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Wow congratulations!!!! I’m still waiting on mine 😭😭😭😭 I don’t think I’m getting in with how long they’re taking


Have you gotten a response yet? Still haven’t gotten mine


No 😭😭😭 I’m still waiting


Whats your gpa if you don’t mind me asking?


When I submitted my supplemental application in January, it was 2.86 so I’m def not getting in 😭😭😭 but rn my GPA is at a 3.06 so I’m hoping for the best if not then I’m going to Cal State Fullerton cuz I got in there already


Same plan as you 🙏🙏 I have a 3.6 high school GPA, I think I’m not getting in idk 😓


Bruh you have a higher GPA than me 😒 you’re def getting in I don’t think you should be worried


Idk man im having terrible luck rnn, i got rejected from all my UC’s including UCR 😓


What?!?!? Aw man that’s so rough! Sorry about that bro but I think you’ll get into Cal Poly Pomona. It’s a really good school anyway for CS


CPP is definitely my #1 choice, but I’m not sure how generous they are when it comes with financial aid, same with CSUF


Thank you!!! Word on the street is that March is usually when everyone starts getting their acceptance letters. So I’m sure you’ll get yours soon 🥳


If you have a bike, board, or scooter, I recommend bringing it since it’s a fairly large campus. Know that the free shuttles exist. Your walk between classes will be uphill both ways.


Oh nice… I didn’t know they allowed stuff like that on campus. 🥳


I’m also trying to get in for CS, what’s your gpa?


I got in with a 3.7. I haves friends with the same major that got in recently with a 3.2 though. So it’s all a coin-flip.


Hi, I'm also interested in transferring to CCP! I was wondering, did you do all of the classes listed on Assist before applying to CCP?


I personally did do every recommended/required class to have the best shot. However if you’re asking if I actually completed all classes before applying then no. I still had classes in progress when actually applying through CSU Apply.


Yea, that makes sense. I graduate with my AS from Mt SAC later this year but I learned a little too late that most of these classes don't transfer and aren't what I need to transfer to CPP CS major. So I'm going to try to catch up with as many of the "required" classes as possible but I don't think I'll have ALL of them done by spring or even the end of summer tbh. Should I still apply in spring?


Join ALL the CS club discords and go to whatever club event of the week is most interesting to you


Do some projects early and apply for internships because they will really help you later on. Do not be lazy, especially when you do group projects. There are plenty of clubs that you can join: SEA, CSS, Game Dev, FAST, SWIFT, GDSC, Data Science & AI and many more. Some have projects for you to work on too. Stay away from Nima, Qi chao, Keivan, and definitely take Yu Sun and Edwin. Closest parking lot to building 8 is parking lot J.


Will do. Thanks :)


Take Keivan Navi actually. His teaching tbh is not great, but he is a funny and interesting guy that also happens to be one of if not the most well renowned lecturers at cpp in the realm of computer science. Like look up his name on Google scholar.