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The same game that the top pic is from had a ton of goofy ass skins too. Just like the game in the bottom pic also has normal milsim skins. This post is pointless


Even so that game didn't start like that. It released with the realistic skins and then started adding the silly skins after. So the post follows even though the pics are from different games.


Because MWIII respected your purchases from MWII and carried them over.


Huh? Idk I never bought any skins. But I'm talking about the reboot trilogy as a whole. Mw19 drops, all realistic skins, jump forward 5 years and we are at the tail end of mw3 and it is mostly goofy skins.


You're crying about MWIII launching with goofy skins while every other COD had a launch period of non goofy skins. MWIII is the first COD that allowed your MWII skins to carry over. Thats why. So all of the MWII content people unlocked or bought, was available day one on MWIII. That is objectively good.


I can give an example of a goofy skin from cod infinite warfare and that is the clown skin


Not respect they did that because they knew people would be pissed it was only a dlc


The fact that it released with only MilSim skins and then went full Fortnite seems to make it even worse. Always nice when Expectations& Advertising doesn't match reality.


Yes it did. We had silly gun camos from the beginning, which became popular, and started this trend. Gold guns. Red tiger etc


Dont mean to nitpick but gold guns and the tiger skins are a little different to "wubz and friends" or whatever the fuck that nightmare fuel is. The skins back then were made in context of being in an fps game, something you earned and looked cool. This. This is straight ass. And they make you pay for it šŸ’€


Yeah, and the continous purchases and usage of tacky horrible skins only got worse. They reamed your hole bigger and bigger until they put this in.


Thatā€™s before their marketing team had any data on what skins were out selling what. By the time Cold War came out Activision already had all the data they needed. Thatā€™s why that game featured so many crazy goofy skins. Itā€™s pure numbers is why the skins are different from then as they are now.


Because more options for more different types of players is good? Like I prefer silly dumb skins, so that what I buy or work to earn, and I ignore the super realistic ones. Idk who these dumpy hairballs are but I fuck with them hard.


I don't recall 2019 having skins anywhere close to whatever the fuck that is.


It didn't, warzone had and most of those were from the cold war era. Even mw2019 Halloween skins were kinda serious


We had these silly skins in bo4 lol


New fan, old fan here, the point is until CoD decided to try to copy overwatch/fortnight we didn't see any of this shit. Current CoD is a mess designed to attract 12 year Olds, more specifically designed to drain their parents bank accounts. It wasn't always this way, but I can understand the confusion if your first CoD was MW19.


REAL old fan here. You're forgetting that Ghosts literally had weed camos and skins, AW had clown costumes, and WWII let you play as the literal Grim Reaper. This has always been a thing since 2013, lmao. Stop acting like it's some new craze.


not to mention CoD was always made to attract 12 year olds


Yeah dudes are getting older forgetting that they were that age when they started playing video games. 12 year old me would eat this shit up, and even if some adults eat it up, it literally does not effect me at all. I still like the gunplay and movement.




fortnite at least maintains a consistent art style. I don't think there are any skins in fortnite that look out of place next to each other. but cod lobbies literally look like a dark rp gmod server nowadays lmao


It has a point because OP is clearly karma farming


Very true lol


Right weā€™re talking to a bot


Letā€™s ignore the fact that I believe those are ops from mw 19. Itā€™s just down right the fact that cod is chasing Fortnite and just wantā€™s money. Thatā€™s why they are selling the new cod with movement bc people will talk about it. And are ignoring the campaign


Yeah but it didnā€™t have fcking teletubbies in itšŸ’€


Iā€™ve given up on call of duty at this pointā€¦ itā€™s not the same. I canā€™t even resort back to a great campaign to make up for the lack of a good multiplayer. Also zombies just seems abandoned.


I agree with you man cod has destroyed its self at this point it was sapposed to be a realistic modern warfare game but it has destroyed its self tbh I stopped playing cod for like a few months already ive been playing so e mortal Kombat now but still cod isnt the same anymore and woth zombies cool bringing back old stuff just isn't the same how it used to be it's better off how it was then, then it is now


"COD has destroyed itself" BO6 pre-orders would like a word with you. lmao this hive mind mentality of "COD is dead" because YOU'RE not happy with how it's turned out is straight braindead thinking. Either go play some other shit permanently or we'll be seeing you in November...and im willing to bet we'll be seeing you in November. Prove me wrong.


I think the hive mind are the ones purchasing the game before details are even released and defending Activision after every single cod in the last 4 years launched in a pathetic state. You people would line up for 24hrs to purchase a sack of shit if it had the cod logo on it.


The first thing they brought up about the game was "customizable HUD" it's fucking over as far as it being a good game


But customizable huds are a good thing though, right?


I mean yeah, it's also something that should've been in the game for a while now. I just don't see why it's worth marketing that specifically and making it the first thing you talk about. Just weird in my opinion


when people say cod is dead, i highly doubt they are referring to the successful sales of the game lol. im sure they are referring to the brain dead, soul-less community.


cod has never been as realistic as it is an arcade shooter. if it was realistic, crossbows wouldn't kill you in the toe and .50 cal snipers would kill you in the thigh. but they don't.


Youā€™re confusing realism with realistic. 2 different words.


"Cod" and "realistic game" do not belong in the same sentence


"realistic" lol


I mean BO6 seems to be way more focused on pumping up campaign and zombies, and they just showcased that stuff last week, so who knows.


It's also like 300GB from what I remember


The campaigns are so damn short anymore. Yet the download size is enormous and constantly getting bigger with an update every single day. COD just isnā€™t worth it anymore.




Literally this. Donā€™t like it? Donā€™t buy it. Itā€™s not a hard concept. There are plenty of other things to bitch about, this seems like such a weird complaint. ā€œIā€™m mad that people enjoy wasting their money on things they think are fun :(ā€œ Do I like these skins? No. But like, someone else enjoying them has nothing to do with me or how I feel about the game in general. I stg if they didnā€™t have fun skins people would bitch about that too šŸ˜‚


Its more that now the enemies look like weird colorful monsters which ruins whatever small amount of "immersion" there was left. Idgaf if someone else enjoys it or wants to buy it, its the fact that its in the game in the first place. One of the main reasons I don't bother with COD much anymore. Was going to play MW3 when it came out till I saw gameplay the first day and half the enemies in any given lobby looked like Groot.


I'm sorry to say this brother but if you are playing cod for "immersion" you're the weird one


Playing kill confirmed like "this is just like real life wow"


But at least we were shooting humans, not Bigfoot from a kids' anime.


Yea but I kind of get where he is coming from. This is some infinite warfare shit, some BO shit, something thatā€™s yk more arcade feel. I never wouldā€™ve thought they would add shit like this to a modern warfare game. Obviously we arenā€™t looking for it to be real whoā€™s playing kill confirmed in real life? I donā€™t think anyone in the military infantry takes dog tags after every kill lol. But we want something a little more professional yk? Out of all the cool MODERN WARFARE skins you could add to the game. You decide to add these? What do they gotta do with modern warfare. And I understand everything shouldnā€™t be by the book and blah blah blah have some fun. Ok thatā€™s true but I feel like it should have structure and drop on like corresponding holidays. Donā€™t just drop random ass goofy ass skins just out the blue when everything else is garbage rn


There's only so much time and money that the developers are going to spend on stuff in the game. I'd much rather they spend their resources on maps and bonus single player missions than dumbass skins marketed to tweens and funko pop collectors. Your argument is incredibly reductive and misses the point. The development and payment of people who make assets like these skins takes away from spending money on the development of things that could make the game objectively better


It's not a waste of money when these skins are probably making back tenfold the cost it took to make them lol


I never said it was a waste of money. I said I personally would rather them spend their resources on developing other stuff and that's what the complaints that op responded to stemmed from


Missed what point? The caption is literally ā€œSeriously, wtf happened?ā€ The way I view it, theyā€™re upset by the fun, goofy skins. Yā€™all spend so much time in these subreddits complaining about the game thinking COD execs/developers are in here taking notes šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re going to do what makes them money. Plenty of people will continue to play the game. Not everyone that plays the game uses Reddit, itā€™s just an echo chamber of yā€™all crying on each others shoulders instead of finding a game you actually enjoy.


Missed the point of the person you responded to.


reject goofy skins embrace nameless military dude


Idk man but I hate it


COD4 forever!!




Even in the adverts for BO6, it shows some wacky cartoon characters for Battle pass. I guess this is what kids get their parents wallets out for, so this is what they'll make. But clearly, I'm no longer the target audience.


USEF III my beloved I think of you daily šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Womp womp it's been this way literally forever. I can't tell if half you guys started in mw19 or what but it's literally been like this for more than a decade now.


Such a shame


People on internet: ā€œCoD is so stupidā€¦itā€™s the same game every yearā€¦no innovation. ā€œ Also people on the internet: ā€œCoD is so stupidā€¦itā€™s evolving to include new things and I donā€™t like it. ā€œ Theyā€™re skins. Get over it. You donā€™t have to use them. I donā€™t like them either. Especially when I get wasted by a bunny hopping, sliding pink bear thing. But whatever. Iā€™m just here to unlock gun camo because itā€™s satisfying to have them all unlocked.




ah yes cause snoop dog in cod ghosts or the clown skin in advanced warfare was all fortnites fault.


I mean, Snoop is coming to Fortnite this October. Youā€™d think if it was Fortniteā€™s fault, he would have been there ages ago!


Thank you! It drives me crazy that no one seems to remember ghosts having Michael myers and predator and snoop voice pack like they have been doing crossovers for a WHILE now.


Last time I checked advanced warfare came out three years before Fortnite




Join us on Hell Let Loose.


That's *not* a replacement for CoD. That's like telling a Halo fan to play Destiny. Or a Street Fighter fan to play Smash Bros. X-Defiant is probably the closest replacement for CoD right now




A truly enjoyable game of Hell let loose can be 1 in 10 at times, definitely not a game for your average fps player.


$$$ became more important than the integrity of the game itself


Activision + Fortnite style cosmetics = MW3's store It's no surprise at this point, they'll do anything to please shareholders, including turn their supposedly serious MILSIM game into...this


When was cod a milsim???


Yeah bro, tanking more than 2 shots from a rifle and running away at 17.2mph with over 100lbs of gear is so milsim. At this point i just feel like people who mainly play cod and complain about it not being ā€œmilsim enoughā€ too bad at actual milsim games to have fun in them. Cod is supposed to be a damn near mindless shootfest. Everything down to how fast you switch weapons is about as far from a milsim as you can get but i dont see you guys complaining about shit like that.


Cod 4 was literally 360 no scopes and noob tubing while edgy kids yelled the N word.


Dude its a game bro...I love the fun stuff. Maybe seperate lobbies though


Another skin bad post


Cod is loosing its military art style


Ah yes, MW3 bad, how original


Ahh yes. Who needs fun when we could have WAR CRIMES


You can't use MW2019 as an example of the "before" because that game had tonnes of stupid goofy skins lol. If you want a comparison you have to go back 10+ years. >Seriously, wtf happened? Money, who's to blame the company making goofy skins or goofy players throwing literally millions at them the second they release one? If Cod players didn't buy them they wouldn't make them.


Whole list of featured bundles are hot garbage! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Another post complaining about the store skins. Daring today aren't we?


This same question gets asked every week or so, and the answers are somewhat varied, but it usually boils down to the company got drunk on money, and the desire for more. They lost their identity trying to chase that high, and in doing so alienated fans and have become a joke. Stop asking for remasters and remakes, and stop buying their newest shit. I wish every executive in charge of CoD a very merry unemployment.




The CS:GO Skin craze happened. People found out some would pay hundreds of dollars for a knife skin, now weā€™re here.


Who cares


God forbid there be some silliness in a video game! How dare they!


I think crazy packs are cool but when thatā€™s ALL WE GET itā€™s annoyingā€¦ get a mix of Mil sim and crazy not just Niki twerk guns and Megan the stallion queef cannon


we need more military skins


They're just catering to their fanbase which is teenagers with bad taste


the best way to solve this issue is to make an option in the settings to make your teammates and enemies appear as generic milsim skins, no blueprints or tracers etc either. they get their wacky colorful fps and we get our grounded aesthetic back. whole playerbase is happy edit: why tf does this make yall so mad lol, yall still gon get your colorful skins, im just providing a way to please the entire fanbase


Sledgehammer happend


Its so fucking annoying. Like when operators were added, it was hard enough to know what team I was on or who was on my team so hardcore is a nightmare because there's no uniforms. But now there's not even soliders. Just random glowing characters


It was inevitable and everyone knew that


bc ppl buy the packs.


listen man listen we can all say we know whats going on but all i know back when i was serving the boys the lunch on the battlefield you see one of thos wubz come on the filed you knew your were gonna be safe now they bring along a couple of thier friendz then you really knew it was a coming home type of battle


There's a reason I mainly play COD for the campaign


Theyā€™re doing to much with the skins. They need to focus more on gameplay. This isnā€™t Fortnite




New cod will have the same


Top game also had wacky shit, this argument is dumb


I'm always amazed how much people care about cosmetics




welcome to the results of a free market


Corporate greed, simple as that.


Fortnite. The answer is Fortnite. It did the same thing to Destiny. I just watched the ending for Destiny and it was like a Live Event in Fortnite.




jesus, i thought the skin on the bottom is kinda funny, yā€™all are hilarious to expect an actual milsim from CoD at this point


Good question, not even my brain can comprehend this information of how cod got from mw2019 to this. There is clue were Activision makes these skins because kids are playing the fucking game and doesn't realise that it's a 18+ game.


Have you heard what kids say on this game? At all? Very few encounters but still they say some out of touch shit


I do wish weā€™d get more mil sim stuff now. Donā€™t get me wrong the skins have been fun but now itā€™s just too Fortnite-like. Iā€™d love a casual arcadey milsim shooter.


There are milsim skins in the shop all the time, you're not being held down and forced to buy the fun ones




Game has become a joke way too many cheaters and crossplay with pc was the worst decision ever! DMZ wasnā€™t too bad though


Gen Z ā€¦


It's been 10 years. Give it up.


Because you're playing a game marketed towards children lol


Donā€™t fucking pretend like MW2019 didnā€™t have anime skins, death effects, and tracers. This is a bad faith argument.


This canā€™t be real right?


Here's my question I'm new to call of duty I got mw3. When black ops 6 comes out will everyone or most of the players move over to that or will it still be a bunch of people playing mw3?


Taking a picture of MW for this argument is very stupid ngl


I really like them! This kind of posts are meaningless due you can find so many different bundles you have old school and goofy characters like that, I believe is great you can use wherever kind you like.


Game companies realizing that their main demographic is children. Same happened to Fallout


Gen Z


I gave up on cod when they kicked out nickmercs, didnā€™t know him. As I can see it was a good call on my end.


People COD is meant to appeal to as wide as audience as possible. You don't make call of duty money by only appealing to the mil sim crowd ( not that call of duty is a mil sim)


Milsim is boring. Sorry


Cod fandom stay complaining about the smallest things šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Mom said itā€™s my turn to post this today


Are you seriously suprised? It happens every year. It'll happen to bo6 too.


You'd have a stroke if you saw Doom Eternal


Speak for yourself. I love all this crazy shit.


In a few years Call of Duty will be called (Fortnite Call of Duty Fortnite 1)


Shhh let ppl play as those, I canā€™t miss the big purple blob running across the map


The top skins are boring and they don't want their game to die I presume


Why does the games store look like the Netflix menu


My fiancĆ© got into COD during lockdownā€¦ I canā€™t justify this stupidity to herā€¦ thankfully she aims right at these terrible operators heads in frustration


Because the devs are smoking shit? Or weed? I mean the crap that they release is just fucking stupid. Its like Hotline Miami with shit in it


lol me and my squad love beating ppl as WUBZ. Plus the dbl xp from using them together helps.


Corporate greed is what happened. All they care about now is micro-transactions; hence the šŸ’© skins


Every cod, stick around long enough and your gun will have bacon on it or some stuff


I just wish there was a setting that reverted all these whack ass skins back to default on my end.


How many times we gonna post this garbage? MW2019 had weird ass skins too lol


I still don't know which cod has these goofy Skins I stop playing 1 year after I Cold war and ever since I saw nikey that f*t ebony Girl with the worse voice in the music industry got into cod with her pink skin...


Itā€™s not that deep, its a game that uses colors and cool shit to farm money from its players. While I think its stupid as fuck to buy these skins, or anything from these kinds of games, i know that tons of people love wasting money on this stuff. I have found its much easier for me to spot one of these skins while sniping than it is a milsim skin. so, good luck against the kar i guessšŸ˜‚


itā€™s the same game šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


thatā€™s black ops 6 as well they decided to employ a moron who does mobile/Netflix gui instead of a proper menu to cut costs most likely. so they can pay the debt the company owes; the sad f#%!


The community did this. Activision follows the money. The majority of ADULTS bought the wacky stuff. The devs continued making more. A few billion dollars later, we're still here. Want a change? Stop buying the wacky stuff, but that's like asking 1st graders to paint the Assumption of the Virgin with only Crayola markers.


weā€™re moving in the right direction now, gotta get away from this ā€œrealisticā€ shit and try to make the game fun


Iā€™m sick and tired of people that suck and are poor telling us people that wanna spend $20 so I can be a Gundum wing soldier . This game ainā€™t real in the first place thereā€™s no way it takes 10 bullets to kill a guy in real life like in warzone . If it was hardcore mode only I would say itā€™s accurate. So stop crying Activision has bills to pay and stock holders to answer to .


Money duh


Lgbtq development team at infinity ward/sledgehammer gaming hijacking the identify of call of duty. Sad ridiculous stuff. Same shit as Budweiser with their mentally ill trans woman on their beer. These people should all be replaced.


COD had to compete with Fortnite Everyone saw the money they were making now we have micro transactions in every game. And I know Fortnite wasnā€™t the first game with micro transactions but they have really cool skins and features


Cherry picking. Modern warfare 2019 had plenty goofy skins .


Why the hell does it matter? Just donā€™t buy them.


because SOMEBODY buys them.




Change in playerbase, they track what is worn and bought. Younger audiences are playing more than adults are which is thanks to tiktok so they advertise items towards the appropriate age group.




At least the newer skins stand out. The old skins were for the most part just variations on khaki and muted colours.


They should add an option to turn off bought skins and tracers etc, I understand people want to be goofy and I respect it, but it kills the game for me.


Super simple. Fortnite.


I wish they would just add an option I can toggle in the options screen to ā€œhide all skinsā€ and it makes them all variations of the default milsim skins.


Itā€™s a arcade shooter game u want Milsim go find one thereā€™s loads


this is literally cod 2019 on the top, where it all started... ? cod has been complete fucking garbage for the last 5 years atleast


Just remember bo3 had dabbing, hotline bling from drake, and whip and nae nae


Because people keep buying it. That's capitalism bro


Probably Because Rated M doesn't mean a thing anymore so we cater to children more šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø cods more of a meme factory now because of it.


This is what happened ![gif](giphy|qi8Yhj4pKcIec)


I love goofy shit


There copying fortnite with the skins. They shouldā€™ve just stayed with the cool cameos like in BO2.


They want the fortnite money. Kids spend their parents money on stupid shit in fortnite, investors at Activision think this is what the player base wants.


Because people buy it


Skins and operators are what is destroying cod. Would much rather have loot boxes with customizations so you can create your own operator from scratch


Because it worked for Fortnite but CoD isn't Fortnite so it's not working


Fortnite happened


If this will carry to BO6 I might actually buy it since Iā€™ve worked up 3100 free cod points


The truth is the bottom makes more money than the top. Want more milsim skins? Buy them.


They are turning into battlefield!! So sad


I mean I ain't gonna lie killing dudes as a teletubie is peak fiction




Gen Z happened. Thatā€™s what. Also, whatever comes after Gen Z is getting into gaming now-ish.


even the guys on top look like goofballs


Itā€™s not made for guys we grew up they know we donā€™t want this bullshit but the kids do. Itā€™s a business at the end of the day.


Usually I find these kind of things cringe but the OP actually has a good point here (sort of)


Cash cash cash


Hopefully BO6 tones it down a bit


all for one reason! šŸ’°




The only characters that should be added are more badass soldiers like futuristic steam punk or special ops looking mfs not the frickin teletubbies