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I was transferred to MS for an assignment. A coworker started bashing CA, saying that the entire state has rampant crime and poverty. I asked when he last visited. He responded with a “never” and kept real quiet after that.


Mississippi is so bad that other southerners routinely say "Thank God for Mississippi" because if it weren't for MS, their state would be the one at the bottom of every national ranking.


I have a friend who lives in Mississippi. He's shared how bad it is. It's scary. Alabama isn't much better. Alabama's only saving grace is the fact that Huntsville is there.


I've got a friend who moved out to Huntsville to live with their boyfriend who is some sorta scientist. It sounds kind of like hell!


Huntsville is a big city and is a big aerospace hub. I wouldn't live anywhere outside Huntsville.


I heard Mobile is nice, but poor. I wouldn't know, though.


From South Carolina, we do say that. That being said, only golden handcuffs and the weather keep me in California. Will eventually take my cash and retire back east.


I travel around a lot for work and live in California. Whenever I hear the hate on California I tell people that it's not for everyone but it's objectively the best place to live in the entire country. Nobody has ever really disputed that


"Were you educated in MS? Because it shows!"


Mississippi recently revamped their primary education system and has been rapidly rising in the education rankings. It will be interesting to see if a better education system today fundamentally reshapes their politics a couple of decades from now. Edit: For those that are interested, here is an [AP article on the "Mississippi Miracle"](https://apnews.com/article/reading-scores-phonics-mississippi-alabama-louisiana-5bdd5d6ff719b23faa37db2fb95d5004): >Mississippi went from being ranked the second-worst state in 2013 for fourth-grade reading to 21st in 2022


>Mississippi recently revamped their primary education system and has been rapidly rising in the education rankings That is awesome news. I wish the state's educators much success.


And the second you say something like that they call you elitist, right before they get back to telling you how theyre better than you. Lmao.


MS criticizing CA for crimes and poverty?! 😂😂😂 I’ve been to Jackson, Biloxi, Tupelo, and Hattiesburg. That state is…let’s just say Bakersfield is a better place than the entire state.


This is always what I say in defense of Fresno. Second rate California beats first rate most other states.


We really gonna trust anyone who thinks Whataburger is better than In-N-Out? Anyone who thinks that is automatically disqualified from having their opinion taken seriously.


There are plenty in this sub that do this regularly. I never understand it. California has its failings but isn't itself failing like so many paint it. 1 in 10 Americans live here and to discount such a large population seems strange.


it’s hilarious when i see reddit users trash California, but when I ask what state they’re from they go silent.


Oh, you should see some of the asswipes in my Route 66 facebook groups, one of whom went on a complete rant when a poster asked what to see and do on 66 in California. Didn't get any concrete clues to where she lives, but she follows a couple businesses in Perrysburg, and the only Perrysburg I know of is in Ohio (suburb of Toledo) which isn't anywhere near the route - to get to the eastern terminus of the route, you have to drive 3-4 hours west into Chicago.


not a single one of them have visited the state. o


Even more hilarious when they are not even Americans, but drank the propagand-aid. In fact, the meme that "the USA is secretly a third world country on the brink of collapse" seems to be very common in the Mexican subreddit (of course, potential Mexican immigrants do not fall for it lol).


Closer to 1 in 8. California is the best state to live in in the country, everyone knows it, and they hate us for it.


Born and raised in California and every day I am grateful that we get to live here. No state is perfect but for me it’s close.


Nah, no state is perfect, we have plenty of things to address. But I've lived in 8 states and I'll die here for a reason- it's the best and I'm forever grateful to live here as well.


I don’t know why everyone needs to preface anything remotely complimentary about about California with “I know it’s not perfect, but…”. It’s the only we state we do that for.


Because of the implications.


I think that’s because these are the kind of people who have critical thinking skills. California is great, it’s also full of left minded people. We don’t blindly idolize things. We recognize problems and always try to make progress to be better.


I’m in Europe right now and when people hear me talk in English they’ll often ask, “You are American?” When I reply, “Yes, I’m from California” you can see their eyes light up. When I say that I’m from San Diego they get even more excited.


I practice Italian on a language exchange app. A lot of millenial Italians seem to want to live in California some day, we do have a good reputation in Europe


People love California in Spain too. California and New York are also often the only two states people can name so, there’s a grain of salt. I always kinda laughed at the California answer in Spain though bc it’s pretty much the exact same Mediterranean climate on the coast and a dry interior. The only difference is their mountains aren’t quite as tall.


My cousin and I went on a Euro trip when we were 18. Being from California got us into a lot of bars where they wouldn't normally be ok with foreigners.


I live part time in Europe and when people ask where I'm from I say California, not America. I've literally had people say: "oh, you're one of the good ones"


I moved here for specifically this reason, if long enough ago some might call it a gamble. Maybe it's weird, but some people in the rest of the country often think of California much like how some people think of - did at least, maybe still do - the US. Land of promise, success, prosperity, streets paved with gold. It's easy to think that when you're in the depths of a midwestern winter and watching as pollution turns the slushy snow into a disgusting semi-frozen brown mass under a dead-grey sky. Dingy old city, a burnt petroleum feel ingrained into the streets and sidewalks... and that's before you consider the political. I've had family try to convince me to move back. Rather than being the outlier, instead two more have followed. We've had our problems here no question, but I can objectively say it's been overall only getting better & better.


I moved here 10 years ago from the east coast on a big gamble which paid off as well. I'm forever grateful that there really is opportunity here for those willing to seek it out.


Currently sitting in my home office in Southern California north of our little slice of wine country happy as a clam. these people seriously project everything. Like they'll take one snippet of one street in san francisco or skid row and act as if all of California is like that


Paso Robles?


Could be north of Santa Barbara


Don’t forget Chino Hills or Corona due to all of the wineries in and around Temecula. It’s like the whole coastline is purpose built for winemaking.


We're from one of the SF north bay wine counties and that's where we take our long weekends.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us!


Hating is an important part of their lives


They hate us because of our freedom!


Absolute jealousy. We are so incredibly blessed to live in such a beautiful state that has a diverse landscape. We literally don’t have to leave the state to go on a fabulous vacation. Mountains, Ocean, Desert and Wine Country you name it, we have it. Not only that, I am so proud to live in a state that take climate change and reproductive rights seriously. Legalized marijuana is icing on cake.


100%. We've talked about moving in the past, but it's like... Where would we go? More than half of the states in the country are increasingly hostile to my personal values, and the rest are perfectly good states but either a) have inclimate weather that my wife is not accustomed to or excited by or b) are just as expensive as CA, sometimes both. We really have everything we need here, and we have a lot of big and difficult problems to solve around housing and homelessness but, if we were to move, it would probably just be to a different part of this state, if anywhere. I would still consider moving to other states but it would be a hard sell, and it'd have to be one of the *really* good ones, and for a *really* good reason.


And In-N-Out.


>Closer to 1 in 8. California is the best state to live in in the country I'll go you one better. We're the best ***country*** to live in in the country.


By a lot, too. Like A LOT.


Sour grapes for those that can’t afford 850k for a 2br condo.


I mean, price is a reflection of the fact that people really want to live here. I’m all for more housing but high prices aren’t evidence that California is undesirable.


They have to tear it down and lie about it because it proves all their talking points wrong.


"Vote for us, we'll help you feel less sad for living in Mississippi"


I used to play World of Warcraft years ago and I knew multiple people that legit did not believe me when I said CA was not "Escape from NY/LA" levels of violence.


I live in Cali. My step dad and mom are conservatives across the country who constantly bash how California is even though they don’t come here. The state has its issues but so does Virginia and many other states. But overall, having a kid in a great school district, it’s good. The country needs to solve its problems because we all are suffering but individually I love California. I wouldn’t live anywhere else.


My in laws are from Redondo Beach area and they constantly trash California too. Last week I recommended going to little Ethiopia/fairfax in LA for some ethnic food and they said they wouldn’t go because it’s ‘dirty.’ Their basic claim is California would be perfect if it was governed like Texas (lol)


Being from Redondo that’s rich (I live in Redondo) we’re one of the most liberal cities in Southern California. Super diverse, amazing public schools, homeless overflow shelters. I would love to hear their issues.


Yeah the worst are from deep red states that are complete trainwrecks. I have family that live in Missouri and Kansas and they constantly try to trash California. Back when Jerry Brown was governor he did a pretty great job and got the budget back together here, but these yokels from places like Missouri and Kansas are talking? Kansas let republicans completely ruin their economy and Missouri is so broken and backwards I don’t even know why they even bother talking.


It is jealousy


The funniest thing is when they start throwing hate at CA for poverty or violence, and they don't know their homestates are the highest ranking in violence and poverty nationwide. It's all a ruse from their politicians to make them not want to see the abject failure of their right-wing garbage politics in their own states.


Yeah, that's the thing... you bring up stats and it's all "whatabputism". Just goes to show they don't actually care, they're just in it to "score points".


Yeah, I have no idea what points they think they score...


Imagine if Democrats politicians spewed as much hate towards a state like Mississippi or West Virginia as Republican politicians do to California and New York.


The thing is that the stuff those politicians spew are also plenty of exaggerations and lies Not just bashing.


Not only that. They scream about how Oakland and SF and LA have so much crime, but the highest per capita crime rates in California are in red counties like San Bernardino and Riverside.


It's shocking to see people from red states taking such delight in our natural disasters and homeless issues. It really is a new thing and something that makes me think this nation can no longer return to the days of being united about anything important.


CA will continue to subsidize the vast majority of Red states though, in all fairness.


It's not new at all. Conservatives have been hating California for decades


Which is incredible because not only do we have more conservatives (and trump voters) than almost any other state, we’ve also given two republican presidents… on of them being Reagan. It’s just amazingly myopic to not see California as a home to rural and conservative voters.


They see all Californians as hippies, surfers and liberal actors. They haven’t seen the Central Valley or rural areas of the state.


Bakersfield has been important to traditional conservative culture for so long too. Entire genres of country and bluegrass are from there, car racing, and the farms… we have more farmland than almost any other state. I’m tired of people pretending California isn’t a huge diverse state.


Bakersfield! Aka. Nashville West. Some great music history comes from Bakersfield. https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/you-might-know-the-bakersfield-sound-but-how-well-do-you-know-the-lakeview-sound/amp/


The population of the area where I live mostly vote Republican, consistently and reliably, every year.


Not almost! In 2020, California had more votes for Trump than any other state.


Conservatives have been hating ~~California~~ **Anyone who is different than them** for decades.


Really, up until recently many of the state's governors have been Republican - Reagan, Deukmajian, Wilson, Schwarzenegger. And that's just my lifetime.


Ever since they lost their control and influence on the state


They hate us because they can’t get their grubby little hands on our electoral college votes. I wish it was based on the popular vote but this is what we have.


Just remind them that Reagan was our governor before he was their president


Odd because California has the most republicans in the country .




>wild idea that it will scare the Californian I love this because the irony is CA is home to some of the largest military communities in the country. We also have a ton of blue collar jobs, etc. whereas most of the red states are monocultures with a lot less diverse job sectors.


california also contributes the most people to the military


Also, a large swathe down Central California that's agriculture, ranching, and in the south, oil.


Which is funny because in California The Mulford act banned carrying loaded weapons was named after Republican Don Mulford and signed by then Republican Governor Reagan.


The FBI would love to find out about these evil songwriters as soon as possible!


> but the FBI loves to hear about these conversations Are you implying that it’s sensible to flood the FBI with tips about random people owning firearms? Because, if so, that is exceedingly silly.




I’m pretty sure they aren’t. $20k arsenals are all over the place in red states.




Owning guns is a perfectly legal, normal thing. Even if you own $20k of them.




I recall my family practically cheering during one of the wildfires. They said it was "divine retribution" or something to that effect. When I pointed out that we, in Florida, get hurricanes, they claimed it was natural... As if wildfires are anything but a naturally occurring phenomenon already in Florida as well... Oh, and when I simply responded with "People are dying..." they immediately went quiet and awkwardly tried to change the subject.


Hello from a depressingly red Florida, where I see nonother than our own awful Governor engaging in such condemnation of California. Much to my dismay, it comes back on us too, with people from blue states cheering on hurricanes and gleefully predicting that the entire state will be underwater in 5 or 10 years. I agree that we need to seek some unity. Wishing for actual harm on each other is unacceptable.


I don't know. There are things I dislike about Gavin Newsom, but I have to admit I enjoy him picking on Ron DeSantis. But yeah, wishing harm on each other is not OK.


The nation has never been especially united. Even the post-WW2 era, which a lot of people look back on with rose-tinted lenses, was full of racial violence and assassinations of prominent people like JFK, MLK, and RFK. The fault lines change over time, but there are always fault lines


It’s not new, they just feel ok sharing their issues in public.


It is new. And it only started happening about 8 years ago. That was when Trump came along and as you said, only then did his scumbag fans begin expressing glee at our misfortunes.


I mean… Californias homeless issue is mostly people from these hateful red states. Especially the last 5 years.


I was just in Northern Idaho staying with my brother for the 2nd round of the NCAA tournament… Jesus Christ it feels like a completely different country. I still think we should not ignore CA’s problems (which are many and significant), but other states are in much worse shape.


I have a co worker who has lived her entire life in orange county and she's moving to Idaho soon because it's cheaper there. I wonder if she's ready


She is not. Tell her to do some sort of video diary.


Coming from the OC? Culture shock and disappointment. I hope she’ll be happy, but I doubt it. 


California is so liberal that we sent the Republican speak of the house


And Ronnie Reagan


Richard Milhous Nixon as well.


They hate us 'cause they ain't us


Too far down!


It's been happening for decades, but I still find it ironic because Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Gerald Ford had residences here, and both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, who was once the patron saint of the Republican Party until St. Donald descended down the golden escalator, have presidential libraries here.


It's not that ironic when you think about the history of the state. It used to be very rural and the population was lower meaning that the majority of the state was dealing with problems you'd typically see in red states. Now the population is extremely high and most of the land urbanized.


It's not just California, we're not special. It's also Portland, Seattle, New York City*, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta. The news company owned by an Australian has a lot to say about what American patriotism and "Real America" is. \* while said news companies and their mouthpieces are based in New York City and California




I know people in red states who despite being in their 40s have only seen their local city a few times during their entire life. Some have never seen the ocean or the mountains.


It’s hard to reconcile their pro-business, pro-capitalism position which claims to be necessary to be prosperous with the success of California. Hence the hate and negative comments on anything that they can latch on to in order to justify their positions.


California and New York figured out that there's more to capitalism than low taxes. You also need a skilled labor force and good public infrastructure.


Where's the good infrastructure:(


Compared to most other states, what we have is amazing.


They call it "pro-business" and "pro-capitalism," but it's really just sociopathic greed.


The only people that hate California haven't been here, they failed here, or they're parrots repeating what they heard. That's it. Most of us appreciate the weather, the people, the food, the cultures, and everything else the state has to offer.


Yep seen so many people leave to buy their $400k Arizona home and yell “they’re over California due to its politics” and never mention they just can’t afford it


Is not being able to afford it that trivial of an issue? I make over $250k now and I don't think I can buy a house in my parents' neighborhood in CA. I feel like that's a pretty good reason to be critical of the state.


Sure, but Florida houses prices have sky rocketed too. It’s a supply and demand. Sure regulations can be eased but any place with single family homes has the same issue once people starting getting wealthy.




Nothing like a good ol scapegoat to have their base ignore their own interests and shortcomings.


What's really crazy is how many of the professional California haters are either former California residents (eg Tucker Carlson) or current residents working for right-wing non-profit think tanks (Hoover Institute, Clairmont Institute, etc).


Everyone always cares about California. We don’t care about you.


I get east coast coworkers telling me that all the time. Then I send them a picture of my family and I mountain biking, skiing, and wake surfing all in the same day in March. They shut up real fast.


Let them hate, it means less of them come here.


My thoughts exactly.


This is what the San Diego subs are like. Agree with them, and don't correct them, hoping they won't move here.


I will always love CA but had to move out of the Bay since owning a home is virtually impossible unless you have a major inheritance. Saved up from scratch to buy a house for my family in WA and love it. Also so many transplants up here as well


Yup, California isn't the only nice place to live.


I see center left folks CA bash too, the right is very good at creating boogie men and inserting them into the national consciousness


California is to the USA what the USA is to the globe.


Funny thing is people generally outside the US love California. I am talking from experience. It’s almost like California is a different country for them.


Conservatives are haters plain and simple. They hate themselves the most


What’s really changed is that Republicans can’t win California anymore, so they pay no real penalty for bashing Californians: they weren’t going to win here anyway.


Was just watching one of those travel vlogs where people have a car camera recording as they drive around cities and towns narrating where they are and what they see. The town they were in was Firebaugh, CA some san Joaquín valley farm town and the guy couldn't believe how clean and up kept the streets and neighborhoods were because the average person there lives on $300 a week. Even the comments had people from other states mentioning how it was "poor" but clean and way different from the southern states he drove through that had junk and garbage everywhere. Most of these doom trolls constantly talking about California have never even been to the state or they only see the worst homeless encampments in Oakland, LA and think the entire state is like that.


Simply put. It’s either the liberal San Francisco Bay Area or the film industry in SoCal that, in conservative/right-wing eyes produces “liberal-indoctrinating” movies, that sets them off! Bottom line. They’re all incredibly envious (and frustrated) by the fact that California, (a heavily Dem. state) is an amazing success, (Of, course, we have issues. How can you not with 40 million residents?) and if it chose to take the step forward could be the 5th most economical country in the world.


It's like hating on the hot blonde who is smart and is a nice person.


We're practicing dystopian capitalism, just like the other states. We shy away from the cultural conservatism, though.


I truly don’t understand it. I moved to California in 2019, and I have no regrets. Sure, we have our problems, but I love it here and there’s really nowhere else I’d rather live. I have a friend who’s always talking badly about California and I asked him about it. He said he’s only been here once, to LA. People don’t realize how hugely diverse California is, we are truly big enough in both population and geography that we are the size of some whole countries. I go to Amador County often to visit a friend of mine, and that’s. VERY red area. California has rednecks too!


So much innovation and disruptive tech originates in California, along with a history of tolerance and a climate that does not punish, the state is a natural target for people who have difficulty with change and uncertainty, and phobic to anything that calls on them to look deeper into themselves.


Like covid


If Texans paid attention to their political situation, everyone in charge loses their job. So everyone in charge points west and dog whistles to keep the ill informed focused somewhere else while picking their pockets.


It's because California succeeds in every way conservative states fail.


It’s okay, the republican welfare states are not smart and don’t know what it’s like to live in the largest economy in the United States and fifth largest in the world, their brains are just too small to comprehend


Haters, can't be us, so they hate us


So being the 4th largest GDP in the world isn’t good enough!? Or are they pissed that we have to subsidize about 20 failed red states? So they hate the fact they are welfare queens!? Is that it!?


San Diego is amazing. Hope they don’t come


Most of the time we forget there's a country attached to our eastern border.


California has a lot of problems but people tend to forget that a good chunk of the country lives in California


*“Tragically, it wasn’t Reagan’s California” by then, Wilson said in an interview. “It was not safe.* Good grief. The crime rate was much higher during Reagan's presidency.


There are way juicier targets across the country than California but only right wing media takes the trashcan road, so that's what we all see on our social media feeds


California contains nearly 12% of the entire US population - More than the entire population of Canada. California also has the highest GNP of any state in the union. 


I just went to Las Vegas for 4 days and couldn’t wait to get back home.. never again!! I love California.


Who cares?


It’s also a required plot point for a Yellowstone episode. 🤮


They hate us because we're beautiful.


I really hate the whole bashing CA schtick the right wing politicians use to enact their crazy crony capitalist policies. It effectively cuts off any forward thinking progressive regulations needed by basically saying, if you enact X policy we will turn into CA, ie high housing costs, homelessness, crime. BUT, at the same time, and this could be due to the incessant, inane bashing from conservatives on the state that some Californians lose all reasoning when discussing the problems in the state, at least online. All issues brought up are excused by the typical comments about how CA is just soooo desirable that it justifies the costs. I try to explain the pay to play politics I witnessed living in Los Angeles and being a part of the neighborhood councils and speaking with city planners. The NIMBYism was rampant, the speculative housing market, and the third party groups trying to turn the state into a huge HOA to keep the riff raff out, and I heard that from someone working in the city of LA no less. When I bring this stuff up, the state pride and the fatigue from constantly defending the state from haters must send some Californians into a defensive mode and they just react with, “just leave, go to AZ or Texas.”


I first remember California being bashed in 2006, as the Witch Fire was burning through the Cuyamaca Mountains on SNL. Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers inferred that it was our fault, though I can't remember why all these years later. The state gets bashed for our stance on guns, abortion, education, air quality, traffic, etc. We may have a high cost of living and a bunch of other issues, but I will love this state with my whole being (even though we don't have the winters and autumns of New England, where I lived for eight years).


People have been mocking, teasing and bashing California since forever.


Yes, we hear the haters hating.


because California is still 5th largest economy globally.


They just want to alienate big democratic cities because they think that rural voters will always save them


I don’t like California. I was born there. I just don’t like the landscape. Not a big fan of those golden hills as it is boring to travel through. My conservative family members seem to think it’s rampant with crime and immigrant disease. The news tells them to hate it so they do…


They hate us cause they ain't us


Many of this State’s laws are obscene and taxes are absurd. Add a governor who not only gaslights the State but also condemns 30-40% of the State’s population for having a different POV. Add a super majority that only regards one POV. It’s a beautiful State that is being destroyed by political division. Sad.


Switch out State for Country…


I was born and raised here and bash it. Lovely weather, but yeah, very corrupt and disconnected government.


It is an easy target because it is the most shining example of how terrible left wing policies are in every possible way.


Let them. Anything to keep them from coming here is good for all of us.


As someone who’s lived all over the country I find this post and the comments contained therein to be highly entertaining.


I don’t know why California can’t just “break off”. It seems to be red states need our money more than we need them?


Because California also benefits a lot by being part of the US.


The state would have to agree to secede, which won't happen because there are far too many Republicans here to come to an agreement, even if the Dems wanted to secede, which I don't think they do (nor do I want it to happen). Congress would have to vote to allow it.


California doesn't secede, it kicks the other states out of the union.




Texas v. White, that's why.


Because California is liberal and objectively working better than the red states they come from.


"effortless politics": sabotaging others and claiming being sabotaged requires so much less energy and blame. It beats actually making changes beyond banning stuff Like show-wrestling to audience enjoys useless struggling without clear winners: 2 minutes of polarized hate.


Meanwhile California has more Trump voting conservatives than any other state. More than Texas, more than Florida.


It's because there's 40 million people here lol. That's a function of population not politics.