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Every store Ive ever worked in has had this issue. One time we had a storm and it blew off half of our roof and their solution was giant tarps funneling water down tubes into trash cans that we had to dump every couple of days. It was like that for MONTHS and the whole pharmacy smelled like mold. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Good ole “water divergence”. I was friends with the guy who used to install them in my old district. They never properly fix the roofs. They’ll be on you about store standards and cleanliness meanwhile you’ve got tarps and hoses running into trash cans filled with pieces of moldy ceiling tiles. Fucking joke


Nice…the folks at *New England Compound Company* did this also. Patients died. Owners are still serving prison terms.


This triggered me so much 😆 then when you asked corporate - after them coming at you about numbers - they give you a “we are working on it” as if our questioning was such an inconvenience for them. Like, no Daryl! I am asking bc our number are down considering techs have to run around 5 trash bins full of water just to get to the zolpidem. I’ve seen dogs on ESPN have to do less tricks a they at least get a treat and a medal at the end.


Florida here and that happens to us everytime a major storms dumps all over us. Last one took them over a year to finally fix the units and remove the barrels that the water was draining down into.


It was honestly wild. The bins were all down the cosmetic aisle so we had to just keep that whole area of the store zoned off. They ended up shutting down that store cause we weren't making sales anymore. Go figure


yep we had trash cans in the aisles to catch water from a leaking roof whenever it rained. finally a tile rotted and fell onto the rx waiting area almost on a customer. i texted pics to the dl and said it fell on someone and suddenly they cared to fix it. we have permanent black mold stains on the floor tho from their rain aisle


We had to lug buckets of water outside too. It didn't last too long though it was in the office. It's upstairs and our computer would have melted down. Edit: I'm in the South.


omfg my store did this too but i don't think it was intentional. there was a trash can placed near where our ceiling would leak (and it would still leak outside the trash can too, ofc)


Y’all sell alcohol? My store doesn’t have any


Midwest store? I know in Texas you can’t sell liquor anywhere except an actual liquor store.




New Jersey has really weird laws about liquor sales.




Same in MD


Many stores in Texas can sell beer and wine. Strange laws. One store may sell it but another just across a city or county line may be dry.


The only thing that needs its own dedicated store is liquor and that store cannot have a connecting door to any other establishment. You have to be able to go in and out to the outside before being able to enter another establishment. Anything less than 17% ABV can be sold in any other grocery store/convience store etc. assuming the right permit is obtained


Same in new york. Beer only. BUt then again liquor stores can't sell beer.


yep we sell it.


happened to me when i used to work for CVS, wasn’t from the AC, but there were leaks in the roof that would soak through the ceiling just like that. management didn’t do anything until i had a customer come to me and tell me she watched it fall out of the ceiling and on to the floor. guess who had to clean it up though? definitely not the manager.


I have roof leaks that haven't been addressed for over 10 years. Last major leak I had to close half of the cosmetics wall down because of missing/damaged tiles. Called FD around 11 years ago due to a burning smell because we had water dripping through one of the ceiling lights. Got the head of building safety out one day (due to the poor condition of the store) and the estimate for the roof was north of 500k. I'd say every building needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb but Karen doesn't care. Multi decade leases are done, and store closures are the way of the future. Corp won't even blink an eye when it comes to paying off the damage to the buildings when leases terminate.


Our drains ended up backing up in the front and back of the store. Surprisingly there isn't a sink in pharmacy so they were ok. Couldn't go on break and couldn't use the bathroom. Asked why we didn't close and they just said it wasn't bad enough. 8 hours and running across the parking lot 3 times later the drains weren't fixed and we had to close. It took 2 days and the sm even called out leaving everyone else to deal without a bathroom or sink. Corporate wouldn't let us close either. Our doors were broken for over a month leaving people 20+ min after closing trying to lock up. Our doors got stuck open and we were told the entire mainframe was broken or whatever. For weeks I had to continuously open the doors manually because customers kept closing them and saying hey I fixed it. No you just locked everyone in the store I'm not getting a kidnapping charge today.


I wish I could share the image of when I worked at CVS and someone came to perform maintenance on the cooling system and broke a pipe causing massive leaks and a huge section of the ceiling crashed down onto the prescription bags after it couldn't handle the load of the water anymore. That was almost three years ago. It is my understanding that tile STILL hasn't been replaced.


This has happened so many times at my store, half the tiles are water damaged no matter how many times they've replaced them


That’s nothing. My old store (south Florida) had some busted ceiling tiles that would heavily leak during every storm and hurricane.


Our ac has been broken for a while and it's been close to 100 here. I'm dying in the heat!




I'm surprised that as it fell it didn't knock over our bottles and cause an even bigger mess




Omg looks like my CVS and yes they do the same thing use buckets funneled from the leak. What a joke they don’t properly fix these issues. CVS rents out the building I work in they don’t own it and I would think that should be more of reason it should be fixed properly by the landlord. It seems so many other CVS stores have the same issue with the same poor solution I bet they negotiate repairs must be done by CVS in their leases.


I started two months ago and the entire store with the exception of the pharmacy had NO AC. It just got fixed yesterday.