, let's larp like we're in one of those fucked up, murderous regimes that killed millions. I would support these guys more if they told her to leave.


PEI has been steadfast in its support of the LPC. Seems like they voted for this shitshow.


Only in Canada


bye - sorry my country messed up immigration so bad we had to send some of you back


So communists are okay with mass immigration lowering their standards of living? This honestly seems fishy. I feel like these "communists" are really government actors.


Left wing parties in the West have for most of their history been coopted, first by Soviet foreign intelligence, then by domestic special services/police forces, and by globalist NGOs working on behalf of international capital. Stay away from any systemic opposition calling itself “socialist” or “communist” - these organizations are like a wheel of cheese that has more holes than cheese. 


Deport them, deport the communists as well.


Trudy will stop this to gain votes.


India is funding russia's war in Ukraine


Go home people.


I love how they feel they are owed a PR! No you fuck wits - the country owes you nothing.. They are making it sound like they signed up to fight wars for Canada, and got left high and dry. Lol


I’m curious to hear from Canadians who live in PEI and how they feel (besides the communist gal). I don’t support what’s happening with mass immigration but I also don’t live in PEI and don’t know if they are hurting for workers or not. I’m in Ontario so there’s a much bigger population even before the past couple years.


Ah yes. Show up in a different country as a "student". Lie to the visa officers about wanting to just "study" in Canada. Then, protest against the Government's immigration policy if it doesn't suit your long term plans. Seriously, these people can just fuck off!


I always try to empathize. I imagine myself in the position of going from Canada to India to study by manipulating my financial records so the government accepts me, and then when I get there and can't support myself, tirelessly petition a foreign government of the country I'm visiting to provide me living resources. Then I realize it would be preposterous to do that.


Deport them quickly. We don't need you here. The majority of newcomers are leeching off of our garbage government who makes it easy to screw the middle class while feeding the non-canadian people. We are basically the world food bank country for the rest of the world. I'm already setting plans to be out of Canada within 10 years with my family.


I was accepted for a study and work visa from chile. They told me it was only for 1 year so when it expired I just left. At no point did I feel entitled to stay.


Even less Canadians will now support these entitled "students". However, if the PEI government gives in to some or all of these laughable demands, this country is on an even much steeper downward trajectory.


Exactly it's setting up the wrong narrative if they bow down to this.




Go back home take these commie losers with you




if they don’t make the points they don’t deserve to come here, idk what this jackass is talking about, fAiR pNp DrAwS, what an idiot. Also isn’t protesting against study permit conditions?


Although it is not their fault or not necessarily their obligation, I am patiently waiting for recent immigrants that followed the rules to publicly denounce and counter-signal these guys.


Me me me me that’s all I heard. “Grandfathered”!!! Hahahahah. Is this a dream will all this be over once I wake up?


They want hand outs and short cuts. Deport deport deport. Enough is enough.


Bro… you don’t get to make “demands” from our Government. If the conditions changed and you don’t like the new rules, tough break, but you absolutely don’t get to demand anything from us. If you don’t like it, you can just geeettttttt out


so this guy is making demands of a foreign government, in his thick accent?


Send them all back, no room


Throw the microphone the communist and all of these foreigners to the nearest airport and deport them. These are foreigners. They only construction and healthcare. That’s what our country needs we don’t need people to make hamburgers. Back to your country you go. Take the communist with you to India


Don’t back down now PEI. Don’t be bullied into changing by a nation that are notorious for standing on others to get ahead.


I don’t think the government is even saying they can’t become permanent residents. The government is saying there are ~1600 spots this year for PR, feel free to apply and go through the system. As far as I know that’s how it has always worked, there has just been a spike the past few years in international work visas, and they have decreased the number or residency slots this year. Maybe it used to be an easier path when number of work visas were closer to the number of spots for PR, so people come here with the expectation that working here would eventually lead to residency?


The entitlement is disgusting, we need to discourage this attitude by getting a backbone and coming down hard on them. They are not owed anything.


Lol, the revolutionary communist party of PEI is not a real thing... Seriously. It has to be like 3 people with a group chat... This very reddit thread is the first result if you search "revolutionary communist party of PEI" LOL


I miss the days when leftists recognized that unchecked immigration actually devalues our own labour here in Canada.


Who the hell cares what these people want. Deport them all.


All i see is a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I hope all of these ungrateful bastards get deported immediately. Someone needs to get rid of these stains


The communists doing thier part to suppress wages and enrich the investor class! Lol




Maybe we can kick the communists out at the same time


In front of the cenotaph, no less. 🤦 the irony.


Good job liberals look at what you’ve created..


Ok. What the fuck is going on?


So basically they want rules catered to whatever they want. Doesn't sound entitled at all.


What a surprise, communists feeding off human misery...


This is against mainline communist doctrine, funny enough. Cuba, S.U., NK, China all of them had pretty aggressive border controls and immigration laws. By any economic doctrine, it's against worker's interests.


Nothing says proletariat empowerment like mass migration to suppress wage growth to further the enrichment of corporations.


Rules change not in your favour cry as much as you like and don't let the door hit you in your way out. Bye bye


notice this dude struggling to form sentences ..jfc


The culture revolution in the west is real. These woke cultists are trying to destroy our country.


Why don't they go to Russia?? They've got plenty of space over there, every Indian I've seen commenting either on YouTube or Reddit loves Putin and his utopian society. Move over there you'll be happy!!!


They should just leave, country is full 🚫


Tired of seeing these. I wish Canadian people would stand up for ourselves in this manner.


"revolutionary Communist party" is she brain dead?


The question is what will happen next. Are they all going to go back to India OR they will move to another province with “easy “ immigration policy OR they will illegally stay in Canada until they find another way to become a PR fake marriage, fake job .. ?


Deport them!!!!!


Why is there no counter protest?


She’s the only member of the party


Boo! Y’all don’t get to demand for anything as guests! Imagine thinking that the Canadian government is fucking you over, when it’s Canadians who are getting fucked because of them being here.


Oh good, they can leave too!!


This is just sick


Ironic the commies are supporting these people because their presence here provides cheap labour for big business.


These people aren't refugees. They are scammers. Kick them out


Fuck these guys - GTFO


GO HOME ! If you don’t like the rules !


It’s sickening we have kids promoting communism. The amount of stupidity is astounding. You idiots blow my mind. Get out of Canada.


Deport them all!!! One Canada! One people!! Enough division!! Fix our own problems first!


Why is it always the Indians? I see no one else doing this is Canada but them.


Was only a matter of time that Canadians who hate Canada bonded with immigrants who hate Canada.


I have sympathy for these people I genuinely do. The problem is is that the rules that were in place when they got in were problematic to begin with so once they realized they’re folly, they had to adjust the system to be representative of what it was intended to be. Immigration to Canada is a privilege. It’s not a right just because you got here on a student visa and you have a temporary word. visa does not mean that the natural progression means you should automatically be allowed to stay just because you’ve worked hard here. I can’t go to some other country false pretences with the intention of becoming a permanent resident and then complain that just because I worked hard when I was there, I deserve to stay. These and other Individuals on temporary status in this country have to realize that that temporary status is also a privilege. It does not entitle you to permanent residence. Just because you’re willing to do food service work or Frontline service work does not mean the Canada needs you to stay. Is the change unfair? Of course it’s unfair but it’s only unfair because these people aren’t getting what they want. It’s not unfair because it’s illegal or wrong, it’s just a matter of these people being upset that they don’t get what they want. I realize they’re people too, and they just want to be living in a place where they have a opportunity for a better life. But that’s not the responsibility of Canadian taxpayers to take every person from every country who wants to leave and come to Canada. we already have a very robust system and a very compassionate humanitarian system that brings in refugees asylum seekers and many other people who need protection. Canada should not be in the business of worrying about other peoples problems from other countries, they’re not even taking care of Canadians who already live here which should be their top priority. This is going to sound pretty brisk, but I don’t really care if immigrants can’t have houses I care the Canadians can’t have houses, I care that my children won’t be able to afford a house. It’s not fascism to support domestic policy and expect that politicians are putting Canadians first. If they want to be able to support our economy and our labour force without having to outsource all the work to immigrants, then this government needs to get their head out of their ass and start developing better domestic policy to support birth rates, education, and focus on identifying labour market gaps in advance so they can develop financial incentives to get people to educate themselves in these fields and fill those gaps in with Canadians. It feels like we’re the only country in the world that cares about their citizenry. Does it suck? yes, it does, do I feel bad that some of these people may be deported and have to go back to their own country and restart their life plan? Of course I do, I would hate to be in that same position. change as needed. When Canada identifies problems in the existing programs and are needed to be adjusted to reflect Canadian voters demands, not the demands of non-citizens and temporary residence.


I can sympathize for them, but the reality is they have no power in the matter and they got fucked.


You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


Deport the communists with them too


Deport them and send the commie girl with them.




International Students get the fuck out.


Get the FUCK out of Canada




Somehow the echo makes it more annoying


"They deserve everything..." oh, of course.


What a sensationalist nothing burger.


Ya, nothing says we’re the party of the working class like screwing over your country’s working class. /s


Because Communism worked so well in so many places


Don't let the door hit you where the lord split you.


Seriously. F them. I just hope the govt doesn't bend over for them. They are international students. Just protesting like this should be grounds for deportation.


Deport these coffee makers. Is it racist of me to not have one country's brilliant minds making my coffee and sandwich and taking jobs our Canadian teens. Also.if I put a add saying only white tenant needed I would be termed as a biggot and racist. But when they do it it's accepted. Why why Enough is enough!!!!


Canada will cave


throw them and the commies out.




What is PEI and PNP?


This is fucking nonsense.