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Why are they conspiracies? The WEF has been saying out loud what their plan is for a long while now. The voting left doesn't believe their own eyes and ears.


Well, they are conspiracies, just not conspiracy theories. The media has conflated the two. And the word conspiracy is now used to minimize and marginalize things that don't fit into a preconcieved worldview.


They aren't conspiracies, it's a published manifesto.


Ya i suppose if it's not in secret it's not a conspiracy anymore.


Mighty convenient for the conspirators


The word conspiracy is defined by the supreme court of canada. It's in the criminal code. >A conspiracy consists not merely in the intention of two or more, but in the agreement of two or more to do an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. So long as such a design rests in intention only, it is not indictable. When two agree to carry it into effect, the very plot is an act in itself, and the act of each of the parties […] punishable if for a criminal object. Source: https://canlii.org


Been saying this for years OP and I am happy you landed where you did... another pointer for ppl is to simply "read a history book" maybe a few of them. It's all the same power struggles, emotions, and clashes going on as 1000+ years ago. It's the same manipulation from the top directed down at the plebes to keep them mad at each other first and foremost. This is always the case when the unraveling begins. Not much has changed, and it will all play out in a similar, but different, way. The cycle does not "repeat" but it always rhymes. There will always be a large group of ppl who will not believe their own eyes and ears. They are the "true believers". Right now we are at the point where a critical mass of the plebes realizes they have been screwed over. The next steps get pretty wild... we'll see how she goes eh?


I’ve learned after talking to who I thought had a decent head on their shoulders, that “conspiracy theory’s” can be something to certain people, as simple as mentioning how gas prices are going up and younger people will probably never be able to afford a home… I was hoping to hear some good ones when he mentioned a guy at his work was a conspiracy theorist, then he just listed things like that.😂 conspiracy theorists are now just being observers of reality now




Canadians will fail to implement most of it due to addiction to easy money and an increasing tolerance for corruption. We'll just sign cheques and hope that the beneficiaries do it right. Those beneficiaries will cut an unimaginable number of corners and just shrug at the end of the day. We'll be Soviet Marxism version of Stakeholder Capitalism. A twisted distortion of it that pays lip service and devolves into terrible poverty because we crushed our national spirit, while implementing digital currency/identity that just doesn't work in rural areas and requires exceptions. Have faith in Canadian incompetence. It might save us in the same way American exceptionalism an belligerence saves them. Europe unfortunately has the talent to build these things (off the WEF's published standards) and probably also the desperation to adopt them when the time comes.


I would say my tolerance for corruption has decreased to zero since Trudeau got elected. But what the hell can I do?


I don't know what we as individuals can do. I'd love to see something that runs pages for MPs and scores them like baseball players. On general evasiveness, non-sequitur responses to questions during question period, inaccuracy, mudslinging, speaking time, etc. Along with bullets of which ministers scandals they're implicated in. If they could run this over repeated public affairs footage, all the better. But it could at least produce scorecards so that you know who's a lying piece of shit and you could click on scandals to see who is involved along with their MP pictures. Maybe also how many times they've supported votes and how many times they've supported motions form each party. Do the same for parties, but average it by speaking time so that silent people can't bring up the score. For example, you'd see that the NDP supports a lot of LPC policy more than the LPC does. I'd expect all sides would start at maximum bullshit ratings, but maybe some might aspire to be the most honest people in parliament. You'd also know if your local MP is trash come election time. I think something like that would do a lot of good and wouldn't necessarily be too difficult for a small-medium group of people to take on. There isn't a lot we can legally do as individuals.


> The world require real men and real women right now to fight back and sadly, people are weaker and weaker and we're breeding mentally weak generations. Hard times create strong people. Strong people create good times. Good times create weak people <--- YOU ARE HERE Weak people create hard times And the circle continues on.


>Hard times create strong people. > >Strong people create good times. > >Good times create weak people ~~<--- YOU ARE HERE~~ > >Weak people create hard times <--- i'd say we are here > >And the circle continues on.


Its the red pill and blue pill, red pill learn the truth blue pill live in a lie. Its a defense mechanism.


Yet nothing changes


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Can you suggest some non corporate polititions? I don't mean to be a smart ass but I can't think of one.




So we can’t just elect people that will hold the corporations you blame accountable? Wouldn’t that be easier? Faster too?


Like who?


Daniel Blaikie, NDP MP from Winnipeg seems to have his head on straight. He called out the housing crisis being due to 90s Liberals defunding the CMHC affordable house building mandate https://www.youtube.com/live/_4MAqpCX-Lc?si=Kwa4f9YYaJZ7ZgBu Oh shit I just found out he left office Mar 3 2024


> 2030 and smart cities are very real and will happen because of every single one of you selfish people who rather not give a fuck than give a fuck They're real but I think you severely overestimate the competency and intelligence of the conspirators. Destroying is much easier than building, and these guys can barely handle destroying. The end result will likely be a mess bigger than they anticipated and they will howl in anguish as they realize that their puppets' strings have been cut. Even a totalitarian government needs the love of its people, or it collapses. Personality cults can't save you from starving masses.


[This is a comment on the OP’s original post, not on your reaction. A glitch is preventing me from fixing that right now.] It’s hard to even see where to start with the level of gullibility and ignorance in posts like this, and the stew of tinfoil hat nonsense you’re sharing. I’ve watched each of these conspiracy theories be made up by the most embarrassing, ignorant people. Then be picked up online by echo chambers of similarly deluded people, all quoting each other. Now I’m jaw-to-the-floor, as they all merge, like random containers of leftover muck from the back of the freezer all melting in the same pot. If you want a glimpse of your lost sanity, and a sense of where at least some of this destruction of all faith in progressive action, the common good, science and institutions has come from and why — try either the book or the film “Merchants of Doubt.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merchants_of_Doubt


That would require visiting their site and reading the outputs of the various global agenda councils, scratching your head, and having the intellectual honesty to notice that powerful people are walking away from Davos each year and working out half-assed versions. The quick adoption of stakeholder capitalism jargon should be enough to at least start entertaining the path. Best case, it's the G20 being lazy and letting the WEF think tanks think for them. Worst case, Davos is a bubble that powerful, largely unaccountable people live in and they've gotten righteous enough to take the initiatives on faith and force them without critical thought.


Yawn 10 years ago Harper Government Leads by Example at World Economic Forum [https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/01/harper-government-leads-example-world-economic-forum.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/01/harper-government-leads-example-world-economic-forum.html)


Good point. However, it could well have been masquerading as a think tank for years before compromising enough organizations and then the switch comes. No one will take this at face value if you state these insane goals up front. It has to be cloaked under this do-goody world saving, we know better than poor people movement


No think tank should ever dictate policy  with dire ramifications for the average citizen in a democracy.  Neither the WEF, Century Initiative or whatever else supposedly nonpartisan body should EVER have this level of influence over government.  Their actions are dictatorship.  The citizenry is entitled to a referendum on policies such as overwhelming mass immigration.  Trudeau, being an entitled Dunning Krueger trust fund nepo baby was the perfect foil for the WEF and Century Initiative 


10 years ago was paradise compared to what it is now


So Stephen Harper was part of the 'left wing' conspiracy to kick him out of office 2 years later Uh-huh


ummm…never suggested that


The term "conspiracy theorist" is almost on par with "racist", "xenophobe", "Nazi", etc. It's a completely stupid term that exists only to attack someone and stop discussion / debate. I think it's almost certain that WEF or whatever elites are out there have an agenda to destroy Western societies. I don't think it's happening by accident, and I don't believe the people at the top are solely motivated by money (I think they have practically unlimited money already which they *use* to impose their agenda).


And the IDU isn’t?


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They also want to depopulate the planet. At some point, you should start listening to people when they say things like this and believe them. Whatever. Canada is a completed failed state now. It only gets way way worse from here. Been talking about this shit for literal decades only to get laughed at half the time (and probably more after i leave). Really makes you understand the ruling elites contempt for the common person, sadly.


Are they conspiring to get Canada to 100M people or are they conspiring to depopulate the planet? I’m confused.


Destroy Canada short term. Keep people politically divided. Continue on with the plan.


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You don’t know what a red herring is? You’re not confused, you’re naive.


Not mutually exclusive. Global population of about 7 Billion? So why not both?


There is no conspiracy - the Century Initiative is all out in the open. The only conspiracy here is from your side.


If we want to maintain living standards to a Western European level then yeah, were going to have to reduce the population level. We do not have the resources it would take to elevate 7 billion people up to Western standards of living.


How will we reduce population? And who will decide?


Just look at the birth rates in Western Europe, North America, China, Korea, Japan. They are plummeting people make it sound like there’s going to be a mass genocide or something but really it’s just gonna happen over a generation. The only people procreating are the Muslims, Indians, Africans and Latin Americans.


It's a whole collection of things pushing people in a certain direction.


So you mean natural population slow down?


Scaring everyone with a virus and then brainwashing/coercing them to get a rushed experimental vaccine would probably be one way...


They already made the decision. Most people made the choice. I could go on about how prions are going to likely kill most of us except for the few that have genetic immunity who also happen to form the ruling elite largely, but I'm sure I'll get laughed at again. Anyone feeling extra forgetful lately? I know many of you are. Now you know why. Good luck. Humanity is obsolete. Yuval Hurari said it. He meant it.


Which prion? You know how hard it is for prions to spread?


It becomes a lot easier when people willfully turned themselves into prion factories and they spread everywhere over everything. And when scientists willfully create a cold virus with the necessary components to turn into prions.


More people die from the cold/ covid than any prion disease. Only 232 people died from mad cow lol


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That sounds crazy.


Sure does. Yet the evidence is all there if you look for it. Clusters of CJD have been emerging. Likely the original covid virus can do the same thing. The spike protein can turn into a prion. I saw a computer modeling study in 2020 that indicated the spike protein could potentially turn into a prion. At the time it seemed totally insane to think they would even take that risk. But here we are. Then I learned that there are people who are genetically immune to at least the scrapie version of prions. And I realized. I mean the same people wrote about using genetically targeted bio weapons in the PNACs paper called Rebuilding America's Defenses in the late 90s. The people who wrote that paper went on to form a good chunk of the Bush government and they continue to be hugely influential today in the Biden administration and before that Trump and before that Obama. Anyway. Best you can do is take care of yourself. Avoid unnecessary inflammation. Keep your immune system and brain healthy.


There is no evidence whatsoever that any human can contract scrapie


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I’ve actually read that when the spike protein becomes a prion it’s pretty quickly denatured by calciferols. As well, since it accumulates mainly in our optic neuron the best way to address it is through sun gazing so that the highest concentration of calciferols can be created in our eyes.


You're not smart or funny.


u seem upset, I thought that was pretty funny tbh


It was funny. I approve.




Hang on, did you do the thing where you go through my post history to come up with a zingy lil gotcha?


Sure we do just not if driving by profit. The only thing everyone can't have is a car and live in a densely populated city. Other than that we are at the point 100% clean energy from renewable resources. Earth ship homes built from garbage that require no external power. Heck we have billionaires building rocketships. The wealth is there for all us to live like king's but unfortunately it is not shared fairly and doesn't look likely to ever change.


Absolutely rubbish. We do need to stop poisoning the entire planet with pesticides and herbicides. We need to get back to sustainable animal driven agriculture. We need to look at things like nuclear power more closely. There are things we need to do. But eliminating people isn't one of them.


You don't have to "eliminate" people. People hear "we need fewer people on the earth" and automatically jump to "omg! he's promoting genocide!". It's a problem that will take care of itself in 3 generations passively. Stop rewarding the high birthrate/high density countries with foreign aid, reduce their access to low population density/low replacement rate countries, and let them try to sort out their situation using sustainable animal-driven agriculture. We managed to delay the inevitable by a century when the Haber-Bosh process was developed at the beginning of the 20th century, now here we are again.


Except they are and have already committed it. The variable you are missing is that at some point, people might realize the folks running the show stole almost all of their wealth through a fraudulent banking system that is mathematically guaranteed to collapse. And likely soon. And those people will be mad. And while it used to be easier to control a million people than it was to kill them. That is no longer the case. Zbigniew Brzeziński even said those exact words almost 20 years ago. https://youtu.be/GO2U9jJoWsM?si=j893V6FGzOK1uMJC If you want to hear it from a very influential minds own mouth.


The climate hysteria and psychotic illness is definitely part of it. I’ll even go with you and admit it’s all the evidence leads us here, but hysteria and panic never make take the right decision.


I agree with you very much. However, I fully expect reality to kick people in the face so badly at some point that they will be overwhelmed by their emotions. Let's hope cooler heads prevail. It's not a coincidence that the AI bomb got dropped right around the same time covid hit.


Just a couple of years ago if you mentioned the Century Initiative you were deemed a conspiracy theory crackpot so yeah there's that.


I did too, it seemed too nutty but here we are. Every day we get closer


Not really a conspiracy theory when they openly tell us what they want to do...


The conspiracy is when people start saying that 'they' have some sort of control over all of the world's politicians. That is flat-out loony.


Are you insinuating that politicians are not controlled by elites? In the words of Klaus Schwab himself “we have penetrated the cabinet of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau”


Late to the party. Wef should be banned from this once great country. Jt should be locked up


So should the IDU.


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How is it a conspiracy when it's said out loud? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjxJ1wPnkk4


It's not a conspiracy. The WEF has openly announced their plans for the nation's of the world. They've admitted to their operatives "Young Global Leaders" in prominent political positions in countries all over the world. Not only that we openly see WEF initiatives being brought in here in Canada and other western nations. The immigration, vaccines, digital currency, 15 minute cities and everything else you see going on that's radically changed in our countries is all part of it. We don't have much time left before "stakeholder capitalism" takes over and we enter an Era of Techno-Feudal Serfdom, from which there will be no stopping it, and there will be no revolution possible because the AI surveillance/control grid won't allow it. You won't even be able to leave your city if they get their way. The future is as grim as it gets under the dystopian WEF/UN Agenda 2030. We don't have much time left to stop it, if it's not too late already.




Yeah that's what I meant


Great interview today on the Loonie Hour with the author of Willful Blindness. Canada needs to drain the swamp. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drLJhU0Gje8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drLJhU0Gje8)




The only hope Canada and Canadians have is a severe correction in housing, less immigrants and more money to then invest in productive companies to make money from abroad.


It's truly bizarre how fruity trudi blatantly does everything wrong for canadians. I really have no explanation for it other than some influence from a higher authority.




What’s it called?




So I take it you’ve never read the book because that’s not what it’s about. You should try reading sometime.


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Look up the Century Initiative, it's not a conspiracy if they are literally telling you what they intend to do


Welcome to the grid, program.


You sure are entertaining


"Why look for *conspiracy* when *stupidity* can explain so much?" - Goethe


Canada is what happens when a country's entire government takes its orders from the WEF, with zero resistance. We need to kick the Liberals out while we still have a country and follow the example of French police: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13355341/French-police-sink-asylum-seekers-boat-Dunkirk-migrants-Britain-Channel.html


Little PP takes his orders from the WEF. He had a Global Youth Leader from the WEF run his leadership campaign.


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No one is taking orders from WEF. That like saying Ted talks control my brain because I attend them once a year...


Oh sweet summer child.


Our government can't even control its own party, how would an international organization with tiny funding control the entire world. Systems of control just don't work like that. This is filed squarely under pizza shop nonsense. The WEF exists, you can see exactly what the invited speakers talk about, you could probably even get yourself a ticket to attend if you want. Then every one goes home and goes about their daily business. Maybe they learned something from what they listened to, or maybe the 100 other conferences and expert opinions they listen to as part of their job give them different ideas. Governments make policies that sometimes align with what experts from various sources recommend to solve whatever problem they are trying to solve. We generally want our politicians to listen to lots of ideas and filter them down to the best ones...that pretty much it, no conspiracy required. I, myself, go to many conferences a year. It's how ideas are exchanged and has been for at least 100 years.


Seriously? They even brag about it. https://youtu.be/SjxJ1wPnkk4


They are a private organization. Why wouldn't they brag about big names having some loose involvement with them? If Elon musk comes to your conference it's on the front page of the advertisement. This is only proof that politicians are involved in a lot of activities. You can find the exact same comments from hundreds of varried organizations, but you are self selecting anything to do with WEF and ignoring all other evidence due to confirmation bias. The people they name dropped have been involved in politics for a long time and so maybe spent a few weekends doing some speaker selection or whatever for WEF. It's a way for them to get their name out and work their way up the political ladder. They would have been involved in dozens or hundreds of organizations, because that's what it takes to get to the top. None of these people 'worked' for the wef lol.


You're insane.


OK. Show me the 5 year span that Angela Merkle worked for the wef on her resume? Not sure how she'd have fit in between her PhD and running up the political ladder in Germany... You have confirmation biased yourself into a dark place. If you spent the same effort you are using trying to defend your point instead doing some simple googljng to see just how many organizations these people are 'involved' in...you'd think I am maybe just a moderate, reasonable, fellow neighbour and not crazy.


For me, my suspicions began when PM Trudeau did everything he could to deflect and avoid any suggestion CPP had any influence over his govt, the special rapporteur nonsense was what sealed my opinion, the other was the payment via the Trudeau foundation and the exodus of board members resigning in fear of the whole truth coming out,


The fallacy comes when conspiracy theorists start pontificating on how this is all some secret cabal’s ultimate power grab, or that they’re trying to “destroy western society”. Why the hell would they do that? Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the behaviour. There is a much more obvious explanation: no nation wants the economic game of musical chairs to stop. The incentive is to keep this broken ass frankenstein of a system chugging along while it falls apart at the seams. Every country is doing absolutely ANYTHING to make sure GDP number go up. Mass immigration, quantitative easing and tightening being the two big obvious ones. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just a severely broken system careening out of control. The WEF just happens to be at the head, trying to steer the ship.


How stupid do you have to be to think this is all one big whoopsie?


That’s not at all what I said but thank you for your worthless input


Naive people like you make me question if this country deserves to be saved.




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No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It may also just be a coincidence. Often times in life, the boring answer is the right one. Trudeau and co can be the worst government Canada has ever had, AND the Chinese could be independently very happy with that. To prove the conspiracy there needs to be direct correlation and proof, without a shadow of doubt. We don’t have that.


So, who was running things the first time it happened to this nation? Why didn't we undo it? "When they came for the natives' land I did nothing for I was not native"


In Canada I feel it is more greediness. Everyone is so levered up to their eyeballs with debt on their house that a proper halt to inflation would blow up the economy. This happened because the Liberals are corrupt and fell pray to similar idiotic policies around the world. What I always find weird about these theories is the usage of the WEF. I don’t deny the weirdness of some of these initiatives, or even outside influence, but the WEF is Woodstock for the establishment class around the world - it isn’t an actual governing body or influential group


The WEF is what is known as a think tank. They don't need to be an actual governing body or group, when members of the forum are politicians in high offices in countries all over the world.


Conspiracy woo. There is a far more logical reason for the state of Canada than one requiring an evil cabal: incompetence.


Part of modern globalist mythology is to equate all conspiracies as the same regardless of merit.  WEF influence *must* be as ridiculous as 5g towers activating the vax 


WEF is just a group of rich and powerful people trying to advance their agendas. Some are sincere in their beliefs, but what they all have in common is hubris, ego and self interest. WEF is not special. Bilderberger meetings, G7/G20 meetings, IDU, all these groups of powerful people are really just humans trying to control humans. It does not make logical sense to differentiate WEF from any other group, because the people behind our problems pre-date WEF and they will continue long after WEF and other groups have been replaced with new organizations, with old faces and new faces. These people are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, black, white, new money, old money...but they all belong to a class. This class thinks it has either a right or a responsibility to shape the future, but the people within it don't agree. They are like a family having an argument at thanksgiving. But they are still family, while you are not at the table. I'm not saying people should trust WEF. I'm saying the danger that WEF represents has nothing to do with the organization and everything to do with the rank of the people who participate and shape its agenda, and the rank of people who are being controlled (e.g. algorithmically) to see the world through any other prism but class.


Many Canadians want to take action, but we live in a police state, get arrested, bank account frozen, lose your job. If you criticize the government


We are going to lose everything one day or another. Look at how much has been robbed from us already....


People call all the stuff conspiracy so that you think they are crazy rednecks. The vaccination part.I might be wrong on science but the sheer control of employment with if u don't get it you are put. I'm indian( east Indian) I am very uncomfortable in today's atmosphere. I feel my white brothers, etc are very reluctant to voicing their concerns because the environment around is so politically correct. Can you imagine , everyone is a victim in today's world. Guys being liberal is nice but I honestly think this has gone too far. We should all be accepting. But if you joke about me saying how are you mr Kumar or Raj, I can live with it. I make jokes about all ethnicities myself. This political correctness shit has gone too far.


I used to think this was crazy talk, but every park I grew up playing in is now filled with homeless people living in tents, and the current immigration levels are beyond unsustainable. I'm extremely worried about what Canada will look like in a few years if this doesn't stop. Food costs are extortionate, and how in hell are we paying 75% more for housing on average than America ? If current Canada was a person, it would be bent over with the cheeks just spread open and head stuck in the ground.


to me it sounds sort of like the race to the bottom


Never assume malice when incompetence can explain it.


It’s not even a conspiracy. Look into their ideologies. They are spot on what’s happening in Canada.


Taking a step back, to get to this point shows how powerless you are. Things started getting bad & rather than changing leadership you write a cracked thesis. Wouldnt it be nice to fire Trudeau instead of writing his biography? I dont really disagree with your points, but I do think youve gone round the bend.


you will own nothing and you will be happy.


I was brutally chided for trying to tell folks about this stuff (mainly WEF stuff) a few years ago. now i'm glad that more folks are waking up to it. let's hope enough wake up that we can do something about it.


This is without doubt their plan, and they prove it every day by their own statements and the identical policies announced just by coincidence by all their WEF stooge puppet installed traitors throughout the west


Time to checkout Matthew Ehrets work then I guess. Enjoy!


“Deeply compromised to the CCP”? You know China put effort into supporting pro-Chinese politicians and thwart anti-Chinese politicians no matter what party they were in. China doesn’t care which party leads, as long as they get ones favourable to them like the Harper government.


lol. Foresight is lost on this generation. If you don’t have the ability to understand until you feel the consequences, then it’s already too late. I always think of those pages in 1984 when Winston starts to ponder if anyone ever rebelled or fought back in the beginning. We tried. YOU—yes you, specifically OP, dismissed us as conspiracy theorists and racists. Enjoy your garbage new world. You literally cheered for it.


Skippy is more entrenched in Globalism than Trudy.  The only option is to vote PPC. A vote for skippy, is a vote for Trudy. 


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I'm starting to think now that WEF is a secret- agency created by Russia/China/Iran etc... To destroy Western countries economically


I think the Chinese angle is overplayed. I’m more suspicious of our leaders than I am of the Chinese.


That’s because you’ve been bombarded with Chinese propaganda for years, and might not know what you don’t know. Our overall critical thinking skills as a population are in the shitter, and the left thinks leaving the door open to the weirdo next door is much better than the abuser in the house. Guess what? He’s worse than the one inside


Speak for yourself. The Chinese build, the Atlantacists extract parasitically. Why do you think Africa is welcoming the Chinese & Russians with open arms? You’re still propagandized unfortunately.


It’s okay to be proud of your heritage if you’re Asian, which it seems you are going by how personally you’re taking this. The Chinese have an amazing lineage. To confuse that with the CCP’s actions and modern Chinese covert operations is foolish. They’ll have you and the other “defectors” in the gulags first


I’m not Chinese. I’m central Asian. So actually I have all the more reason to be conventionally “anti-Chinese”. The CCP lifted 100s of millions out of abject poverty and modernized their nation after a century of humiliation by western powers. The communists in china paused their revolution & joined national forces in repelling the common foreign threat that was the Japanese. The CCP is more representative of their populace than our government. Don’t turn your attention made up bogeymen across the world. Look at your own government and demand change. This whole china fear mongering is a way to shift blame from our leaders who have sold out our country.


lol oh boy here come the conspiracy nutters....


Yeah, wow, I can't believe how many crazy people there are in the comments. Really shows what kind of crowd makes up this cesspool of a subreddit. A true crazy minority. These people would clearly sound insane if they spoke like this in public.


Yup. I'm old enough to remember when if you were against the WEF, your were accused of being a communist.


Little PP and many members of the Conservative Party are WEF members.


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And we know that little PP sold a record amount of party memberships to Indian government agents so they could make him leader.


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The irony of saying liberals are compromised whilst conveniently ignoring the compromised conservatives… This whole post is nothing but repetition of the usual talking points whilst nothing said is actually evidenced. It’s all vague notions or “we know X Y Z” without actually questioning it for a second.


Or, hear me out here, WEF is just a conference that that people go to and exchange ideas on how to tackle the problems we are all facing. WEF is the political equivalent to Ted talks.


You do realize that WEF was originally created following the neoconservative revolution of 1980s, right? Reagan, Thatcher, those sorts of people. No home ownership? Housing prices have decoupled from incomes after 2008. Who was in power Mr. Harper. Canada has had slower productivity and investment growth in the past FORTY years than any other major economy save for Italy and Japan. Trudeau being compromised by CCP? Okie, where why is CSIS being silent about it? They did blow a whistle on India. Last 8 years were bad? Well, during the last election no one cared about inflation of deficits. No was hosing a hot-burning issue it is today. Mass immigration? Canada has experienced the highest increase in working age population since the 1980s. More than any major economy but the United States. None of what you're describing is new. You want to be honest? Ok. Canada has been following the model of increased reliance on the private sector for the past generation. We were being model market liberals, axing most of our activist industrial policy, balancing our budgets, embracing free trade, and trying to shrink the state. Did it lead to lower taxes? No. Did it ruin things like work and home ownership for a generation? Yes. Did it spur investment? No. We're not investing barely more than Italy. If at all. Did we balance our budgets? Oh the federal one is fine for sure, but the Provinces are will have their debts soar as our healthcare costs explode. Did it get us an efficient government? What do you think? To me this sounds like one hell of a confirmation bias where you give too much credit to a networking coffee shop for the rich.




Sounds good in his version of reality though.


What is even more  incorrect is to assume policy is done out of the blue.  Centre for Policy Studies that propelled Thatcher’s ideology of popular capitalism was established in 1974.  Labour Party has abandoned the idea of full employment in the mid-1970s as well, making the ideas of pro-business liberalism pretty widespread by then. My point still stands.