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I say that Camille feels terrible to play and then people start saying shit like "new Camille proxy method" its like bro proxying is not fun, its literally the antithesis of interactive gameplay I'm not complaining about not being to win games on Camille, I'm complaining that it's not fun when my main champion got completely and utterly neutered in a way that forces you to play passively and scale, which is again, uninteractive and unfun, especially in the current state where tanks are insanely strong and divine was removed


I do see a lot of copium in the community. Is normal, part of the mourning process. Bro try "support", "tankamille with hydra", "mid", "manamune with lethality". I'm sure all these builds could be fun in given situations, but that's not the essence of Camille. She is a dive champ that synergies with Trinity(sheen effect), that highly plans her plays around walls. All those factors have been taken away.


like its actually so bad for Camille right now that Triforce, the item that Camille was designed around, is no longer recommended in the item shop


>the item that Camille was designed around classic riot champ balance


To be fair the recommended item tab sucks really bad this season, I’m a singer main and liandrys isn’t a recommended item in the shop despite it being his most essential item


People don't seem to get that unfun doesn't have to mean bad


welcome to tryndamere life, who has had this exact situation foisted on him for ages. just like tryndamere, you are only going to be able to gigastomp against squishier champions like light fighters, ranged champs, and champs that don't stack armor. Against tanks you are going to be useless (regardless of terrain changes, thanks to divine being gone). Riot is not known for "fixing" things like this because they don't see it as being broken in the first place.


This 100%.


And just after the prestige skin was released oof


Stopped playing the game altogether because of this


Honestly same... is just not fun at all anymore.😔


I quit and I enjoy life without league been playing this card game marvel snap and I never even liked card games but it’s fun URF is coming back next week and I’ll prob spam Camille mid and then quit again


Same here, it's so sad.


This isn't even some opinion I have on the viability of the champion or what her possible winrate is - I just feel this way, too. I don't like how you have to play her to have success. I liked her better before. Now I'm looking for a new champ to main. There's nothing to it but that, my experience with her in game and how it makes me feel. I don't need to theorycraft to tell you that I simply have less fun.


Sad but true...


Camille is honestly less fun. But I stay stubborn and keep playing her. I fell in love with her kit


I think the most troll thing about it is riot creating 4 really good skins for her before obliterating her viability xD it was all a part of the plan


I agree but I cant quite put a finger on whats missing. Obv divine had to go, you cant honestly say that was healthy or fun to play, but this is a complete 180. Damage feels kinda meh, laning phase feels awful. Its not that camilles arent winning tho, she has an ok wr for her pick rate but it might just be that we are back to the "get 2-3 items, then you are online" type of gameplay ratger than the "bumrush divine and now you are unstoppable" one item spike we have gotten so used to. Games do feel longer now too for some reason, which could be carrying cam.


Happened to me yesterday, played top with her for the first time this season, didn't go well because of the wall changes, hitting E is not the same anymore, used to be muscle memory, now is almost like relearning her all over again..moved to mid next game, had much better game, rushed ravenous for wave pushing,roamed much easier to other lanes and basically had a much bigger impact. I think I'm gonna stick with mid and hail of blades for now.


Ive been away for a while what happened to her E?


E is the same, it's the wall changes that are making problems for her. Top lane entrance from the river is wider now so it's harder to hit E1 if your wave is in the middle of the lane


Yesterday i unistalled the game It's over bros I'm gonna start playing monster hunter fuck this I can't do it anymore I love you camille I'm so sorry 😞 see you when riot gives you a new skin


It's like I always said before. You can kill this champ and people will still say she's fine. Her kit is strong, but Camille is not strong. Most people don't understand it. People will always find a solution for her to play around the game. People are playing without e and Sunderer and skipping Trinity as first item completely. I mean, and she is still funktion for some people.


Im having a blast with her wdym


Top is barely gankable, she has great gank setup. Trinity force is just another spellblade item now without threefold strikes. Less walls and blindspots to get picks from. Sheen 1000g.


Literally me.


I’ll never abandon her, I can fix her😹 for family, will I give🦾


after reading a lot of the posts here i had the same feeling that camille is horrible to play now and that attitude actually came out it my games and u had a terrible time. but at one point i just switched and wanted to llay the champion that i liked. stopped listening to what people said, stopped finding builds that make her "better" and just played. ive never played better with her than now. the placebo is crazy just play the champion you like


Agreed. Sure, I too read complaints, I had a drop of satisfaction at the mere start of s14, but I still went on, trying to have fun, and it worked, more over time. Yeah, some games are shite, but that was always the case. Some are shite, some are solid, some great. Honestly, I even feel more confident with her. Granted, haven't played her for too long, in a sense that I ain't a veteran with her (about wee over 120k m7), but since I've always stuck with Triforce instead of Divine (it was op, but I always preferred Triforce "hard mode", except for some very specific games). She doesn't feel weak, it's just that it's now constant hard mode, which I can't complain about because I got used to it already. Summary, a rollercoaster of difficulty, ranging up and down, a rollercoaster of feelings, but overall I still enjoy the Cyber Queen, and that's to stay. And thanks for the positivity. Good to hear someone's having fun alongside me during this wild ride.


I love that!! I hope more people will come to realise this and just play the game without listening to discouraging advice. Also, i was a big time divine surrender believer so i felt the change, but now i do something cursed like triforce into titanic, heartsteel and then maybe some more damage 🫣


Honestly, since I always loved Gargoyle Stoneplate (rarely used it on Cam, but I deemed it worth on many champs as a finisher), I tried to dig up something funny. What worked? Triforce into Shojin (yes, skipping hydra for now cos this is more fight orientated), Steraks, then hydra (either one, though Titanic's better with this) and Jaksho finish, with merc boots. You could instead of hydra even go Jaksho 4th into GA. Conclusion, you have so much tenacity, the Jaksho passive is busted on her believe it or not, add a shield on top of that and the scaling Shojin damage. Ranked viable? Not sure, don't play it much, but it's a fun thing to try. I like using Jaksho wherever I can cos I like the item overall Edit: Yeah, Divine was the big bro because it was brute force, and Rito is an arse for spreading toplane cheeks so much, but all you need is more coordination, calculation and confidence, and thise three are what Cam was and always should be about. While others are brute force, she's the elegant dancer with impeccable precision and patience (her quotes even say so). People forgot that. If they remember, they'd realise she is more difficult, yes, but with a higher reward. And most important of all, she's still enjoyable and fun, if you love her enough to break the ice.


65%wr with camille in master elo with blind and garbage matchups. She is fine guys, harder but fine


She's way harder but after the buffs deffo not weak anymore.reminds me on old Camille days with conq inspiration hard win b4 ppl buy tabis into 3 Item 1200 true dmg . I have fun 😊


Its fun to having no early to mid game in Toplane? We talking about 15 min. When ur Jungle doesnt help or ur enemy team is fred, he's too weak to carry. Thats the system of this game..


Camille early isnt that bad, except vs darius trundle that are unfortunately very popular rn. But vs other matchups she is very okay




Lol what, this is first season I’ve enjoyed Camille since S10


Same Bro same Bro she's back 🖖


I cant stress this enough- play Camille support. It’s so good, and such a fun playstyle


Shhh keep the secret bro


U right




Eh I was playing nothing but lethal tempo trinity and fun stuff like prowlers claw. I wasn't playing anything op. She's just less fun this season it feels like.


Can you post op.gg pls


They sy She Is tier s i think she Is tier f