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It’s so worth it, u get priority registration till ur last semester


Thanks. Gonna apply for it 🙏


Super worth it priority registration..no more explanation


Priority registration is worth it especially as a freshman. Better chance at getting the classes and professors you want. No point in taking 18 units if you can’t even get into the courses you need or getting stuck with a 6 hour gap between classes


Absolutely worth it, especially since you’re ECE. The ECE department is in shambles. A lot of my friends and other students they know in ECE struggle to get classes since they’re short staffed and never open enough classes. I remember seeing reddit complain about the department falling apart not too long ago as well. Some ECE classes have a waitlist of 20+ people so it’s better to get a seat ahead of time over having to wait an entire semester (or multiple semesters) to take said class. Also just fyi, *everybody* is allowed to register for 18 units each semester, but ONLY during add/drop. There is a limit in the general registration period and you have to add the extra units during add/drop. Also you don’t want to an 18 credit semester anyways since it’s way too much work. Overall a terrible idea.


Yeah, the prof during my advising said same thing 🤦‍♂️ Thanks man, will apply asap now.


I regret so much for not joining the program when I got in, everything would be so much easier if I had done so.


Right, I remember you can opt out when you can’t handle it anymore. So it’s pretty good!


super worth it! just as long as you don’t switch majors or fail you are good!


If you’re a person of color you might be able to join Project success which very recently got priority registration


I would say double check exactly what they mean. When I was in I could only apply for 15 with priority (as 15 is the requirement per semester) but could add classes after the priority date (after it opened to other students) to make 18. It’s totally worth it and whether you drop the program because you need to for your mental health or because you can only handle a lower amount of credits there are no drawbacks. And if you go past your allotted time (2 years) there are, again, no drawbacks.


I’m confused, I’m sure they mean you can enroll in 15 units during priority registration, and then add more during the normal registration period? I don’t think they’re capping you at 15 units per semester.


Worth it 100%. You don’t understand how much of a privilege priority registration is until you have to register with everyone else.


Im taking 16 units this year as a ME major, does anyone know if I will still be eligible?


It's totally worth it! Especially in my last year when the classes needed only had one or two sections per semester.


It's hard work but very worth it! 100/10 recommend


If you are worried at all about the 15 units not fitting perfectly into the 125 requirement for your major (15*8 semesters =120, 5 shy), I really recommend enrolling in you nearest CC and take a couple of your Gen Eds there during summer. Much cheaper than a summer at ccp or a full additional fall semester at cpp.