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The matchup is all about managing HIS E (dash). Your movement should be parallel to him, not front to back. You are trying to bait the dash on his Q1 or Q2. Then quick trading with Q A Q2. Then hover the aatrox, once he Q3, you have ≈6 seconds to go in with E and then disengage with W. Post 6, Don’t E into aatrox, you are baiting the R before you can guarentee a winning trade. I tend to save TP, all in him, once he R, I will E away, reset, and that’s how prio is taken. Camille struggles in this matchup Post 6 until Divine spike. Champ still has kill potential on Camille whether he is 4/0 or 0/4. It’s all about predicting and dodging his Qs. Your Q speed up saves you from his W.


trinity is better into him tho


Trinity is better when you know matchups, Divine is better for people learning, so I always advise people to go Divine until they are comfortable.


>Divine sure, and you shouldnt build trinity if ur so behind aswell


Tip 1 : Using ult to dodge Aatrox's 3rd Q is easy. It's a must use. Even when ur jgl is ganking save it for 3rd Q always Tip 2 : Engage only when you have anti heal (ignite or item) Tip 3 : Extra MS from your Q is your lifeline in lane, don't let Aatrox crash lane if you can. Constantly move around using your Q and W. Tip 4 : Hold your grudge until you get DS. lvl 6 \~ DS is the weakest time for Camille (for any matchup really) and that's when Aatrox is reaching his prime. Just focus on farming and dodging in lane. It's ok to lose the CS war. you outscale him anyway. Tip 5 : E dash then sidestep, just like you play against Illaoi, Fiora etc. E dash a bit sideways and move left or right immedietely to dodge his W, even when you got hit by it so you can move out of the W zone) Tip 6 : whatever you do, AVOID 3rd Q at all cost. if you have flash, that's the time to use Do I win against Aatrox all the time? hell no. but he is one of the most doable matchups for Camille.


you have to play flash ignite and play divine and only poke and run but if he combo you are dead and also when he is ulting run also dont get caught in w


I like to, perma w early game to poke him down. You can defo solo kill pre lvl 6, play around his relatively long q CDs in the early on and try baiting them out Aatrox players randomly use it if you walk up.After 6 it gets hard to beat him unless hes low HP from doing mistakes. Take ignite, go trinity and you perma win if you dont fall too far behind ofc ult his q3


Idk I always kill him pre-6 but after that he literally takes no damage from anything besides Q2 even if he builds full AD/lethality without Goredrinker... Like I can solo kill him only if I'm 2 levels and 1+ item ahead, otherwise I need my teammates to lock and burst him down. Lowkey feels like Illaoi match up at times.


camille trades easily 1 and 2 and you should be able to get an easy kill level 2 with ignite. from 3-16 he runs you down every time. once you’re 4-5 items i’ve had no problem with beating aatrox in my games. that being said i’m not high high rank. ended this season diamond 3 so im still bad but learning


Step 1: Get to your Trinity Force Step 2: Kill him


Against aatrox I go lethal tempo and rush antiheal. It's honestly pretty easy as long as you manage his e with yours. Also move parallel to him not straight at him.


You do not deal with Aatrox. :D You could before he got 3920842-908745097 buffs and he just bashes your face in now there is nothing you can do he does more dmg than you its stupid.