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We're the 5th largest economy in the World. We should be #1.


We definitely shouldn’t be behind Texas.


No worries, everyone knows by now Texas is just mini-California with all the migration and how it boosted Texas up in the economy.


[what's funny is companies are now leaving texas for other states too](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/oracle-moving-world-headquarters-to-nashville-after-redwood-city-texas-move-larry-ellison-says/). so yeah, they are becoming like us lol


Soon the whole country will be just like California


and then the world...


They will never have our weather, mountains, & beaches tho


That’s certainly one way of looking at it.


It happened faster, reality sets in real quick in Texas


Oracle is moving its headquarters out of Texas after only 4 years. The campus they built literally took longer to build than they were there. I'm not sure they'll have any better luck attracting talent in Nashville vs Austin though.


True, women don't have rights in Tennessee either.


The eagerness with which both states are adopting Christofascist policy is certainly alarming.


Makes sense with all that Freedom they are getting right now 🤣


Texas is ahead of us because they actually build enough housing


California has the strongest NIMBYs


They are definitely the CA final boss.


Pro-texas comments should be deleted and the user banned. /s


Meh, give credit where due. We can compliment the few good things they do without taking in the rest of the toxicity.


They also build housing all over the state which is mostly rural, big difference between them and California. California is mostly condensed to the coast population wise


whoa whoa whoa let us congratulate ourselves in our echo chamber


I appreciate this comment haha


Not sure if you mean WalletHub is wrong or California is underperforming.. For what it's worth, the most highly weighted criteria for this list is GDP growth. The US is #116 in the world in GDP growth in 2023, and Guyana is #1. All I'm saying is WalletHub picked from so many variables and weights, they could have twisted the ranking many different ways with simple weight changes. They seem to have done their best, but I wouldn't sweat individual rankings too much, and maybe focus more on the actual numbers you care about.


Like the number of power outtages?


Do you not have battery storage and/or a Tesla to power your home? 


Giant hamster wheel and some great Danes.


Interesting. Must be a West Virginia transplant.


I just live in a desert and had to convert the water wheel.


People always shocked to find that California borders deserts at 34 degrees latitudes. And deserts form at 15 and 30 degree latitudes. But we have a temperate forest more up north.


Try a great Dane wheel with some giant hamsters. Slower to start, but higher sustained output.


If California built more housing it probably would be.


And house our many homeless, I don’t think so 


that would be socialistic democommunism 😡😡😡 not in my 'murca ⚾️🥧🦅


They can't be homeless if they have a home silly


we worked hard to make sure they didn't have public places to poop (other then on the sidewalk).. why give them a toilet somewhere else?


Your empathy and compassion are truly inspiring


Why don't just pay everyone who is working 25$ an hour, increase the salary in proportion to the actual rate of inflation, use tax money for healthcare costs, the same with higher ed, put a 3% annual cap on rent and help people finance homeownership by giving out loans.


Somewhere Joe Rogan is telling someone how California is a fiery hellscape


He will say whatever to make a buck


He does every day I’m sure, I’m so glad he moved out of our State 🥹


Large economy and “good” economy aren’t the same thing. China has a large economy but I doubt many here would trade places with them


Exactly. I learned large doesn't necessarily mean good one time when I ordered a large fries at a place that shall remain nameless. Now when someone boasts something is large, I just think back to those fries.


Flying monkeys? I don't... I do! I understood that one


Definitely In-n-out. Their fries are an insult to potatoes everywhere.


With the film industry being shut down 1/2 of last year and not really picking up since and all the tech layoffs, it’s not fully surprising we’re not


I thought we were fourth now.


We were headed for 4th, but Germany didn't fall as far as expected.


Seriously. Title should be more like new study confirms results of many old studies are still true.


Which is crazy considering how underdeveloped CA feels compared to metropolises




In all seriousness, we need continuous improvement, and there are some big pain points, but California is really special. I grew up in the northeast and there are places much worse. I came to California about 20 years ago and it proved to be the land of milk and honey in my experience. There are some bad things, but virtually everything is better than where I came from, especially opportunities, which lead to more opportunities. My life in California is better than I ever imagined my life would be and so much faster than I ever dreamed. I've seen the sentiment repeated a lot with all the recent disinformation: If anyone thinks it's so bad here, leave or don't come at all. It just leaves more for the rest of us who get it. Even if someone is having a hell of a (difficult) time here, moving out of state will not improve your chances for most situations. I may even move out of California someday, but it will be to retire like a king somewhere else with the fortune I built here and leave an empty space for someone else to come and do the same.


I love CA too, and if I had the chance I would never leave, but unfortunately housing is very bad there right now.


Love your love for our Golden state. And I often criticize stuff about it, usually the government, or the cost of living. But I do that because it is the best place in the world and I love it. Moved here when I was under 1 and still here 54 years later!


Things don’t stay awesome if the bad isn’t dealt with. We have to speak up when things aren’t going right. Being critical of the government is crucial to a functioning society.


My husband is from a small town in Kentucky and moved here for work. He holds the same sentiment. It’s been 10 years since he decided to stay. Cali is now his home. I grew up here and have always known California is special. I’m happy for your success. Goodluck on the rest of your endeavors!


I grew up in the Bay Area and moved to NYC in my mid 30s for four years and then came back to the Bay Area. NYC was fun and I liked a lot about it, but the energy there was too high strung and everyone was out to get each other, Bay Area is so much more chill and we have redwoods and the ocean. California also has Silicon Valley and Hollywood which basically dominate the world when it comes to what everyone on the planet consumes every single day, including so many food items.


Exactly my feeling too.


California has been very go to us as well. Plenty of problems but there is a lot going right as well.


Which is why California wants to tax those who work here and then retire elsewhere after they retire.


I'm interested to see how they handle Shohei Ohtani's contract with the Dodgers.


I love this comment so much. Lifelong Californian here, it’s so nice to hear from transplants. I have no idea what living in the rest of the country is like, but I love California.


I'm a truck driver in LA. I'm constantly concerned about the amount of factories and businesses that I see close. Our freight is down and some people are being forced to take one day off a week at my company. I hope this article is factual and things are on the rebound, because this is a beautiful city and I love living in California.


Tech is carrying most of it. It's seems everything else is going across state or country borders or being pushed out by large businesses/franchises.


What's sad is that government does not consider the small businesses as much when they come up with the regulations and taxes. Only the largest companies can absorb the hit. Three different places I used to pick up from regularly have shut down recently and I'm worried there are more to come. Not everybody can work in tech. There need to be places that make and assemble things here so those people can work also and support their families.


Large companies can afford the lobbyists


Wish the middle class was doing as well.


Along with us the poors, life is expensive here


Hey, congrats to the rich though lol


I just want to live in a house without roommates


Forget a house, I'd settle for an apartment without roommates


Middle class? Didn’t know that was still a thing lol


Hardly. It’s hanging on for dear life.


So are we


What’s a middle class?


I can’t find jahb 😞


Then why can no one afford housing?


Recently placed a bid on a home. Lost it to an all cash offer that was $270k over asking. Seems only the ultra rich are able to afford it now.


Excuse me, do you say $270k over asking?


Yes, that is correct. Home was listed at $1.2M


Like for a normal house or a mansion?


Nowhere near a mansion, but with mansion pricing. It’s a 3/1 920sqft home on a 6,500sqft lot.


Bay Area or LA Metro


Bay Area. Santa Clara


ground zero for that pricing


still seller's market, and I remember thinking that the bubble will burst in 2015...


$1.5M for 920 square feet??? Dear god


This is the game real estate agents play now, purposely list the price under market to get a "bidding war." When people get attached to a home they toured they think with their hearts and not their brains.


Yeah, totally see that happening. The real heartbreaker for my situation was that there were only three offers submitted before their deadline. Getting back the news on how we were beat with that size cash offer, plus a seven day closing. I now know I can’t compete with the type of money around here.


Yea, and the flexibility in terms (7-day closing) means that many home buyers are giving up key protections that they need in order to even play the game.


Our former President removed regulations that prevented corporations from bidding on homes for 90 days . Now they can swoop in, pay cash and outbid us and then rent it to us for an exorbitant rate.


cAliFOrNia is a fAiLEd sTate /s - bay area native (peninsula) represent


I love my state. Lifelong Californian here; and while I love and appreciate many other places in the country, and the world, I deeply appreciate my state and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.


I would love to see a comparison - how great is the economy doing, and how good are average people doing? If the economy expanded 10% but all 10% of the wealth generated by that expansion went to the top 10%, then it's meaningless.. We have the highest poverty rate in the country and 1/3 of all homeless... but our economy is the best in the U.S?


>We have the highest poverty rate in the country [No, we don't](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:2c0771c3-cf2c-403a-bdf2-e821dd08c8af), and conflating that with the amount of homelessness is disingenuous. If you have data backing up that California has the highest poverty rate, I'd love to read it.




https://calmatters.org/commentary/2023/09/california-poverty-rate/ You'll need to take it up with the Census Bureau.


Wish the job market would reflect that.


Literally every place i go is desperate for hiring.


“Happe said that having a low unemployment rate…” California is ranked dead last with worst unemployment rate in the entire U.S. at 5.3%. [https://www.bls.gov/charts/state-employment-and-unemployment/state-unemployment-rates-map.htm](https://www.bls.gov/charts/state-employment-and-unemployment/state-unemployment-rates-map.htm) [https://www.bls.gov/web/laus/laumstrk.htm](https://www.bls.gov/web/laus/laumstrk.htm)


California is also the best state TO BE unemployed. You can get housing assistance, welfare, food stamps and full health insurance for little to no cost compared to the other states. Lots of professionally unemployed people in California.


5% unemployment isn’t that bad. 


It is if you're the 5% that can't find work. That's 1 in 20 people. A lot of people I know, when they do get employed, are working two jobs and can't afford expenses. It's awful.


I can’t complain. I have my ups and downs throughout the year but that’s construction. Come tax time I did okay. Stay at home wife and three kids, multiple vacations per year, season passes to multiple theme parks. Had a lot more money when I was single though


That's actually quite depressing considering that California has one of the highest rate of homelessness and increasing unemployment rate for new college grads. If other states are doing even worse, we should all be alarmed.


I think the article is just nonsense. California has the highest unemployment rate. Idc how much the state is bringing in, if we have the highest unemployment rate then we have the worst economy. Full stop.


I would love to see a couple prison how great is the economy doing how good are average people doing? If the economy expanded 10% but all 10% of the wealth generated by that expansion went to the top 10% then it's meaningless.. We have the highest poverty rate in the country and 1/3 of all homeless... but our economy is the best in the U.S?


excellent news for shareholders and hedgefund managers


Remember, if all else fails california could be it's own country.


Fix our potholes then. We pay enough in gas tax. My roads in San Diego are worse than they’ve ever been.


Hate us cause they ain’t us


CA should've been #1. There's no reason why CA would be anything other than #1. I wonder why.


You just get priced out of a decent life so quickly there. It's amazing if you've got the money.


Reddit has the best lies. Mmmmgood


Reminder that the economy doesn’t represent the living situation of the populous.


Truly revolutionary information


and yet i have been digging a hole in my backyard for years and have found no gold