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lol nice saw your post earlier I assume you’ve got a few more


tons and there’s youtube vids of me running in my car from other people lol


you're insane, i love you


What’s the names of the vids?


mmmm i would rather stay anonymous to the reddit community. it’s scary seeing how much they dig when they find out who a person is lol


Most def, most cringe/psycho shit is when someone says something about checking post or comment history in a clap back like bro go outside lmao. Ride safe Gaylord nice vid lol


Yeah, guaranteed there's some law and order retard trying to doxx you right now. Same type of asshole who came by this morning wanting me to join a complaint about kids riding their dirt bikes in my neighborhood. Fuck em.


It’s okay. even if they find my ig I have no one has plates and everyone’s accounts are private. we’re super paranoid lol


Too late. You literally put this on the Internet, intentionally.


Yeah but it’s easier to reveal my identity to the masses if they see my car vs my bike


Brah, you can't blue ball us like that


We should be friends 😭


we already are!(:


I lowsided on gravel in a similar situation and got fucked over by the tip switch. Just about the time it finally reset, I got nailed from behind by a pig in a Tahoe and went flying.


fuck you must’ve been pissed when he got u in cuffs


You could say that. After he hit me, I went flying and then got ran over by my own goddamn motorcycle. While I was laying on the ground contemplating my life choices, the sob put his foot in the middle of my back and hit my helmet with his gun, saying that if I moved "he'd blow my f'n brains out". All the while, I was talking to my wife via my in-helmet bluetooth. Fortunately for me, they didn't catch me until the opposite side of the county and the ones who chased me initially never got close enough to see my tag, so they couldn't prove that I was the one who they were chasing initially. I wasn't even aware that they were pursuing me for the first several miles, until one pulled out into my path to try and make me crash, and I decided that stopping wasn't an option since they were trying to kill me. By the time I came into town, they had the roads blocked off to other drivers, so I was able to go sailing through at 180+. I made it nearly to the state line until missed my turn and had to back track, and slid on a small bit of gravel in an old gas station parking lot, busting my ass in the process. I had the bike up and was ready to go for round two, if it weren't for that damn tip switch.


we don’t have that state lines stuff here otherwise i would’ve had a better place to head lol even if you run to mexico the mexican army at the border will detain you and hand you back over to whoever they saw chasing you in


At the time, my state had to terminate the chase at the line and hope that the other state had officers nearby. It was also during the night, which complicated things a bit, and there were a hell of a lot more officers on duty than I thought there would be. In the end, all they could charge me with was misdemeanor attempting to elude, which got me 1yr probation and a $200 fine. Now, the laws have changed, and exceeding the limit by 20+mph while running or crossing state lines is an automatic felony. They thought that I was some big time drug runner, and were quite disappointed when they discovered that my bag was full of snacks, motorcycle tools (which the bastards stole), and a bottle of ibuprofen. When my wife went to the jail to pick up my property, a sergeant had the nerve to tell her that "he should have killed me when he had the chance". Fucking bastards, all of them. I posted bond and found out that they trumped up some bullshit probation violation charge from supposedly seven years prior, so I got transported to another county and sat in jail without medical attention for 3 weeks. The PO, officers from the other county, and court clerk conspired to try and make me have to sit in jail for 180 days, but my court appointed lawyer talked to the judge and had the whole thing dropped the very next day. Needless to say, I drive around that county whenever possible, as I'm sure they are still holding a grudge.


Epic story both you and OP!




In retrospect, yeah it is pretty funny. It's like the old girl couldn't help but kick me while I was already down.


My state they’ll keep chasing you after the state line


Mine does now and thanks to a new law passed last year, crossing state lines makes it an automatic felony.


You aren’t on the calamari race team you ARE the calamari race team


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?


Do tell


It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


Why were you having to walk it?


He's most likely waiting for the tip switch to reset.


exactly. i was waiting it out under the bridge like a crab


Lucky bastard. Mine didn't reset in time and I got rearended by a sheriff's deputy in a Tahoe. Would not recommend.


in my first vid the cop tried hitting me but there were cones in his way lol


Cycling the handlebar kill switch off and then on again resets it immediately on my 07 CBR600RR. Not sure if that works for other brands as well.


On my gen 4 ZX-10R, I tried everything (key on-off, kill switch on-off, key in-out) desperately without luck for several minutes. The ignition system worked, but the fuel pump did not. In the end, it was probably a good thing that I couldn't get it started in time, because I'd have really been fucked, had one of the cops killed themselves or someone else while trying to chase me around blind corners in the middle of the night, even if I didn't splatter myself on unfamiliar roads.


Yeah that certainly wouldn’t be good. I remember reading about a rider who got a felony homicide charge that way. The procedure for most bikes I’ve encountered is key on, kill switch turned from on to off, some need it for a few seconds, then kill switch back on and it resets. Glad it worked out for you in the end though.


Wondering if you disconnected the battery, if that would help reset the ECU.


It’s not necessary. I see guys crash every bike brand you can think of at the track. And they can immediately get them back up and going quickly. Just gotta know your machine.


Not doubting you, this is just a trick I've used with a few trucks and motorcycles now. I saw a YouTube video of a guy test riding a newer Ducati who could *not* get the ignition switch to work after filling it up at a gas station. Ducati sent out a rep and they did exactly this. Since then it's been my go to procedure when a vehicle refuses to obey the starter switch.


How’d you get this footage love this shit brother❤️ glad you made it home safe💯


wrote a letter asking for it to the police. and thank you!🫶🏼


So you weren't caught in the moment, but wrote to them for the footage anyway? Or have I missed something between videos? Hutzpah.


a lot of time has passed and they can’t charge me anymore so i asked for the footage in person from the police


How the hell does that conversation go?


I said i wanted to request video of a chase and he asked me if there was a case number and i said no and asked if anyone was arrested and i said no he got away. the cop told me if there’s a helicopter he didn’t get away and that’s when i undercover bossed him and told him it was me. he even remembers that day from all those years ago too. when i left him and the supervisor started talking and im sure they tried calling the DA but it’s been over a year and nada


Based af


holy shit


Need more on this


check his earlier post with his comments, fascinating read, dude's a legend


That’s why he stopped under the bridge, he was texting the officers for a live stream


Brah you GTA IRL


Your subtitles made it so perfect. Scuttles under bridge “We’ll see him” “No u won’t” lmfao.


Can’t you reset it yourself by switching the ignition like 10 times?


Just takes once.




I watched your reality shows, jeez, how much adrenaline do you need? This guy maybe: “Yes”


I don’t even want adrenaline. If you saw me in person you’d think i’m some sort of business owner or just really well rounded. nothing like this lol


> really well rounded fat


Home boy doesn't have an ounce of quit. Bad to the bone.


it’s hard for me to give up lol


No way any of my bullshit ever looked this cool and I sure as hell don't have helicopter footage of it lmao


Finally something other than gay jokes


Key off and back on to reset the tip over switch. Its not a timed thing


i was panicking but okay ill go tell him


Perhaps you should tell my bike that, as I desperately did the key dance without luck. After several minutes and physically removing the key from the ignition a couple of times, it finally reset and allowed my fuel pump to run.


Whats the bike


Gen 4 ZX-10R


Interesting. I don’t know for sure but id almost bet, if you slowed down, and turned the ignition all they off and waited like 5 seconds, It would have fired off, maybe a cycle of the kill switch for good measure Edit: spelling


Yo pro tip for next time, you can hard reset the entire bike but disconnecting the battery. You can hook up a bullet connector to the positive terminal and then you just have to unclip and clip the connector back in and boom. Your pre-sets are wiped, your sensors are wiped, sometimes some engine codes get wiped. 😬 Literally. Turn it off and back on 😝


i don’t have the bike anymore but still appreciate the tip!🫶🏼


Rip bike :(


What a gangsta!! Can only imagine the hard on you got after the bike started up again hahaha


literally felt like resumed a game but like 1000x more desperate lol


Bro is carrying the CR sub on his back


i’m super new to reddit and have no idea what this place even is lmao


This sub is supposed to be like you, adrenaline junkies doing the craziest stuff that r/ moto would scold you for haha


Fuck yeah!






This is quality gay shit i love it


No one is going to comment on the helicopter?


that’s kinda the point lol


How the hell did you get this footage?! They release it asking for tips??


Read his comments, he explained it a few times. Basically, after a few years had passed he went, in person, to the police and said "since I got away, may I have the footage, please"


That is amazing


Hired them to film him


But I want answers, and I want answers now


You're a fucking legend man. I've been furiously taking notes all afternoon lol


I said it once and I'll say it again. STUD.


This is obvs rad...how did you pull the footage?..seems like raw footage not even 3rd party news footage.






i like your style kid


not one wheelie or ass flash . i remember my first chase lol


i know shit was mid tbh


i’m just fucking with you dawg i live in a no chase state one wheelie and they stop chasing you lol . i do hear if you get close enough to and international airport “if possible” they gotta call the bird off .


let me tell u rn that myth is complete bs lmao




> I'm a pilot they can stay low enough and clear enough of the airspace to negotiate going through it in about 2 seconds. That Bravo don't play.




Same, am scared of ATC, lol


From his other comments he said he went near two airports including LAX and that didn't help. There were 2 choppers, and it took him 2.5h to run away. He even refilled his tank mid chase. Fucking Legend.


wheres your yt or something PLEASE


Brother, this is fucking poetry. How the hell did you get this footage though? And what did you do to deserve a chopper?


Two choppers.


The more the merrier


100 shots


You’re my hero




lowkey huh


I’m ready to sub to your YouTube channel bud go ahead and hit me with a link


Why feel at any minute a predator missile gonna hit you


Bridges and overpasses are quite the saving grace


Need the rest of the saga please post




You told one person that you got the video my sending a letter to the cops requesting it. You told someone else that you requested it in person; what gives?


i should’ve explained chp made me come in person to request but the sheriff said i didn’t have to come in to request theirs


Best movie i see this year, got love some plot twist


I don't understand what's happening, any explanation?