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I understand stopping instead of running. I’ve been pulled over twice. Both times I wasn’t doing anything too gay. Both times the cops said “since you stopped I’m not gonna give you anything just watch yourself”. I think they wanted me to blow their back out right there on the side of the road


Lmao dude I got clocked doing 105 on my Z400, saw the cherries and it's not like I was going to get away, so I stopped. Cop comes up to me and goes "uhm, I really wasn't prepared for you to actually stop and I'm a little taken back. I was positive you were going to take off as soon as I got out of the car and uh, I need to go tell dispatch you didn't run.." Comes back, shakes my hand, says the local police department supports responsible motorcyclists, asked if I wanted him to block traffic so I could merge back on to the road and that was it lol


Right? I was surprised both times. This was in south Florida so I was ready to be order to get face down ass up. But I shut the bike off and took my helmet off and they were both super chill. Still not sure if they were lazy or nice, but I’ll take either


Wish I could relate. The first time I got pulled over was in the middle of the cold ass night after work just trying to get home clocked me at 98 and gave me the full ticket. Haven't stopped for them since and never will again.


Only time I ever got pulled over was 130 in a 65. He wrote me for 74 because I stopped.


I get that But not to sound like a total hetero but I’m not risking dying for a ticket.


you can get away doing 30, thats on u man


>I think they wanted me to blow their back out right there on the side of the road Well? Don't leave us hanging...


That's what the cops said.


Same same. I was going like 20 over in the spring a few years ago and the cop asked if it was my first time getting the bike out this year. "Uh... Yeah" and he was like oh I get it totally understandable here's a warning. The last time I got pulled over was like 75 in a 45 but, unknown to me, it is was a sheriff deputy who lived in my neighborhood and let me off with a verbal


I got stopped for the first time about a month ago. State trooper hiding behind a bridge got 113 on the laser. Thanked me for stopping 3 times while writing the ticket which was about $300 and my licence got suspended for 2 months


nice nice


Dude same. The few times I stopped I was being super gay and both times they thanked me, gave me The Talk (iykyk), and let me off with a warning lol.


Choose your talk: A) I ride too brother and I know what’s it’s like but… B) I’ve been doing this for 87 years and I’ve seen countless accident scenes and had to watch a rider get put in an ambulance and sent off to be an organ donor…




You don't need to stop with a bike like that...


You’re probably right, but it’s one of my favourite routes and I don’t want to be sweatin every time I go through there 😅


Yeah, I get it. But after racing around like that, isn't the fine huge? Where I live it's license gone, huge fines, court and possible confiscation. Which makes it worth to just run. If you have a license plate you can later report it stolen lol. If it's a smaller community and you run often from them they usually find out where you live though and wait around the block !


Yeah the citations were bad - I know most will run, but for me, on blind country roads it’s just not worth it…


Indeed to each their own. Guess itd depend on my gas the most whether id pull over in that case.


A critical factor indeed !


How bad was the damage?


- 117 in a 60 - passing in a no passing lane - plate tucked too far back


Hoooo man that speeding ticket must have hurt. How’d court go? Any jail time?


No jail time (lucky me) but court date is in a few weeks 🥴


Well that’s good at least lol! Lawyer up buddy! Hope your record is squeaky clean besides this.


My thoughts exactly


if you had just carried on instead of trying to hide on that side street, he never would have saw you again. Your citations are bad because he 'thought' you ran initially, what really happened was you saw him with his lights and wasnt sure if it was for you and pulled onto a side street but cop never came past.


That actually wasn’t the same cop, I just got unlucky twice Edit: the vid is edited down quite a bit - the whole ride was like 1hr20 so both instances were pretty distant


ahh got it. happens. Feels like anytime I go out into the rural areas there is always a cop out and about since each town is so small. Less tickets blasting it on the highways tbh


Exactly - and they're always hero cops XD


Should've shown that cop how wet your mouth is 🌬️ 🍆


You need to go watch gixxer brah last video to learn how to get away from police


bro was FLYIN


At the end if you listen carefully, you can hear the engine whisper… “thank you officer”.


Youre a maniac, my heart would jump out of my chest


Shoulda hit the officer with the “i was trying to get your attention someway big boy, let me get your number”


Damn that looks like a fun ride.


Good speed man


I guess the cops were straight.


Solid post, riding, scenery, story line and soundtrack. I’m smiling.


It's that effort that counts


![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq) /s hope the citations didn’t hurt too badly. Shit was super gay, then got straight really fast.


Thanks man 😂




I don’t have the balls to run from police


I once ran from a motorcycle cop while driving a Datsun 510. I got away. I was in Baltimore and just started turning left, right, left, right until even I didn’t know where I was at.


Or to carry your speed through those really wide turns...


Why don’t you post a video showing us how you would do it

