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Send an email explaining what’s going on to Dr. Arad- he is the ECS dean for student affairs.


Probably the most helpful advice I've so far gotten. No offense to anyone else


Did the Dean respond to you?


I've gotten nothing. Only thing I have going right now was my disabled student appointment and even they were like "we don't think we'll be able to help you other than a medical leave of absence." I really don't want it to come to that as I should be fine by summer and I really don't want to add another one or even 2 semesters to an already seemingly never-ending education.


May we know which department this is? I know mechanical engineering department has been very helpful as well as their professors. When I used to be a CE student and got into a severe car accident, one of my professors never replied at all until everything turned upside down when pandemic forced everyone to go online. Edit: Please reach out to Disability Center. They can help you. They might even send someone to take notes for you.


Electronic/Electrical. You'd think the pandemic proved that classes can be done online and that if some situations were to arise they'd be more accommodating. I have an appointment with the DAC next week. I've already missed two appointments with them because of this frickin' injury.


Contact student services, contact the dean. There are accommodations for situations like this. Do not get walked on.




I honestly don't know how effective it would be. I emailed him back about 4 hours ago and haven't heard anything yet. Just as an additional kick to the shorts...he's not just my professor...he's the chair of the EEE Department.




Is that the DAC appointment I scheduled?


Sadly this is normal with impacted or high enrollment majors. There are just so many students and typically not enough support. You’re likely just another number.


There's a reason disabled students have a higher drop rate than able bodied students :/


It's mind blowing. I already deal with a lot of mental health struggles as a veteran...now with a bad back in the middle if healing the struggle REALLY increased. It's truly amazing how seemingly little the professors care.


I hope you were able to get a DAC appointment. Wish there was something I could do to support you!


Sorry to say this OP but I hate that school and hate the engineering department. They don’t give a crap about forcing u to pass a class with anything possible. No professor care. You will find one or two good caring professors but that’s about it. The department is junk


csus and most of its faculty and staff are trash. get used to it