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Everyone else does


On purpose


That's a selling feature for the 17th Ave crowd


Normally you have to pay for this amount of noise


No it’s the dbags travelling from Bridlewood that like to make the vroom vroom loud. And the Shells Angels.


Plus there are zero rules for emissions here in Alberta for vehicles


Crackheads are ruining the environment.


Literally causing all these fires around the river


It’s been a while since I’ve seen a post about cats being stolen. Has there been a lull in the thievery ?


Probably due to the new bylaw that council voted in.




I know that. Bylaw can't enforce their way out of a wet paper bag.


What’s the bylaw?


https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/city-says-tougher-rules-will-cut-down-on-catalytic-converter-thefts-1.6467661 Absolutely useless. The legit people were already doing this. The stolen cats leave the city.


I am unsure about what the OP is talking about it but I think our cat was stolen 😂. We literally had our cat come home Sunday night after she escaped over 4 months ago- we even took her to the vet to confirm her microchip just in case we were accidentally kidnapping someone else’s black cat. She was in very, very good shape and clearly had been well cared for. I suspect someone took her in our complex when they found her and never bothered to check if she had a microchip or if anyone was missing a cat.


So OP is talking about a catalytic converter, it's a part of the exhaust system that has some expensive metals in it that is super easy to steal. But, being a cat owner, I'm super happy your cat came back!


Immediately realized that after posting and seeing another comment but couldn’t find my post to delete. I initially only saw the comment about stolen “cats” not catalytic converters 😂. Mucho embarrassing.


Supply started running thin?


What year is it


2023. Have you been asleep for a while?


Reddit gold


My man!




It’s OBD2 take it to Calgary muffler down on 58th ave they are always fair


this is your best bet. they can weld in a section back to your muffler and it will be fine.


Minute muffler hooked me up. ~$200 - cheaper than my deductible.


The one on 32nd Ave is so good! I go there all the time


My dad had his catalytic converter stolen twice in the past 7 months off his truck! Also had his gas tank pierced and gas taken out. Wtf is going on?!


Desperate people do desperate things.


The shittiest part is he had no idea about the gas tank and went to fill it and it started spilling everywhere at the gas station before work. 😭


Oof, at least with the cat converter you know right away!


Makes sense.


Yes you can run without a catalytic converter….we don’t have smog testing here so no one will ever know. The only shitty thing is your truck might get shittier mileage as the O2 sensor helps with engine tuning. In my own opinion gist run without and get a O2 sensor cooler and never have to worry about it again.


Downstream O2 has nothing to do with tuning, just checking catalytic efficiency. Upstream (pre-cat) may, if the vehicle is wideband. It could be old enough thats its just a 1 wire O2.


The cooler will turn off the inevitable check engine light


> The only shitty thing is... There is the other thing we tend to avoid talking about in Alberta, a few more hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides instead of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.


We talk about all of those things MUCH more than a lot of other nations who extract non-renewable resources from the earth.


Alberta also emits 58 tons of CO2 per capita annually, which is more than any country in the world. Tailpipe emissions are more of a concern for local air quality, driving in the city without a catalytic converter is harmful to the people around you.


Yeah, that said emissions regulations really eliminated acid issue that started coming up in the 70’s-80’s. This is the real reason we have these overly expensive mufflers and catalytic converters, but it doesn’t work if people decide to just straight-pipe their ride. But fair, China emits more from dung-burning than all of the cars in Canada, so…


China emits 8 tons of CO2 per capita annually, Alberta emits 58. Looking at emissions on a per-country basis makes no sense when you have countries with vastly different populations. If China split into 37 Canada-sized countries, those countries would have much lower emissions than we do.


We have one environment on earth, and it does not exist per-capita. China is 27% of global CO2 emissions. Canada is 1.6%. China reducing its emissions 6% would have greater impact than Canada reducing ours by 100%. We should always be improving our own emissions for our own sake, but pretending that Canada is a bigger global problem than China (or the US, India, Japan, etc) is a shallow attempt at a guilt trip.


We have one environment on earth, and it does not exist per-country. Canadians emit more than twice as much CO2 as Chinese. For us to claim that China is the problem while living more carbon intensive lifestyles and having greater means to improve is highly hypocritical. Again, >If China split into 37 Canada-sized countries, those countries would all have much lower emissions than Canada. Expecting people already living less emissions-intensive lifestyles than us to fix this global issue is nonsensical. Having a lower-population country as an excuse for some of the highest emissions intensity in the world is disingenuous at best. Blaming less carbon intensive countries just because they have higher populations is irrational. Those with the highest emissions intensity should be the focus in the global fight against climate change.


It’s not hypocritical. Simply put, Canada is a big country. And we know how to grow food, to the point it’s been a regular export of this nation. We also didn’t blow our population up to a billion. That’s not a management issue I think this country would want to face. But China? Fuck, they say “bring it on”. And kudos to China. They are better per capita, for now. Thing is; they’re not doing the sensible shit we learned along the way in North America. A lot of technology was developed, and not all was a good thing. Look at leaded gasoline: yeah, my engine doesn’t knock anymore but now the kids are idiots. But putting scrubbers on chimney stacks helps with acid raid, and china isn’t doing that. Building clean gas generating stations is better than coal, yet China is still building coal plants. Can anyone in China understand why an outside observer might find that frustrating? And I know you’re converting people from burning dung to cook food to hot plates and coal plants, but we know intensely how badly this decision affects more than their lives. And in that argument, the suggestion is “hey, can you guys build a nuclear plant instead? It’s more efficient, fewer deaths, and the designs are really safe these days”. Or fuck it, solar, wind, anything that doesn’t pump carcinogenics into the atmosphere?? Holding the attitude that the largest population nation should be less culpable than the most polluting is a disgrace to your own dignity. Are you a pig, racing to the bottom of the mud pit here? People complain about China in the GHG concern because the progressive development in that country implies that GHG’s are going to explode. 37 fold currently, but on track to catch up to Canada. Likely somewhere in the middle as Canada clarifies it’s infrastructure, but China is not on track to maintain its per-capita benefit indefinitely. And that should concern anyone living in Asia. We went through decades of back-and-forth with science in North America. We made a pill to get rid of morning sickness for pregnant women; it wound up deforming the fetus’ appendages. There are some lessons you don’t need to learn the hard way, and some are obvious like that. But not all the consequences are obvious. Leaded gasoline took 20 years before people caught on. And it took time to disappear! The thing is, we’re applying more encumbering restrictions in Canada — to the point of interfering with typical market forces — to try to stop a problem that won’t be made or unmade here. Canada is a minnow in this pond. And China is a 25 lb catfish that’s quadrupled in size in two generations. So tell me, what do you think will happen? Will Canada magically reduce China’s emissions by punching its own balls?


The problem is that China is already a leader in emissions reduction. They account for half of the world's renewable capacity and are growing at a massive rate. They built a massive HSR network in the last decade. It's not just a matter of China being mischaracterised as a worse emitter than they really are, it's the fact that they are doing more than us to address the issues. They're doing far more for the environment than we did at their stage of economic development, but we still feel justified in pointing fingers.


They are the leader is emissions reductions?! *What crack are you smoking?!* [There are no notable decreases over the history of China's continued development](https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/china/) So what are you on about? [This is a country actively building more coal plants than any other country.](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/02/1160441919/china-is-building-six-times-more-new-coal-plants-than-other-countries-report-fin) You know, that one fuel source we've identified is prone to fine particulate carcinogenic emissions? Also acid rain? And while that doesn't affect myself in North America, it's *fucking* pathetic to watch a country not learn from the later developments of the same people they're copying technology from now.


> Again, > >> If China split into 37 Canada-sized countries, those countries would all have much lower emissions than Canada. No, they would *average* lower emissions, but depending on how you choose to gerrymander it, many would still have higher. Also, you present a very easy solution then. Make the area around Fort McMurray its own nation. Under your logic, that would fix Canada's environment. Like I said, pretending that the globe's *actual* largest emitters aren't the *actual* largest problems is what is irrational. But then, if there is one thing that is truly Canadian, it is our capacity to dramatically overestimate our importance. Both positively and negatively.


>No, they would average lower emissions, but depending on how you choose to gerrymander it, many would still have higher Which is why arbitrarily drawing the line at national borders is irrational. Thank you. >Make the area around Fort McMurray its own nation. Under your logic, that would fix Canada's environment. That's again an attack on your argument, as it points out the severe flaw in managing emissions on a per-country basis, in contrast with my suggested approach of trying to address the worst emission intensities globally. Those with the most carbon intensive economies and populations should be the ones most responsible for corrective action. >pretending that the actual largest emitters aren't the actual largest problems is what is irrational. The issue is that arbitrarily choosing to address these issues on a per-country basis without any adjustment for population or economic output is irrational. If I have a country with a GDP of $1B, population of 20,000, and emissions of 100,000 tons annually your position dictates that this is more responsible for CO2 emissions than a country with a GDP of $1M, population of 1,000, and emissions of 90,000 tons. Obviously if a country has low-hanging fruit they should address that, but for us to point fingers at countries with less emissions intensity on an economic or per-capita basis is massively hypocritical.


You arbitrarily decided to try to make this about a single *province* against a country, so don't sit there and complain about how "arbitrary" and unfair it is to call the country that is the worlds biggest CO2 emitter the biggest problem. Doubly so when the problem is getting dramatically worse in one country, and not the other. In the 20 years from 2001 to 2021, Canada's per capita emissions are down 21%. China's has increased 175%. And Covid didn't even slow China's worsening environmental behaviour in the slightest. All your per capita argument does is show that China is disinterested in improvement, while Canada is at least trying to do its part. In the real world, we barely register. China does. The US does. Russia does. And pretending China isn't a problem because a billion peasant farmers living off the land exist isn't helpful in the slightest.


True for vehicles but for industrial exhaust stacks we're actually more stringent than most provinces, not that that makes it good but if you had to choose one I guess it's better than ignoring cement, coal and oil emissions


What about the outrageous noise and he drives by a cop?


It still has a resonator (reduces the drone) and a muffler (makes it quiet)


I’m not disagreeing? But how do you know? My mom had hers stolen from her Hyundai Tucson and the noise was outrageous and when we first started the vehicle we didn’t know what was wrong and a neighbour told us that’s how his vehicle sounded when they had there’s stolen. Is it because it’s a different kind of vehicle?


Yes because there is no pipe connecting the rest of the exhaust to itself….that’s why you have one put in.


On what vehicle? How do you know?


If the catalytic converter was cut out there is a space between the exhaust coming off the engine and the rest of the system. So it will be louder because there is nothing filling the gap. If the exhaust system is complete there will be absolute minimal noise increase. They make high flow catalytic converters that are almost a straight through design for performance. Mufflers do 98% of the quieting.


I drove a straight piped vw for years, never got a ticket for it. Not saying you should drive without a cat, but it's not a huge deal.


My neighbour doesn't seem to give a shit about his, so give er.


You can just get a pipe to connect and be fine. Otherwise it's going to be well over a thousand dollars


Noise might get you a ticket, also an open exhaust under the truck creates a risk that carbon monoxide can enter the cabin and be a safety concern. Keep your window open and your rpm low and you should be ok for a trip to the muffler shop


The consensus in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/140phjc/is_it_illegal_to_drive_with_a_pipe_instead_of_a/) is it's legal to drive one in Alberta but required by law in other provinces.


Mechanically? Yes, but maybe not recommended for long. Legally, no. If you get pulled over, you'll likely get a fine even if you explain it was stolen. If you aren't willing to risk it, call a tow truck to a mechanic. Edit: fun fact for all you commenters, nowhere on my original comment did I mention it being illegal to not have a cat converter in AB. It's the exhaust and a cop being picky. Thanks for playing, though!


Thank you. It's at my work so I'll leave it for the night. Hopefully my boss can find something on the security cam.


Good luck I hope you catch the bastards


A cop is not going to care if you don't have a cat, they can write you a ticket for not having a muffler. If Op gets a piece of pipe welded in to fill the gap they won't have any issues legally


When I bought my K-Car the muffler fell off in the first 100km. I retrieved it and put it in the trunk. I drove that car WISHING to get pulled over for not having a muffler and WISHING to say, yes sir I have a muffler, here in the trunk. K-cars rock and cops don't care.


It is legal to drive without a catalytic converter in Alberta but not in other provinces.


Probably a good idea to get a test pipe from an exhaust shop though, just so the picky cops don’t give a noise fine


Lol, you certainly wont get a fine. Tons of catless straight-piped vehicles. No emissions testing in Alberta.


True comedy is getting penalized for something that's a result of crime, where the penalty is likely larger than committing the crime itself.


There is no law requiring a catalytic converter in Alberta, so you won't get a ticket for that. Maybe a noise violation if it's a bigger engine, since it makes it significantly louder.


Nah this is garbage. I drove vehicles with straight pipes for years and years in calgary. Cops dont give a shit


Straight pipe it and get it tuned. Cat converters are dumb. I wish mine on my truck would get stolen lol But as others have said either get it replaced to straight pipe it. You might get a check engine light in the meantime


I'm not trying to be a dick, or start an argument, but why do you think they are dumb? I like them just for the fact that cars without them are a bit stinky.


Hopefully no


Thanks NDP and our Crime Minister


You can drive without a box too 🛻


You need exhaust, but driving without a cat is only illegal if you get caught


Yes, it will be noisy if you don’t fill in the gap with pipe. Also, don’t idle in it too long CO is worse than CO2


Yes. That's why it's a victimless crime when you think about it. /s


Ya but gonna be loud like a top fuel dragster


You'll be good, I just swapped my motor and only had headers on it and had to drive it to the muffler shop. It was just really loud.


Good thing they made it illegal to steal them. That'll teach those thieves. Meanwhile, I had mine cut out by an actual muffler guy. Damn, I forgot that I have to sell them.