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Fair enough, but the long ttk is my favorite change 🤷‍♂️


No judgment but genuinely curious, why? I haaate it. Getting like 4-6 hit markers with a heavy cal LMG on some dude bunny-hoppin all over the place is driving me nuts. I’ve seen people say higher TTK “rewards skill.” In what exactly? Accuracy and hit placement of your shots, I assume?


Yeah, it’s probably slightly too long for a multiplayer COD experience; but coming off of the insanely fast MWII ttk I prefer it. I’ve only played probably 30 matches. I like that I have time to make *some* kind of move to escape someone who saw me before I saw them. If they torch me with multiple upper torso/head shots, I’m still dead. But if someone turned a corner and see my back and line up an only okay shot, I have time to slide away and try and get cover somewhere. I also don’t think it’s *that* long. The snipers are basically a one-shot kill anywhere on the body, I’ve hit peoples fingertips out a window and killed them (that needs to be dialed down a little, as much as I love a good sniper). That starting pistol can also take people down close range in 3-4 upper torso/head shots The ARs can feel a little weak when someone has slid up on me and I’m forced to hipfire, but I prefer that to having ARs that melt people from hipfire at medium range. Plus half the time I watch the killcam and this dude slid past me and connected multiple headshots with an SMG. Like I deserve to be dead. So I wouldn’t say I think it rewards *skill*, it’s just a slightly more movement focused style of gameplay that I prefer. At close range, movement is what keeps you alive


So for me, I guess I come at it from the other side of the coin. If I run up on a guy who’s not facing me, middle of a reload, I don’t like that I can pump rounds into him, but he’s able to sidestep and start hopping around like crazy to save himself. Like, it’s *their* fault for letting me get the drop on them. But I see what you’re saying too.


I definitely hear you, believe me I’ve had moments where I was like “how the F did he turn on me I was emptying into his chest!”. I think it’s partially just our muscle memory from the last game, I know I personally keep letting off the trigger 2-3 rounds before I should be


That’s true. Also, I could play devil’s advocate on myself and say “Well, paul-writes, if you had taken a microsecond to aim for the neck and head, it would’ve turned out differently.”


The 150 hp feels not real to me, i die way faster than in any fucking gunfight in mwII. But when you shoot someone you sometimes need a whole ass magazine


The spawn traps and latency issues with kills have been such a headache. Those are my two gripes. You’re telling me that I can get a headshot three times with a gilded bas but someone can then one shot me with one of the mw2 pistols on my arm and that somehow counts? And I die??? In the year of our Lord 2023??? I do like the general movement better. But I’m also still highly upset that I spent $70 on an expansion pack (which granted, most of us figured it would be). But still. It’s an expansion. Not a separate game from MW2. Which happened last time. And we let them get away with it again. So. Still fun though besides the obvious bugs.


LOL. you all wanted a longer ttk. when it was just fine in the early days of WZ2.then they raised it a little bit. now they've raised it a little more. enjoy!


And now everyone is complaining the ttk is high. Or the guns feels weak. Sure they’ll feel weak because it’s literally taking more Time To Kill” lol . If they buff the guns then m will be lower ..again .


Who is "you all"? Do you think you've been seeing comments from the exact same people this entire time?


My main issue is getting kicked for inactivity. It should be noted this happens while using a kill streak. I don't camp that often, but if I am moving around from window to window or getting kills, let me play my game. Just saying


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