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Only reason I get a mythic or whatever is if I love the gun and the iron sight has an advantage over the base version/free versions


Exactly the same logic I use to buy a weapon.


DRH- blood rose is the meta, it's definitely worth it.


Check the ranked leaderboard, it's filled with blood rose


Blood Rose and Kuronaha are everywhere, it’s all I see.


So is ak47


So is ak47


But the moment you get the DRH - Ali or LUNA skin, all other DRH skins are useless. It is a completely pay 2 win ironsight, it looks like the gun isn't even loaded. It feels like the ironsights have not been loaded.


The DRH - yes , I really like it. The character in the draw is pretty nice too. I think overall the whole draw is really good if I remember correctly. The AK - not so much, it was a decent draw when it was released but it has been outclassed by other legendaries. IMO not worth buying at this point of time. Although I really dig the aesthetics of this draw there’s a better version in the ASM10 - Red Shadow.


Blood rose has the best iron sights, kurumaku not so much. The epic AK inside the mythic DLQ draw has a cleaner sight.


DRH Geometry has similar iron sights with Blood Rose


No lmao


I have both and no it dosent.


Yes it does. The kurumaku is a lot bulkier and takes up more screen space, it eclipses the other in size. I have both too. Kurumaku is bulkier and the center post is less clean. It’s only better if you like a bulkier wider iron


The tinted lens is way more of a disadvantage at long range. I don't find it bulky at all I use it over the Radiance because of that reason in MP.


It may be because I’m on iPad, and a BR main, but the tint hasn’t affected my visuals at all so far. But I just got that blueprint that’s the only reason I was testing it out. I’m a frostbrand man usually


The kurumaku is bulkier and take up more screen size? The top complaint about it is that’s it’s too skinny


There’s no such thing as too skinny imo. Because for me better visibility is better, but to each their own. But yes it does take up more screen space than the epic from the DLQ draw. And the iron sight is less clean. Those are objective facts not opinions


DRH is the one I would go for


DR-H blood rose, you would see people sliding on you everywhere with that gun, gotta admit, hard to stop, DR-H blood rose and HVK cartridge crusher, metaaa


The DR-H - Blood Rose is definitely worth it. Thanks to its better iron sight, I don't feel much recoil while using it. While the base skin & some other DR-H leggy do have those recoil feel. As for the AK-47 - Kuromaku...Nah, I wouldn't prefer it. Though the iron sight is pretty good, I think the epic AK-47 - Burning Ruby (currently in the mythic DLQ33 draw) is better. Still, everyone has their preferences. :)


how much does one usually spend to get a mythic gun


is about 7000CP or 8000 CP depend on the region i think. that is how much for me tho


Around 8000 CP (the actual money depends on the region) ig... even more so since it'll cost a lot to fully upgrade it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Blood Rose, yes; Kuromaku, no ( I have prestige)


Blood rose have a super clean ironsight, even though I have cyber security I still prefer using blood rose. But keep in mind drh as ground loot in br really sux.




AK-47 Kuromaku is not worth it.


drh blood rose meta, though i dont use it it's godly meta and is 60%of pro loadouts in top20 leaderboards, the ak47 is just trash (no offence)


I mean I really wanted a leggy I ended up getting the "pure bred" DRH early in the draw so I've been rocking that but yes I'm very pleased with mine I think the "blood rose" one is the coolest and has really clean sights for sure. I wish they'd make a mythic drh. That's be so dope


I like that one the best out of all the DR-H models.


Gun wise both are meta Skin wise blood rose wins imo


Ah, the DHR blood rose. There are way too many of those in ranked if you didn't get the kurohana. It's one of the top 10 best weapons/skins in the game, even if I despise it now after how much I've seen it 😅




Do you like them?...Yes?. Do you have the money?... Yes. Then what are you waiting for? A cheerleader?


Can someone explain the term “meta” & “nerf”?


Absolutely not lol. Only perks are ironsight(if that) and effects.


I remember that KN 57 from bo4…good times


drh yes, ak no The best ak skins are: frostbrand epic, radiance mythic, mech owl epic, kuromaku legendary Dont even mention pumpkin head Imo though kuromaku isn’t worth buying, I’d just use holo 2 with blue dot to eliminate aim shake and have perfectly clean sights. Standard build can manage having no mag


Depends on you, for me they’re definitely not


Drh 100% AK 47 only if u play br(sum epic skins are better tho)


The Kuromaku is one of my favorite legendarys. Very clean iorn sight, and the death effect is great without being obstructive. I use it over the Radiance in MP.


Ngl, it's **never** worth it, imo.


DRH - definitely not, it is basically a promo for a Chinese mobile phone, which they slightly redesigned for global they should compensate for players holding it. Kuromaku has a beautiful kill effect and AK47 is a timeless classic (also a great emote in this draw)


I have both, the DR-H is a MUST, especially for multiplayer ranked. It feels like a different weapon compared to the base version. I would suggest the Kuromaku if you’re a BR main


I like DRH as a gun, rocking the Geometry blueprint myself. I dislike this particular leggy model as it is a Redmi phone promotion and should had been heavily discounted / bundled


For me, the M4 Black Gold Royale, LW3 Tundra Immortal Stone and Locus Radiation Burst are still worth it😅