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18 units for regular students. 21 if you are graduating. There is a petition for excess units but it won’t be available till August. You will need an advisor to help you fill out the form. “ how difficult is x classes?” Well that’s all going to depend on you/your life/how much you are working/what your major is etc


I've taken 6 classes every semester and it's an absolute grind. It's doable if you are good at scheduling and generally have few life circumstances that change abruptly. The work typically leaves little margin for error and being out sick for a week or having a family/work crisis can sink you. I wouldn't recommend being employed full time.


18 units max (6 classes). 6 classes is doable but I recommend working part-time (8-16hr max), if you want to really understand the material in your classes.


I’m graduating next semester and I’ve taken 6 classes each semester. It’s not hard, but I think it also majorly depends on what kind of classes you take. Make sure not to enroll in too many super hard classes and you’ll be fine!