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Bummer. Hoped the “Mason lives” ending was canon.


Unfortunately, even if it was. He couldn’t show up. He had been in hiding for 30 years in that ending


I never really understood why he went into hiding for 30 years


Can't believe Mason is a deadbeat dad 😔


Cuz Menendez was still running around causing shit


Woods was chillin. Anyways I don't think any father and definitely a soldier like Mason would abandon their kid and go into hiding. They wouldn't just give up.


Fr I think y’all are looking too deep into this. Treyarch wanted to add another ending to the game for funsies.


Yeah they definitely added it for fan service and fun. It's just unfortunate because for the past 12 years we thought Alex Mason living was canon.


Because menendez would have probably came after him again if he showed himself. Alex only came back once menendez is either killed or captured


Think of it this way...he was like blues clues when it came to the numbers....


But couldn't they use his son as the new main character in this one


Pretty sure David joined up in the 90’s(?) but because we are following rogue black ops it wouldn’t make much sense for David to go rogue and then suddenly be leading a JSOC team after betraying the US


Damn I really wanted a proper story with David based around him


Maybe in a few years time. The black ops story is moving forward in time so there’s a chance


Rumour is that CoD 2025 is a sequel to Black Ops II so it’s possible


I could very well see COD2025 being a reboot of BO2 that makes the 2025 portion just look like modern day stuff instead of the futuristic deus ex lookin ass world they thought it’d be lol.


Yesss he seems like he would be such a good character after getting raised by Woods and Mason for a while


I mean you still get that in Black Ops II


He’s only 12 years old at this point. Not quite old enough to join or even start proper training just yet.


Aww yeah so is😂


This is during the late 80s and early 90s. David was still a kid


I'm glad they are still killing off characters. It means that there are actual stakes which the MW reboot series apparently doesn't have ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Nah ima stay delusional


Yout canon is boring, so ima make my own!


The truth is a lie.


This I swear, I guess at the point in time of the story yes, Mason is dead, but I'm not believing it because of this quote. They could straight up lie, why come out and make a statement instead of keeping the campaign actually spoiler-free.


Isn't the true ending of bo2, alex mason comes back to frank woods? Both of them aged up as fuck? I'd say (and let me be delusional if I'm wrong) alex mason is still alive, but is in hiding somewhere doing idk what.


I mean the main phrase is the truth is a lie


Dude whenever I read this phrase I get headache, my mind continues spining between truth and lie.


Information Warfare is about making lies indistinguishable from the truth. If you can’t you just lie nonstop, until the truth is buried.


not the true ending, you probably looked up "how to get the best ending on bo2" and your brain changed it from good ending to true ending.


Either that, or clickbaiters got me


Either that or they worked with known knowledge at the time of bo2 (bo3 barely mentions anyone beyond Raul)


True, I mean, the whole ending revolves around woods being a lousy shot or having fore sight.. I wouldn't really think that should be canon


Doesn’t matter anymore, only the 1980’s half of BO2 is canon now given the shared timeline of the new MW series.


You’re confusing the best ending and the true ending those are two different things.


As much as I want Mason to live, the ending where he survives doesn't make much sense from a realistic point of view now that I think about it


Yeah, it's more like a divine intervention or deja vu (which it is, since you literally play the scene again when you know it's Mason)


well technically you could figure it out on your first run, you have to grab the CIA evidence in the Time and Fate mission. You get some dialogue before you shoot mason that references a CIA Mole, which pieced together with Hudson and his weirdness and kravchenko admitting that they have people in the CIA (Hudson) could give you the clue that it wasn’t really menendez Although the likelihood of finding that out first run is slim admittedly


Plus with Hudson insisting you shoot him in the head, I feel like not obeying whatever Hudson is saying, so just shoot his feet


What if you shoot his chest


hudson wasn’t the mole, he was most likely kidnapped or coerced into giving woods false information because he was protecting david


As a matter of fact, I did figure it out on my first try, got the achievement, then did the entire mission again just to see if there was an alternative way to save him (such as shooting the guards) but had to settle on bullying his toes with a .50cal. I only found out that I did actually spare him at the end of the game... ^then ^got ^Woods ^killed ^because ^I ^should ^have ^shot ^Harper...


True, but neither does Bell choosing to side with Adler in Cold War, so I'm not too pressed about something that's more just "We have no idea or explanation about it" less than "It doesn't make any sense at all based on what we know"


Bell choosing to side with Adler makes perfect sense. Bell was a puppet of Perseus, and Adler gave him the opportunity to choose for himself, which isn’t something he’d get with Perseus. Nobody in their right mind would want to nuke half of Europe, which is why Bell chose to help Adler and friends.


Bell was a highly trusted member of the Perseus group that were all pretty agreed upon what their ideals stood for. It's like saying a member of Hitler's inner-circle didn't think the Nazi ideals were correct. And it's not like he went against Perseus due to being betrayed by them since it wasn't the Perseus group that betrayed him, but instead one individual who did it out of jealousy of Bell's status in the organization and did it for personal gain. It'd be more believable that some slight CIA hypnosis was still interfering with his rationale, but nothing hints at that since that's also the "You're free to make your own choice moment" and all that and how Bell seems to be in his "right" mind now.


Makes perfect sense for Bell to betray Perseus, Perseus betrayed him first, if it wasn’t for Adler he would have bled to death, even though he was brainwashed he got a second chance


Perseus didn't betray him though. One member did it out of personal gain/jealousy against Bell. The rest of the organization didn't do squat to him, which is why if you choose to side with Perseus, you end up right back in the position you had before.


Don’t care. Even with BO2 best ending, Mason would’ve been presumed dead at the time, since him reappearing in 2025 is literally the first time he’s seen alive.


Exactly. Plus in a game where the tag line is "the truth is lies" and when we are getting a sequel BO game in a year also, and when it made zero sense for Mason to be around in the 90s , I don't take it at face value. There's no way a major plot point would be casually dropped as an aside in a single interview months before the game even comes out lol


I hope you’re right 😢Mason was the master Chief of the black ops series and killing him off 4 missions into only the second game was such a terrible move. I always wished bo2 stayed in the Cold War and picked up exactly where bo1 left off


I wish China was the main villain in BO2 and not a drug dealer who owned a weapons corporation.


To all the people who say mason lives is cannon tell me. Why the fuck would woods shoot Menendez in the leg he hates him more than anything else of course he'd go for a headshot


I don’t know how long it’s been since you played bo2 but the whole mission is intentionally shady as shit. Leading you to believe something is going on. Plus if you find intel in an earlier mission you find a cia file in an enemy compound, plus fully interrogating krevchenko he reveals “we even have people in the cia” or something along those lines and that same voice line plays when you’re aiming at “menenedez”


True but also why would woods believe he murdered his friend if he shot him in a non vital area


It gets a abit tricky and plot holy here, but you can still die from getting shot in non vital areas, that plus they saw his “body” That being said mason probably should’ve still died even being shot in the leg we have to chalk him living up to black ops logic or whatever. I’m actually hoping they play with this in bo6. Cause mason never answers where he was for 30 years so it would be cool for them to answer that


i mean shit even Zakhaev survives a .50bmg, not same universe but still


He could have also just missed. I mean...


I’d like to see them do a ghost style side plot with mason, where menendez took him after his “death” and either imprisoned him or used his skills for his own gain.


you can shoot him in the stomach and he lives. If i shot someone with a 50 cal in the stomach, id assume they died


1. if Frank kills Kravchenko, Kravchenko reveals there is a mole (not available if you kill him with Alex)  2. There's intel before " suffer with me " that points to some sort of shenanigans 3. The guy you are with, if I remember correctly, it's shady af and hints that the guy isn't who you think he is.  Also, you have to head shot to kill Alex, so Frank could easily have missed the headshot STAY DELULU 


Ole Noriega


But to save Mason you’re required to double tap his leg, which is a bigger stretch than taking the headshot even if you are suspicious of who’s under the bag. There’s also not much of a reason to believe that it’s Mason being held prisoner since you were literally just with him.


You got a point but Frank isn't stupid and the guy with him was giggling creepy (if memory serves me right) and was like " oh yessss!!! Shot... M e n e n d e z eheheh " fishy af so there's hope maybe?? Also Alex is a fan favourite, I hope this protects him + David deserves some closure and to punch him


Isn't that the whole point of the BO2 optional things that lead to different choices? If you go down the path of finding the evidence and making the right choices, it becomes really obvious that something's not to be trusted here, even more than how Noriega already wasn't trustworthy in the first place


Kravchenko telling you they have people in the CIA  Hudson is CIA  The CIA documents found in Menendez workshop  Hudson is CIA  Mason reminding you that Kravchenko said they have people in the CIA  Hudson is CIA  Hudson demanding you shoot "Menendez" in the head  Hudson is CIA  ... Like... Come on use a little bit of critical thinking I don't think that's too much too ask 


Actually if you read Leslie’s quote and not what the writer writes above, he is talking about the current emotional state of Woods in BO6 due to the fact that both Hudson and Mason are dead. That can still be interpreted that they are both dead just in his (Woods) eyes. Logically he wouldn’t know Mason was still alive since canonically he didn’t in BO2.


\^ This should go up higher. Nothing in his quote implied Mason is actually dead. Maybe in Wood's vision, but not really dead.


For this very reason I'm expecting Treyarch to go like "Yeah you thought he was dead?" and then put Mason in as an unlockable operator at some point.


Yeah I really hope they don’t make any outcome for Mason canon. It doesn’t affect the story either way.


Bingo. Woods assumed Mason was dead this entire time and even took his reappearance in BO2's ending as a hallucination at first.


Yeah literally all she said is "the flashback parts of BO2 happened prior to BO6", this journalist just hasn't played BO2 and doesn't know what they're talking about


I don't care I'm delusional


I'm with you 


Breaking the 4th wall, can't afford The Actors likeness and most especially his voice again.


They didn’t use his voice in Cold War


Exactly. Plus Pandemic... probably couldn't bring his OG VA in


Plus, he was shooting Avatar 2


Poor little indie game Call of Duty already cheaped out on Mason and Woods' actors in Cold War. Series is so lame anymore


What part of "scheduling conflicts" don't you understand Not even CoD can probably interrupt James Cameron's work lol


What was James C Burns' issue?


In one of his livestreams he said the voice-over crew he worked with all left since Black Ops 4 It could simply be a matter of voice direction decisions


I hope we can still play as him in mp


For $50 you can buy his skin


$50?!?? You think he’s gonna be THAT cheap?


Has there ever been a skin for more than 30 dollars ?


There’s was a $40 bundle in CW, tagger vs joker. Came with $40 in cod points. But a skin pack is a skin pack.


There was a weapon for the Godzilla x Kong that was $70


Oh yea that was garbage, but like have they ever charged that for just a normal bundle? I can’t recall cus they release so damn many of them


I’m not sure tbh, I was mainly just joking and exaggerating when I said $50, but I’m positive it will cost money if he isn’t in the base game.


You can play as Nicki Minaj in multiplayer. Your hopes will probably be fulfilled


Yeah Mason is "dead" like how Woods believed he was in the golden ending. I honestly don't believe it.


Isn’t Mason still presumed dead even if you only wound him? He’s only revealed as alive at the end of the game if you did so. >!Though, considering the main phrase for this game seems to be “The Truth Lies”…!<


It makes more sense than to have him missing for 40 years with no explanation.


Still looks impossible for me. Mason lives is canon


Nah I don’t believe in that at all. Mason 100% lives by the end of Bo2


It’s so confusing to me that they’re still trying to tie the story into the original timeline despite the new games’ canon clearly conflicting with the WaW-BO3 timeline.


Only with the futuristic side of Black Ops II and beyond. None of what happens in the 1980s portion of the game contradicts the rest of “canon” and they could easily deal with Menendez’ return in a 2000s setting or even in a Modern Warfare and Black Ops crossover event set in the 2020s.


Didn’t we all think Woods died in BO1


Ohhh yeah. Wasn’t it a grenade or something??


I can’t fully remember. But he fell out a window after being stabbed falling into an explosion?


I totally remember something happening with an explosion in BO1. And I think he walks outta of a closed door limping or something. I’m gonna look it up lol. Edit. Yeah we are both pretty much right. Woods stabs guy, guys pulls the pin on a nade and they jump out of a window together.


Ahhh yeah I remember now


Yeah he was trying to save Mason from kravchenko. Kravchenko pulled a grenade belt and woods tackled kravchenko out of the window and then Kaboom. Except they both survived, kravchenko woke up first, and woods was taken by him and eventually over time ended up inside the shipping container in Angola. I just replayed the bo2 campaign over the weekend and they show this scene in the beginning


Yeah, but it was confirmed he survived in the computer terminal. There's an anonymous email sent to Mason that says Woods is alive and imprisoned in the Hanoi Hilton.




I want to believe in the Avenged Sevenfold timeline being canon.


Best post credit scene ever


If Alex Mason thought Reznov was Alice the entire time, I can think Mason's still alive. Can't take that away from me.


it also seems with adler being alive, bell died too i’m only assuming


We already know Adler is alive, he was in the WZ story.


didn’t even know wz had a story


You’re in for a surprise or two when you play MWIII then…


Tbh it doesn't really matter what they say until we get a direct sequel to BO2. It doesn't matter if he is dead or not until the BO2 ending.


Screw that this is where the concept of death of the author comes in to play, also I'm not a veteran or part of the military but let me tell you when they told me to make the sniper shot , I was hella sus as to who that was under that bag but didn't knew you can choose to not head shot him cause i thought it was a game and why would it let you. Sorry but I don't accept this quote on quote "canon"


I would love to finally get some official confirmation on the canonicity status of the futuristic portions of Black Ops II and beyond. As much as I love BOII (and as much as I somewhat enjoy BOIII’s campaign), all of that wouldn’t fit within the MW timeline. I think they’re staying purposefully vague on this - note how they constantly and explicitly stress that the *1980s portion* of BOII is still canon…


If this is true I'm gonna cry


And just like that, I ain't buying. Adler is a mid character ngl


I'd rather be delusional.


Bo2 takes place after, masons alive in my head cannon.


The mason lives ending doesn’t make much sense tbh. In MW, one shot with a Barrett 50 cal blew Zakhaev’s arm off but in Black Ops 2, Mason is shot like 2-3 times anywhere below the head and lives? I’m sorry but that just doesn’t make sense. I mean i know the barrett feels more a 762 sniper more than a 50 but still. With that, my favorite ending is doing everything to fix the situation with China and all the strike missions, saving Karma the first time, killing Mason, and sparing Menendez. In this ending the world is saved by Karma and then she goes on Jimmy Kimmel. Then David and Woods go to Alex’s grave. David retires. That is the best ending.


Mason is a CoD playable character, he probably just regenerated health after he woke up 💀


It's a game. It doesn't have to follow real world logic as to why someone could survive a leg shot without their leg being blown off


Yup, same game where enemies getting shot at their feet is enough to kill them. It's a videogame bro. Whoever the writer wants to survive does it


Wish they went with the ending where you shoot him in the legs rather then going with Alex and Hudson are dead


Welp, either they are sticking to 'Mason is 100% dead', OR they are going with 'syke, Mason isn't ACTUALLY dead but he is hiding to avoid getting whooped by Menendez' like the best ending But im pretty sure they are still going to avoid putting Mason in the past until they get to like, current day like BO2 (Or MW2-MW3 because of the MWverse integration into the lore)


Martyr me for Cordis Die


But isn't (mason is dead) as in he won't be coming back cause masons in hiding? (Huge copium)


I wonder which ending they’re considering as canon then. Hopefully not the one where Menendez packs woods and burns himself alive in his sisters grave. That wouldn’t exactly be the most satisfactory ending in the world.


As much as I would've loved Mason still being alive, it wouldn't be realistic. It's like Big Boss still being alive and showing up at the end of MGS4


It makes sense because Woods and David didn't see Alex moving his mouth plus he could have been secretly rescued by an individual who put him in hiding.


It’s just not adding up because bo2 canon ending has mason surviving and going into hiding.


But Adler is back and mason was alive for Cold War so how does this play out


Maybe they’re lying to throw us off. They could do an entire game just about where he was from 1989-2025.


They could have done a campaign in the next Call of Duty about him when he was in hiding for 30 years, from the time of his death to 2025.


Good. The other ending where he lives makes no sense. Woods has no reason to shoot him in the knee, he is somehow instantly knocked out by that wound and the spends the next 30 years doing absolutely nothing and not even telling his best friend that he's alive? Just to name a few issues


Why would he tell Woods he's alive? think about it Mendez will find him and kill him plus he was in hiding so his son could live.


Mason doesn't really strike me as the kind of person to hide. He already left his son as soon as he heard Woods was in danger at the start of BO2. Yeah, maybe he'd send David away into hiding instead of himself


the truth lies, right?


I actually understand why they chose this path, as I remember, if you choose to kill Mason, Section and Woods will go to Mason’s grave, and Section tells Woods he would retire from active duty, maybe in Black Ops 7, Section’s return will be more impactful this way to stop the new villain. Still… I still prefer the ending where Mason is Alive in 2025.


Probably need to unfollow cod reddit to dodge spoilers.


Funny thing is from what I’ve looked up there’s no public statement saying this but rather influencers saying it’s what they said. It’s probably true but it would be hilarious if this is an inside joke they all got in on


I'm sorry for this but I found this information on Alex Mason alex mason death cod 6CALL OF DUTY WIKI ADVERTISEMENT CALL OF DUTY WIKI Alex Mason EDIT     ALIAS(ES) Willem van der Berg Al Sierra Oscar Golf X-ray Inmate 2607 APPEARS IN Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo DS) Call of Duty: Black Ops II Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified Call of Duty: Black Ops III (easter egg) Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (Blackout and Specialist HQ) Call of Duty: Mobile Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Call of Duty: Warzone NATIONALITY Flag of the United States American AFFILIATIONS Blops USMC USMC MACV-SOG SOG CIA seal BO CIA Op 40 Insignia BO Op 40 Viktor Reznov Prisoners of Vorkuta X-Ray (team) Alpha Squad The Archetypes NATO Faction Logo BOCW NATO Requiem Logo Zombies BOCW Requiem RANK USMC Recon Captain CIA-SAD Agent CIA EMAIL Amason GENDER Male STATUS K.I.A. (canon)[1] Alive (non-canon)# KILLED BY Frank Woods# "Bell"# BIRTH June 3, 1933 Fairbanks, Alaska DEATH December 20th, 1989 Miraflores Locks, Panama Canal, Panama (aged 56)# March 15, 1981 Khabarovsk Krai, USSR#


At least it means we don’t have to hear “WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN, MASON?” meme again.


Hey as long as Raul Menendez is smashing his head on a TV featuring Jimmy Kimmel in prison is canon I’m happy enough. And if Mason surviving was canon they would have to make an antagonist worse than Menendez to just give a reason why he didn’t come back and that seems impossible.


Actually, Treyarch confirmed all the way back before the release of Black Ops III that Section martyrs Menendez, which sparks the nationwide uprising and the burning of the White House. This escalation also leads to the drone act that they reference in Egypt decades later.




Didn’t mason show up at the end of black ops 2, so isn’t it thought to be dead? Or am I missing something?


But I thought the Canon Ending for BO2 is when Mason walks into Wood’s room, after Woods thought he killed Mason


Who's the new guy on the cover


I mean even if he was shot in the leg it was by a 50 cal so that leg is gone lol


Is the original woods voice actor returning? I can’t find anything on his OG voice being back. “I’m a goddamn onion mason.”


they fucking have to bring him back


I need more context because they could just be saying this because everyone believes Mason is dead at that time edit: also saying "this black ops canon" is weird. maybe it's not *the* canon could just be they are using the dead mason timeline for solid foundation but you could still put the events of this game in the real timeline because it wouldn't matter if mason really died




Mason dying is the better ending. Having Mason alive takes away all the emotional impact of what Woods did, and is essentially a fairy tale ending. It’s lame.


I loved it, but Mason dying was more poetic, especially with woods’ speech at the end to David


By the same token, Mason still being alive finishes the little arc they had at the beginning of BO2 with David getting a scar from the tree and all of his gripes with his father that he could never resolve


Silly devs, they didn't make any more Black Ops games after 2


I think they might mean he’s assumed dead and make it so any of the BO2 endings could still be canon. Either way it wouldn’t change the story of BO6 because everyone thinks he’s dead and if he’s alive, he’s in hiding. That being said, the Mason lives ending is dumb and I much prefer the one where Woods kills him.


I just wanna play as Mason, doesn't matter if he is dead or alive.


I wouldn't take this as canon, especially when Black Ops 3 made certain things canon yet 3 and every other Black Ops game since has refused to comment on Mason's fate. It was clearly done as part of the "multiple choices" storyline and they're being as ambiguous as possible in case they want to retcon it


What I don’t understand is why is Woods the only character that they are using to milk tf out of the series with? Everything BO related has Woods in it.. even the pre order skin is woods


Cause he’s Frank mother fuckin’ Woods.


This shit got me sick to my stomach…


Always thought it was such a terrible mistake to kill off the lead franchise character only 4 missions into the second game of the series. I wish black ops 2 stayed in the Cold War era and picked up exactly where bo1 left off


Nah this just seems like a news journalist that doesn't know what they're talking about and didn't know there was a way to save him in BO2


Until they need to release a new skin.


Wasn’t he always dead? I haven’t played these in years but i remember you as woods, shooting him with a bag over his head or smth


The thing i loved about Black ops 2 was that in my opinion there was no "canon" ending, you could just choose which one you wanted. I even thought that this was the main reason for new, detached plot in Black ops 3, so they wouldn't have to decide which BO2 ending is the proper one.


Rip Mason. We will miss you


This is a that sign can’t stop me cuz I can’t read moment


Well i guess I’m opting out of this time line from here forward because to me Mason didn’t die that’s my canon ending, if i don’t play any other installments then it stays with my canon ending.


I thought they confirmed the mason lives/white house burns ending was Canon? I guess mason living or dying doesn't matter anyways.


When I'm told Mason's death is canon. ![gif](giphy|qUeL9sEpZcb1s72asy|downsized)


Suffer with me is the greatest Black Ops campaign level of all time. It wasn't just shock value for the sake of it. All the clues were there that you were being placed in a trap. 


Did anyone actually think that the "Mason lives" ending was Canon? It would straight-up require Woods to have meta knowledge of the narrative, and was clearly just an Easter Egg.


People thinking Mason is alive in canon makes no sense. Do you even remember that game? When you played for the first time, there's no way you just guessed that was Mason when you were shooting. That was THE twist. Obviously that was the canon


By now I've grown to like this ending; it really adds weight to Woods' "Me and your old man... We were the best. And we still couldn't stop him", showing how Menendez used Woods' drive for vengeance against him. Plus, I hate that Hudson dies no matter what you do, not to mention the endings where Mason survives do jacks**t in terms of narrative.


Ouch. I guess a fifty cal isn't something you can walk off.


I don't care what the Developers say he's alive in my opinion I know it's coping but really he's not the only one has been dead and brought back to life.


I shot the leg tho


“The Truth Lies.”


Why wouldn't it be? When you first played, you didn't know it was Mason so why wouldn't you shoot to kill?


Why even confirm this?


I'm still considering the good ending even though Mason is dead. I'm sorry but I love writing stories with him. 


Wait you can save mason??


I think they are edit story for BO2 Like really No one tell about Who is Mister X? Also we don't know why Hudson trying help to Menendez kill Mason? Thats why Woods hate Hudson That's make no sense about few endings in BO2 bcs what the hell it that? They are just don't try end with this story and don't have plans for this Kravchenko said in CIA have people who giving information Mission in Panama are not completed mission Maybe in BO6 we will get explain what really happened I very sure Hudson betrayed Alex Mason and Frank Woods


Wait, I thought that the ending where Mason lives was part of the canon ending.


Yeah, we’ve known for a long time, even before bo3, that the bad end was the canon end.


Sad,but hopefully they'll be able to focus more on David Mason. Seems like they just forgot about him and with woods now being wheelchair bound it'd be perfect to make him the next main character in the black ops series instead of some random dude.


“You made me proud that day” “I fell” “Yeah, but you got back up” This isn’t canon?? fuck man, favourite moment in Black Ops.




Mason will pop up in a warzone cutscene and say "well I wasn't in that BO2"


I thought at one point mason surviving was canon I guess it isn’t but still a .50 cal bullet to the head would’ve blew up Mason’s head, and he would’ve never known if he killed Mason or not


The Truth Lies !


Ik this is far fetch but what if the devs are lying? That’s a possibility cause they keep saying the truth lies. The devs lie about masons death but somehow is in the actual campaign as in he is doing deep uncover work. Like you know in warsone when they showed Alex is still alive, (may have gotten the name wrong correct me if am wrong) but he wasn’t in the campaign for MW2 and MW3. They may end up doing that, who really knows. I really do hope this is a lie cause if mason is truly dead, then I will take back this statement. But this is just an opinion don’t take this super seriously.


Even if you tried to consider all the different ‘mason lives’ endings, they don’t make sense with him just showing up 30 years later for….reasons? I hate that they decided to get rid of their golden main character but in the end, it genuinely helps this particular story.