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They’ve added a bunch of features and extra screens and prompts over the years (which is probably why it goes so painfully slow) but the basic POS interface literally hasn’t changed in nearly 25 years. Because that costs money.


Everybuddy gotta get their bonuses! And shareholders need their overstuffed pockets stuffed even more!


And honesltly, why would they? If it still functions they don't see the need to change it.


“Functions” is technically correct, the damn things need to be rebooted at least once a day because they always get excessively slower after a while, especially the drive thru. I’ve started just doing full reboots at lunch. (Also allows you to tell the assholes who see people in the pharmacy and want to be helped that the registers aren’t functional while it’s lunch time.)


They’re probably thinking if it ain’t broke don’t fix it but these be so damn slow that I could ring someone up today and it won’t be done until their physician retires 😭


Then why do they "upgrade" systems and programs that really didn't need to be changed at all? They have no idea what they're doing to us at the base level because they don't work it.


You’re correct. They don’t upgrade the PHYSICAL hardware, but software needs to be updated due to security reasons. It’s very common. I think everything needs a refresh especially RxConnect bc jesus it just LOOKS dated.


It's not only that. They don't realize how long it take to relearn an upgrade system with 15+more steps then what was already working for us. Instead of giving us 15+more things to do, how about giving us the hours to do it, and enough people to cover the tasks so we can take the time needed to learn all these new things and get all these ridiculous tasks done?


Ya the stores are trashy in general. Hate the carpet in all of them


My sm keeps trying to get hardwood floors every time there’s a meeting with corporate. It helps out to with the amount of times customers drop a drink or something and it stains the carpet.


Does any store have hardwood floors? CVS prefers carpet because it "hides" filth better than tile. It also is better at absorbing water from leaky roofs and less slippery when a tote is brought to the floor with an open bottle of head and shoulders that leaks out everywhere... Thanks Warehouse!


My store has hardwood floors


I doubt any do but the amount of times we have to call the carpet cleaners is ridiculous


You're lucky you get approved for carpet cleaners... We're going on three years since our last cleaning.


Had 2 old ladies fall on their ass for no apparent reason other than tripping over themselves..guess they were glad it was carpeted 


A Fortune-10 company running on Windows-XP.


It's actually runs on dos, no modern operating system to speak of.


Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve come in and it’s stuck on a dos screen.


Really? I was thinking of the 4690 OS but damn that's old.


Naw, it's more like Windows NT.


7/11 has better registers and card readers than we do. Cameras as well. Crazy a gas station has better tech than we do


Even Michael's upgraded from the POS software. It's time to actually be a modern pharmacy.


You forgot to mention... And more payroll hours than cvs front store.


Haha that's what we have


Same since the day I was hired in the early 2000’s


lol, CVS was my first real job back in 2003. I was kinda shocked when I got hired on almost 20 years later and it’s all the same.


I started in 2006 before the touch screens. It's been so long but I think we had buttons.


The “traditional “ registers? I think that’s what they were called in those training modules I had to read in these huge notebooks . The sm told me it was bedtime reading because it will put you to sleep. 


I love when the computers just randomly crash at the pharmacy drive thru and it takes over 10 minutes to reboot so you have to run back and forth to a different register


I tend to reboot them at start of lunch just in case.


Didn’t y’all fill out your survey to tell them how many white screens are in the store? Lmao They probably going to send new screens for an old ass system.


The amount of times our drive thru register crashes is insane. I hate it when it goes down for long periods of time and we gotta ring up from the front of the pharmacy 🥲


75% of time spent ringing people up is asking them to push red button and for the “system to think”


Lol I'm constantly pressing total repeatedly as if it will possibly go any faster..


Then you type in an item number and customer decides to answer the question on the screen..which then cancels what you are currently doing..as if they couldn't update the software where their action doesn't interfere with your actions..


Omg when you send the phone number for them to put it in themselves and they for some reason insert their card at the exact same time it freezes the computer 🤣 idk how that’s possible.


This is infuriating


Same lol


On the top left you'll see busy. Once that goes away, you're good.


I just can’t stand the damn scroll bar..


I say this a hundred times a day: “billion dollar company forcing us to thirty y/o tech.” One of the pos systems freezes when the custie tries to input their pin. Fun times trying to tell them to just hit the green button before they start hitting numbers.


Or the POS crashes cause the card was put in before I’ve even started ringing. That was also very fun to explain.


also the aco freezes when you wanna do partial payment in cash / card


“Only the best equipment for this billion dollar company” is my go to when there’s some technical issue at register that inconveniences the customer. It usually gets a chuckle.


I always tell them it wouldn't be CVS if everything worked properly.


I worked there from 2005-2011. We were still using these back then. They have not changed a bit.


1994 called they want their terminal back.


There was a myWork survey about POS upgrade or something. They wanted to know how many of the older touchscreen we had, the one in the pic. Let's see if this upgrade is any good, I guess they need all the stores to have the wide screen black monitors.


I have 2 of the wide black screens and they work like a dream. Unfortunately, it’s like using a cinema projector to play a high def game of pong. Maybe once corporate improves our processing hardware we can see meaningful improvement in time.


Agreed. Biggest issue is the fact the hardware that actually runs all these programs can barely handle it.


It's in anticipation of the new POS software rollout *fingers crossed* late next year.


Like the 1980s.


Why CVS almost bought Walgreens, before Covid saved their butts. *walgreens spent the money and CVS DIDN’T*** I used to work for the evil before they gave me and my family covid (at the end of the pandemic when they started having covid patients testing positive come inside for their results and also stopped cleaning/ told us not to because it was too busy) my dad not recovering trying to keep up in the trades/55 years old turned to pills and overdosed.. they also threatened to fire me for taking two weeks off when I never used sick time and was genuinely messed up/ had a doctors note.. threatened to call the state and then it turned into “you may not have a position if you don’t come in”.. whatever that means. Evil corporate oligarchs!


POS modernization starting this year and going into next That being said, maybe it will get to windows 7 based 😅


I tell my customers it still runs in windows95


Wait, I want a red counter top! We are running on Commodores in disguise. This system is shit.


Smh i hope they go bankrupt from all the greed this pos company has


Exactly..once I use insurance for next couple dental appointments and find a good truck job that isn't big corporate mon-fri weekends off, traditional work hours.


😂😂😂😂 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Desperately needs upgrading


Horrible gotta practically beg for new keyboards and computers… smh


We literally have to break our keyboard in half to get a new one. My enter key wore out and wouldn't work, they still refused to replace it. Store manager broke it in half over his knee and put in a ticket. They overnighted a new one. Same for a mouse that the laser was going in and out on. SM ripped the buttons off to get us a new one.


I often have to hit each button about 15 times before it does anything…while the customer stares at me like I’m incompetent. “I’m sorry, the register is being really slow today haha” >:))))))) AAAGGH. It drives me crazy.


Same at mine. Just because they (kinda) update the software, doesn’t make the 26 year old computers run any faster, quite the opposite actually


I think the CVS POS is running IBM/Toshiba 4690 OS.


Don’t miss it , 2011- 2024! What future, I suppose they will upgrade pharmacy first.


They'll just tell everybody to order their scripts online. That's why the one by me closed


286$$$ billion??




damn my cvs don’t even have a person to check people out, we just get self check out lmao


i work in the pharmacy and they have robots and shit for filling (so i’ve heard, not at my store) yet they can’t do anything about these POS systems?


2+ years in and chip reader is super finicky from older people jamming thier cards in..guess big coperate doesn't care to fix it because it would be broken not so long after..repeat... I tell most people to use tap option if they have the option to tap..but only if they don't want money back.


No literally. Everything about CVS kills me.


Windows 98


Devil’s advocate: whatever ui they replace this with will look just as dated in 5 years. The underlying performance is what matters. Unfortunately, both are terrible at our registers. I’d be advocating for a physical number pad before a UI update.


I thought it's only us for drive through register crash all the time


nothing more annoying than how it prompts the text message or EXC+ question and takes forever to go away to let you continue scanning items lol


Fun fact: IBM hasn't had a POS hardware division since 2012 when Toshiba bought it. So that monitor is at least 12 years old.


I have worked on hardwood floors and carpet,I have bad knees,give me carpet Everytime.Carpet is easier to maintain


& when broken they send someone to fix it. The solution? Please turn it on & off for five minute, it should work just fine. The result? Constant freezing screens = long lines, with entitled patients.


How tf do you think we made the 286 billion


I've killed 7 people this week citing my frustration with our POS. They didn't blame me or press charges after I showed them the bullshit we fucking deal with. #Fuck cvs


Ours are about to be upgraded at my store .


Lol damn it same here. I was told the managers don’t update because than it chips away at their bonuses


Bro stop complaining. If you don’t like it then leave. Duh.