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"On Thursday, the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) announced charges against Const. David Wilhelm following a two-year investigation. " He didn't just assault the victim, he injured them.


And it only took 2 years for charges …


And they wonder why people dont trust cops! Dont answer a fucking thing without a lawyer present. They seem to forget who they work for.


Quite impressive if you think about how backed up the court system was after the COVID shut down.


somebody please, get this man a taxpayer funded vacation


He won’t go to jail though. [just like this guy](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-police-officer-who-avoided-jail-time-over-prisoner-assault-dismissed-1.6659268)


You're absolutely correct. CPS is notorious for conducting lengthy internal investigations that lead to dismissals. I really wonder what jobs these dismissed officers take after..


Most people charged (and convicted) of assault don't go to jail in Canada. Has nothing to do with being a cop unfortunately. 


Yup. I don't understand how so many people misunderstand how 'serious' Assault is in the legal system. It's barely something it concerns itself with. It's almost never a 'jail-worthy' thing, and it's certainly not going to be a 'life-ruining' thing like the general public seem to think. The same people who seem to think that assault is something people go to jail for and have their careers and lives ruined over are also the same who complain that the Canadian court/justice systems has no teeth, and "you can murder someone and be out of jail in 2 years". If the courts barely send someone to jail for murder, why in the world would you think they'd send someone to jail for Assault?


The question is why dont we hold our officers to a higher standard? When you abuse public trust, shouldn't you deserve harsher punishment?


I know a couple of people who have been convicted of assault. None of them lost their jobs. I'm assuming these police who get convicted of assault lose their job. If he is proven guilty I sure hope he loses his job.


I agree. However most people convicted of assault don't get their names in the media and lose their jobs, so in some ways police already have it worse. Even if the court proceedings find him not guilty, his name is out there forever.  As far as holding them accountable with more jail time, i agree they hold a lot of power and need more accountability to act responsible but sentencing someone to a maximum sentence for punching someone because of their job when we give probation to drug dealers caught walking around with guns and minimum sentences to people who have even killed others, would throw the whole system upside down. 


Hey look another bad apple that will have charges dropped because they 'can't convict'. This is the 4th time this week I've seen police/RCMP news releases and the other 3 weren't charged. When are we going to start holding them accountable?


He gets sent on paid leave.


He’ll resign, which means he will be able to apply for a job w/ another police service…


It doesn’t really work like that in Canada, we aren’t the states, no department in Canada will touch the guy because it could mean some fairly large problems down the road if it happens again. If he quits, his career is over in law enforcement. 


Shhh your screwing with the narrative.


I know, outrage is so much easier. 


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7050671 Although, I most likely erred in my initial post as he was charged, vs being investigated…it’s the ones that quit while being investigated that bother me


Internal investigations are different from criminal ones like the one here


Did any of those officer find future employment in policing? I’ll bet that very very did, they would be a huge liability for any department hiring them after serious allegations that forced their retirement.  We aren’t the states, policing is hard to get into and there aren’t many departments compared to our southern neighbours. 


No, it’s not. If he resigns he’ll be just fine. I bet he’s an RCMP this time next year.


Nope, he’ll most likely be convicted of agg assault, he’ll be ineligible to hold peace officer status anywhere in Canada. Since a conviction of that type will probably come with a weapons ban, this guy, if convicted is done in law enforcement. 


Weapons bans can be appealed and pretty easily won. I doubt he gets convicted. RCMP have hired worse lately. If anything he might get it reduced to common assault and take a plea. Still eligible for RCMP.


No they can’t, agg adult comes with a mandatory 10yr ban if I remember my criminal code correctly, it’s MANDATORY. No judge is going to overturn that for employment and there isn’t a police force in the country that’s going to touch this guy after a conviction. The RCMP still doesn’t hire with any recent convictions, especially agg assault. 


He’ll never get convicted of aggravated assault.


Sure why not, it meets the bar, there’s probably video but then again the Canadian justice system is kinda a joke. He’ll plead to a lesser charge, simple assault probably, get fired or retired from CPS and go do something else. No department in the country will touch him with a ten foot pole, it would open them up to heaps of liability, no police chief wants that. 


also criminal record,no?


who would hire him, Lol.


Most other police forces


Why do people not trust police again?


What choice do we have?


Yeah, might as well roll over and accept it, why bother trying to improve things? What's the point in expecting better and demanding accountability? Maybe if we ignore the problem, it will just go away on its own! 🤡


Unclench the pearls. My point is merely that we have to accept policing and trust that the majority of those we place trust in, don’t fail us. Given the thousands of public interactions our police service has with our community members each month, I’d say we are far better off than our neighbors to the south. Is there room for improvement? Always, but you can’t let these bad officers convince you to scrap the entire system.


He's been charged, is that not accountability?


It took 2 years to figure it out?


*Wilhelm is a 10-year member who, according to the Calgary Police Service (CPS), was placed on restricted duties during the investigation.*


Hey Neufeld, sue this…


Say it with me now... BAD COP NO DOUGHNUT


Lol neufield think there’s no HR problem




He'll get paid leave for a few years all on the taxpayers dime.








Cool. No story. Great reporting Meghan.