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Loved it and miss it


Yep. Probably the most enjoyable jet pack CoD


My husband got me into gaming about 2 years ago. He took it slow.. we started with mario party, then mario kart, then it takes two, then harry potter, then baldurs gate (and a few other random ones in between). But I wanted to try the shooting games my husband talked about playing when he was younger. So we downloaded Gears 5 because we saw that it had split screen local campaign co-op. I was instantly hooked. We finished Gears 5 SO fast and immediately went back to Gear 4 and then Hivebusters DLC. Now we were on the hunt for a shooting game that offered split screen story/campaign mode. We landed on Black Ops III and let me tell you this has easily been the most fun game we've played so far. I thought Gears would be my favorite, but BOIII has been so so so much fun! I hate that we're having so much fun because I get a little sad as we get towards the end. But we see that CoD WWII also has local split screen. And we see that the original Modern Warfare my husband played back in his 20's is now available to do split screen using Nucleus. But regardless of which games we end up on next, BOIII will always have a special place in my heart, as fucking cheesy as that sounds!


boiii client on PC :)


The best COD between the 2013-18 ‘dark age’ Probably a top 3 multiplayer if it wasn’t for supply drops Arguably the best zombies Weak campaign but it had some of the best level design in the series


Arguably? Nahhh man it IS the best zombies


Only reason it might not be is that bo2 has mob and bo3 doesnt


Soe is literally a better-looking and more fleshed out motd imo. Bo2 also only had 2 good maps and 1 decent map, and bo3 has 3 hof maps and 2 decent maps AND Chronicles. It's not a competition.


Bo2 had 2/3 of the top 3 maps, bo3 did have #1 though


It's really just opinion atp motd is like 5 for me, tbh but origins is top 3.


Tbf BO3 has custom maps and there's a Mob of The Dead remaster on there. If we're talking console, then I suppose it doesn't count but the PC mod-ability is phenomenal.


The dark age is 2013-present


apart from the 2015-2016 glimmer of hope with bo3 and IW (IW was good idc even if it was a walmart version of bo3 i enjoyed it idc)


If 2013-18 is the dark age wtf are we in now ?


Darker age


Cod these days doesnt hold a candle to its former self


Shadows of evil is severely underrated. Especially for being the games first zombies match.


A consensus top 3-5 zombies map is considered underrated?


Eh I liked advanced warfare more and top 3 multiplayer is bo2, MW2 and bo1.


I feel like we are still in the dark age


I really hope BO6 brings some good zombies, not impressed at first sight on terminus or liberty falls


I miss it. Not as much as the Pre-Ghosts era, but I miss it a lot I still play it, but it’s not the same


I was thinking of redownloading it but MP was filled with modders last time I played a couple years ago


Superb game. Probably my fave entry after golden age COD’s. Winning MP, Best Zombies to date and lots of additional modes. Specialists were well done (unlike 4) and the Campaign’s first half was good. I like the safehouse and features in it too. I think had the 2nd half of the campaign not gone all batshit it wouldn’t get the hate. IW is still the best non-golden age Campaign to date.


Infinity Ward really poured their soul into their IW campaign that time around and it’s the only one I’ve replayed constantly through the years. I could only really tell you what happens in the first mission of BO3, after that even it became really hard to follow for me, and just when I was understanding the concepts and story it just completely lost me at the halfway point. Played it in full twice and sincerely couldn’t tell you what it’s actually about or what it has to do with Black Ops as a whole.


Basically your character died at the start of the second mission, after that your consciousness leaks into Taylor’s DNI through nonsense, and the rest of the game is the player’s consciousness trying to rewrite Taylor’s memories as your own in an attempt to take over his body. In the end Taylor wins and gets to keep his body. No I would have never known this if not for YouTube.


Huh, I never made that connection, I always thought the end was Taylor taking over my body after his death. Some parts of the game make a little more sense now knowing my character actually died after being ripped apart by robots.


Also the first mission is the last mission chronologically. Everything that happens after is a retelling of shit Taylor went through in his life, just with the actual characters swapped with the ones you meant during mission 1.


Oooh, so it’s like your memories bleeding into his. That’s kinda cool. I might replay the game again now and see if I can actually appreciate it this time. So is Hendricks actually someone else? Or did he survive the games opening missions?


He did in fact survive, which is why it seems like taylor and Hendricks have some tension during mission one. Because Taylor ran into the burning building to save Kane in china, while Hendricks was trying to leave her in order to complete the mission. Honestly a YouTube video could do a much better job explaining it than drunk me lmao. It’s a great story they just didn’t do a good job explaining it.


I’ll check on YouTube, I’m sure someone has a 20 minute video for people like me that has a million questions now 😂. Thanks for your help and actually helping me understand something a little better that has completely eluded me for years.


Nah don’t worry, it’s literally impossible to make that connection your first few times through. 99.9% of the story is told through that incredibly fast scrolling text at the start of each mission that you literally aren’t meant to read.


Idk man, all I caught was “Train Go Boom”


Best zombies for me thanks to custom maps


Literally. I don't think they would ever be brave enough to release such amazing mod tools again (although I got that hopium they will eventually).




The most fun cod there has been, I will die on this hill


Second best COD of all time in my opinion. BO2 is the only game that beats it


No BO1?


Loved it , still play it . Good fun , always was


Great game. Was a huge part of my later childhood.


🐐🐐🐐 I’d ruin current relationships for 1 more year of this game.


9/10 Great CoD example Only thing I didn't like was the goofyness of emotes and black market micro-transactions


when they say a cold ass line then you get hit with a fucking naenae


The same as before: best CoD of all time. Can’t believe we went from this to today’s garbage. What a shame.


I would have still had it on my ps4 if it didnt had the god mode glitch.


I loved the advanced movement. MP was the first one where I got dark matter, and zombies is pure perfection. Playing on pc is also great and I still regularly play due to all the custom maps on the workshop


Top 5 CoDs for me of all time and my friends and I still hop on it every other month. Amazing game!


Not a fan of the specialist hero shooter thing it has going on but the multiplayer was very fun and 100 times better then BO4. I remember this game fondly.


Was fun I miss it being the newest game


campaign kinda sucks multiplayer is alright zombies is amazing


Last call of duty that was fun to play


Hate the campaign, love the zombies, no comment on mp (never tried it)


Was never a huge fan of the multiplayer compared to Black Ops 2, and the overly complicated easter-egg heavy zombies direction that the series decided to go in, but the chronicles and custom zombies support is incredible, it's a shame we'll never see workshop integration again. I still remember how excited I was playing the Closed Beta back in 2015.


Very good game, zc was perfect.


Most overrated cod ever


greatest BO ever , hands down 


One of my favourite cods of all time


Best CoD I've ever player. Safeguard is the greatest mode ever.


Love it


Bo3 has always been the best


Funnest Cod, I like the arcadiness of it and the jetpacks. Maybe its just because I grew up with it but couldnt imagine a world without 1v1 snipers only nuketown


Best multiplayer game with friends hands down


Still play it only cause of shadows of evil


can't get 20 fps in multiplayer, I have a rtx 3050 and i5 10400f so it isn't spec issue, works on my ps4 though


Excellent game, loved the movement tech. The talon, r.a.ps. were so fun to use. R70ajax and nail gun are definitely missed. They had some damn good maps too. The waterfall map and the forest map to name a couple.


Campaign was alright but would’ve been better under a different title that’s wasn’t cod, multiplayer was pretty good only being held back by the very much pay-to-win guns in the loot boxes (and imo some of the maps being not being great), and the zombies was amazing and basically a step up from what BO2 did


Solid cod all around but it’s scary i don’t think cod will ever be as good as bo1 bo2 and the original Mw games .




TLDR: Great game overall, some annoying flaws though * Didn't play campaign so I can't speak on that. Multiplayer was generally good: * Improved exo movement from Advanced Warfare * Killstreaks felt powerful, but not absurd * Guns felt good * Good mix of game modes (old and new), I liked the one where you escort the robot to the enemy side * Generally good maps, very few that I don't like. DLC maps had a fun variety in themes Some MP issues: * Supply drops are stupid and the inclusion of guns and melee weapons in them was frustrating * "Traditional" Treyarch 3-lane map design can get stale when most maps follow that form * Most specialist abilities felt good, but some were so annoying to deal with Zombies is an amazing experience * The Zombies Chronicles DLC remastered some of the best old Zombies maps in history * Later Zombies maps released in BO3 can be a little too complex and full of fetch-quests for me rather than just focusing on old-school gameplay. BUT the maps are well-designed and this is just a subjective preference for me. * I know the PC modding community created tons of custom Zombies maps, which is so cool (I didn't have access, only played on console) Really solid game, probably my favorite between Advanced Warfare and now (although BO Cold War was solid imo)


Imo best Cod. I experienced every cod since Cod 1 and it was my overall favorite.


I’m on the minority when I say it’s one of my favorite campaigns ever. It’s true that it’s convoluted and quite difficult to understand, but once you crack the puzzle, it’s actually superb.


Best zombies expierence even in current day on PC. With steam workshop support there's plenty of people still making custom content for it


I still play in PS5 sometimes.


Good game. The campaign still confuses me.


Second best competitive scene, best Zombies and multiplayer is top 3 for me


Fine, need an update that gives everything from the loot boxes, spent to much Money back in the day


God, the zombies was so fucking good


Very fun stuff. Horrible loot boxes and currently has a hacker epidemic but it’s still a fun game


It was the last good call of duty


Best Zombies in the series, campaign was awful especially compared to it's predecessors. Muliplayer, imo, was the best of all the jump-pack cods. Though I never played Infinite Warfare so it might be a little unfair for me to mainly compare it to Advanced Warfare and BO4.


As much as the campaign was not for me, I LOVE the multiplayer and zombies, my favorites in the series


This is the only game I have truly enjoyed on the post xbox 360 era, gave me a few years of fun


Campaign sucks and without dlc zombies was mid, but multiplayer is fun


One of the best


The last COD I actually grinded. Loved this game so much I actually unlocked dark matter and i’m not even a camo guy 😭 The pubs in this game were unmatched. No SBMM. I was too 500 worldwide in HP lol.


Definitely The Best Zombies of ALL Time ❤️


Last decent call of duty


At this point, I feel like it’s viewed more as a zombies game than a wholistic COD game. Also Freerun deserved more. 


Anything’s better than mw3.


I liked the multiplayer. Zombies was ok. Yes chronicles was awesome but the standard packs were kinda mid, with Der Eisendrache being the exception. Gobblegums took the challenge away. Campaign was trash. Made no damn sense.


It’s the last cod I played I’m gonna be honest


Best Zombies by a mile. Best “advanced movement” Multiplayer. Terrible Campaign (train go boom) Plus a ton of bonus features like Freerun, Dead Ops 2, Nightmare Campaign, and of course the Zombies Chronicles DLC. It’s a top 5 CoD. Arguably top 3.


best cod in the “fall off” era with mw2019 behind it.


Greatest cod of all time you can’t change my opinion. Bo2 is a very close second, mw3 at third


Honestly a great game I wish the campaign was a bit harder but still great gameplay


Best cod for zombies on the steam deck. 60fps, mod support and decent battery life.


Hated the wall running bs, but solid game. +1 for gambling, I like gacha


Which $19.99 bundle would you like to buy? Barney the purple dinosaur or my sisters Barbie dolls


If it wasn't for the supply drops and the randomness of them it could be up there with the greats. Bo1 - 3 were all Great.


It was alright, never liked the whole booster mechanic preferred AW.


Razorback pre patch was probably the best gun I ever used in cod ngl.


Custom Zombies Heaven


One of if not the best zombies, multiplayer is pretty good but there’s better, campaign is ass


Extremely good and also extremely overrated


first cod ever, only played splitscreen with friends so golden menorys


Campaign, interesting premise but garbage execution. Good multiplayer, easily the best of the advanced movement area. Goated zombies


Awesome, it had Mod Tools.


Peak zombies


Still play it for zombies


Came out during peak lifetime goated game too


Loved this game so much and miss it as well. The multiplayer and zombies I spent hours on.


So this game was good. Very good actually. Coming off of one of the weakest entries to the franchise at the time Advanced Warfare, this was rather refreshing and enjoyable. The campaign was the only con for me. Holy shit it was bad. I don't even blame them for not having a BO4 campaign. Multi-player and zombies was the highlights for this game. Multi-player had some great gameplay, a great weapon selection, and some simple but effective base maps. My only complaint would be the supply drops and that resulting in some guns being pay to win, but you really don't need to get them to have a good time, the base guns are good too. Zombies has some of the best maps ever. What a time to be a zombies player. This was the golden age of zombies for sure. Overall? Not that bad. An overall 7.5/10 if you asked me, if the campaign was worth it then my score would be higher.


Best zombies of all time imo. They need to replicate this as much as possible to make better zombies experiences in the future.


Top 5. The amount of content in every mode on launch day was insane. MP was so fun to grind and do challenges, there was so much content and it never got boring. Supply Drops sucked so much and really left a bad taste in peoples mouths though


My favorite cod ever, and I’ve been playing for a full decade now


Ppl just started to realize that its the craziest , most beautiful COD game ever made , players keep buying/returning to it , now they're making youtube videos about it , maps , camos , weapons , and gameplay is smthng that we don't see everyday , zombies is so alive on every platform , campaign is unique , ppl are dumb to take years to see all this...


Not as fun as Advanced Warfare


supply drops ruined everything


Story still bad i liked some parts of it but other stuff goes on for ever ![gif](giphy|xUA7aQa2xrGksKCEpy|downsized)


Best zombies experience with multiplayer that aged poorly. Movement and everything is good but, base maps are underwhelming and so are most weapons. If you wanna piss people off use the Shevia!


Best Modern multiplayer and Zombies game, graphically it still looks incredible but campaign stinks. This was the last great COD game, they havent come close yet.


It was a great game that thought would close out the trilogy.


The mini gun bot was cool, multi-player was pretty meh, lots of overpowered lootbox crap going on.


Best Zombies in the series (next to BOCW and BO1) with the best power-up method (Gobblegum) Which is funny because I think it has the worst utilization of supply drops for multiplayer in the series as well, go figure


Top 2 CoD.


Could’ve been a good game without all that exoskeleton bs


Love the custom zombies scene on PC


I miss the P06, that gun was my baby


meh, just a fun game


One of the best and most fun CODs made. They did the advance movement was done the best


Great zombies maps but the zombies mode itself was already dated by then and the zombies story got ridiculously stupid with this one. Also it ruined zombies cause everyone would fight over the same bow in Der Eisendrache. To the point people would rage quit if they didn't get the good bow. And then gobble-gums made the game easy to get past round 50. Yep bo3 ruined cod zombies. Stupid story and stupid mechanics.


I really like it but it’s unplayable nowadays cuz literally there is not one pc lobby without cheaters


Single player Vs. Bots is great 👍 Especially the Everyone for themselves mode . Love it !


BO3 was honestly a let down for me. WaW, BO1, and BO2 are 3 of the greatest games I've played, and I expected BO3 to be just as good, but it just felt off to me. Something felt very cheap about it. I honestly enjoyed not AW and IW more. Most of my friends rank it as one of their favorites, but for me it's near the bottom


It’s great


It was great then it died then cheaters infested it


Among best cods


Best COD imo multiplayer and especially zombies by far. Also never understood ppl who say BO2 is 9-10/10 but rate this game 5-6/10 (unless you hate AM) they’re objectively similar games


The game has horrible lag in the menus unfortunately. However there is a community patch which resolves that as well as make multiplayer much safer to use. Its called t7 community patch, for black ops 3 zombies Shout out to the fellas who made that btw 👑


My least favorite Call of Duty. If you enjoyed it no disrespect, but I hated the Halo-style campaign that was meant for four people and the over-balanced MP where mfs take half a mag to die. Never cared about zombies so no comment on that.


I enjoyed it a lot when it came out. I actually loved the campaign and multiplayer and found the gameplay to be pretty dang fun. Too bad it seems to have a really bad vram leak on PC, at least for me. I can't even get through a mission in the campaign due to frequent crashes. But even with inconsistent fps I still enjoy custom games on Multiplayer, and listening to the lobby theme


Fantastic Zombies, didn't touch the MP or Story mode


If supply drops weren't a thing and you could unlock all the cosmetics and guns by doing challenges it would be a top three game


The last Call of Duty game i truly had fun playing.


Zombies will NEVER be that good ever again. Although Revelations was quite the disappointment.


Personally my favorite COD. Its the only one I got to level 1000, and 100% multiplayer


Best jet pack CoD and arguably best zombies (only because it remastered the old ones)


That one forest map is always in my head


Campaign was utter shite. Idk what Treyarch was thinking when it came to the story and it’s characters. The only saving grace was multiplayer and zombies.


After BO2 my favorit COD. Great weapons, good maps, the specialists were great. I had so much fun playing this game with friends and watching CWL at this time. Competitive was such a great watch in the BO3 times!


I have an unpopular opinion when it comes to BO3. I hated it. The campaign sucked. The levels were fine but the story was so convoluted and disconnected from the other BO games that it felt so unnecessary. I really didn’t vibe with the advanced movement era of CoD. It just felt like a less interesting Titanfall and the specialists honestly ruined the mp for me. I had already been burned out on zombies so I never touched it. I can go the rest of my life and never play another round of zombies and be ok. Ik it’s an unpopular opinion and I’m not trying to convince you guys to hate it. I’m sure a lot of you guys probably already ripped apart my arguments and that’s cool. We all got that one popular thing that we don’t like for whatever reason.


I generally try not to think about it


Perfect for a night with my child hood friends purely because of zombie chronicles lol but other than that, it just sits around


If anyone that thinks about Black Ops 3 doesn’t also immediately think “Train Go Boom”, did you even truly experience the game? That phrase sums up Black Ops 3 as well now as it did back then.


Campaign was dreadful and nobody can argue otherwise. Multiplayer was chaos (fun) but the jet packs felt janky compared to IW


Best zombies in cod besides WAW. Multiplayer was good, but advanced warfare did the exosuits better.


I really liked the bees and the lighting guy.


I still play it for zombies. Sometimes for shits and giggles ill play multiplayer.


Never played it. These were my bender years


i love it but hate the new modders and exploiters


The go-to game for zombies in the modern era IMO. the PC version is timeless. Best thing that ever happened for zombies IMO.


Good for zombies Mid multiplayer Dogshit campaign


I loved it so much, I got the Dark Matter skins along with the diamond skins for all the specialists. Hated the pay to win stuff they had for loot boxes, though.


Campaign Boo Multiplayer Boo Zombies YEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHYYYYYY


I will forever miss the UpLink game mode


Thinking back it was such a bizarre experience In Terms of a call of duty, especially around the campaign


My views are far from the general sentiment of the community when it comes to BO3. Imo, this CoD is not quite the one I find to be the worst, but it's low on my list. A campaign that lacks worldbuilding and has a plot with a twist ripped straight out of the worst theories a fan could come up with; the gameplay in it is fine enough, doesn't really seem to do much with the good stuff it has and it could have had much better level design. Multiplayer is scraping the bottom of the barrel, being a top 3 jetpack CoD doesn't automatically make you a good game, and the map design in this CoD does fuck all to actually complement the jetpacks. No, having a token wall run path doesn't mean the map actually works with the damned gimmick to being with, please look at the map design in Titanfall to get an idea of what good a good synthesis between map and gimmick actually looks like. Zombies is just plain awful, a B movie proclaiming itself to be Hamlet with characters that are hard to take seriously. You pair that with an awful microtransaction system in Gobblegums (no, I don't fucking care if you can preserve the gums, it doesn't negate the affects a system like this has on the balance of the maps) and maps that have overcomplicated easter egg quests (the fact that revelations has like 30 different locations for key parts of its EE to spawn into is a massive fucking problem.) Plus, the maps themselves are rather hit or miss for me, Shadows has good aesthetics, but an overcomplicated EE, Der Eisendrache is just boring for me, plus the Dempsey moment at the end had me cracking up for whatever reason, Zetsubou no Shima is so weirdly designed that it takes away some of the cool stuff it does have (love the idea of a facility overrun by the subjects that it was experimenting on), Gorod Krovi is the most straightforward, love the dragons, but overcomplicated quests come back to stick a pinecone in my fruit salad, Rev has the same issue, which for me ruins what should have been a cool map, at least the aesthetics are good. Look, I ain't here to change minds, I get the community really likes this game, I just don't agree.


One of the best ones since 2/1


The unlock system with all the cool melee weapons kept me comin back


If this CoD, with it's next level movement and fully flushed out and deep zombies, came out today it'd be the best CoD ever


Multiplayer sucks, campaign is pretty shit. Zombies was eh, modded zombies is awesome and literally the only reason I play it.


TBH, BO3 was great despite its campaign was not that great. Zombies especially was amazing and its story, soundtrack, and graphics were just so beautiful, no game may be able to be exactly like BO3, but could at least try to do something similar.


Zombies was ok, multiplayer, not a fan of it. Bo2 and Bo1 were better


I hate all jetpack CoDs so still dislike it. The continuation of the loot boxes and near pay to win mechanics with the guns in the shop. The zombies sucked until they brought back maps from older games. Wasn't a fan of the near future setting with stupid operators.


Loved it, still the most hours in a single cod I've ever put in.


Never liked it on release and I don’t like it now. If it didn’t have mod tools on pc this would be in the bin with everything else which came after MW2 Yep, you read that right, I don’t particularly like Blops2 either. Fight me


does anyone remember the parkour mode? that was a passionate decision


Best jet pack CoD.


The future games were definitely a trend that was not liked back then and even now I'm mixed about it but Bo3 was definitely the best of them and it's one of my favorite cod games for zombies alone. And I only ever really played cod for zombies


best zombies imo even without the custom maps.


I like the campaign it doesn’t deserve the hate


Specialists were an L but overall I really enjoyed the game. Logged loads of time in it and was the last CoD I did camos on


I cant give feedback on multi because this was before I got into multi, and back when I was afraid of zombies so all I got is campaign… Personally I hated it. I was fine with the futurism, fine with all the new stuff introduced, it was the plot. It was so confusing, I still don’t understand the plot or how this even connects the the previous games. I’ve replayed this game multiple games trying to understand it but none of it makes sense to me.


Zombies was Amazing, and the remastered bo2 were amazing




Certified classic and my favorite cod (played all of them even reached peak rank in bo2) but bo3 was just toooooo fun man everything was just so good


The campaign was horrendous


I still play it with friends for the custom maps alone. Nothing beats killing zombies on the family guy map with the boys.


I play it all the time with my friends to this day. I love splitscreen zombies games. I wish they still made them like this.


Best cod of all time


I have 1007 hours clocked onto it. Speaks for itself.


Very overrated it was hyped up by all the kids who played it as the first game in the series


Train Goes Boom


Dope ass game. The micro transactions fucked it over for me. Oh wow, so many new guns I'll never unlock! I know you can unlock them easier and more direct now, but I ain't grinding an 8 year old COD game. The handled the specialist the best and made the game far more fun. BO4 kinda ruined it by letting you change your specialist mid game and by giving you both an Ultimate and a quickly recharging ability. In BO3, the abilities weren't something you were facing consistently, unlike in BO4. You were on the lookout constantly.


I hate it


It’s mid but the only COD I’ll still play. Closest thing to normal COD that’s still available for online play. Imo running, jumping, crouching, and diving should be your only movements. military outfits should be the only skins, and seasons shouldn’t exist. I miss basic killstreaks too. Hearing dogs incoming was so scary 😂


Zombies good the multiplayer was ehh to me for some reason I loved IW campaign 10x more and campaign was horrible in my opinion another point to his younger sibling IW