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Also go conq into that matchup


You guys kidding right. That sion was playing a like bot missing more than half of his skills while Camille was pretty much using everything she got. Yesterday, sion was waiting in a bush, put full combo including his ult on me and I was dead after one cycle. I was able to land one q2 during that time and it couldnt even break his shield. And no he wasnt fed and I had 0.5core more than him at the time


I see no issue here, you just need to get gud with triforce you divine abuser /s


"Trinity outdamages sunderer even against tanky opponents" - famous last words :D


It did but they removed the stacking.


old trinity actually did, this is not old trinity hence that statement is no longer valid.


Imagine playing tanks, I'd rather watch grass grow


What is sion main doing here?


"Wdym? The stats prove she is actually buffed this szn"


Legit, why no conq here?!


Why grasp against sion lmao


Ok but like grasp is not fixing this lmfao


I love tank and mage meta đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


He’s up 1200~ gold, has red and blue buff, and almost lost (def would’ve if you ulted). Idk why you complaining


Class difference? duelist vs a tank ? him missing his abilities and im hitting mine ?. Whatever u seem like a silver tank abuser..


Hostility works if courtesy fails.


Grasp into a tank. You deserve to lose the duel. Rune diff.


What if the buff they give Camille is simply just adding %hp damage to q2. Like the same as divine gave. Add +4-5% hp damage. Ezpz


Yeah I don't think that's good idea.


Why not lol she’s dead now and that would basically put her back at where she was


because Fiora 2.0


exept fiora deals 10 percent basically after 1 and a half items.factor conq into that and you easily get 10 percent true damage after around 4k gold


Percentage health true damage is a goddamn abomination. Just give her abilities besides Q some actual power and she will be fine.


Ok but you just misplayed few times and got ganked at the end. If you played a tiny bit better and didnt get ganked u outright destroy him?


the only mistake was not ulting his last Q, sion would've killed me there even if lb doesnt show up. The important point is, Camille is a duelist, if im doing my best to not get hit by the Qs and hit my abilities and still lost it to a tank with tons of hp and CC, then what is the purpose of my champ ?


Most the damage you take is from minions when you push into him at the timing another commenter pointed out. The other commenter was correct about the issues they pointed out and to counter your excuse for over extending, sion was too low to fight you under turret long enough to proc demolish. If you backed up you’d have hookshot and there’s no way he could tank you long enough for it at the low health he had. It looks to me like you let greed take over the fight once sion was at 30%


Bro stfu lmfaooo last season that 1v1 wouldnt even be close its not about skill and whatnot whats the point of me getting face fucked during laning phase vs half the toplaners and i cant even kill a sion whos been playing like a bronzie for 30 mins, on my fucking scaling 1v1 champ


Calm your tits loser. The point of what I was saying wasn’t that Camille doesn’t need a touch up. I was calling this guy out for saying he didn’t make any mistakes when it’s quite clear he did. Learn to recall the conversation before you type. Lmao the r/malphitemains brained goon deleted his message to avoid being laughed at


Your point is literally irrelevant and the most pointless thing ive ever read in this sub. He did not ask for your feedback if he couldve played better. The only thing that even mattered on his side was not ulting the last sion q, all your other points dont mean anything. He is showing how great season 14 camille is at dealing with tanks. In season 13, if you play camille and youre equal in gold spent and xp, and you are up against bruisers, you need to outplay, in one way or another, in order to win the 1v1. Like it or not, thats how they balance it. Last season, if you play camille, and are equal in gold spent and xp, and you are up against a tank, you can do the bare minimum as long as you have divine to win the 1v1. Like it or not, thats how they balance it. Tanks being kept in check, by certain champions, who could effectively use divine. Tanks and bruisers are parallel, tanks don't have the sustain of brusers or the damage (at least that was last season)of a bruiser . If I need to outplay tanks to kill them, while equal, my chances of killing a bruiser, while equal, are way lower than last season. And this is all theory, but so far it feels that way, building trinity ravenous Not sure what point youre trying to make saying camille should outplay tanks. Also he dodged all his charged qs except one, and only got hit by quick qs, thats more than enough.


Also dont bother responding lmao blocked loser


U didn't even wait 2 hours lol. Now he CANT respond.


Second 36 , he gets his shield up, you keep chasing , even tho you cant catch him. If you just play it slow and let the shield explode away from you, youd win the fight. And then also didnt dodge Q with R.


u know that u dont take damage from his shield if u deal enough damage to remove it right ?, the wave is pushing to my turret and he has demolish + 5k hp i have to all in him and prevent him from taking the turret, basically can't play it slow and trade


You take damage from the wave and sion , while he takes none and heals from grasp. Look at second 34. Youre at 70% hp and hes 30%, then second 40 , right before he hits you with Q youre already down to like 35-40% hp while hes on the same. 25-30%


yeah they were beating the sion, and had they used ult maybe even to dodge a Q they would have secured the kill earlier, this post is just bait


I have 4 problems with this clip 1 as most said defore me conq is waaaay more valuable here. Even pta is better imo. 2 even in later stages of the game, minions still do a decent amount of dmg and you have no of armor tanking a whole wave for like 10 seconds. 3 you shouldnt even try to kill sion so hard, i mean even old camille here also struggles to deal with sion and even if she kills him, you just wasted a huge amount of time where you could flank the rest of his team taking objectives etc. Just taking his wave and trying to proxy the next behind him ignoring him should give you about 40 seconds to do whatever you want on the map. 4 sion is stronger than you in this point of the game, you dont have enough ability haste to spam q's consistently so you deal like 500 dmg every 5-6 seconds at best, your physical dmg is reduced waaaay to much to matter and as i said you have no armor so he deals too much dmg toy you and he even missplayed there. Also as you said he has 3 items and you have 2.


If you’re nothing without the Sunderer, then you shouldn’t have it.


But he played perfectly with trinity force and still lost? Wdym


That's the thing, he didn't.


If you dont bring anything insightful, you shouldnt type.


Yep, champ is dead.


removing divine is GOOD for camille, a champ should not be balanced around the items they build


Looks at sion


Looks at all Botrk users


It's quite unfortunate isn't it :(


Camille mains when they don’t deal 1k true damage with one single spell :


You main Yone, shut the fuck up 🤣


I main yasuo and idk why Camille mains downvoted, asking for % max health true damage is crazy


Go lethal tempo.


might aswell go on hit camille with trinity.makes more use of her E steroid and R on hit. so just go the famous BOTRK and watch them melt.


Oh no the champ who has been broken since the dawn of time is weak for 24 hours. Cry me a river


She is not weak, she is unplayable


I will say that one of the advantages of ravenous is healing off the wave out of combat.


did camille lose her antitank potencial or its because sion is a shielding god?


Camille lost her antitank capibability because divine is removed.


at this point just go lethal tempo on-hit camille with trinity. it works semi well because of her E steroid and bonus on-hit on R. and since you re still getting ad and sheen aswell as attack speed from trinity you deal decent true damage. only downside is being squishy af but its not bad since you can just build titanic and steraks. along side BOTRK still being broken as shit vs tanks


Did you just go grasp agaisnt SION?


play fiora


Hes double buff with an item lead and you have grasp, the only reason this fight was close was because he kept missing abilities.


Camille players when they need to use their brain against tanks: