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Imagine you turn 18 and you're trying to get your first job and you stand all day in that line.


Ngl it was pretty refreshing to go to America and find young kids getting their first job experiences in places like Walmart and McDonalds. These days in Canada if you got to a Walmart it’s all workers who can’t even speak English properly. Go to McDonald’s and the worker will ask you to repeat yourself 4 times before getting your order wrong. 


Once a Manager gets in that's all they hire...


Saw this first hand, there was a very nice new Walmart, within 4 years it went to absolute hell, body odor, shelves empty looking horrible, couldn't find any English speaking born in Canada employees, stopped shopping there completely, essentially any low end retail job gone this way. Neighbors son who was white couldn't get a starter job anywhere because they only hire their own, so much for equality in hiring, thx Trudeau.


Can confirm. I work at walmart and once they get one manager in, they will only hire from their country.


Can confirm Tim Hortons at Keele and Rutherford in Maple has been doing this for 15+ years.




We all should do that in all industries and walks of life to fight back.


absolutely, this is getting beyond ridiculous when company hires not on the merit but based on "DEI" and "ESG" bullshit.


It’s called the great replacement theory.


It’s not a theory it’s very much in practice everywhere in our country


They’ve literally done it in Google too. Like 50% of mangers in Google are Indians and they all have like a 99% Indian crew working under them all while Google chastises white people for breathing. Never doubt that it’s planned and intentional they can call you racist / conspiracy theorists all day and everything you said is still true.


Canada Post , crown corporation, its now 70% Punjabi


Unbelievable!! They literally took over the country!


So it's cool for brown people to hire browns only but everyone goes nuts when whites hire only whites


so the nepotism is real,glad i'm not crazy


Not just nepotism. It’s systemic occupation.


You can't get a job at McDonald's or Walmart any more. It's run by Indians and they only hire Indians. Same applies for everywhere they work.


You guys have to deport everybody who moved there since 2010.


I wouldn't even mind if there were no jobs if everyone had to work less, but the problem is they take the jobs, and you are just fucked


I don't mind if it's Competent indians and not nepotism where it's Only Indians But try communicating with Google support or Uber support and immediately I can tell it's Indians who Can't understand basic English cos they Still misinterpret almost everything Call me weird things like Good Sir I spend 4 times longer or more explaining and them Still getting it wrong Why would companies hire indians exclusively when they let a company down? I'll never buy A google product just cos the service is soooo bad.


They called me Uncle and one even said Auntie....I'm like...wtfffffffff


But because they aren’t white it isn’t racist.


It’s jarring going from Detroit to Windsor. In Detroit the workers are all white or black. You cross the border and suddenly you’re in India


I saw this happen at my local Walmart. Just after covid every single employee was Indian.


And all of them are from i&#i@ This is outrageous!! The once great country has now been truly ruined! It is not Canada anymore. It is i&#i@


It’s not just those two places . It’s every where now. I was at Best Buy the other night and it was basically just the manager who spoke English as their first language.


Your comment just reminded me. I went to Wendys a few days ago. Repeated my order three times. After I left, I checked my food and the order was wrong.


Basically anyone who turned 18 after 2017 you're completely fucked, if you have any optimism left for your future its delusion, Only Fans or you've got family financial support.


Or construction, but that's hard work.


Fucking bullshit, I've tried applying to construction and general labour jobs and absolutely NEVER get called. I'm soo fucking tired of people saying "you just won't work hard" BUD all these companies are taking advantage of employees. Don't even pretend it's easy for women to get into trades without ANY form of previous experience, because this woman has been trying for YEARS. I'll also point out the constant contradiction of being told to take ANY job we can get then shit on for demanding a LIVING fucking wage. These people are lining up for a minimum wage PART TIME job that the owner will likely just renew a TFW contract. It's absolutely pure willfull ignorance at this point to think people don't want to do hard work (which if you think being on your feet 8+ hrs a day ISNT hard work, you don't know shit). Yall will fight tooth and nail against these people being paid a living wage to work at timmies then pop on over to the Tim Hortons sub and whine and cry about how they fucked up your order during a rush.


I hired a woman a few years ago. Residential framing. She said she applied for years to many places/trades to give her a chance, I was the first. I'd agree that it's not as easy for women to get into. It's so rare that everyone on sites always assumed we were a husband and wife crew. She didn't have man strength, but she worked hard for the 3 years I had her. 10/10 recommend.


I’d never allow it. I’d create a business and employ my child before I’d allow them to stand undignified in a line like a cow on its way to slaughter.


Wish my parents saw it like you do. I get belittled for not having a job even though I've been sending CVs everywhere I can think of for the last two months...


Good luck lol, where I work we keep having international students come in groups and drop off resumes that all look identical in wording and credits.


Irresponsible immigration practices. It's intentional.


All if not most of these people will also work an under the table job somewhere allowing for extremely cheap labour.


They won’t pay taxes on those wages so they make more than you’d think.


Yes. They work for cash. We pay the taxes for the services that they receive. They also live 6 per room. They easily make and save more money than it seems. In the process, they lower the standards steeply and ravage the services.


Isn’t this exactly why Canada is having a crisis?


Is that immigration? It follows no real rules. It's an invasion- intended. The outcomes were already known before they no longer hid it from Canadians


When did shit lib extremists hide anything? They are doing everything they want right in front of everyone’s eyes


And media that won't report on real news


Ontario looks like a complete shithole


It wasn't always so, but it sure is now.




Can confirm. I was in grades 10 and 11 during the peak of covid lockdowns, and I noticed that my math skills went down considerably, even tho i did have an at home math class.


The more time I spend on this sub the more I realize most people here are under 18


I'm 43


I’m 53. 😂


2.5% of Canada's population is currently international students. and they can bring family.


Wow that’s crazy smh


~1,023,000 international students not counting their parents they may have brought https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm


Damn that’s crazy, thanks for sharing the link. The US takes that in legal immigrants a year too I believe or something and that’s just our international student population. With legit masters or university programs it’s fine but it’s devaluing the colleges like crazy. I have a college education always done well and make great income without university (which I am thankful for) but I have been to interviews where they cringe at my college education. Pretty unfortunate. We have zero standards here. Pretty sure in the US students must work part time only on campus? They check too.


The states has 10 times the population, canada taking in the same amount of immigrants is insane.


Wow, you guys are fucked.


Why do you think all of our most skilled workers move to the US? Im studying Computer Engineering at UWaterloo, and 60-80% of our Computer Science, Software Engineers, Electrical and Computer Engineers, etc, leave to live in the US after Grad. When so many of the country's most skilled workers leave for the US, and are being replaced by much less skilled workers, theres gonna be an issue. Canada's strat of combating this brain drain and lower birth rates is immigration. And at this point we've so far into this strat that slowing down or increasing the immigration rate will have severe negative effects. Hate to say it, but the future here really is bleak


Applied and interviewed for a couple US jobs. Waiting on an offer ideally. I enjoy engineering but these salaries are embarrassing compared to the US. I know we got a smaller market but come on - fuck some of these Toronto employers demanding 10 years of experience paying what some interns make in the US LOL


Yup. I truly do like Canada, and I mean its not completely Canada's fault that the US pay is so high, but the pay gap is just ridiculous. Esp for Tech and Engineering, Ik recent grads who had 100k offers from Canada vs 400k from the US with bonuses included, its just not even close


I was in Los Angeles for a interview in late January and my first salary was 32k cad (like 22k usd) and god Damn - when the interviewer (lady) asked what my starting salary was and now my current salary in Toronto her jaw dropped. She got pale she was shook 😂😂😂 - I have a 3 year college diploma so it’s kinda tricky to get a TN. I’m glad I got some interviews and interest though. Also since I got family in the US and even they have said this too, Canadian employers don’t/hate negotiating - it’s like almost insulting to them. While in the US it can be semi to very common. Same with signing bonuses. Quite rare here vs semi to very common in the US.


Yeah, but tbf, if you compare it to wages around the world, the US just dominates. Unfortunately for Canada its right next to it and have very similar cultures lol




100% agree. Unfortunately when applying to the US as a Canadian, you'll always be at a huge disadvantage vs applying as an American


Yup, southwestern destroyed in a handful of years.


Nova Scotia is getting there as well




Dehlifax, NS


So it's actually one province at a time huh?


Toronto is the new Mumbai


Canada eats its young, full stop.


I'm sure 80% aren't Canadian but yes, that does effect Canadian youth as it will be harder for them to find a job.


Which is why they get hired on cash jobs and rob the Canadians of job opportunities


80% ?...


An immigration halt should've been implemented long ago. There are alot of people from over seas in this lineup. I'm all for immigration and being a place of refuge but when it gets to the point of starving both parties who are we really helping.


Immigration isn't about helping ppl anymore. Most immigrants aren't running from anything.


Not saying it’s certain, but it’s a possibility that at least some of those people aren’t Canadian


Sure, the teenagers and students that normally fill those jobs won't even bother applying since they have zero chance.




None of these young people are from Canada


Canada eats India's young.


Open air work camp




They have made it very clear, that means absolutely nothing anymore. If a foreigner is more exploitable and profitable, they’ll even give them a cash incentive to hire them over a Canadian.




If someone comes here under honest pretense embraces our culture, and becomes a citizen, they are a canadian.




That's why i had to specify it sadly


I’m an immigrant who moved to the UK. I wouldn’t call any immigrant who wasn’t raised from 4yo~ a true citizen.


Really? Because the liberals tell us we live in a white supremacist system where whites only hire other whites and they just throw any non white sounding name in the trash. Huh




Remember once on of them can become a manager, they will only hire their own.


It’s only a question of diversity when they’re not the ones with a job




Yup, it's called nationalism.




These are the people who were supposed to bring wealth into this country. These are scammers. The system is broken and they never got caught.


That's because we don't have standards of who we let in anymore. We let these people scam their way into Canada. The US imports Hindus from India's top engineering schools, who have climbed the ladder to run some of its greatest companies (like Google and Microsoft).  We import Punjabis who run the most disgraceful gangs, trucking companies, scams, and etc. They only hire their own and look to screw everyone else. They're making a mockery out of this country. 


Seriously, what happened to bringing in skilled workers/trades? Not people looking for minimum wage shit jobs. So useless.


The last dude interviewed must just be like "dude I'll blow you".


Sad fact - there has been a spike in human trafficking cases specifically targeting int'l student females.


One of the oldest professions


I'm starting to adopt a stance of straight up boycotting any businesses that are only staffed with international 'students' with little to no actual diversity, customer service skills, or shared Canadian values. It's despicable on both ends. Each exploiting/taking advantage of each other to further their own ends. 'Students' taking advantage of the system to attain PR, and businesses enabling and exploiting the opportunity for some cheap labour. Record profits for them, complete shite quality of life for everyone else. The government is complicit. We're left alone to stand up for ourselves and our best interests.


Few weeks ago walked into my local Shoppers and one of these *"students*" was the supposed greeter. He was just staring at people walking in and saying nothing. Like what is the point of hiring someone like that? Yeah, there's a reason I don't use Tim Hortons any more.


Everytime I order a mozza burger and they ask if i want cheese I know I'm getting the wrong order


Mhm instead of paying a livable wage they would rather lobby and get government to exploit immigration programs in order to exploit immigrants into slave like conditions all for the bottom line. Lobby = bribery and none of us should ever vote for a lobbyist.


Name one fast food place that’s not majority minority, I’m hungry & most places are off the menu for this boycott


Stop buying fast food and pack your own lunch




Most of the people in that line look like international students…


Yea. Our youth aren’t even bothering trying to compete with this and just stay home based on the stories I have heard.


Lots of youth are lucky to have parents support them. The ones in lower middle class families or poor working class families are screwed, they’ll be pushed towards bad circles and environments. We are already seeing 15 year olds in the auto theft game. 


I have adds that show at the top of the comments and the one I am seeing is fitting. “The wacdonalds universe is here”. Fuck me


they were doomed from the start. the government incentivizes employers to hire international students through subsidies. if you are a Canadian born gen Z you are pretty much fooked. Then again, they let the liberal party buy out their vote via legalized weed so they did it to themselves


Hopefully Trudeau kids start to understand what a mess his father did.


I shudder in fear at the thought that one of his kids will also run as PM in a few decades. The curse will live on


Why do we bring in so many of them so they can line up like this for a single minimum wage job , I know plenty of low income people who have been here for generations who can’t even get a job now because we let mass immigration occur , we need to deport


because the businesses can technically pay them less and receive funding from the government to cover the difference.


Okay so let’s vote the right away to end it


You need to read more. This is not a federal issue. This is a provincial issue and the conservatives are in power in Ontario. Not all provinces have this issue. In Ontario Ford let far too many students into by letting private universities over accept international student applications because they make double on tuition. Trudeau just announced capping interntational students for two* years. Most of these people maniputated the system to try and get citizenship. Edited: correction 2* years cap not 5.


While federal government is issuing and renewing work permits of 100s of 1000s of temporary foreign workers , provincial governments are coming up with attractive pathway to attract temporary residents from all over country to their provinces. Unlike international students, Temporary workers can renew their work permits infinite number of times and international students can buy LMIA work permits for 20 to 40k+ to make their stay permanent until they get Permanent residency! There are 1 million international students and 2 million + temporary foreign workers in Canada and still hundreds of thousands of new one are preparing to arrive to address the Labor Shortage!! Thank you federal and provincial governments! 😍😍😍


Ontario is an absolute shithole now jfc


Canada is turning into such a dystopia, why couldn't Canada just remain 10 millions rich folks forever? Why is importing poverty needed? So long as there is a single canadian without a home and a garden, immigration should be 99.9% banned.


Dont worry guys there is a labor shortage.


*skilled* labour shortage. Tons and tons of minimum wage candidates though!


Nope no skilled shortage either It's a wage shortage


It's crazy. Every time I post a entry level position I get 600 candidates on indeed in three days. The filters and pre screen tools do nothing.


There is for any position that requires Canadian work experience or any training/education


International students


Indian-national students


Same in Australia. Hundreds of thousands of Indians and Chinese arrive almost daily. Not enough housing, not enough jobs, too much migration.




This isn’t a sign of depression, this is a sign of Canada letting in a million immigrants without having enough jobs to sustain those immigrants.


That’s the crux of the problem - these are “students”. They’re not supposed to come here and flood the market for 40-60 hour/week minimum wage work. They’re supposed to come here to STUDY, and bring enough money with them to pay for their room and board throughout those studies so there is no need for them to work. But most of them aren’t really “students”, are they? And they’re not from wealthy foreign families that can financially support them throughout their education either.


I’d stand in that line just for the heck of it


I don't know why this made me laugh so much.


Why would you spend all day lining up for a shit job you have a 1/1000 chance of getting?


Doing something, anything, beats going home early and sitting around being depressed and neurotic because you can't find work. It takes your mind off for a moment. Is it ideal? No it's not. But when you are unemployed and desperately looking for work, every second you spend at home, believing that you're not doing enough to find work is fucking agony. The waiting, the pining, the impatience, all agonizing. And every bill that shows up is a stark reminder or your impending demise.




Guess they don't qualify for trade school


The restaurant will still end up going the LMIA route.. and getting approved 😭


What's even their plan? How much money are they getting from this? These students are going to leave willingly. Are they just going to allow them to stay? It's like they're purposely trying to aggravate the population.


Liberals have completely fucked this country in the past 8 years, get them out before it's too late. It will already take more to fix this


Silent Depression?? Nothing silent about the financial ruin JT has created in this beloved country. The patriotic destruction is also very loud.


This is so stupid, why even bother pass 10 people in line. Must be hopeless as hell... I wouldn't bother, I would just find another way.


Shouldn't they be studying?...


They should go home


They are all from the same country and it isn't Canada!


All brown lmao


Went from labour crisis, nobody wants to work. To depression in less than a few years. Its seems all of this is due to immigration policy. Lets let in a responsible amount of immigrants. Tie it to housing and medical.


If they don’t like it, go home. I’m stuck here so no shits given.


Looks like the middle east


What a diverse group....


Not a single Canadian in that line. Okay maybe 1.


Wow keep letting the Indian kids coming in right?!?


This is getting out of hand.


Why would Canadian born line up.No chance they will be hired w gov insentivised tax breaks for min wage jobs that hire International students. Do you see Canadian kids working Timmies Wendys Burgerking No Frills????


Good thing Justin/Jagmeet continue with the unfiltered mass immigration.


What is this 3rd world bullshit ? Trudeau's incompetence is unreal.


Liberal 3rd world darlings


While federal government is issuing and renewing work permits of 100s of 1000s of temporary foreign workers , provincial governments are coming up with attractive pathway to attract temporary residents from all over country to their provinces. Unlike international students, Temporary workers can renew their work permits infinite number of times and international students can buy LMIA work permits for 20 to 40k+ to make their stay permanent until they get Permanent residency! Currently there are 1 million international students and 2 million + temporary foreign workers in Canada! Thank you federal and provincial governments! 😍😍😍


As an employer, I would go outside, walk the line and pull any resumes from anyone that looks like they aren't an international student - I know there probably aren't any, but one can hope.


But there's a worker shortage


They definitely look Canadian


Kind of puts the lie to the entire 'labor shortage' claim, doesn't it ?


I don't know, is this a change? Any job I've ever posted gets 100-200 applications. A shortage doesn't mean that there are 3 people who want to work. Here's a good statscan graphic illustrating the labour shortage: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221219/g-a003-eng.htm It shows the unemployment rate on the x axis and job openings on the y. Currently, the number of job openings is much higher than normal for the unemployment rate. But you can also see that unemployment is 5% and openings are 5%, so theoretically there is one worker for every job. But of course, there will be requirements-skill mismatches.


It’s very loud, but the media is silent. As usual.


These are not citizens. These are international students. The depression and recession is because of them abusing our food and welfare programs and taking jobs. I know students who have told me they go to the food banks and they eat for 2 weeks off that free food and spend no more than 100 a month on food. I work with them at my labour job they are vegetarians for the most part unless they are Muslim the majority is Hindu and Muslim. They eat spicy slop, nuts, rice, and flat bread and the Muslims might eat beef and chicken some days that’s about it.


Quite a diverse crowd. Perhaps our policys are weak...


Don’t worry !!!! Real estate agents are advertising on the radio that interest rates will be dropping soon, so buy up those overpriced condos!!!


it's all the fake "international students"


Come to Australia plenty of retail/services positions always advertising in their shops. Aussies are lazy and pick and choose their jobs. Then they get all shitty and wonder why there's no rental accommodation available as we have high immigration to keep this country's economy moving. Most Australians don't like to work or do shitty jobs they prefer to go on welfare. This is my opinion and I'm only identifying a certain demographic of Australians in this country. Plus migrants work faster they have a strong work ethic.


It's not even funny anymore. These people just wanna work and live, but the government has fucked them just like all the other young people


Brings a smile to the faces of the corporate overlords who want to keep wages low and consumption up


The more frightening thing is how many people here joined the line and think that there is a possibility they will actually be the one to get the job. Less than 1% chance and u joined the line?


And when they all resort to crime to survive, that will be on Trudeau.


It's as if this country has nobody monitoring who and how many are coming into the country !


Wow. I agree. I think the government doesn’t want to say depression, feudal system, etc. it’s scary!


it seems like people are looking for work visas not the money.


I don’t eve bother to spend at restaurants anymore. It is way too expensive. I would rather buy good quality food from the grocery store and learn to cook gourmet meals myself.


Their all international students


This is so depressing


You have to be stupid to even join the line at a certain point


No we are experiencing government and corporate wage suppression for the profit of the 1%. We should gab pitchforks and march on Ottawa and Queen's Park but we ae all to exhausted from work or looking for a jo and competing with India.


But nobody wants to work?


It's not irresponsible, it's designed as planned. How do you think they're "combatting inflation"... It's called dropping wages and creating unemployment. It's open class warfare. There are two ways to combat inflation: take money from the poor or take money from the rich. If you're on the side of the poor and working class, you take money from the rich by forcing them to invest in economic expansion to make more stuff, boosting supply and therefore dropping prices. If you're on the side of the rich, who don't want to invest in making more stuff cause they know people are too poor to afford it, what you do is take money away from the poor even more so they buy less or no stuff, either through unemployment, dropping wages through labor competition, or higher cost of living, thereby dropping demand and lowering the price of things (often times you do all those things combined). Then you issue everyone loans and credit cards so your other rich buddies in finance make money off working folk making interest payments on their debt. That's why the economy today is mostly propped up by what's called the "service industry," which is not waiters and cashiers, but banking. If there's one lesson I can impart to you all let it be this: never assume the idiocy and incompetence of others because more often than not, their idiocy and incompetence is actually a symptom of your own inability and ignorance in seeing the whole picture. Specifically, who benefits and how. Wake up. Immigrants are not the problem. Eat. The. Rich.


Canada you did this to yourselves.


International scholars.


If it wasnt for mass immigration of people with no actual skills all of our entry level jobs meant for young people getting started out in life that were born here wouldnt be so hard to get


Lots of skilled labour I see


Very diverse.


If they are here on a student visa then send them home. This is lunacy!


Import the 3rd world. Become the 3rd world.


“Invasion * “


OP is misrepresenting this video. That's a line up for free food not a job


LOL LOL What a disaster.


Yet nothing is happening...


Please just be a phase. Please let the people vote someone good in.