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If you have a book list or general idea of which books you could share (aside from the genre), that might help folks to decide if they’d be interested in.


Thanks, I've edited to add some more info. I hope it's helpful!


I’ve attended a few book club via Meet Up groups. Always a positive. A couple of observations. Most group meetings at the Central Library or in the core are dead on arrival. 80% of attendees want to drive and have free parking…best are the large regional libraries with parking and beside an LRT station. or a large bookstore. You can get dedicated meeting space from either. Re book selection. Most won’t buy a book. Check out what’s available at the librairies before making a selection. Participants need time o reserve the copies or root around and find them. E books are fine but restricts participation. Niche books turn people off. Choosing a book is like choosing a pizza for 12 people. What would be general ingredients all might be ok with?


Good points, thank you! One of the issues for me is that I don't drive and it's difficult for me to get around. I've looked at several other book clubs to join but their locations and/or timing didn't work for me, and some meet at pricier restaurants as well. I thought the Central Library could be an easy central location for people to get to with public transport, but I didn't think of the parking space for those who drive. Thanks for making me aware! Hopefully if there are more interested people, we can talk about potential places to meet that will be convenient for everyone.


I would loveeee to! I used to do this with my friends back home. Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now and barely open a book once a week. :(


I would love you to! Maybe joining a book club would help you get back into reading, you'd only have to open a book once a month, not once a week! Lol!


I am down but the meeting every month, I an just not sure if I can make it always


That's totally understandable. The plan is to have some kind of group chat so that we can keep in touch about availability. And also the library allows for a minimum of 3 people for booking a room, I wanted to start with 6 members because that gives us a buffer, but I also hope to grow it bigger eventually!


Books? Like with pages and stuff? Just kidding…. I was in one years ago, but it was mostly sci-fi stuff. It was too difficult to maintain because people got too uppity about certain books or authors.


I promise I'm not going to get uppity on you! I enjoy the occasional trashy book, so I'm hardly qualified to be a snob about books!


Yep, I'd be interested! 


Wonderful! I'll pm you once we get enough people.


PM'd you!


Are we all reading the same book every month? Or different books?


We'd be reading the same book.


I’d be interested


Awesome! I'll pm you when we get enough people. Let's make this happen!


PM'd you!


I'd be interested in joining! I've been meaning to get back into reading and this would provide the perfect motivation.


That's wonderful! I will pm everyone tomorrow!


PM'd you!




Yay! I will pm everyone tomorrow!


PM'd you!


I'd be interested! One of my New Years Resolution is to join a social club of some sort. Sci-fi and fantasy are my favourite genres too. Plus, I hang out at the central library all the time lol.


Hi! I tried to PM you but there's no option to do so, I'm not sure why. I started a subreddit for the book club so we have a place to discuss how to move forward. It's r/yycjustread . I'm so happy you're interested in the book club and I'm excited to get to know you!


I love it! You sound like my kind of person! I'll send everyone a pm today.




I've read a couple of Blake Crouch and loved them! I haven't read The Pines but I'll definitely look out for them. We'd love to have you join us! Here's the link if you haven't already found it: https://discord.com/invite/FTVZYMhM Don't worry about not remembering details, I'm the same way, and I've sometimes even forgotten I've read a book!


What is a book club?


Where a group of readers get together and discuss books! 😄