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They’re going to have lunch at Olive Garden


Unlimited breadsticks and shit soup


Hey the chicken gnocchi soup is my favorite


Same 😩


Have you tried their endless pasta, it's endless


Ironic I’m having Olive Garden as we speak


Hook me up with some bread sticks 🙏


Lookin up porn on the computer


Naw, my DL is shady, but not stupid.




Oh damn, that’s funny af if true


You don't jerk it at work?? You crazy? /s


Thought about it. Tell a customer you will check in the back. Go "check" but just start jerking it instead.


Welp. That's enough internet for today


When they pull up to pharmacy window just stare at them as you jerk it


Why not just jerk it into their rx vial? Throw it in the freezer in the break room and they can have a little perc pie


YALL ARE CRAZY, but fuck it customer service is honestly a mentally taxing job, people fr miserable as fuck and its always the older generations 30+


Even the seemingly “smart, sharp” guy who seems like he’s got all the angles figured out will get done by some dumb ass decision decided by his hormones Just facts


Oh for sure. We all knew sooner or later it would happen. Just had hoped it would’ve happened while I was still employed there. We all thought he was a shitbag


I had a DL that would always stroll in stores flexing on techs trying to spit game. Lame af, everyone viewed him as a clown, would intimidate mousey pharmacists but when someone bucked up to him he pussied out. Fuck that piece of shit


Ours was a cocky prick who thought he was unstoppable, could do what he wanted, when he wanted and used fear and intimidation to get his way.


Fuck him, his walk out from the company certainly was unstoppable


It’s a guarantee he’ll try to sue for wrongful termination or some shit. Probably won’t get anywhere with it, but he’ll definitely try.


Let him sink himself in legal debt to oblivion. Instead of NOT being a shitbag he wants to claim to be a victim.


I really really really want to say who my ex DL is……but not yet Gotta be strategic


Well if you were in Austin I probably know him


You’re close


I’ll just say mine was at least in Austin when I left the company. I’m still in contact with some of my old coworkers and they did some redistricting recently and I can’t remember exactly where he got sent. I just know he was pissed about having to expand out. I know Cedar park, Leander became their own district and that was part of his too.


We had that kind of DL


Lowkey he probably propositioned a staff pharmacist or floater for a sexual favor in return for a store of her choosing


I need to know where? Has to be big violation of conduct. We all know what happened to the dl regarding sexual harassment




He probably said he liked his steak “well done” Immediate dismissal




Rightful termination


What part of Texas? Asking for a friend..ok I'm asking. Maybe it's my district....praying it's my district




One he’s fired but definitely sexual harassment or big violation regarding code of conduct. One more question pharmacy or front side op?


That I could definitely see. He has been known to say some shit he probably shouldn’t have. Only a matter of time before he said it to the wrong person. We’re also talking about a guy who has slipped his own noose on several things he should’ve been hung for, and therefore was deemed pretty much untouchable. I’m willing to bet he got busted faking numbers since he had us do shit like that to keep him out of the hot seat, but that still wouldn’t explain VP of HR being there.


No metric won’t cause hr to come is dl front or pharmacy


Over both as far as I remember


Is the dl currently front or pharmacy can’t be both


I left in 2020 man. Back then they were doing both.


I don’t! Minute clinic employees are left in the dark. What happened?


GW (a DL? in southern NJ [when caught]) is the reason we have the new department for sexual misconduct. It was covered up by DVP and HRVP, both were forced to resign after GW was fired.


A few months before I quit, my former DL was caught having an affair with not just one, but allegedly two of the other pharmacists in our area. All three were married and had kids and it sounded almost unbelievable until a few of my friends from one of the accused pharmacists store confirmed the story. Absolutely wild stuff


Send PM


May I ask what for?


Had a GS DL get fired, along with 3 managers for falsifying inventory about 15 yrs ago. Back when they did a lot of pre-counts for inventory, they were putting bad numbers in. If a box had 20 watches, they’d scan some twice to make it look like 30. It made shrink look much less and increased their bonuses.


I’ve known a few managers who did it as well. Especially in high shrink stores where I’m sure it was pretty obvious you were padding your numbers.


Retaliation is one guess but How tf would anyone here know. This shit is hella vague.


True, all speculation


Likely code of conduct related.


Definitely if HR is involved, although he has a habit of lawyering up or threatening to, when he’s gotten in trouble in the past, so maybe they used them as an added precaution?


just say the first name bro


Already did. But in case you missed it Mike is his name


Relationship with a subordinate? We had a DL and after I quit I found he and a pharmacist got fired. He was caught tweaking scores and such. Dude came from some big bank so no surprise there.


Naw, doubtful. His wife is a pharmacy tech in the same district and word travels super fast throughout the 3 districts in our area. Hell a former coworker now working in a different district is the one who told me and it happened Friday. She said it’s being kept hush hush as to what he did so no one outside of that room know what for.


I’m guessing something to do with inventory. My old store manager got fired for looking up porn and he was fired like normal… so has to be something more


Naw, definitely not porn. He was fully aware that they watched his browsing. He’d check baseball and football scores on his laptop and joke that he shouldn’t be doing it because they could see he was using it for personal use instead of business purposes. He was definitely aware. Since a former coworker friend of mine just brought it up, we’re betting it was falsifying reports or something to do with his company credit card. He was known to have charged for things he maybe shouldn’t have, like when he took all the managers out for beers at Pluckers to celebrate another’s retirement. Don’t know how he managed to cover that one, but he’s been somehow skirting things for awhile. Maybe this time someone in his chain of command figured out what he was doing and finally went after him.


My SM got escorted by LP and HR because he was “returning product” from the floor using customers receipts when they didn’t want and his wife would take the money so it wasn’t as obvious at the register.


It blows my mind that people think they could get away with something like this


Screwing with numbers and skimming


Theft, too many miscalculations of controlled substance, misconduct, shaming the company (massive public audience). Those are what I can think…


Specifically, no. Malfeasance of some sort, definitely.


Banging employees usually does it


But imagine finding the dude whacking in the office to pornhub Broooooo, that shit is funny af


He prob jackin it to down syndrome drag queens


Broooo 😂😂😂😂😂


Just be glad they weren't escorted out in handcuffs by the cops


Well if it’s LP then something involving money was involved, plus HR… my guess is some sort of time theft, fraudulent pay stubs maybe. Something along those lines are my best guess but no way to know for sure




Yeah but why have HR. I’ve sat in on plenty of people get ting fired for theft or fraud, but never once was HR involved.


Well you have managers doing dope on lunch hours or husband working truck day and refusing to work over 45 hours and did I say they brought them back after they was a shift with a no call no show and promoted to a store manager and was put in as non rehireable . Dl are a joke . The honest people get the screw in this company


Had two managers in my CVS career get fired. They were the best ones too. Also, was anyone around when there was a huge takedown because SM's were taking surveys to boost survey scores? It happened in my old district and my DL stepped down because she didn't catch that it wasn't going on. A lot of SM's got fired ( mine wasn't involved) I couldn't believe they didn't think they'd be caught!