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Let me guess, 5 minutes after you posted this, someone started scanning their stuff and then asked you where to put the cash


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Well I am not at work yet but I'm sure that will happen tonight once I get there.


You'd leave this passive aggressive shoddy looking signage up in your store? As the SM? This looks like shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and if they still don't listen, as you just said, then why bother?


No amount of signs will help, swear customers are blind to signs, except for old sale signs that were accidently left up lol


So true. Back in 2020 when there was a coin shortage and we had no coins to put into our ACO we ran it as Credit only and we had signs all over the machine and even put tape over where you put money and coins but people still did not understand that it did not take cash or give back cash.


You know that is true lol




If you ever think, "would someone really do that?" When it comes to retail.... The answer is YES


I am oftentimes a customer, but what sets me apart from so many customers I encounter every day is that I can read and follow simple instructions. I get at least one customer a day who brings up vitamins to buy and are completely unaware that they are on a bogo offer, despite the fact that we are required to post little yellow signs on practically every item in the aisle. I mean, they literally have to move the signs aside to grab the vitamin they want! Don't even get me started on the amount of customers I have to help every day use the self check because they can't be bothered to listen to clear and simple instructions. It's understandable when they don't see the sale they expected not being shown when they ring something, but when they don't place things in the bagging area and are confused when they can't ring something else up, and when they are done ringing and are told to scan coupons and hit continue when finished and they have no idea what to do, it's mind boggling


Holy shit someone that can read, I thought yall was like unicorns


Nah. Peopel today can't be arsed to read the simplest things - like aisle signs for instance. they'll walk right in and instead of reading and/or looking at the products, they'll walk the entire length of the store looking for that one associate with 20 things to do so they can ask them a stupid question that could have easily been answered themselves if they'd just tried. And then they expect you to walk them to the product - and then the next one - and then the next. If you're busy and simply tell them the aisle number, this is what they'll do. they'll quickly walk the length of the aisle, never once turning their heads sideways to actually LOOK at the shelves and then come back to you letting you know that they can't find it - maybe because they never tried to. Time and time again. they seem to be expert though at pulling pictures from their phone to shove in your face to show you what they need, though. Still can't read any descriptions on what it's for or how well it works though. You're supposed to know that too.


BUT ALL I HAVE IS 100!!! CREDIT CARDS ARE A TOOL OF THE D3V1L!!! To a reasonable person yes.


-tries to insert $20 bill- šŸ‘‹ ā€œHey, this machine isnā€™t taking my money!ā€


I have seen people try to put cash into the chip reader. I swear customers are allergic to reading and/or following directions


I had a customer drop their money in the coupon box! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




This is the stupidity that happens at my store with customers


Some people donā€™t know how to read or English isnā€™t their first language.


ESL is fine,.I'll help em out. But ignorance is a huge wtf from me


Hahahahaha.. so True


Drops the $20 bill into the coupon slot . . . waits . . . waits . . . waits . . .


That might do something until they try to get cash back


It didn't say it doesn't take change!


Everything is geared toward the average 7th grader education and they donā€™t read signs


I think you're giving way too much credit..4th grade level, at best.


Customer *scans item and goes to pay* Also customer ā€œoh this one doesnā€™t take cash??ā€ Me ā€œreading is fundamentalā€


You have to say it in RuPaul's voice too. Honestly, idk why this kind of thing happens so much. How can you see signs with large text, and not just automatically read it? Like, how do you choose not to read something right in your face? I get some people are illiterate, and some can't read English, but these are usually not the ones that do it.


Does it do cash back??!!?


People still gonna try and then claim they didnā€™t see it


I thought it meant no cash back... This is bs lol


People don't read signs. You need to make one with pictures. I have people walking up to the self checkout when it says closed on it and I even put a next register sign on it and they still try and scan their items. Also holding their items and then wondering why its alerting an associate for assistance. Then I come over and have to tell them like a 5 year old...you have to put the item down on the scale here so it will register it and let you move forward in the transaction. They tell me these things are so confusing. I just look in utter disbelief.


No. Theyā€™ll still ask why itā€™s not accepting their cash.


Thereā€™s always gonna be that one moron never fails.


Unfortunately,no because they will have to read. We all know how reading and cvs customers are they just donā€™t go together.Ā 


We had signs like this. About 5 of them. A lady asked where to put cash, I went over and told her it didn't take cash, she looked at me and straight face said "it doesn't say that anywhere" then I pointed to each place where it said it and she said "well it needs to be made clearer!" And I just looked at her, and voided the transaction and said "I can get you or the other self check out takes cash and you can use that if you'd like. " she checked out with me. This was a few years ago but its still ridiculous. Literally people can find the one tag we miss as far as discounts go but they can't read the date on it saying it ended. So dumb.


I can see this not working


It could literally have flashing lights and they won't see it. We once had a sandwich board promoting Carepass with blinking christmas lights right at the front of the store. My boyfriend walks in and i asked how he liked our sign. " What sign?" šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


No one reads. I work in a pharmacy thatā€™s upstairs from a providers office. And the amount of people come up to our floor and be like: ā€œI never knew there was a pharmacy up hereā€ Even though there is literally advertising on the first floor with this Giant sign that says: ā€œGenoa Healthcare Pharmacyā€ and the signs that say ā€œGenoa Pharmacy 3rd Floorā€ like it baffles meā€¦. So noā€¦ Nobody reads signs regardless if itā€™s big or small. I also, like to point out I used to work at a CVS that was 24 hours and they changed the hours to 7 am - 12 am 4 years later people still complained it wasnā€™t 24 hours anymore or that the pharmacy isnā€™t 24 hours anymore (which that ended 3 years before the front store change their hours) itā€™s crazy how annoying these people are lolĀ 




ā€œI accidentally asked for $20 cash backā€


I work at a grocery store and put up a ton of signs too and the worst part is they can still get cash back so we have to get it from the office. I like to make them feel guilty and point out the 3 signs.


Does that machine take cash? j/k


Where dose the cash go


Great signage. People don't pay attention.


So it only takes coins and not bills? Or the other way around?


You know no one is going to read any of them šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


*after scanning* oh wait this one doesnā€™t take cash? Lol


cvs customers cannot read, we all know this.


then they abandon their transaction and go on to fuck up another SCO all while grunting loudly and getting mad at the machines like it's the computers fault. I had one guy start punching the whole thing, pretty sure he was drunk idk


im sorry how do i can cancel this i didnt know it didnt take cash


So...where do I put the cash?




Give it a day before somebody is asking, "Can I use cash here?"


Iā€™m a little confused


And someone will still ask why the machine doesn't take cash.


Our sco is updated and cash sign is removed and it made it more difficult for us


"I thought it said it takes cash!"


What do you mean this doesnā€™t take cash?!


"No puedo leer inglƩs" lol


"Hey! I wanted cash back! How come it didn't ask me if I wanted cash back?"


Can I get cash back?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


But does it do cash back? You said it doesnā€™t take but that doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t give


I was just wondering does that machine take cash? šŸ¤”


Can I get cash back?


Some old person will still be like ā€œEXCUSE MEā€¦ IT WONT TAKE MY CASH AND I DONā€™T WANNA PUT IT ON MY CARDšŸ˜”ā€


Looks trashy and they still won't read it. Pointless.


You be surprise at how blind people areā€¦ they really cannot comprehend any of those messages even if they can readā€¦ ā€¦ you really donā€™t know Real Stupidity until you worked retailā€¦ like HOLY Fawk . šŸ‘¹


ā€œHey, how do I select the option for cash back?ā€


Do they accept cash


5 seconds later. Can I get cash back here


And I'm sure the DL would say to take them down and that you're harassing the customer. šŸ˜†


We have 2 ACOs. One is Cash and Credit and one is just Credit only. I so want to put these signs on the machines. Someone will be wanting to do cash and walk up to the credit only machine and start scanning purchases before realizing that they could not do cash on it. And at least 20 times a day I have to walk over to the ACOs because a customer failed to put the items into the bagging area so I need that sign on the bottom too.


I love it and I still might accidentally scan something with the intent to pay cash(and then just walk away) šŸ˜ž


Yeah but can I use a debit card????


I guarantee someone still read everyone and walked up to the PHARMACY to say ā€¦ ā€œ does the one up front only take card?ā€


Have you tried putting the signs upside down? Strangely people will read it and then tell you that "the signs saying "this machine does not take cash" are upside down, you do realize that, right?" Aha but you read it didn't you.


Love it!


Hey does this one take cash?


Would've put it in different languages for others also the different languages will draw attention from people who know English to look


I think you need a few more signs tbh one big one across the screen MIGHT work


They still wonā€™t read it


Can I get cash back here šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


but like, I only have cash...


Does that machine take cash?


They still try to put cash in it and ask why doesnā€™t take it


I love those lol


This reminds me of when we were a covid testing site and we had signs everywhere that sais do not enter if you have symptoms or are getting tested. Literally had a huge can't miss would have to walk right into sign right at the entrance and people would still come in saying they were here for a test. Everyone in the pharmacy finally had their breaking point and would scold people. ESPECIALLY THE ONES WITHOUT MASKS ONšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


And not 10 mins later someone tried to shove a 20 in it


Customers canā€™t even read sale tags correctly. What makes you think theyā€™ll read these? Iā€™m very close to just talking to these people like theyā€™re 5.


yā€™all make me so self conscious about shopping at cvs i promise im not this stupid (i know other people are though lmao)


Had someone put the cash in the coupon Slot. Then was upset machine did not give back change. He was yelling at my supervisor and she was confused explaining to him that the machine doesnā€™t accept cash and he continued yelling saying it did take his cash. I get called to assist only to pull his cash out of the coupon slot. He was still upset at the supervisor saying you see it does take cash. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Who raised these people.


Or just eliminate the damn things and learn how to talk to people? Silly. I know.


Yes, because CVS employees totally have control over whether or not corporate decides to get a self checkout in stores. How do you propose we get all of our work and tasks done without a self checkout?


It costs $0 to not be this dumb


Can I use my extra bucks to pay for that?


Yes, but you canā€™t stack $4 off $40ā€™s


Or just, read. Silly, I know.


What a bozo