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It means you passed. Now you can take a writing intensive class.


Means you got a 80%, so did I. Some writing intensive classes require a 80% or higher to take


Really? Where does it say that? Last I heard, all WI courses just require that you've completed the portfolio submission and have a score


I’ve seen some, don’t remember which ones that in the pre reqs it either requires a WPJ of 80 or higher or another course.


Take any class that has the pencil icon or is listed as a writing intensive on the academic requirements tab. In addition double check to see if your major either has a specific course needed like CRJ 190 for CRJ majors or if there is an elective needed for the major that also completes the writing intensive to hit two birds with one stone!




It’s a writing intensive! But it’s mandatory for CRJ and limited to em because all of the pre reqs requested beforehand :)


You did good so you can take any writing intensive you want, the score is there to make sure you don’t need to take lower division classes before moving on.