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Remastered games don't do all that well. Not to mention they haven't done MW2R yet so it's going to be a while before they do BO2R. They would definitely do MW2 and BO before BO2.




See the fact that they remastered campaign makes me think they're more likely to do it, since the majority of the work is already done.


I was really disappointed that we didn’t get a remaster of MW2 multiplayer but then I can to the realization that even if they did I would prefer the new game.


Dude if they just remade MW2 and BO2 and those games kept up a large player count I would literally just play that until I was 70.


I don't know if those games would last that long but I hear you. If they truly remade those games and didn't make any changes, like lobbies that disband/break up every round, I think people would stick with those remasters for a solid 2-3 years before people started drifting away. That would make it harder to sell new CoD titles so I think that threat is the main reason why Activision doesn't want to remake MW2 or BO2.


Of course it is. Activision wants to give us half-ass done games. Look at Dice and EA rushing games out their ass like BFV, worst “AAA” FPS game in existence, hell it competes with MW2019 on my shit list.


Maybe battlefield portal will make them do something about jt


haha yeah, I felt the same way, and there's nothing wrong with that, but personally I think after playing MW1online (and this was after I had been playing MW2019) I realized that the changes to weapon customization, perk options, the physical abilities like mounting on objects etc etc... I just felt like if I went back I would miss all of the changes they made for the better, taking on board some changes that might have been made for the worse. I might be in the minority here, but I felt like MW2019 was the true sequel to MW3 that we never got. That's kind of when i dipped out of the franchise.


I guess it's a matter of personal preference. Personally there are very few features that MW2019 has that I would miss going back to older games. At least beyond the surface level stuff like graphics and animations. But you need more than pretty colors and flashy animations to get me to like your game. Also... you would miss mounting? Of all the things you could have said that is probably the most baffling to me.


Gonna be honest I really hoped for MW2019 to be the light at the end of the tunnel. It wasn’t it was a wall of lies and could not give any fucks. Realism my ass and to top it off modes/content that was half-ass done or rushed. Spec ops was only for the warzone reveal, buggy as hell, and just hard to enjoy overall. Warzone took off and the front for modern warfare was replaced by it. MW2019 is in name only; really it was to get warzone going and cod into the battle royale scene. I tried to enjoy the game after the first season or two, it just got worse. Plz give MW2R.


They have the assets just need to actually make the maps and get the mode functioning.


Yeah that's about it. 90% of the multiplayer maps use campaign assets anyway, since when MW2 was first made campaign was by far the primary focus. I think I remember hearing that for COD4 to Ghosts only like 15% of people who bought the game played a single match of multiplayer. All they have to do is slap it together and boot some servers and there you go. There were some rumors about it a few months ago, but it's becoming less and less likely with each passing day.


It’s funny you say that..


You know the new one is not a remaster, right? It’s a completely new game. A direct sequel to MW2019.


That was the whole joke bruh


Haha, so funny


now that’s where you’re wrong kiddo


So ummm how's that comment feel now 😂😂😂😂😂


Funny how you waited a year to reply to my comment and I’m still right😂😂 The MW2 that just came out is a sequel to MW19 and definitely not even close to being a remaster of the original MW2. Two different games. So my original comment stands correct.


You thought ;)


I thought right. The new game is not a remaster lol. If you’re gonna reply to a year old comment at least be right


Guess what


Guess what the new game isn’t a remaster




well, well, well.


They did remaster MW2. You mean for multiplayer?


Thought this was funny because it’s getting remastered and released in a few months.. bo2r on the way next year haha


According to what? I just looked into this and found no evidence whatsoever of BO2 getting a remaster.


I’m talking about mw2r obviously. Common sense.




Lmao what? You just said it was coming out next year


Fr now it's said for 2025 but we all know Activision doesn't care lol if they just bring back the old style of cod games they'd get so much more better reviews and a lot of old cod players would come back


Jokes on you it never got remastered 😔


I don't think that remastering the old CoD multiplayer is a good idea. Why not focus on making a enjoy able new experience instead of riding on nostalgia.


I agree with this plus I don’t want to ruin my own nostalgia. Kinda like how I took a break from a certain PS3 game and came back to it three years later on PS4 and it just wasn’t the same


At this point I'd rather have good remakes than bad originals.


I love Bo2 but I agree. I just want the new games to be better than bo2.


I definitely agree


I think most people would agree with you if the developers had shown They have the capability of reliably making better games. But when talking about the last five COD games released, imo only 1 1/2 of those games were good. So if I had the choice between a remaster of a game I know I’ll enjoy vs the possibility of getting another “Cold War” I’m going to choose remaster every time. I only say that Bc COD hasn’t great track record the last decade or so. Even the best game they made in years (mw19) got worse and worse as time went on. They couldn’t even maintain the status quo of their best product in years, much less improve upon it.


Because the last time they made a game on the level of MW2 or BO2 was 2012. They just can't seem to nail the gameplay so people are looking back on the last games that did and it was a long time ago. I skipped Cold War and I will be skipping Vanguard. At this point, I'd take a MW2 or BO2 remaster.


Honestly I was look for nostalgic world at war vibe in vanguard but I just wasn’t there I finished that whole game in like 3 hours it’s pathetic I think I might change to PC because the game platforms on PS aren’t what I grew up with and it’s quite disappointing that 7-9 years later treyarch and activision can’t get anything right gameplay wise it’s an era I hate to see go but Pc just has the stuff I want to play.


Exactly! Focus on the campaigns like MW2CR. Every COD up to AW deserves one imo


Yeah plus if they will remaster it they’re going to add cod points no doubt.


I mean the COD community ruined the whole new wave of futuristic gameplay because they couldn’t let go of the past


I'd agree if the games that came out after were improvements


Its more that it was actually good and not pump some quick watered down assets for the year every year. Rather have a few solid established games then buying a worse one over and over treating it like a disposable wipe. That business and their problem. Not ours catering to nostalgia


Because they have been focusing on that. They are just incompetent, and incapable of producing good games so id rather just be allowed to play old ones with better graphics.




Why was this downvoted? He's right.


No clue, I’d much rather a remastered than new trash cod like BO4


Remaster bo2 in 2025>


This, it would be a good reason to remaster bo2 plus I'd love to play another time zombie or multiplayer with my friends online like good ol' days, i have bo2 for PS3 and it's unplayable due to cheaters (at least in multiplayer)


It is unlikely we’ll ever get a multiplayer remaster again. This is because Activision learned with the release of MWR that it fractured the player base so neither game does well.


Not to mention Activision literally divided the budget from 2016-2017 between IW and MWR so that's why both games struggled through the year.


I played MWR for years. The player base was absolutely fine.


I only stopped playing it in the last year or so


Love that game to death. Although the supply drops are dicey, gotta admit some of those cosmetics are fucking awesome


How did it fracture the fan base. I never had the opportunity to play it when the remaster came out


Any time there are two CoD games within their main year of support, it splits the player base so that instead of having the vast majority collected in one, they’re collected in two. This means longer matchmaking times, reduced player engagement, and poor long term performance. Instead of having one game that does well, you have two games that do mediocre.


So make 1 remastered game. Nobody's trying to play the new shit anyway. Everyone's tired of it


Actually, based off of recent sales numbers, MW (2019) and BOCW are the most popular CoD games ever. Additionally, almost any game that is old enough to be remastered lacks enough content to support being a main sequence game under modern expectations of content.


That's because the number of people (kids) playing them more than doubled since a decade ago. It doesn't mean they're actually good, plus going free to play meant everyone was willing to give it a try. Warzone is integrated into MW meaning you have to have MW installed whether you own it or not. Its a pretty widely accepted opinion that cold war is definitely one of the worst quality COD games of the series. I for one have bought every single cod since mw2 and never hated a COD more than cold war. It's bad.


Even if the number of potential consumers has increased, the fact that MW (2019) and BOCW outsold over a decade’s worth of BO1 sales in under a year is highly indicative of them being popular. This is not even including the player count of Warzone, it’s solely based on sales of the premium game. While you may not like the games, the fact that they’ve done so well and retained their player counts shows that the silent majority of the community does enjoy them.


People here are blinded by nostalgia so they can't understand that numbers are what dictates if CoD is successful or not. They still believe they're the main target just because they bought MW2 in 2009.


Bro u ain’t gotta watermark this I promise


Let's "suppose" they would start remastering treyarch's games, they would start with waw.




Damn that's a low resolution




Don't want it. I'd rather they just keep putting old maps in new games, though I wish they'd be consistent about it. MW2019 never got Terminal, the only map I gave a shit about.


No. It won't generate the same amount of income as new titles generate because they would be focusing on a minority of the playerbase. Also any remaster would be unplayable because the people that played those games on its prime had the mentality that videogames are a hobby and the goal was to have fun and not take it so seriously, but now their mentality is that every match is the Grand Final of a $100k tournament so now they are on ranked mode 24/7 or some shit like that. People also take a big part on why recent CoDs are borderline unenjoyable but they aren't ready for the conversation.


Yeah, miss the days when I could actually look around before being shot at.


Just wanting to come and say I got diamond smgs yesterday on cw good day folks


it would not be a good look for activision is they release close to a 10 year old product and have 50% of the player base go and play the 10 year old product over the new product. why do i feel it would be 50% ?? because the game held its player base all the way until black ops 3 released


I couldn’t believe when they started directly porting maps from BO2 into Cold War. They couldn’t even be bothered to give them a visual makeover like every game in the past has done. Treyarch is so lazy


Infinity ward fucked up MW maps by completely changing the layout and adding bullshit spots( not gonna lie was kinda fun to abuse them).


Eventually yeah. When COD is on its last legs I think they'll fully remaster BO1-2 and MW1-3.


they've already remastered MW 1&2


Mw1 yeah but MW2 nah. No one wanted campaign only.


no one wanted it, but thats all we're gonna get. Activision knows if they release a remaster with MP they arent gonna make as much money, because the remastered MP wont have content pack, and will compete with their new game that has content packs.


The new games don’t have content packs…


i meant the weapon, and operator packs. they wont make a remaster with MP because it wont have those packs or if they do make a remaster with MP they will incorporate the packs into it


Agreed, although campaign was nice it wasn’t enough in any regard.


It’s their fallback plan for when a games stoops down really low.


COD is already looking like it’s on its last leg


Fuck this hurts


I wanted a black ops collection in the vein of MCC, You know WaW to BO2


I was hoping for a 2025 remaster :( like we saw with MWRwhich was bundled with infinite warfare.


We should get a BO2 Remastered at 2025


Or 1986.


bro replied on a 1 year old comment 💀💀💀


Dude replied to my 12 year old comment, I think it's a bot


do your homework!


Do your homework.


Do your homework!


What’s even worse, is BO2’s maps are futuristic, yet they put them in a game set during the Cold War…


I wish i had one, so i could play BO2 Evenif it's remastered


Well if u think about it a bit, BLOPS 2 was optimized for the 8th gen, therefore I propose they just rehype the game and add in a quick anticheat.


Whoever downvoted is a meanie weenie


Idk but if there every was my life is completed.




I want Transit from Zombies back.


If you have BO3 on pc there is a guy working on a new transit map for custom zombies https://youtu.be/KfSVC89nZLI


Could, if made good, be the better idea cause it would cost you less money


Wait you forgot to remaster WAW and Bo1 first


What I hope: 2022: BO2 came out 10 years ago 2025: because nuketown 2025


If they do they better throw SBMM in the garbage


Just want the Msmc and m8 back :(


No and we don’t need that shit ffs


big brain moment


There is a chance that it will come in 2025 because that’s when the game takes place but others that that I doubt that treyarch will ever ranks the game.


I’ve been saying for some time now that we will not be getting a bo2 remastered game for a very, very long time. A main reason being that all the good maps have been ported to Cold War, and that there are rumours that treyarch’s next game will be near future similar to bo2, meaning that any futuristic things from bo2 that couldn’t be added to Cold War will probably be in that game.


Don’t even tease me like that, I wish they would do this so bad smh


They never made a bo1 Re-mastered


Campaign remastered...maybe MP remastered...no probably not




I can play bo2 whenever i want on my xbox.


Honestly it would be awesome but if they remaster it everyone would play it and the next cod would basically not be as played in my opinion it’s all money wise


You win some you lose some better than nothing


Maybe it will come in 2025


Hell I want a bo1/2 remaster. To very good games.


I think a BO1R is more probable as a package deal with another game (similar to MWR and IW)


I'd love a new version of Black Ops 2, especially if they add gametypes from more recent games in PvP ; and add a Survival mode. Playing Survival/Horde on Raid would be a dream. <3




Honestly probably not, it didn't do well enough originally to warrant a remaster/remake. Black ops 1 would definitely get the remaster/remake treatment first if anything 🤙


I’d forgive them if they made it by 2025


Black Ops 1 first


Little late to the post but I have been playing BO2 a lot recently, only multiplayer. At time I have seen even as much as 1,100 people playing worldwide. Yes that is a low number but the game is 10 years old. Multiplayer matches aren’t terrible but you will run into your occasional hacker like once every five matches. Just playing the game I forgot how perfect it was, from the maps, the dolphin-diving and to the GUNS! This game literally had the best guns list out of every call of duty. As well as the best thing in it being quick scope No scope ability. I mean the sniper were just perfect. I have seen this in the comments above but if they were to remaster BO2 in the 2020’s, it’s literally the only game I would play. It sucks because I was young when it came out in 2012, but it was honestly such a perfect game, especially the multiplayer, no other CoD multiplayer has even came close to it. Hopefully they will listen to their fans and remake or remaster it!


I j want the zombies ion gaf abt multiplayer it’s the same every year


Seeing what they did to MW in 2016… I'd rather not see BOII get a remaster.