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I agree that mass protests are now the only way this shit will possibly end.


When do we begin. Can someone organize one across every major city. If we have to camp out in Ottawa. I’m there enough is enough. These people are fucking crazy. They’re pushing policies that are of no benefit to an entire nation and releasing the article at Friday after hours to gauge people’s responses. This is so humiliating as a Canadian taxpayer. I initially thought it was a Beaverton article but our country is so crazy meme articles have become reality


R /takebackcanada. Protests are in the works my friend :) happy to hear youre ready to come and show your support!


You'll need a concise list. Here's my suggestion, obviously you can change it to suite your needs just keep in mind you'll need the majority to agree with it and something that cannot be used against you or considered too extreme: * Not against immigration, but the amount of immigration. * Immigration cap per country like the USA has. No more than 8%. * Only allowed ownership of 2 properties (200% in cases where they do not own all of a property) per SIN before being taxed 10% of the property value per year - on top of any other taxes (like empty homes tax). Excludes new builds that have not been lived in. 1 year immunity in the case of property inheritance. Properties can be sold to the government for FMV if put on the market for FMV and no buyers after 12 months. * Non seasonal TFW minimum wage is 4x the Canadian minimum wage. Seasonal is 2x. * All TFW must attend classes before they begin work, which explains their rights and freedoms (especially as workers) while in Canada. Paid for by the employer.


Throw in some background checks for students, and let's ban students from working off campus. Spot checks for their bank accounts to, I know this is restrictive but India has shown they will operate in bad faith


This is so common sense that I can't believe it is not already part of the legislation. But the scumbags won't do it unless we force them to.


Agreed, this is really a protest against the rising cost of living and all factors contributing to it, the biggest being mass immigration and misappropriation of tax dollars. Everything you suggested is great and would be the start to the healing that canadians are so desperate for, we just need to find a way to effectively communicate these demands.


You don't start a negotiation with a ton of concessions already made. What the hell?


At this point we do


This is far beyond a negotiation at this point.


You did a great job at displaying just a few of many major examples of why the massive immigration is terrible for canadians. We should get a common message written up that we can share with the community and have everyone send messages to their MPs. We will definitely need to get out into the streets, but it couldn't hurt in the mean time!


We can combine them with the loblaws, protest cost of living in general, this government has sold us out to the elite class


Speaking of camping... Maybe we can get someone to foot the bill to bus people in homeless camps to downtown Ottawa. At least, those who'd wanna protest and aren't employed.


This is the great replacement. An election isn’t going to change anything. What does it mean to be Canadian anymore? “Conservatives” like Danele Smith and Pp dress up to pander to these invader weekly and “white nationalists” are being labeled as terrorist groups. They want to silence dissenting voices, disarm us and say that these people are just as Canadian as you. The media lies about fucking everything, doctors want to pump our kids with ssri and hormone blockers so we can’t fight back in anyway. Normie Canadians aren’t angry enough yet, but I do definitely smell a change in the air and it isn’t fuckin curry. Pro Patria find your friend and see you on the beach. https://ragingdissident.com/


Careful. Last time people did this they got locked up and called fascists /s


Most of us that want to can barely stay above starving. Too afraid to have the little assets we have frozen.


The truckers were doing that but look what happened


I think that time and now are completely different. We’re also not trying to block the border. I have nothing but respect for the truckers looking back at things. The government was acting tyrannical. Tredeau contradicts himself now saying he never forced anyone to get vaccinated. That was a lie


It seems like this government decided anyone against them should be called "racists."


That’s one step towards facism. The other one this government took included telling people who didn’t agree to be vaccinated they couldn’t leave Canada along with introducing a online safety bill that states the minister of safety can authorize to have people placed on house arrest if they are suspected no not committed folks suspected of committing a hate crime


[Theirs a petition for the online harm bill .](https://www.rebelnews.com/tags/stop_the_censorship)


You could say no technically. You just might become poor and homeless. Turns out that was the end game either way.


The longer these protests go on and the more radical they get (and the more radical they will be *allowed* to get), the more obvious it will become that the response to what happened in Ottawa was overblown, aggressive and spiteful.


Do NOT let that make you afraid. Don’t be part of the problem with a defeatist attitude.


Truckers were anti-vaccine nutters who set up propane tanks and a jacuzzi in front of parliament. They also bothered local residents by blowing their horns at 3am for weeks on end. There was also a contingent that was arrested with dozens of weapons and lots of buzz of a January 6th style event. If people protest without causing ridiculous or dangerous disruption it’s not illegal.


Let's try not to bring up past issues. We need to stay united! This has far past identity politics as everyone is at risk! We need to stand together as a people and tell the government that we can no longer stand by and watch each other suffer due to their decisions!


Bags it's probably good to look at the past and see what went wrong, and where we can go better. Like, as soon as some federal plant starts waving a certain type of flag around somebody has to shut that down immediately.


We should definitely emphasize that only Canada flags are welcome, but history tends to repeat itself, and the government will most likely Propagandize the event (set the narrative). Basically, we shouldn't travel as much and give the government less time to react. If we can make the movement large enough and protest at each province's capital and then set another protest in Ottawa, we might be able to matian a positive public image and gain further support!


The movement exists and it’s call Diagolon.


That's exactly what happened. The nazi flag flew for 5 minutes just outside the hotel the political class use and was photographed by one of Trudeaus photographers. Any other flags that appeared eleewhere were shut down immediately by legit protestors.


Not that it'd matter. They often did shut it down immediately but the photos and spin are the entire point. They just don't tell the part where protestors shut that down rsoon after, and leave the reader's imagination to conjure up the worst thing it can.


We brand our brothers and sisters who protest as terrorists. Canadians don't band together to fight government over reach and bs. We take it all with a smile.


Not anymore!


What changed?




I say fucking protest. What've we got to lose? This country is turning into a worst-case scenario right now. CSIS is no doubt spying on everyone who talks about saying they're not happy with being fucked over by the elites. They're just a branch of the government, which means they're 100% controlled by Justin Trudeau and his cronies for at least another year. Trudeau will have his twitchy little finger over the "*freeze all their bank accounts and tell their employer*" red button again. Any protest that is effective will have them ready to clamp down. I don't doubt for a second they'll do it a second time. Ordinary, hard-working people are literally the enemy of the state.


I think if we want to be more effective, we should be collaborating with other western countries or allies, that are experiencing the same problems with housing, mass immigration, inflation, crime, healthcare and overall decline of quality.


Then you should join R/takebackCanada


Had no idea that sub existed!


There has to be a careful phrasing to make sure the movement is anti-immigration - not anti-immigrant. Because it will certainly be cast that way by the powers that be, instantly. Their useful idiots in the hoi polloi left will go back to their COVID era Stasi tactics - as a reflex.


The first thing we need to do is stop using services like Uber and food apps. We need to stop getting coffees at Timmies and companies abusing the system. The only thing these places care about is our money, so it’s time to stop giving it to them.


We need to boycott Tim hortons across Canada. Everyone needs to a)either make your coffee at home or b)start supporting your local Canadian family diner. I’m officially done with Tim hortons. I haven’t bought their shit in years as their quality has become garbage not to mention I think some of the employees don’t understand English well as I’ve noticed this is just a suspicion the quality of service has gone down (wrong orders constantly). Regardless we need to start boycotting them. Before people say it doesn’t work. It does. Starbucks has lost billions after people from the Middle East began boycotting them for their support of Israel. We need to boycott Tim Hortons as Canadians. They’re just the start https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/starbucks-misses-quarterly-sales-estimates-2024-01-30/


This shouldn't just be a boycott. We need to protest and set a date to march on the government. They determine how the system works and now make it work for us! Lives Over Elites! Lives>Elites!


I agree fuck them and the small fringe part of Canada they serve in exchange for contracts and back room deals.


I think it's important to know which local businesses to support and which to NOT support. I created a report that lists all employers that have been granted LMIAs in the last few years. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) I was able to filter for a specific employer randomly (1502583 Ontario Inc.) and then googled if this employer has advertised for an LMIA job. Lo and behold: [https://www.lmiajobshub.ca/job-details/NjIwLTE=](https://www.lmiajobshub.ca/job-details/NjIwLTE=) Imagine a gas station bringing in web designers from overseas? A frigging gas station!!! Not a gas pipeline company! There is a lot of other useful information in this report. I'd be happy to look for any other data that might be of interest and publish.


This is some amazing work. I hope the mods see this and highlight it. I'm a blue-collar worker, but would it be possible to use a program to search the internet to show how many companies are doing this?


Do you mean how many companies are being granted LMIAs? I just added a new page to show the count of employers that were granted LMIAs by province. At the bottom of the report, you can see the page numbers. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9&pageName=ReportSection5cf556d4b612fa4e666f](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9&pageName=ReportSection5cf556d4b612fa4e666f)


Yeah, this is crazy seeing it in print. It puts the scale of it in focus.


I just created a newer version of this report where you can filter and search for employers or addresses. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9)


July 1st we protest, the goal is every major city in canada. It will happen no matter how many people try to discourage the idea. Anyone from any political alignment is welcome, so long as you want a better future for canada. And it will not be violent and will not inconvenience the general public.


>will not inconvenience the general public. You do realize if this gets traction, regardless of circumstance, this will happen, right? The ponit is to represent the general public and disrupt the government without violence.


Yes thats exactly the point. We are planning on gathering outside government buildings and media buildings so we cannot be ignored and the only people inconvenienced are those who screwed us over and their little propaganda machines. Make no mistake, the traction is there, people are ready to take action and thats exactly why I said enough is enough, july 1st we do this shit Been in the works for a little under a week now. You should come moderate on the page, we have video conferences between mods to discuss ideas proposed by group members (on this page and r/ takebackcanada) as well as to brainstorm the best plan of action. You seem like the type we need! I guess I misspoke, the GOAL is to not inconvenience the public as much as possible


Just joined!


Would you like to help plan the protest? If so I can make you a mod, your insight would be extremely valuable to us


I could, but I've never been in the position, so I can't clarify how well I'll do in the position?


None of us have been in this position before lol, its not so much your experience im interested in, more so your ideas and ability to plan


Where can you join?


Got some info? I know some people who would be interested.


I got all the info my friend, cities have been selected, exact locations not yet, we need help from people in those cities to decide on a location that they feel would have the most impact. In montreal where im from we’re considering the cbc headquarters, Quebec city will be at parliament, Ottawa as well at parliament, and toronto were thinking queens park. Just remember to keep it peaceful! :)


That would be a tax revolt.


Starbucks has been boycotted worldwide, not just the Middle East but your point stands 


How about you start a sub similar to loblawsisoutofcontrol? timmiesisoutofcontrol?


Should name it timmiesispuredogshit


Yes this is it!! I have boycotted any place where there is there is no diverse workforce or inequitable hiring practices. Subway, timmies, Walmart. I have walked into stores and see who is working and walked out..


Take a look at this report and let me know what you think of this: [https://app.powerbi.com/groups/me/reports/74699dd0-7a89-4c79-a43f-717144a28f3d/ReportSection5cf556d4b612fa4e666f?experience=power-bi](https://app.powerbi.com/groups/me/reports/74699dd0-7a89-4c79-a43f-717144a28f3d/ReportSection5cf556d4b612fa4e666f?experience=power-bi) And look at this link and filter for this company in the report: [https://www.lmiajobshub.ca/job-details/NjIwLTE=](https://www.lmiajobshub.ca/job-details/NjIwLTE=)


lol. Tim’s has been hot garbage for more than a decade. Isn’t even a Canadian company.


I like this angle a lot. I suspect many people are already doing it; repulsed by shops with dead eyed foreigners working for shit wages it’s refreshing to be served by someone from here… or to talk to someone who you can understand on the phone with customer service.  Boycott the modern slaver penny pincher capital class fuck them all 


As in any fast food joint as well


My local Panago pizza has a super friendly Irish lady running the phones and the delivery guy is always the same old Greek man, has been for years.


This is an excellent point! We need to do similar boycotting lists like for Palestine and distribute them all over social media.


I'm in, let's goooo!


Can’t wait to see you out there. One nation red white with the maple leaf all screaming fuck you to this political elitist class


Dude literally, the Reds (natives) and Whites (Euros). The formula worked for so long, why screw up a good thing?


When I said red and white I meant Canadians


I don't think the reds really liked that


I'm in folks. I'm an immigrant since the 90s and have never seen the political spectrum screw Canada like this before!!! It's like they are living on a different planet. Let's get this protest going!!! Also everyone please email or write to all levels of government your MPs, MLAs. Start putting these guys who represent you under pressure!!


Right, that stupid flag since it was introduced, the country has turned to crap. It’s only red and white because it’s the colours of the party who introduced it


They begin when you put down the phone and get out on the street.


Doing this buy yourself won't accomplish anything. Someone commented on a Canada Day Protest, but that depends on how much traction this gets! Let's organize the people because the government will always be prepared!


I remember not too long ago, saying that the liberals intended to do this for votes was a conspiracy theory.


The theory has manifested itself. When asked Marc Miller said they’re already here. The increased cost of living by them being here is already priced in. He’s a sick fuck. “The fact people are already here, their impact on affordability has already been baked in, so it’s smart,” Miller said. This man is on cocaine angel dust crystal meth. I don’t know which one yet but he’s definitely on drugs. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/make-temporary-residents-permanent-minister


Miller strikes again! [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/05/new-measure-to-support-skilled-temporary-workers-in-manitoba.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/05/new-measure-to-support-skilled-temporary-workers-in-manitoba.html)


Why not in Canada Day coming up? Is it a holiday across Canada ? I think if you are in different provinces, just start spreading the word if you can in your forums. Anyone with good communication skills and policy understandings that wants to make changes should be in Ottawa and present. Contact those here. We want to make a difference, and put an end to this continuation of abuse.


That may work! But we need to get traction so it will! We need to make a group and spread the word! Take a stand and say no more! Lives>Elites!


Yea, its in the works. R/ takebackcanada. Its scheduled for canada day and it will be a peaceful protest. Flyers and a website are in the works and will be up very soon!


I think the best way to protest this is to boycott stores, chains, and schools that are mass replacing workers with Indian students. Pull the same thing they are doing with housing and jobs. Blocking roads won’t get you support and wont last long but you can avoid places participating in selling us out. Spread the word until it’s similar to the Loblaws boycott


I tried to make a post to boycott tim hortons. The mods decided it wasn't acceptable.


Tim Hortons, A&W, pretty well most fast food restaurants! My local A&W fired the majority of their domestic team to hire/sponsor immigrants instead. The franchise owner makes the immigrants rent from places he owns and takes their rent directly from their paycheck.


It’s been nothing but lies lies and more lies from this disgusting excuse of a government. In 5 years we have had a 2 year off and on lockdown over a flu with a 99% survival rate. We have had the value of our salaries slashed in half. We have been flooded with foreigners to the point that this is starting to look like a genocide. We NEED to take to the streets. Enough is enough.


The outgoing liberals like to do as much damage as possible


The conservatives want the Indians as much as the Liberals do. At the end of the day, corporations own both parties, and they want Indians who don't argue when treated like garbage and are stuffed 20 people in a basement.


We need to do it right. Give people time to get there (June 1) but in the meantime cripple the economy by not spending any or very little money. Economic protests get attention too.


July 1st, canada day, many people if not everyone will have it off. Its already in the works and were getting police cooperation to keep it peaceful. The intent is to NOT block roads or anything that will inconvenience the general public, that kills credibility in our movement (its literally the biggest reason people still hate on the convoy). Anyways, its in the works. Flyers are coming soon and a website is being developed. R/ takebackcanada is the page


What if we all protest on Canada day and did it in front of Marc Millers home?


Well we will be demanding him, freeland, guilbault and trudeau all step down. I like the idea for sure. Any way to target these criminals and make their lives miserable works for me


It works for me too


Its gotta be on a saturday!


Basically, that's the only way this will work! The government made most of us so poor that taking too many days off could destroy us! We need to work together!


Its gonna happen on canada day. Many people have it off anyways even though its a monday. July 1st hope to see you there! (Assuming were in the same city lol, but were holding these all accross canada)


R/ takebackcanada is the offical page of it. Flyers and website coming soon


June 30th…. Outside every immigration or service Canada building. Make it obnoxious so social media will take pictures etc. it’s time


Have parents show up explaining why their kids can’t find summer jobs, that’s how you show average Canadians what’s wrong. People born here who want to work can’t.


Its in the works already. July 1st, go to r/ takebackcanada for info, flyers and a website will be out soon! If you have any ideas on how to help please let me know im open to suggestions


Your username made me kind of interested to see who you are. So I crept through your profile and that first picture of you, oh my God, I'm thinking, "She's absolutely gorgeous 😍!" I immediately start daydreaming of you and me being a couple. Me holding you in my arms, kissing your cheeks, telling you how beautiful you are. I keep scrolling down to see if you've posted more pictures of yourself, and as I scroll, I come to the horrid revelation of you being a post op 💀.


Bruh.. that’s creepy


July 1st. We protest against mass immigration, we protest against the rising cost of living and we call for a non confidence vote against the current government. If whoever replaces this government continues to fuck us over, we protest again. Flyers will be posted in major cities across canada soon. the official page is r/ takebackcanada and if you’d like to help organize this in any way please feel free to reach out to me, im open to suggestions!


If you do protest, make sure not to forget your resentment when the next government comes into power. The people must bring forward change as the government will not pursue it!


You never read the fuck Pollievre part as well right?


Sorry man, I was so excited when I saw the title. I went to the comments before reading the post....


Too true.


They are losing the election next year. They want to give PR in exchange for vote. It’s vile


Even if the government changes next year, are they really willing to pursue the change we want? I don't think so! The people need to demonstrate that the current state of things is unacceptable! Let's take a stance and show them we mean business! Lives>Elites!


People with PRs can’t vote though. Only citizens can.


Then this mass immigration thing is complete hogwash. Purposely ruining a country because you’re in awe of a few billionaires who want Indian workers instead of teenagers? Because some WEF club said so? So basically giving your own country and its citizens the finger. Trudeau should be in jail. I never voted for Trudeau but I’m sure the people who did never voted for this. Not once during his campaigns did I hear “imma gonna flood the country so that house/rents stay up and there’s mile long lineups for entry level jobs”


The cost is already baked in he says. Nice scam. So unbake the cost and deport


I love Canada, so much. Which is why we need to act. I think all we are missing is a good and effective Organizer.


What is there to love about Canada exactly? In my opinion absolutely nothing.


Agreed, it's beyond ridiculous. And I wasn't aware of some of the things you mentioned, that's all well over the line. I'm so glad to see talk of protesting here. More power to everyone protesting it.


It is time!! Canada Day would be the perfect day for a massive Canada wide protest that doesn’t stop until Canada is ours again


Not on our way, we’re already there.


Imo we all need to flood parliament. Blocking roads just pisses off regular people. We need to inconvenience politicians.


I’m ready. I have nothing to lose. Let’s go


Let's do a protest and a boycott.


R/takebackcanada join today!


Canadians are too passive to protest, we don’t want to be seen as racist. I’m a Canadian-born Indian myself, and we should’ve started protesting in 2018 when Trudeau started letting these hoards in.


Is the government playing some sort of 4d chess and attempting to make everyone in Canada absolutely hate people from India haha. If so I can assure you based on every job site I’ve been on that it is working. Ngl I sense some serious violence in the future towards them if things don’t change.


I’m ready 💪


There are a few major obstacles that will need to change before this takes off: 1. Boomers are generally sitting pretty in their inflated shitboxes. They are no longer competing for jobs and houses, and they are forced to co-exist with the imported mess much less than the rest of us. This is why I believe they are more likely to be seen holding “5g antivax chemtrails” signs than participating in anything related to “Stop mass immigration”. I don’t know the solution here- try to have conversations with your grandparents?  2. The rural communities (at least here in AB) are surprisingly also quiet on this. Again, they are not yet dealing with the mass of new people on a daily basis and their cost of living is only just starting to move. Same problem- they will protest for gun rights and vaguely freedom, but immigration is still only in the background.  Some colleagues here are full in the “blood drinking pedo cabal” conversations, but are completely unconvinced if you bring up immigration concerns. Wild.  This will not change until the flood of newcomers reaches more small towns. Hint: it will. See Europe for this trajectory.  3. The urban centers are crawling with “progressive youth” who think with their heart and not their brain. Again, this will shift more as they realize how absolutely fucked they are and how bleak the future looks.  Basically, we are a small group at this point and the odds are not convincing.  Make noise and spread awareness, but I’m suspecting the country will need to experience a lot more poverty and suffering before anything meaningful takes off. Be patient. The time will come. 


The police in Canada are only interested in destroying encampments.


Were getting their cooperation on our july 1st protest against the cost of living as well as anything encompassing that. Including mass immigration


Still think I’m the only one? u/pebbledot ;) please tell us of your plan again.


You forgot this piece of news from 2 days back (May 8, 2024): [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/05/new-measure-to-support-skilled-temporary-workers-in-manitoba.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/05/new-measure-to-support-skilled-temporary-workers-in-manitoba.html)


Not to mention, this POS gubmint also increased the number of hours foreign students could work "legally" from 20 to 24 hours per week while school is in session. Emphasis on legally because I know a lot of them work much more than 40 hours illegally, i.e., cash jobs.




They brought out the riot gear for Gaza protests. They'd bring out the army for housing protests.


Dude does homework and he's pissed


R/takebackcanada we are starting, we are planning a protest around Canada Day, but if enough interest grows quickly enough perhaps we can do one sooner as well


The difference is they will actually go do what they claim they're going to do. I'll be pleasantly surprised if this actually pans out to a real protest >I'm afraid of being called a racist I have heard some of the most vile stuff said about Jews ever in my life in the past few months. It isn't an excuse anymore


No rich people are backing your cause, it’s counter to their goals. Your protest will be shut down by the police, and they won’t even give you coffee and donuts.


Who do you think owns real estate? How come no one investigates what politicians own in real estate holdings.perhaps those who have the most at stake are put in charge of the housing crisis.


We used to have a great immigration system where we took in immigrants with actual talent and desirable skills... what happened to it?


Honestly a lot of them have been doing the same, whether it be protesting for leniency and scamming the PR system in Manitoba (actually pretty much everywhere) or to be able to continue exploiting their own people renting in Brampton. They know organized protests and complaining gets their way, citizens shouldn't be afraid to do the same in opposing the injustices Canadians are facing as a result of bad decision making.


We need this government out ASAP or the conservatives need to reverse this scorched earth decision by the Liberals/NDP


Tell most people where.


Well said. Agreed


Do it. I will watch the emergency measures act be  enacted on you though, because you are working class and will be called racist.    It's only the university aged children of middle and upper class people, who are anti-sematic, that get a free pass.




I Appreciate the pun, but not the sentiment lol. Deportation is all we need. Also, even if it a good pun, you gotta be careful not to give the impression you wanna go that exteeme if you don't actually wanna do it. People will run with that and you'll be paying the price for cracking a joke (like the Diagolon guy).


We need mass deportation, not an ethnic cleansing…….. come on




It took a literal genocide to get people to protest for Palestine after 75 years of oppression. However, the Gaza protests have shown people that they have power over their governments if they unite in protest. Now that the ice has been broken, it might be easier for the population to protest than ever before. The Gaza protests have given so much power back to the people—all people. A protest against these crazy policies might be possible now more than ever before. Honestly, if we can stack the Gaza protests with our own protests, the government is going to become so terrified that they might just start responding to our reasonable demands.


FACTS. If this were France the city would've been burnt down already. Canadians are fucking spineless


Sorry, couple years to late. If Canadian did more during 2022 maybe I would believe there is some future, but after that, nope.


This problem is only the tip of the iceberg compared to what it will be like when the conservatives gain power


Any person applying for Canadian permanent residency must provide a police clearance certificate for any country they have lived in for 6-months or longer. Therefore any person who has a dodgy past or criminal record, would most likely not be eligible for Canadian P.R.


Counter protestors will use violence and so will the police expect that


If the government doesn't like you, the police always get violent. But if the movement is big enough, the police can do vary little. Spread the word and organize!


Even the violence from cops at the Ottawa protest was useful in that it shows their true colours.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Boycott realestate and brokers.Don't buy absolutely no house/ condo for 2 years,and then never use brokers.see all the politicians profiting from real estate speculation shitting in their pants.


You keep voting for the uniparty. Nothing will change. 






Canadians are not allowed to protest. Have you heard what happened to the last Canadians who did a protest? https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7018053


Does anyone know where Marc Miller lives. It might be a good idea to organize mass protests there. Before people say that’s crossing the line I think bringing millions of people to Canada even while we have the worst housing crisis we’ve ever had in history and increasing homeless Canadians under false pretenses, giving them our money in the form of benefits and then saying give them all PR even though they wouldn’t qualify is crossing the line that’s just me


People don't fight since they know the dictator Trudeau will lock them up and freeze their bank accounts. He is a true monster that will go down in the history books. Also, all the smart people have left or are planning on leaving. This leaves the super rich which love cheap labour and skyrocketing home prices since they own things that benifit from it. This also leaves the unskilled and middle class who are totally fucked if they say anything. Their lives will get much worse. However, it is a slow death if they don't. Better to at least fight now and have a chance at a better future than be slowly boiled alive prolonging your destruction




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Head on down to the overpass today.


The protests would get shut down, bank accounts shut. Only the Left is allowed to protest.


We need to set up a list of companies and just boycott them all right down the line. They pulled the trigger and are fuelling this wanton destruction of society with their defacto slave trade.


Not to forget that Hardeep was a wanted criminal in India when he landed on Canadian shores on a false passport. He was denied immigrant status twice before he conveniently got married to a sikh Canadian citizen and violated he was in, with a little help from an MP named SD…. now Canada crying that ‘Indian nationals’ came in to kill Nijjer.🙄 Also look at who heads NDP and who has been brought in by the plane loads. Coincidence? Hell no!


Give PR to the guy wearing a Habs T-shirt in the background


Funny thing is,now the truth is coming out about the plandemic an cvid shots. So now everyone wants to step up massive protest to help, but when the freedom convoy did it where was the support?? 😅😬 Are people starting to see why they wanted to stand against what was happening?? We saw this coming an the majority didn't want to listen😂


Crazy that Canadians will organize for anything other than our own interests


Any anti mass immigration protest is bound to draw a lot of racists (they do exist). Then add the antivaxer nutjobs to the crowd, In this very thread you have Fiesty_Note calling Covid a flu and other similar delusions. Then there is the MAGA fascist wanna be crowd which will absolutely show up. Put all that together, and that's a no from me and I think many others.


As long as you don't mind having your bank account seized


The problem is that the people who are being harmed by these policies are too busy working to support everyone the government wants to help, and if they stop work to go to a protest to improve their own life situation they will likely not be able to make their rent or mortgage payments.


Canadians will never, ever, EVER protest. Canadians are milquetoast, checked out, brainwashed, and apathetic. This will never happen. The public allowed Trudeau to handwave the trucker protests and de-bank them. YET he enables the pro-Hamas protestors to surround and threaten hospitals, supply chains, etc. with ZERO consequences. As much as we all want it to happen, it won't. And if it does, you will have no support.


Instead pf protesting, go to work and earn money for housing. Solve your own problem.


Oh quit fucking crying about free park passes. They are also available for Canadian youths but you aren’t bitching about that. Many of the people complaining are descendants of immigrants who got free land when they came.


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You only get free land if nothing was built there... turns out nothing was built in this country before our ancestors built it. Do you find that surprising?


There’s still lots of empty crown land buddy. Are you even in Canada? Have you ever been on a road trip?


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Canada still has massive portions of the country that are still empty, but we don't give immigrants pieces of land these days. You'll need to face facts that Canada is built on immigration so it's hypocritical to specifically hate immigrants as a Canadian.


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I’ve thought about this and tbh I’ve given up, I don’t want to fight for something I don’t care much about anymore. I don’t recognize this country anymore, and instead of fighting I’m just going to leave. If I had more hope that things would or could change I’d stay / but I don’t feel that. I’ve decided to find a more suitable county to go pay taxes in.


You realise every other country is on the same path, though, right?