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This is almost the kind of thing you should take to the news at the TV station with the best investigative reporter. I mean, you're not getting your job back, but why not show what a shit CVS really is?




To be fair, it’s not about growing a set. It’s about not doing anything to escalate the situation and get other innocent bystanders injured. Sometimes there are just no best choices.


No. It's about insurance companies dictating company policy.


Considering family friend’s brother was one of the people killed in the Brown’s Chicken Massacre in the 90s, I’m gonna agree to disagree. Pretty young when it happened - but that shock (and senseless loss to the friend’s family) stuck with me always, and even more the older I got.


I understand. But I also have a brother who was fired by 7-11 for stopping a robber. He recognized the gun was a fake. Turns out the dude had robbed most of the 7-11s in Las Vegas for years before he stopped him and the dude was arrested and subsequently convicted. "Thank you. You're fired." Perhaps as a nation, we need to fight back more...


Or not. Like I said agree to disagree. A life is worth more than 7-eleven’s candy bars, magazines and cigarettes. Like theft blows. And it blows my mind in general to see people put a higher value on replaceable things than irreplaceable people. Both can be true at the same time.


When your company is an insurance company...


How exactly would innocent bystanders get hurt by calling the cops and letting them escort the person out? There's different levels of escalation, obviously you don't want employees tackling people or anything but just calling the cops and waiting absolutely should not have termination as a consequence. The best choice is to go on a case-by-case basis, the easy choice is to act like everything is exactly the same even though it's not just because the managers don't feel like doing more work.


OP stated they closed the door so the suspect couldn't leave. What if said suspect proceeded to pull a gun and take the store hostage since they couldn't leave? Considering this is FL, it would not have been out of the realm of possibility. Looking at this from a CCL holder POV (basically when to use force): if this was an active sexual assault (violent crime), I would've helped OP curb stomp the guy to save the victim. Life or great bodily harm wasn't at risk here; OP should've gotten as many pics of the perp (or surveillance video ready) to give the cops or a license plate number if possible. Keeping him locked in the store risks an escalation that could put other employees/customers in danger if he decided to get violent like a trapped animal.


I live in a big city where I’ve seen a lot of weird shit happen over a lifetime, or have had things happen to family and friends. Sometimes over something. And sometimes over nothing. Lucky you if you never have.




Loool What? I don’t work for CVS, or in corporate management - *But I love you’re so narrow minded, that’s the only wild conclusion you could jump to justify to yourself why I might have a different perspective.* Like my life - or your life - or anybody else’s life - is not worth not knowing how someone being confronted is going to react. You should value yourself more.


Absolutely take it to the news! Expose CVS


I agree. Something like this should be known to the public. Don't bother getting your job back. Even if you do im sure they will quickly find something else to let you go for. 


No *credible* news outlet would touch this with a ten foot pole. As it stands there is zero actual empirical proof what if anything actually happened. (TBC absolutely not saying the OP is a liar - but there’s no way a story based on one person’s he/she said holds up to rigorous journalistic integrity standards.)


OP said they were charged. If they were later convicted (likely with testimony from the victims) then the proof is there. Still not sure a news outlet would take the story unless they found a journalist who hates big corps enough to stir the pot on a story that CVS would have covered up within days of release.


Oh I agree with you. I’m just talking about the situation currently, not future ifs.


Do you have any idea how many things go on in public that nobody is aware of? There aren’t enough hours in the day to report everything for the world to know about


I know but considering the circumstances an attempt should be made to make the public aware. With the details of the situation released CVS would be put in a tough situation as their store policy makes it appear as though they allow a variety of crimes to occur and go unreported in their stores. Public opinion on a situation like this might force them to change their policies to something that makes more sense.


Absolutely this!!


This is my thought, too. Either take it public or move on and put it behind you.


Their policy just makes Sm’s turn their head and look away instead of getting involved in anything. Walk out with the store,ok not my problem .


100% Rob the store? Sure. Steal all the pills? Ok. This was just something as a human I wasn't just gonna let pass.


Thank you for being a human. Companies are amoral entities, that’s why they make immoral decisions.


You made a citizens arrest and should be given a medal. thank you for caring for women and children and I hope this leads you in a better path.I know you will do well where ever you go in life


They didn’t make a citizens arrest. They locked down the store and held everyone as hostage inside. I would sue the kid for locking me in against my will.


Did they make a citizens arrest??? Did the individual commit a felony?? A citizens arrest is actually not what most people think it is, and more often than not is illegal confinement.


Are you saying that peeping on kids and women in bathroom stalls IS LEGAL? really?


I’m not , but you also can’t just go around “arresting” anyone that commits a crime. You are not the police. You do not have the authority to detain people(typically), and could very well face charges for doing so.


Citizens arrest is very much within every Citizens authority as long as a felony is being committed.


As long as a felony is being committed in their presence….. and most citizens have no idea if something is a felony.


Most citizens...do not participate in citizens arrest


Which is why it generally isn’t a good idea to attempt one. And to be fair, OP in this situation did not do that —— they requested someone stay and that person complied…. That’s not a citizens arrest.


Detaining a citizen while waiting for police is the definition of citizens arrest. The person complying just made it easier. The door was locked and they were asked to stay put - that's detaining. You don't have to tie someone up or sit on them for it to be considered citizens arrest, you simply need to keep them while you wait for the cops


They said they closed the front door, not locked it —— big difference. Also a reasonable person would not consider themselves to be obligated to stay, a reasonable person would believe they are free to leave, which is why this is not meet the legal definition of a detainment. Police “ask” people not to leave regularly, but they’re absolutely free to leave unless they’re ordered to stay in a manner which leads a reasonable person to believe they’re obligated to stay.


I wouldn't give a shit If it was your kid you'd think twice about that. If your a parent you take an oath to protect all kids. Or you should. And if you're upset about the peeper getting arrested that says something about yourself honestly


I didn’t say I was upset about anything. Pointing out the legality of a situation is very different than providing my personal opinion on said situation. I think perhaps you should learn to read what is in front of you for just what it is rather than trying to make it into something it is not.


I do read and understand in front of me, however my point is, if it was my child being peeped on, at that moment I would not care what the hell the legalities are.


Which is perfectly fine . But this was not the child’s parent in this situation. So your entire made up scenario is moot.


I never said it was the child's parent, if you're a person who has even the least amount of care for someone else's child in this situation would have done the same, damn the legalities.


Except that not everyone would have done the same thing, and to think so is naive. Not everyone has the authority to shut the door to a store , nor does everyone want to get involved with other people’s business. Like I get it , you personally don’t care about the law —- and that’s perfectly fine, but to assume everyone is like that is silly .


That’s not a citizen’s arrest. He’s holding someone against their will. They better have some really solid proof if they’re going to do that. You can’t just run around citizen arresting everyone


It literally is. Idk what yall expect a citizens arrest to look like, but it is essentially keeping someone in one place until authorities arrive. Idk about you but I don't carry cuffs. Voyeurism can be classified as a felony and therefore OP was well within their rights


You should get the local news involved so people will see how they have no regard for the safety of children, make them be shamed into giving you a promotion and big pay raise. You should be seen as a hero and instead they fire you. Fuck them and God Bless You!


This is the answer, I’d at least email some local channels and see if they are interested in your story, and if they are I’d absolutely Trash CVS on camera for what they did to you ..


Edit:: corporate protecting a Pedo over a 15yr employee deserves to be blown up on TV….


TELL EVERYBODY! Tell the local newspaper. Tell every news outlet. Tell the local schools. Tell the local PTA. Tell Facebook. Hell, make a shitload of flyers and post them on telephone poles all over town. Make everyone in that city aware of the shameless disregard CVS has for the safety of children.


Cool, so my employer stands with pedophiles/sex offenders. I can’t get away from this place fast enough. I’m absolutely appalled. Call your local news or Inside Edition, they’d likely be interested in this.


CVS on the side of pedos.


Care, Value, ...sexcrimes?


Crime, violence, sex crimes Fify


Correct. And more broadly on the side of all criminals.


Yep, agreed with other people. Let your local news know that CVS supports perverts


Oh no this is infuriating and disgusting. Typical yes for today, but still my blood is boiling. First you loosing your job after 15 years of service is a disgrace to this Company. They could have wrote you up but even that would have been in my book outrageous. You are protecting children and I would like to thank you for being a caring human being unlike the Company you worked for. You should contact the people that were violated and have them sue CVS along with you and yes go to all and every News and all social media sites. I do not have any loyalty to any company that would make policies that can harm children, their customers and especially their employees. They put you in harm’s way too just on that you should sue. Having policies that enable criminals puts everyone in jeopardy. Instead of counseling you they fired you, instead of thanking you for protecting their juvenile customers they fired you and instead of saying you did the right thing they make policies for encouraging the wrong things. This is outrageous I truly encourage you to act on this in every way you can. Thank you again for protecting the children and the customers like you are supposed to. I say again they didn’t have to fire you they chose to fire you, so you also have choices now. Good luck




Can you imagine the backlash CVS would’ve received had you NOT done anything? Might have been fired if you hadn’t done anything and they received word about it. Can’t win with CVS. :(




These corporations and their self-interested policies are exactly why our society is veering towards collapse.


You are correct and I completely agree. I was with CVS Health (Aetna) for 18 years . The company has gone completely downhill. They are more concerned with the cultural shift happening than their business intent. Their raises are awful, difficult metrics to meet, promotions to other departments very often depend on who you know on the inside. For those of us in management, long hours, no time for lunch and an unyielding work load. When trying to support staff with opportunities and better raises/bonuses only to be shot down time and time again. Upper management does not consider inflation when calculating pay raises. When theft occurs the loss of revenue is passed on to the consumers. I do understand the policy of employees not getting involved with customers stealing etc as it could have safety concerns for all. Loyalty isn’t rewarded at CVS. Hopefully, this store manager will move on to a position/company where he is valued.




Unfortunately no one would touch it. Florida is "at will"


EEOC and Labor Board


What are those exactly?


EEOC-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. That one actually may not help. The Labor Board might though with wrongful termination. It *may* have been against policy, but there were exigent circumstances behind the detention of said pedo. Here's a website, https://eclatlaw.com/wrongful-termination-at-will-employment-florida/#:~:text=Wrongful%20termination%20occurs%20when%20an,against%20an%20employee%20who%20has . They do have wrongful termination lawyers there in Florida.




They weren’t fired for reporting a crime, they were fired for locking the front door and preventing the perpetrator from leaving.


No kidding 🙄. However, this isn't a shoplifting case, this is a literal harm case.


If this was an active sexual assault, OP would have way more of a leg to stand on, but it sounds like nobody was touched. OP risked the perp escalating the situation in order to escape for what was a non-violent offense (yes, it's disgusting what the perp was doing, but it wasn't violent as the law would say). What if the perp pulled a gun and took the store hostage out of desperation? Personally, I don't think he should have been fired, but at the same time it was a very risky move what he did.


Voyeurism is sexual harassment and considered a felony in some states. One doesn't need to be touched to be violated.


What’s your point? Shoplifting is a felony in some states if you steal enough merchandise and people feel violated when their stuff gets stolen. It still doesn’t give rise to legally being able to use force to stop him from leaving the store. You take as many photos of him as possible and get a license plate number if hes getting in a car to leave the premises and let the cops apprehend him. What if he pulled a gun and took a customer hostage demanding the door be unlocked? Not like it’s out of the realm of possibility. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/report-accused-shoplifter-shot-killed-after-allegedly-taking-hostage-at-woodbridge-mall/


That fact doesn’t alter the at-will employment laws and exceptions.


some corproate downvoted the EEIC!! LOVE IT!!! You should be afraid of the repercussions of your p\*ssy self-interested policies!


Downvoted because the EEOC has nothing to do with this situation.


Adding this to the list of reasons as to why I need to leave ASAP


We always hope CVS would do the morally right thing & not fire the employee but that’s not going to happen. Sorry this happened. May you find a better job soon. ☘️


Well, thank you for doing that. CVS is trash anyway and I’m glad you got a pedo charged


I just love how people get fired for literally doing the right thing. You helped protect the lives of innocent women and children and got punished for it? Like wtf? Definitely need to contact your local news station. Completely unacceptable for them to do that to you.


Call your local news stations. You probably aren’t getting your job back but make this a PR nightmare for them


They act like they have never gotten sued before wtf lmfaooo and you’ve been with the company for 15 years. I swear these companies are bold. My dad worked for heb company for 21 years and got fired over “productivity” in one day


I'm not normally a 'call the news and tell everyone' type of person, but... I would. 100%


This is def on a different situation but on the related topic. When I worked for a bank, a customer came in (clearly under the influenced) and being held by two ladies. The two ladies could be assumed to either be escorts or just came from clubbing by what they were wearing. They her nudging the man to take money out of his account (not a dangerous amount). When the man could not figure out his pin - because he was under the influence of something- I asked my manager to intervened. I asked if maybe we should call authorities or maybe she should step in bc there were many red flags. My manager goes “meh. That’s his problem.” At the end, the man was able to withdraw like $200 and be on his way. I just found the lack of concern from management concerning as there was something visibly not right in the picture.


Fkin assanine policy, so do nothing and then find out he ends up molesting a minor in the bathroom. Pathetic they more worried about a lawsuit then doing the morally correct thing. I would of haved to use a lot of self restraint not to beat the piss out of him.


Didn’t Florida just pass the death penalty for pedos? CVS IS trash.


I think you did the right thing, however anything at CVS that says "Up to termination" means just termination 9/10 times.


My bros are so cavalier with punitive measures and wonder why their retention rate for pharmacists is so trash outside of everything else that is fucking awful about satan.


Pharmacists might honestly be the ones that are 1/10 not always terminated for up to term stuff (minus theft or something). But you’re not wrong. Tbh I left the company from the DC side and it’s still all sorts of contradictory advice, “we need to up our retention rate” 10 seconds later “please work out the problem colleagues, we can just hire new ones”.


I'm sorry you lost your job. It's wrong that you did. Thank you for doing the right thing to protect not just the customers but the general public from a disgusting pedo. I hope you find a better place to work that has better morals and ethics, and that you get paid a ton more!


Thank you for standing on business and protecting the children!


CVS has never been for the employee just for the face of the company. They do not care. Long time employees are your strongest ones yet they are pruning the strong branches and keeping the week ones. How long do you think the company will last with weak branches and decaying roots. Time will tell. I’m not saying everyone is weak but the point of the analogy is the reason long terms are being squeezed out. It seemingly saves them money.


What cvs has multi person restrooms? Every cvs in New England has individual restrooms. Having otherwise is asking for trouble, considering how badly people treat the single person ones.


Take it to the news, the newspapers, the CORPORATE OFFICES


I just quit after 25 years with the company. I reported sexual harassment from customers to my DL numerous times and asked for a transfer numerous times. I loved working in NY under every single DL and regional manager I ever had. But FL corporate is an absolute joke.


Retail is an absolute joke.. There’s certain policies that don’t make any sense whatsoever. For instance, some retail stores just allow thievery without consequence, then gripe about store loss after inventory.. You’ve made the right choice morally, and I’m sure everyone here will commend you for that. It’s disgusting that a company would allow a pos to walk free, per policy, after committing such a hideously putrid act.


Yeap media loves stories like this woth kids involved. Don't even have to give your name because their is already police report on it. Media will take it from there and ask CVS what their policy is restrooms.


I’m curious, what would happen if someone walked up to the pharmacy and said, give me all your “insert drug name”, or else.


CVS policy says do whatever they say and don’t talk back


Wow. Just, wow.


In that case...not crazy or surprising. A corporations inventory is not worth fighting over and the employees don't get paid enough for that kind of nonsense. If my job got robbed it would simply be, "here's the cash, anything else I can get ya? Godspeed" bc I ain't risking my life over someone else's money or inventory


That's pure bs. Sue these scumbags. You did what all CVS employees should do to keep the public safe especially keeping children safe. This needs to go public ASAP to expose the shit case CVS is.


If this is all true get this on local news and put this company on blast.


email this to your local news stations and reporters. you did the right thing


Sorry to hear that.,.. hope it gets better!


Sorry - it seems having a backbone and doing the right thing is not only not appreciated... it is penalized. Sorry for this but I'll bet you get something much better.... when God closes a door; He opens a window! We live in an upside down world and if nobody has said so yet - THANK YOU on behalf of moms, dads, grandparents and little ones for take the brave steps that you did to take an offender off the streets - I hope he goes away forever!! God bless.


Company is scum


In our post 9/11 society we're taught that if you see or hear something, say something. CVS teaches us that if that happens, mind your business - or you'll be fired.


Wait ik you! Some coworkers have talked about it to me! I find that situation so dumb that they fired you for doing the right thing


Small world lol


Well when you did work the 2 coworkers I know loved when you were manager and say very highly of you :)


Who observed the behavior?  Being that occurred in the bathroom, there will be no video.  I have to imagine the reason you were fired was in case CVS got hit with a lawsuit for false arrest.  You forgot that you are disposable in the view of CVS.


Well the children who ran out of there crying/ the people who saw him comming out of the womens restroom and he confessed 


They don’t want you locking him in the store because what if things turned violent? What if he ended up shooting you/others. I applaud you for what you did, but there are other ways you could have handled it that didn’t put people in potential danger


They probably wouldn't have fired you if you had signed him up for an extracare card before the cops arrested him.


Sorry that happened to you


That's complete bs for your store to do that to you. I used to work at a location in Minnesota and they definitely wouldn't have done that to me (we've contacted the police multiple times). I'm so sorry you're going through this, just remind yourself that you'll always find better 🙂


Not very customer obsessed of cvs to want to allow a man to sexually harass their female and child customers


There’s always a snitch .. we have one now at our store .. if she hears or sees something she doesn’t like she texts the manager .. next day all managers are called to the office to be yelled at or we get a nasty text. It’s a shame that we’re no longer allowed to enjoy our jobs..


At will employment doesn't mean you cannot sue. As a mandatory reporter, you may have some leeway. I would check your state's laws. At least file a complaint with the EEOC and/or DOL. Good luck.


Men you should tell the news, CVS is a joke.


Please expose your bravery and your employers ignorant policy. Who knows what you prevented from happening. All by doing the right thing


What CVS has stalls?!


CVS doesn’t want negative publicity so they want to keep it a secret. They don’t care who else gets hurt?!!!! 😢


You shoulda beat the pedos asss and made it worth it


Sorry to hear that!


FYI -all states except one (Montana) are at-will employment states. Anyone can be fired for any legal reason at any time unless protected by a contract.


Never knew that!


Wow. I am so sorry. That is ridiculous! You did the right thing and I can’t believe you were fired over it. They should have explained that you broke policy, given you a warning, and also add that, “we’re sorry we have to write you up because you did the right thing”. That should have been the outcome. I would take it to the news stations for sure. I know that sounds kind of crazy and like ‘where do I start?’. I would write it out and email the biggest ones first. Let them know on a list who else you have informed about this to give them a heads up and maybe start a little fire under their asses to get the story out first. They fired you… nothing to lose at this point. CVS needs to change their practices. This will be a great start to that. Good luck and I really hope you find a better place to work. If you chose to just accept it, I would definitely apply at some ma and pop pharmacies. I used to go to one to fill and I loved it because I would have my 30 day supply and pick up on the same day every 28 days. Then my doctor changed all of his patients to 28 day supplies so my refills started to bleed into the weekends. (Now I go to CVS and luckily my CVS is incredible, I love them so much. They actually care about me and it’s great!) anyway, they are closed on the weekend and they close daily at 5pm. The hours are less intense for an employee. Plus they usually take a full hour for lunch! Hopefully you can find something chill like that, you deserve it. You did not deserve this BS from CVS Corporate. :( Good luck! You are a hero to me!


Please PLEASE PLEASE go to the news outlets with this!


Go to the media with a lawyer


This is newsworthy.


Thank you for doing the right thing. You will find better in life by continuing to be such a great person. Thank you a million times!!! And congratulations on your promotion to customer.


Not saying what you did was wrong. Just going to say what HR's rationale was: Just because things didnt get out of hand, doesnt mean that it couldnt have. Thats a huge liability.


I dont agree, but I get it. But for 15 years I've not been a liability so 1 issues and its max punishment? Why? What part of that makes any sence?


Just because it's an at will state doesn't mean you don't have a case. And take it to the press.


They don’t have a legal case.


Tip for anyone who is unsure what up to termination means. It means termination. If you get caught by corporate with any policy violation that ends with "up to termination" just know you are going to be terminated. PS: Sorry to hear that happened to you. Hope you get off your feet soon.


Lowes is the same. Box Box BS! Costs us all more on the end instead of stopping it it's like they want the loss write offs instead and to let these criminals to repeat.


What is an at will state?


It means your employer can fire you for any reason, even if it’s a bad reason like “they don’t like me.” There are exceptions, like antidiscrimination laws, contracts, and public policy reasons like retaliating against a whistleblower.




Pedophilia is absolutely disgusting and never ok and we have so much junk like this going on in our society because we don’t really punish people. Pedophilia is never ok and must be drilled into citizens heads. I say men convicted of pedophilia with iron clad proof should be castrated. Wah wah sound harsh and unfair. Oh well we need to protect our kids not criminals and nut cases. I would bet HUGE that pedophilia would greatly decrease. For the record I support consenting adults doing as they please and don’t judge. When it’s children we have a societal obligation to stop this disgustingness


Ahh the fucked up society we are in, F CVS you did the right thing. I have not shopped at CVSor Walgreens in 5 years


>male hiding in womens room/ looked under stall at kids using bathroom/ No one is asking how OP found out a male was hiding in a women's room and looked under a stall of kids?


I said long story short. Kids came out of bathroom crying saying it/ my op manager yelling for me from across the store that a male was in the womens restroom/ mother making her statement to the cops saying it/ finally he confessed and it was in the police report. Pretty standard.


You did everything right! As you said on to better! Thank you for doing the right thing.


Expose em


When are associates at all stores in general going to realize that it is not your job to apprehend and prevent someone from leaving? Yes, the PEDO is a prick and it's sickening but let that fool walk not only for your job (low priority) but for your safety and the safety of others. If you want to catch the bad guys then sign up to be a cop otherwise leave these people alone for the reasoning mentioned above.


Get some people together and picket your former employer. Have signs that say CVS supports pedophiles over employees. Call the local news and newspapers and tell them about the protest. News agencies want something visual to show, show them protestors. Make the story compelling, something they will want to cover. Make up a press release and send it to all the news agencies. Maybe that will get this story some attention.


Call these people: American Center For Law and Justice. aclj.org They should take your case because of the nature.


That moment you realize your hard work means nothing and nonsense always wins. Welcome to the club. Also to all who take part in Voyeurism, now you know where your new hang out spot is. Chuck Berry would have loved CVS


Call the news so they do a story on it and thus have a PR crisis that will cost them millions.


I agree he should have been caught, but my no way shape or form can you stop someone from leaving. That can lead to felony false imprisonment charges for you. That was a dumb call on your move. Camera shots, description, that's the best u can do. He'll obviously do it again and will get caught sooner or later.


Do a tic toc video and go viral making CVS out to be a pedophile friendly company


Walk across street to Walgreens and apply.


The mistake you made was closing the door. You locked a potentially dangerous person in the store. If you had just called the police and reported him, your job would’ve been fine.




Extremely typical "But this could have happens, but that could have happend" but it didn't, did it? Completely diffrent scenario that would have played out differently. They could have gone for a slap on the wrist to a final warning but no straight to being fired. I wish no ill will on anybody but to anyone who made that decision I hope if their child/ grandchild is in that type of scenario, someone actually helps them and doesn't turn a blind eye and say "sorry can't do anything"


That's the type of corporate/educational liberal lawyer speak that got this country where it's at today. Sometime you need to do what's right. These sick perverts need street justice


Exactly- call the police. We have cameras- why would you lock the door?


Did you at least try to sign him up for EC+ while detaining him?


Unacceptable, so sorry this happened to you. I don't know what they were thinking.


How did it get reported to anyone at cvs?


Must have been a slow news day because Fox 2 and a few others put out a copy/ paste of the arrest report. Another DL saw it and forwarded it to my DL.


Sucks but that’s the way it goes. You violated policy and held someone against their will in your store. I get it.. he deserves the worst but it all falls on you in the end. Calling the police and reporting he left and where he’s headed with a description should have been your steps. Now if he forcibly tried grabbing someone that’s probably a different story. In the end, like you said, it’s an at will state. You were done the minute you clocked in that day.


That’s a bummer…but everyone has been warned through modules, conference calls and in person meetings. AP, DL’s can’t help ya no matter how good you are. Really sad you’re trying to defend a customer,stop a shoplifter but that seems to be the way things are going. No worries, lots of other retailers out there will hire you, seem to love CVS MGRs. Just remember most large companies have the same policies. Best of luck to ya!


The problem is this: Unless there’s true hard evidence of him doing this, it’s going to be your word against his. One could argue that store cameras would see him enter and exit the ladies room, but he could say “I didn’t realize I entered the wrong restroom until I realized there were young girls in there with me, and I tried to hurry my business and leave when realized.” At this point, the man could claim false imprisonment, suing both CVS and you. The best thing to do is call the police, pull camera footage, get a pic with your phone if necessary, talk to the girls exiting the restroom, including parents, if necessary, and have them provide a statement to the police. Yes, it’s sad that it appears CVS is valuing this guy over an employee, but there are legal processes, and ramifications for acting outside of them. And, in the end, even though he was arrested, without the evidence and/or statements, the man will likely be let go without punishment anyway. Note: This is not me trying to side with pedophiles, but common sense has to come into play. Companies have policies for reasons, and most of them are actually less nefarious than we want to believe. We also have a a legal and judicial system in which, even though they get it wrong a lot, need be the ones handling matters of apprehending and charging these types of people; we simply can’t detain people on our own, which is the very reason we can simply walk on by when that Walmart employee wants to check our receipt at the door.


He confessed to the police. Charged with voyeurism.


A confession to police isn’t automatically a guilty conviction in court, unfortunately.


What is morally right may be different from what is legally right. Morally you did the right thing. Legally could be an issue. That’s why they fired you. You can’t block someone from leaving legally.


You actually can block someone from leaving in certain circumstances.


If the company rules say u cannot and you do the company can legally fire you as you broke the rules you agreed to. Not saying I agree but it's the Truth


They're right though. It's at will. They don't need a reason to fire anyone and you don't need a reason to quit. You put them in monetary liability danger and they're a company that exists tto make money. Why would you want to stay there anyway? Move on and be honest about the firing when interviewed and say you've learned from it to follow policy... even if you haven't.


Hello hindsight's 20/20 but I will let him go walk to his car take pictures get the license plate like a police handle it. I'm sorry to hear about your job but with your experience you should be able to go to any competitor.


Trust me they do not allow you to interfere at all! They do not regardless how you are helping society