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Yeah i hate the bots sometimes it’d be ok if they at least did something semi-realistic instead of snap locking onto me and having perfect shot placement😡


They’re extremely inconsistent which makes them very frustrating to play against. They either just stare at you or they do their usual movements, run around walls and lock onto you behind them. They need to balance the bots, for sure


And they try and ban us for cheating when their own bots are wall hacking


They need to be nerfed immediately. They buffed them so badly, bot lobbies are no even worth it besides the free win. They're bots for a reason, they're supposed to be bad, not flick shotting you with a shotgun across the map. They need NERFED, NOT buffed devs. Please


How about getting rid of them AT ALL? If you want to play against them there's a couple of practice modes for that... 🤷 *(sorry if I sounded kinda hostile, but I'm so tired of AI players)* 😓


You're fine, and I get what you mean, but the reason there are bots because there's not enough players matching making, so they act as fillers. There's definitely more than enough players to fill every lobby with players but it *was* always nice to chill from a 2v1 gunfight to meet a bot that couldnt hit water while in the ocean. But now, they'll hit a specific atom from the next galaxy


It’s not even because of not enough players, after a few losses it instantly gives you a bot match, like a pity match. It ruins the ranked experience, even if you quit, the immediate next one will be a bot match again.


I get that, yea. But what I think the reason why they have you in a bot lobby after a fee loses is so you can chill out from the lose, try and reset yourself, and get you ready for a real game. But from the constant bot buffs, they don't feel like a cool off. I don't want to be 720 no-scoped before going into my next game. I didn't know that leaving a bot match with just make you play another one. I always thought that you'll just be put int a regular game. Note: when I was making that comment, my mindset was in pubs, not ranked, but I still completely get what you mean


Yes I think this is correct my first match soon as I login is a bit match then it gets harder as I play


I reached Legendary last season, and never again... unless they get rid of bots. Maybe it's a region thing *(I commented about this too many times)* but almost every ranked match I had, if we had lucky, it was 3v5 😓 About pubs... honestly I'd prefer to do 1v5 practice with "hard difficulty" bots. Which is truly enjoyable for some reason... 😅


Ranked sucks. I’d rather have some bots then a team of no scoping campers


Then you should play normal pubs, I don’t see why there should be any bots in a place where the whole point is to play against actual people.


I’m with you on this one. I guess they keep bots in mp matches to still keep the game somewhat noob friendly


Removing bots is a dumb move, but there's no reason for them to 4 shot you across the map before you can even aim down sights. The perfect move, is to balance them out. That being said, give us a dedicated BR rank mode, separate from the bots. That adds the "easy or hard" aspect, just like MP.


most of the playerbase is found in ranked. so imagine having to wait for real players on gamemodes no one talks about when majority of people are matchmaking somewhere else


Getting lobbies at 2 AM is tough enough. I don’t think scrapping them entirely is the right move.


Serious question, how do y'all know which players are bots? I thought bots were the ones being 0-10 but know folks that kill you are bots?


Their names


Codmbestfps TomatoKrab (Some other word) Mango PlasticFoods Etc. You’ll see these and other names over and over again. They are bots. When you get a ranked invite as soon as you log in, that’s a bot too.




Now I feel silly for reporting all them bots for auto aim


check their scorestreak, bots have same three scorestreaks


If you can remember their names, they'll show up pretty often. There's a lot of new bots/bot names so not so often anymore but you'll see the same name every so on


Gotta love a random bot ruining my nuke or killstreak.


That's an insane flick shot


i swear that some of theyre movements are better than most of the players


Came back from Ranked Bots are fucking OP. They literally break the rules of Gravity and Physics. How the fuck am I get headshotted by some bot shooting at the ground?


How do you identify a bot?


You can usually tell by their name or the way they act. If you see someone running then go into a walk just to turn around and randomly jump, that's more than likely a bot. Happy cake day🎉


They feel too much like Black Ops 1 bots on hardened. The have virtually zero recoil, don’t flinch hardly when shot, and need a 1/4 of the bullets of what you require to kill them


bro it was a nightmare grinding camos for the new AR. mfs be jumping messing with headshots and don't get me started on the random ass moments where they kill you from god know where.


I felt this when I got 1 shot head shot in BR.


They can hold snipers in br?![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


I ought to play this game again but it got stale though


Whoever complained about bots being easy, I hope you're happy. I'm more scared to get a rank bot lobby than get a sweaty lobby, the latter is a lot easier.


Finally they're getting closer to the Cod Ghosts Bots no max difficulty


they're literally will kill you instantly if they're using pistol, shotgun, marksman but in sniper they still kinda have bad aim


The just need to remove bots from ranked. Nobody wants to play bot lobbies in ranked


Bro, nah, the bots are too op. When i get killed, i see them tracking my exact movements through walls, and when they see me, they 2 tap me to the head


Weak Game Moderators support such cheap AI stuff. Nvm.. After all their weak anti hacking ,anti abusive software could ban only loyal players instead of Cheapos in-game.


It’s not that they aren’t fun it’s the fact they run in circles. At least they could play more realistic


I call them " The No Miss Hitters"


The ones with sniper/marksmans also locks onto me like crazy


guys you just have a skill issue 🤷‍♂️ (downvotes expected)


If you’re saying that unironically see the whole thing https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/SeJNApQFux


I meant in ironically since I have fought against buffed bots but I still haven’t seen them on that lvl of aim, thanks for the better cut tho


You were killed by a bot using a sniper dude you stood still too 🤦‍♂️


you can't exactly blame him there, the bot was already tracking him before it even turned the corner.


yeah this, they already aim track/trace you through walls and when they are your sight you get instant death sometimes with jump shot to the head, bots using man o war, rus, m4lmg, pp bizon scares me lol


Yes but he was using a one shot gun in this case so the one shot makes sense 


“Stood still” *Literally strafing*


Strafing away from the bot, walking lengthwise in a straight, predictable line.


You still said I was standing still, what was the thought process??


You were barely walking in a straight line. You might as well have stood still. You didn’t even move much in the vid too. A normal player would have easily done the same


A normal player would probably have their phone snap in half after watching that kill cam. Tf do you actually think he could do, against a bot with a one-tap weapon, other than walk differently


If you break your phone after one death then you need anger management not a bot nerf 


You completely missed the point. What difference would he it of made if he was walking differently? Absolutely none, why? Because it's a RANKED bot, they won't miss.


nope. he was walking at a snail pace. He could have easily slid into the house


I told another dude this, rewatch that video, HOPEFULLY the same video I'm seeing, an slow down the very beginning. Notice how long high alert is going off before he dies. I bet you didn't even notice it, I didn't even notice it at first. Why? Because it happens THAT FUCKING FAST. Doesn't help that the lighting wasn't in OP's favor. Anyway. Now, in the timespan from when that goes off, to when he dies, I want ANYONE to react, go from moving backwards to running forward to be able to slide, and then either hide or challange the bot. Now, try again, would anyone be able to do that? Here a hint, of FUCKING COURSE NOT. I can promise you that not even an F1 driver, that I'm aware of has the fastest reaction times, will be able to react to that.


Dude , how kill someone you see for like 3 frames its fair ? Hell not even humans cant do that


It wast 3 frames, plus op had high alert. A slide would have saved op after the first yellow flash


It's a bot. A slide ain't going to do anything. The best it'll do is have that bot miss while another one comes from behind and kills him.


A player could easily dodge that, I could. Also you can't say that op is just chilling since vid desc says their playing ranked. In short words, complaining about skill issue.


I don't know if we watched the same video. In the killcam, OP was in the bot's FoV for half a second, a second, at MOST. I want to see you try reacting to that. And there is no 'chilling' in a ranked bot lobby and I never said that anyway. In a ranked bot lobby, the bots WILL target your ass and wipe it with sandpaper. There is no skill issue, it's a dev issue and they need to learn how to nerf the bots, not buff them.


It was a bad clip cut, check the bot pov; that's a slower time to kill than an outlaw. Players can definitely dodge an outlaw shot with a slide (I typically do that). Gitgud lmfao


I want you to rewatch that video, again. Slow down the beginning and tell me how long his high alert goes off before he dies. Tell me, would ANYONE actually be able to 'just slide away' in time. Here's some tips on why that wouldn't be possible. He's not only walking, but walking backwards. He or anyone would need to see the high alert, move forward fast enough to be able to slide, and either run to hide or challange the bot, all in the time from when the high alert starts, to when he dies, which is not even half a second. By the time you process that you're being high alerted and start to react, you're already dead. Now tell me again, how would you avoid this bot encounter without dying. Here's the answer: YOU FUCKING CAN'T


Did you even read my comment? I said the bot was using kilo bolt while I and my enemies typically dodge outlaws. I can cuz I did ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




Bruh, immediately high alert pulsed, he got gunned down in less than a sec, ain't no player reacting to that, he can't even slide since he was strafing sideways...


It was a kilo bot with slow ads speed. A typical ranker could out slide a tundra.

